Ageing Kadazandusun leader, Pairin Kitingan must engage young professionals and include them in PBS's decision making process or risk the party becoming irrelevant.
PBS, which is synonymous with state rights and autonomy, simply has to allow its younger members to contribute meaningfully.
The party must immediately prepare a smooth succession plan if it is to evolve into a dynamic political entity.
As to whether PBS already has such a plan is not clear.
But what is known is that peer-rival the United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Organisation (Upko) appears to have one.
Upko appears to have been more successful in enticing the young generation through its programmes such as the “Komulakan”. And unlike the PBS, Upko has young cadre of leaders to take over the party.
That the youths have deserted PBS was pretty much obvious at the party’s 26th Annual General Meeting in October.
Those who attended the AGM were in their 40s, 50s and 60s, confirming rumours that PBS is having a serious problem in keeping its younger members.
PBS president and the Kadazandusun community Joseph Pairin Kitingan seems to be unable to hold sway over the youths and to retain the party’s multi-racial face.
No longer combative
At 71 year, Pairin is not the fiery leader who more than 20 years ago established (in 1985) PBS to redeem and restore state rights from the pro-federal party, Berjaya party led by Harris Salleh.
But age and diminishing health has taken its toll on Pairin.
It was evident – from his meek response to deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin at the party’s AGM – that he is no longer as combative as he used to.
Pairin’s speech revolved around the issues of illegal immigrants, Borneonisation, jobs for Sabahans, and opportunities for Sabah-born teachers and contractors.
Muhyiddin in turn responded, often vaguely, to all the points raised by Pairin except for the issue of oil royalty which he said was a “sensitive” matter.
But his response to the Borneonisation policy came as a slap in the face for Pairin, who belives it is important for the pre-Malaysia policy (Malaysia Agreement 1963) to be observed.
Muhyiddin said posts in government departments will be filled by qualified Malaysians irrespective of states of origin.
That PBS delegates were disappointed with Muhyiddin’s lack of feedback is an understatement.
As to whether they saw Pairin as weak is subjective.
Snail-paced action to reform
For all its inertia, PBS remains the most viable multiracial Sabahan party to lead the state.
Admittedly PBS has been gradually losing its multi-racial appeal, but the fact remains that it is still a party favoured by the various ethnic groups.
But to shake-off the inertia and re-invent itself, PBS must include young people in its decision making.
That PBS risks facing the same bludgeoning as that received by Sarawak United People Party during the April 16 polls is all too real.
PBS will face death if it does react to the wishes of the electorate.
Party supporters have grown weary of the leadership’s snail-paced action to reform.
If PBS wants to keep its supporters and stay politcally relevant in Sabah then it has no choice but to act— and now.
Firstly, PBS must engage young professionals and include them in leadership.
Secondly, in order to continue to enjoy its multi-racial appeal, the PBS must increase its multi-racial members especially from among the Muslim Bumiputera and Chinese communities who now look at Umno DAP, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Sabah Action People’s Party (SAPP) as an alternative to the PBS.
Greater role must be given to the Muslim and Chinese members in PBS so that the party is not seen as too Kadazandusun.
Broaden policy proposals
In essence, the PBS must prove itself that it is a multi-racial party committed to promote multi-racialism in Sabah.
Thirdly, PBS must look beyond regional and state-centrism as its main struggle.
PBS must reduce its regional rhetoric and transform itself to become a party accepted by all including those in the Peninsular Malaysia.
For instance, the 2011 Budget recently tabled by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should be critically assessed. Rather than accepting it at face value, PBS should form a working committee to critically assess its relevance given Malaysia’s economic reality.
And how about the recent Auditor-General’s Report which reveals misappropriation of government’s funds?
Where was PBS? What views did it give? The point is, the PBS must look beyond state issues and broaden its policy proposals.
The writer is a guest columnist. He is a lecturer in political science at Universiti Teknologi MARA Sabah.
Bugis is the majority bumiputra now in Sabah but not KDM and yet PBS and UPKO both are still sleeping and drunk with their master UMNO.
ReplyDeleteIf they want to stay relevant, quit BN.
Bugis, Filifino and Pakistan, Dominated the population of Sabah. They became Malay or Bumiputra lain2.
ReplyDeleteYet, these KDMS monsters still afford to smile and talk stupid beyond compare!
What a shame goon an asshole.
Tambunan,Keningau yg telah mengundi ini para gergasi KDM selama ini hanya telah terpukau dengan atas kesetiaan pada bangsanya sendiri. Tapi sudah lebih 35tahun gergasi2 ini diberi peluang untuk menjalankan amanah tapi tiada apa2 yang dapat dilihat.
Apa yang pasti, di Tambunan, semua ahli keluarga si Pairin telah bolot semua peluang berniaga (Kedai, Rumah Rehat,Kontrak, stesen minyak, Resort dari Tambunan hingga ke keningau. Rakyat biasa hanya gigit jari dan mengundi Para gergasi ini setiap kali menjelang pilihan raya.
Sesiapa yang membaca komen ini tolong sedarkan mereka atas fenomena ini. Ingatkan mereka tentang rumah2 kedai di Tambunan dan Keningau yg dibolot oleh keluarga ini, Pairin, Maksimusial, Kurupuk, Sairin Karno (Ketua pengerusi Projek IC di Keningau-1991-94).
Gelaran paling sesuai bagi mereka ini ialah=Penderhaka negeri Sabah.
Sudah tua semua tapi masih ada hati mahu kekal bertanding, alasannya, masih kuat, kuat apa?
Kuat khawin dan menipu!
Dulu Huguansiow kita ada taring sekarang sudang RUMPANG oleh UMNO BN.
ReplyDeleteKesian Pairin,Bangsa Dusun sudah menjadi Rakyat Kelas Ketiga.Kelas Pertama adalah Bugis dan Suluk,Kedua Pakistan.Mereka ini semua PATI.PRU 13 ini semua PATI boleh mengundi.
Kamu percaya Ketua Cawangan UMNO BN Kg Warisan adalah Baktihar Amin.Dia Untung dapat dua nombor IC.Boleh dua kali undi.Dia ini PATI Bugis.
Kg Warisan? Macam negeri dia!
ReplyDeleteBakhtiar Amin itu kan yg terlibat membawa ribuan PTI Bugis Bone yang dijadikan warganegara khas untuk mengundi UMNO? Mereka dijadikan nelayan ekspress di batu 3 Sandakan.
Wah! Untung ini Bugis dan Suluk ah!
Tapi ini Orang asal Sabah macam orang bodoh, kerana Dorang si Pairin asyik mengumpul kekayaan saja.
Inilah satu pemimpin KDM paling teruk! Kalau dia tidak keluar BN, UMNO tidak masuk Sabah. Bila Umno masuk Sabah, baru dia masuk balik BN. Bukankah Bodoh bin Basug!
Lepastu, bila dalamBN konon mahu bela bangsa KDM, tapi itu cuma angan2 si Ongkor.
Nah kamu yang di kawasan Tambunan dan Keningau, ingat kalau ini orang tua guntalou ini bertanding lagi atau dia kasi ganti dia punya ahli keluarga, jangan kamu peduli lagi, undi pembangkang.
Orugi ma mongundi dihot basug. Kanou undio tokou no ihot pembangkang.
Sebenarnya Sabah ini telah dipimpin sebahagian besar orang PTI sejak Projek IC diperkenalkan.
ReplyDeleteSekarang mereka telah mendominasi segala keistimewaan yg sepatutnya milik oranng Sabah.
UPKO and PBS should unite and work together to fight for the Sabahan rights.
ReplyDeleteAll local Sabahan parties and leaders should work together for the people's sake and stop bickering among themselves.
ReplyDeleteMuhyiddin said posts in government departments will be filled by qualified Malaysians irrespective of states of origin.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the implication ? Wake up , Sabahan, you better improve and catch up with the West, you will lose most of the jobs.
For a party to survive in the long run, the head and the members of the party must be willing to accept changes and expect feedback from the young and the senior members.
Free speech. But somehow please make useful statements.
ReplyDeletePBS rasa terancam?
ReplyDeleteUPKO vs PBS?
ReplyDeleteUPKO dan PBS satu bumbung harus bekerjasama.
ReplyDeletemasing2 harus tumpukan pada perjuangan parti yang sebenar.
ReplyDeleteall parties need to reform.. don't be easily satisfied with your performance today.
ReplyDeleteLawan Tetap Lawan!
ReplyDeleteHidup SAPP/PR!
Terima kritikan dari sudut yang positif. Baiki kelemahan yang ada.
ReplyDeleteyes strongly agreed - PBS must engage young professionals and include them in leadership.
ReplyDeleteand train them to be tough as bull but not shit!
ReplyDeleteThose who attended the AGM were in their 40s, 50s and 60s, confirming rumours that PBS is having a serious problem in keeping its younger members. - harap PBS masih di tahap gemilangnya
ReplyDeleteyes, PBS must increase its multi-racial members
ReplyDeleteand must willing to give greater role to the Muslim and Chinese members in PBS too..
ReplyDeleteSaya hairan juga dunia politik ni. Ada-ada saja yang timbul.
ReplyDeleteApapun, terpulanglah pada penilaian setiap individu. Susah juga nak komen.
ReplyDeleteApapun, pandai-pandailah kita menilai sendiri hal ini.
ReplyDeleteTak perlu bising. Lihat saja siapa yang menang nanti. Lagipun tak lama lagi pilihanraya.
ReplyDeleteSo relax bei, yang penting tanam dalam kepala dan hati calon yang paling layak diundi.
ReplyDeleteyang penting tugas dan peranan kepada rkyat dilakukan dengan baik dan berkesan.
ReplyDeletesetiap rakyat perlu bijak menilai dan membuat pilihan yang tepat.
ReplyDeleteberi laluan pada pemimpin2 muda. kelak yang 50an, 60an digantikan juga tu.
ReplyDeletePBS kena perbaiki diri supaya tetap relevan sepanjang zaman.
ReplyDeleteAll parties are suject to innovation at this globle time.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to know what the members want including the needs of the potential members for the party to survive.
UPKO and PBS must work together..
ReplyDeletebut i agree that PBS has to do a transformation..youth should be include in the decision making..this to make sure PBS stay relevance..
ReplyDeletethe old songs should be we are in a new political era..the challenges towards us is more greater than ever..and i sure, PBS aware of it..drastic strategies must be held now..
ReplyDeleteperubahan harus dilakukan..pemimpin2 muda yang berkaliber harus diberi laluan..kalau yang lama saja, silap2 yang muda akan menolak..dan ini akan mengundang bahaya kepada kestabilan parti..pairin harus memandang lebih jauh ke depan..
ReplyDeletekelemahan-kelemahan ini harus diperbaiki..
ReplyDeletepairin still relevant...
ReplyDeletePBS & UPKO memerlukan darah baru. Golongan ini mendorong reformasi dan membawa parti ke arah yang lebih berkembang.
ReplyDeleteBukan hanya PBS, semua parti di Malaysia harus memupuk generasi muda yang berbakat menyertai politik.
ReplyDeletePBS harus bercorak berbilang kaum.
ReplyDeletekenalpasti kelemahan dan memperbaikinya.
ReplyDeleteParti komponen harus sebulat suara.
ReplyDeleteAgree to bring in more youth to join them. They may contribute new idea to the party.
ReplyDeleteTidak salah jika PBS bekerjasama dengan UPKO. berkemungkinan menghasilkan kesan yang amat positif.
ReplyDeleteParti komponen harus bekerja-sama dan memperjuang misi yang sama.
ReplyDeleteSo PBS do more for make sure the youth will support you..hehe
ReplyDeleteBersatu membawa berkat...Bekerjasama membawa kejayaan.. Maka berikan kepercayaan kepada pemuda supaya terus menyokong kerajaan.
ReplyDelete"Muhyiddin said posts in government departments will be filled by qualified Malaysians irrespective of states of origin."
ReplyDeleteSeharus juga memberi peluang kepada calo nyang betul berbakat dan berkeupayaan. Asal usur, bangsa & agama bukannya unsur yang harus diambil kira.
Masing-masing menilaikannya. Yang penting, usaha memperjuangkan hak & kepentingan rakyat Sabah perlu diteruskan.
ReplyDeleteInilah politik..ada saja isu baru yg timbul..
ReplyDeleteTerpulang kepada rakyat untuk menilai..bagi saya.. hak rakyat Sabah harus di utamakan..
ReplyDeleteKelemahan yg ada dalam Parti harus segera di perbaiki bagi memastikan semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.
ReplyDeletePairin better plan a proper strategy to get the party back on track because PBS is beginning to be irrelevant to the society.
ReplyDeletePBS should buck up now or it will be end of PBS.all the best!