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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Education sucks...Why should we listen to them???

The former premier (Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad) says science is a dynamic subject and it was better to teach the subject in the English language.

It is never too late if the government wants to reintroduce the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) in primary schools, although it has decided to fully use Bahasa Malaysia in 2016, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Labelling science subject as dynamic and moving all the time, the former prime minister stressed that it was better to teach the subject in the English language.

“You cannot keep up on science unless you understand the language in which the knowledge is coming to us. Every day there are new findings, discoveries, new theories. All these are not recorded in our language but in English.

This is at least what we want to hear from an elderly statesman and who have a better common sense and reality than the Deputy Prime Minister cum Education Minister, whom and out of the blue, wants to abolish the PPSMI in a fickle instant without consultation or feedback from the public on its pros and cons.

Muhyiddin may be more interested in trying to make some political gains by trying to 'right what is wrong' when 'nothing wrong should be wrong' ...trying to rock the boat when everything is smooth.

We also can see a lot of crap education in terms of history of Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak... Our history books were totally changed so much as so to make the key players irrelevant while making the 'Ketuanan Melayu'  happen...Well, now we need to think how a small peninsular can control Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

Just to think of it, should we East Malaysians, instead, be controlling them since we are the source of wealth and size?


  1. Dont mind this old mamak.. dah tua kerepot. padanlah banyak songeh. petpot sana sini. ding dong ke sana ke mari. sah lah dah nanyuk. mati lagi bagus lo....

  2. If we keep on changing the system, i am afraid it will affecting the students.

  3. In every policy that we want to implemented, we should take the consideration to whom it may affecting to!

  4. kita perlukan sistem pendidikan yang benar2 bekesan dalam meningkatkan martabat pendidikan negara

  5. dan lebih ramai pelajar cemerlang akan dihasilkan.

  6. Even Dr M said something right this time, hope that the government will make thorough consideration in this issue.

  7. The Education Ministry needs to listen to the people's opinion and let them make the choice between using English or Bahasa Melayu as the teaching language for Maths and Science.

  8. I have to agree with Dr. M this time.

  9. Keputusan ini mungkin akan mempengaruhi undi rakyat nanti. Jangan sampai silap buat percaturan.

  10. dimana pihak yang membantah penghapusan PPSMI ketika Gerakan Mansuhkan PPSMI (GMP)lantang bersuara??

  11. jika benar penggunaan bahasa inggeris mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan matematik dan sains, kenapa hanya 3% sahaja yang dapat manfaat itu? bagaimana dengan yang lain?

  12. keputusan yang dibuat pasti telah dipertimbangkan terlebih dahulu..

  13. harap keputusan yang dibuat akan memberikan pencapaian dan hasil yang baik untuk semua..

  14. mungkin PPSMI mudah bagi mereka yang dapat kuasai BI dengan baik tapi bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang sudahlah lemah dalam kedua2 mata pelajaran ini ditambah lagi ia diajar dalam BI?

  15. biasanya dalam membuat sebarang pemilihan/keputusan, suara majoriti yang akan didengar. majoriti memilih PPSMI atau MBMMBI?

  16. Kementerian sudah semestinya ada kajian tersendiri menyebabkan kepada perlu pertukaran bahasa ini berlaku.

  17. Benar..Mungkin keputusan merosot menyebabkan kepada kerajaan menarik balik pembelajaran Sains&metametik dalam bahasa inggeris dan ditukar semula dalam bahasa Melayu. Tambahan lagi kerajaan cuba untuk menjadikan bahasa Melayu bahasa utama kita.

  18. The best education system is to have only one Malay language subject back in the 60s or 70s.

    Our command of the English at that time was excellent, powerful and useful then and now.
