By Amdee Sidik
Less than hundred people attended the so-called protest, a demonstration ala BERSIH held at Donggongan, Penampang Town Center on 29, November. According to news report, 13 NGOs represented the people from various groups in Sabah.
It was a protest against the passing of new law, Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011.
It's a small gathering by any number, but noble idea behind, because it means for the people and the state and even country.Less than hundred people attended the so-called protest, a demonstration ala BERSIH held at Donggongan, Penampang Town Center on 29, November. According to news report, 13 NGOs represented the people from various groups in Sabah.
It was a protest against the passing of new law, Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011.
It is a platform for people to cognise and voice out their displeasure of the disparity in our society, the injustices and unfairness by those in power.
While in Kuala Lumpur (KL), the gathering was in big number 10,000 or so, participants are aware of the importance and the repercussion of the Bill once becomes law, though the gathering ended a mere symbolism
The new law restricts and regulates the freedom of Assembly, which contradicts the spirit of the main law of the country, the Federal Constitution.
But there is something else that I want to highlight here which I find very crucial and need to be worked out among the people of Sabah.
Its all about competition, which I hate to mention, yes competition, we all but very often lose out to politicians in KL, I meant, federal leaders in KL will dictate political powers in various forms and shapes, even if you're part of them, for example, you're a leader in BN component. If in any event KL leaders do not find you likeable you may not be treated as partner let alone as equal partner therefore don't dream to be given fair shares.
I also see the same would happen whoever or whichever Malaya's political party in power unless and until Sabah is strong enough to withstand political onslaught the political aptitude wouldn't change. It's therefore imperative for Sabah people to unite and share the benefits together.
First let think small for Sabah, while those involved for change in Malaya we wish them good luck.
We, the people of Sabah should work out to consolidate our political power base, regardless of our ethnic origins, tribes and political divides. In so long as we are like stars in the sky scattered all over the place we would forever be like a jelly without spine... we are easily divided, meek and have no life of our own.
Malaya influenced culture, religion and politics that are in fact ruining our social make up in Sabah. We have succumbed to the divide and rule policy.
To sum up, this is the view of majority of the people I met, with one thing in common ... they agreed that we must look after ourselves since no one really is looking after us based on our experience for the last 48 years. For example, Sabah is labeled the second poorest State in Malaysia under helm of BN UMNO never was in the hand of Sabah local political parties.
Cultural differences between people living in Sabah and in Malaya are obvious, different outlook about practising religion, some extreme, behaving more Arabic than the Arabs.
My view, as was exemplified during BERJAYA Government that had made us strong because of our sound economic management, proper utilization of natural resources, but distracted in the end due to the obsession of the then Chief Minister to buy power from the then Prime Minister which led to his (CM) and the party's downfall.
UMNO for Sabahans is for wealth and betterment of those connected, catering only for a small section of the community, those affiliated and managed to rub shoulders among the privileged. The questions remain, how many and for how long?
UMNO is racist political party which is no longer suitable for Malaysians in general, it divides people instead of unite.
People of Sabah are to lose out of State political power unless they are prepared to sacrifice with one single minded objective in their heads ... that is, to make Sabah a respectable State, otherwise nothing deters the bullying attitude of Federal leaders. We're too small to throw a challenge, but if all of us consolidate ourselves together, things would be different. All of us must realise the State of ours needs safeguard, that can be done by none other than Sabahans.
Amdee Sidik is the Deputy President of SAPP and Chairman of Citizen Journalists Malaysia
Salute!This is a good start. In the future, mesti organise bagus2. Masa awal bagi pemberitahuan. Guna SMA punya media atau apa saja medium media.
ReplyDeleteBeritahu para belia dan orang2 kampung. Mesti masa yang sesuai. CUTI sekolah atau hujung minggu.
Tolak2! Pemimpin perompak!
Mampus2! SPR/JPN.
Balik2! Balik PTI.
Tangkap2! Tangkap Mahathir.
Matai2! Matai pencuri tanah adat.
Pairin Kurup! Mampus kamu.
Maksimus2! tiada tontolou.
Musang berjanggut balik pakistan.
Mampus2! Haris Kaling!
I am a Bajaumuslim . At my place Kota Belud and Sabah as a hole, we are just like one family amongst the non muslims.
ReplyDeleteBut the muslims from Malaya are very different. Besides being so arrogant, they came here with bad NIAT.
They force non muslims in the interior to convert muslim. We in Sabah, evangelise to non muslim through good friendshi and caring to each other.
Also through marriage. Thats why Sabahan are very close amongst the ethnic group
Only after the Malaya people came and the Indonesian and Filifinos muslim came to Sabah, the people of Sabah was became very suspicious to the muslims comm.
Malaya and PTI Muslims had brought along with them the bad atitude and arrogance att.
Mari kita ramai2 tolak apa juga undang2 BN/UMNO yang zalim dan berniat JAHAT.
UMNO =pemerintah pembuli kepada Sabah.
Pairin, Kurup, Musang, Maksimusial dan lain2 hanya kumpulan KALABATU YANG GODOOT TAPI TIDAK MENGHIRAUKAN KEPENTINGAN RAKYAT.
Butul bagui ni kalo bulih semua pemimpin dan sabahan bergaul di situ masa terdekat....potluck kuruaga pon bulih meh!
ReplyDeleteTapi jgn kira kaum dan sepa dia ponya parti pulitik hanya satu tujuan HIDUP BALIK SABAH.
Ingat ko pigi sana bawa kerusi kecil sindiri dan jemput kawan lo.
Bulih kah Hj Amde Sidik beraturkan ni tanpa kira parti-parti pulitik tapi bagi semua dengan semangat macam si Datuk P Joinod Mojuntin tu?
ReplyDeleteAiya ko ni pon macam2 mana dorang pemimpin berani takut pulis tangkap si YTL dan lain2 hari tu,betul ni kah?
Nampak seorang saja tu YB Pn. Melanie Luyang,rakannya dan pemimpin2 NGO saja!
Tidak percaya ko tanya saja.
Sabah for Sabahans, stand up for our rights.
ReplyDeleteYTL yang suruh siasat lagi kes DOUBLE SIX tetapi disaman oleh UMNO@harris.
ReplyDeleteSiapa bah yang berikhlas berjuang untuk Sabah jika bukan YTL? Pairin, kurap, dumpork di mana?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYTL yang suruh siasat lagi kes DOUBLE SIX tetapi disaman oleh UMNO@harris.
Siapa bah yang berikhlas berjuang untuk Sabah jika bukan YTL? Pairin, kurap, dumpork di mana?
kenapa YTL tidak suruh siasat masa dia jadi KM sabah? macam mana pula dengan keluarga mangsa yang tidak mahu tragedi itu dibangkitkan semula? jangan la terlampau ikut nafsu politik..
by protesting against the Peaceful Assembly Bill, mean that there are political party who didn't want a peaceful assembly, but love of chaos..
ReplyDeleteApa kamu bising sangat?
ReplyDeleteOrang abang adik bulih 'luncheon' bersama di UMNO biarpun dari Sabah tapi dorang adik beradik bergaduh satu BN satu lagi bangkang!
Mana boleh ada hadapan semua mau no.1 saja?
setiap orang perlulah menilai sesuatu isu dengan bijaksana.
ReplyDeleteapa pun yang dilakukan yang penting ketenteraman awam perlu sentiasa diutamakan.
ReplyDeletememperjuangkan hak mmg perlu, tapi dgn cara yang betul
ReplyDeletetak perlulah nak lakukan yang boleh mengganggu ketenteraman awam.
ReplyDeletesalurkan tenaga anda di saluran yang betul dan bermanfaat.
ReplyDeletekurang sambutan tu demo. saya pasti bukan sebab ramai yang tidak sokong tapi sebab hari dan masa yang tidak sesuai.
ReplyDeleteAnon, i do agree with you. kalau muslim dan non-muslim Sabahan memang macam 1 family dan salute dengan sikap hormmat menghormati mereka tapi yang dari luar tu macam dari S'jung ramai yang nampak sangat sombong.
ReplyDeleteWaaa this is terrible. I don't even know this had happened.
ReplyDeleteThen what benefit that they get?
ReplyDeleteAgama mengajar kita untuk berbaik dan menghormati antara satu sama lain. Tetapi penganutnya yang suka make things complicated.
ReplyDeleteTidak ada masalah rasanya kalau berhimpun secara aman, ada permit, ada kawalan polis..jangan saja sampai ganggu orang awam atau ancam keselamatan.
ReplyDeleteHarap rakyat Sabah akan memperjuangkan hak Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSaya benci betul sama si Kili oh! Kita berhimpun bukan macam ko punya keturunan yg PTI itu, yg suka buat kacau, ganas!
ReplyDeleteKerana kita terlalu menjaga keamanan dan perasaan oranglah UMNO/BN=PTI ambil kesempatan begini teruk sekarang!
Sudahlah Kili! Kau ni bukan mahu kasi semangat, mahu kasi lemah seemangat pula.
Sayapun Islam bah tapi bangsa saya Dusun. Saya tidak sokong atau suka itu PTI walaupun agama mereka Islam dan ramai di antara mereka yg sudah jadi Melayu.
Rakan2 saya dari semenanjung yang islampun sokong ini perhimpunan di Sabah. Kau saja ini yang bangang betul. Macam berlagak sopan sama PTI konon atau sama BN!
Kenapa, uncle ko YB BN/UMNOkah?
Shame on you Kili!
Mahatir sudah NYANYUK dan LALI,dicakap ini hari lain besok lain.Apa jadi dengan" UMNO IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE? Betul betul orang tua ini tidak boleh tidak percayai.
ReplyDeleteKenapa? Sebab dia mahu berlindung dengan UMNO BN.Nanti kena siasat fasal IC Project.
tidak perlulah kita terpengaruh oleh pihak yang mementingkan diri sendiri.
ReplyDeleteGovt will do they best for help Sabahan right..
ReplyDeleteAda lagi kah pemimpin kita yang boleh dipercayai utk menubuhkan satu parti Lokal di Sabah. Pasti akan mdapat sambutan klo dia seorang yg jujur dan berani menjaga hak asasi rakyat sabah. Tdk kira kaum dan agama, pasti mdapat sambutan seperti yang berlaku dalam tahun sebelum ini...