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Thursday, January 19, 2012

SAPP CNY visits ended up hearing complaints

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP)’s Tanjung Aru Chairman Datuk Richard Yong and Petagas Chairman Dullie Hj Marie and members extended Chinese New Year greetings to the business communities and residents at Putatan, Taman Jumbo , Tanjung Aru town and Sembulan yesterday.

The businessmen and residents expressed their unhappiness and concerns to Richard about the traffic conditions in the area.

They complained that the traffic condition in Putatan township is making life difficult. The streets are narrow, lack of directional signs and short of parking lots.

Driving into the town ship of Putatan takes a lot patience and caution.  One might end up at a dead end where turning around is another taxing effort.

When motorists rushing after time and took the risk to park at an undesignated parking area, he will most likely ended up getting summon.

The closure of some crossings next to the railways have caused devastating effect on the business of some shops located facing the railway. The business owners complained that due to the closure access to their shops became a one-way street leading to a dead end, their business dropped because the customers find it very inconvenient to shop at their area.

Apparently, Putatan has not improved in terms of town planning after being upgraded into District status.

The residents also complained about the rubbish were not collected regularly. It very often got piled up, rotten, smelly and extremely unhygienic before the council trucks came to collect it.
Richard said, “ it is a shame that after being upgraded into district, Putatan did not shown improvement in terms of services and planning to make the town a better place to live, the council should work hard to live up to the District status.”

Richard further said he also received a complaint from resident living in Taman Putatan where the street lights are not working and he urged the department concerned to rectify the problem and make the street lights function as soon as possible not only for convenience but also for security purposes.

PIX: Richard Yong and Dullie Marie extending CNY greetings to the community in the Putatan area.

SAPP Media


  1. Diharapkan sergala masalah-masalah yang telah disuarakan dalam aartikel ini akan mendapat perhatian oleh pihak-pihak yang relevan

    1. Memandangkan Putatan telah diberi status daerah, perancangan serta aktiviti pembaikan perlu dijalankan bagi memudahkan penduduk di kawasan tersebut

    2. ya.. perancangan pembangunan di Putatan kena dilakukan dgn sistematik bagi memudahkan penduduk.

    3. Setuju. Keadaan di Putatan yang sempit, dengan masalah trafik dan kekurangan parking hanya akan mengelakkan orang ramai untuk datang ke sana. Impaknya, peniaga akan mengalami kerugian.

    4. masalah2 tersebut haruslah disuarakan kepada pihak2 berkenaan dan bukannya kepada pemimpin politik yang tiada kuasa..

    5. putatan memang crowded..masa puncak jem teruk..harap masalah ini diselesaikan segera..

  2. masalah2 yang timbul kena diselesaikan.

    1. dan tindakan penyelesaian itu harus segera dilaksanakan..

  3. These sort of visits are usually a chance to get closer to the grassroots and hear their problems. Isn't that one of SAPP's purpose to go down to the ground?

    1. the main purpose is to get the people support for the next GE..

    2. Its no secret anymore that the main reason why SAPP go der is to get the people support.

  4. During DAP's CNY visit, they are also using it as an opportunity to listen to the people's plight.

    1. memang lah..sambil2 tu mahu minta sokongan supaya diundi masa pilihanraya nanti..

  5. Ngam la ba tu. masing2 ada strategik kan. Mana boleh tidak memancing.

    1. biasalah...dkt2 pru lagi..kena lagi time CNY masing2 ambil peluang lah..sekarang saja tu ambil berat, nanti lepas pru diam2 saja..

    2. i'm more concern on what will happen if they win. will they actually help the people?

  6. Kalau rakyat senang hati manalah mahu buat bising. Mereka rasa cakap dengan pihak kerajaan pun tak guna sebab itu diorang buat komplan sama Parti Pembangan seperti SAPP.

    1. Apa yang SAPP mampu buat lepas tu? Kalau mahu ada perubahan di Putatan, kena tunggu juga peruntukan.

    2. komplain sama SAPP, trus? apa SAPP dapat buat? bukan SAPP yang berkuasa..nanti SAPP buat janji kosong adalah..

    3. lagi berkesan jika SAPP dapat bertindak terus selesaikan komplen penduduk. bukan setakat highlight saja.

  7. Now that Putatan has being upgraded into District status, the planning and improvement activities must be conducted to facilitate lives of the people in the region.

    1. thats how it should be..hope the authorities take actions immediately.

  8. Putatan development planning should be done with a systematic order so as to aid the inhabitants.

  9. Whatever the case may be action should be implemented immediately.

  10. The situation in Putatan is narrow, with the lack of traffic and parking problems…hopefully the government will do something about it soon.

  11. Putatan current situation will only prevent people going there, which might have a negative impact on the people. Thus positive implementation is essential.

  12. Kawasan itu memang susah mahu dapat parking. K/kala panas juga mahu tunggu lama2.

  13. Setakat komplen sama sapp, entah selesai ka tak masalah tu. Paling pun sapp cuma boleh kasi highlight ja.

  14. Tapi biarlah bah.. Biasalah politik masing2 pun mahu jadi hero.

  15. Apapun, terpulanglah pada rakyat utk menilai hal ini.

  16. Ini kalilah.. Menyelam sambil minum air:P Bukan setakat lawatan sempat juga dengar suara rakyat.

  17. Hal ini janganlah dipolitikkan dan harap saja pihak yang ada autoriti tampil dan tanggani keluhan rakyat.

  18. Because the deputy chief minister and a minister of local government who are more than 3 terms and 15 years YBs failed their job miserably in Putatan, Petagas and Tanjung Aru. People are suffering because of their failure and have lost hope in them. These kind of YBs should just go and get lost.

  19. sambil CNY visit sambil2 tu mau berpolitik.

  20. Selamat menyambut Tahun baru China kepada semua penduduk Sabah.

  21. sebarang isu yang ada harus diberikan perhatian dan diselesaikan.

  22. kepentingan dan keperluan rakyat perlu diutmakan dan diambilberat.

  23. apa pun sebarang isu tidak perlulah dijadikan bahan politik pula.

  24. Harap isu ini dapat diselesaikan dengan segera..dengar suara rakyat.

  25. Harap perancangan akan dibuat bagi membaiki lagi keadaan di Putatan

  26. Jangan pula jadi isu hal ini..sebaliknya kerajaan harus segera bertindak agar masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan segera.

  27. Biasa lah politik..masing2 cuba mau jadi yang terbaik..mau dekat PRU lagi..tambah la ba..

    1. u will see the opposition parties and government doing all they can to help the people...any issue the people is having, they will quickly find ways to solve it. If only this always happen and not only when election is coming.

  28. Tapi kerajaan jangan tidak ambik kisah isu ini..harap segera selesaikan masalah ini.

    1. with election coming, i'm sure the government will do something about this issue.haha.

  29. the people should express those problems to the government. Go complaint directly to the government.

  30. even with the many issues that the people is facing, i hope they will still be able to celebrate CNY happily. HAPPY CNY everbody!

  31. It's ridiculous to complain, isn't it suppose to be like this?

  32. Hope there will no complains again or else it will be an awful New Year.

  33. The safety environment should be ensured always.

  34. Saluran komplain adalah tidak patut terutama dalam musim perayaan.

  35. Isu ini harus ditanggani dengan berkesan.

  36. They complained that the traffic condition in Putatan township is making life difficult. The streets are narrow, lack of directional signs and short of parking lots.

    Semoga kelemahan ini dapat ditanggani dengan baik agar penduduk di Putatan dapat menikmati perubahan dari segi sistem infra dan parking yang lebih wajar.

  37. Aktiviti turun padang ini amat diperlukan agar masalah rakyta dapat sampai 'direct" kepada kerajaan atau wakil rakyat.

  38. The residents also complained about the rubbish were not collected regularly. It very often got piled up, rotten, smelly and extremely unhygienic before the council trucks came to collect it.

    Untuk menjaga imej baik Putatan, masalah kebersihan dan sistem parking dll harus diberi perhatian yang wajar.

  39. May be the people in Putatan had frustrated with the limitation and pending matter. Its good to pay more attention.

  40. Harus juga wakil rakyat selalu turun padang dan memahami keadaan sebenar yang rakyat hadapi. Tidak harus menyalahi penduduk di sana membuat complain.

  41. Kerajaan harus mengambil tindakan wajar untuk membaiki masalah yang rakyat Putatan hadapi.

  42. Kebersihan sekitaran harus dipantau dan diperbaiki untuk menjaga imej baik negeri Sabah. Usaha semua pihak amat diperlukan.

  43. memandangkan aduan sampai kepada SAPP, suruh la SAPP saja yang selesaikan itu masalah..
