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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sabah has the lowest incidence of diabetes in the country

Low percentage of diabetics in Sabah due to the high poverty rate

According to Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) consultant endocrinologist, Dr Fung Yin Khet, a National Health and Morbidity Survey conducted in 2006 revealed that the prevalence of diabetes affecting the people in the state was about five per cent of the population, while Negeri Sembilan has the highest number of diabetics in the country.

However, the number was expected to rise as the people become better off and adopt the more sedentary lifestyle, he said during a press conference held in conjunction with the 2011 World Diabetes Day to be held this coming Sunday at the Palm Square, Centre Point near here.

Fung attributed the low percentage of diabetics in Sabah to the high poverty rate, especially in the rural areas.
“People in the rural areas are more prone to hard physical work,” he said.

He explained that the illness is exacerbated by the sedentary lifestyle and he is attending to patients as young as 12 years old seeking treatment for the illness.

“Kids are spending more time at home, relying more on technologies and we are seeing a lot of obese children,” he said.

According to Fung, obesity is also one of the common contributors to the illness and warned that diabetes is not an illness that can be cured.

“You can delay its progression, but the best is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid contracting it altogether,” he said.

Apart from obesity and the sedentary lifestyle, genetics also play a part.

“Unfortunately, you cannot abrogate your gene if this ailment is prevalent in your family,” he said.

Nevertheless, the illness can be avoided altogether, he said, urging parents to play their pivotal roles in the upbringing of their children and ensure they lead an active lifestyle.


  1. Kurang makan, kurang pakai, itulah dia cakap bagus sebab diabetes kurang funny

  2. Kerja banyak, kurang makan, kadar kencing manis pun kuranglah.

  3. Kini budak-budak semakin tidak aktif kerana bebanan kerja rumah dari sekolah, tambah lagi kelas tambahan yang banyak. Kurang masa untuk bermain di luar. Tidak sihat kalau macam ini.

  4. kesihatan harus sentiasa dijaga agar kita boleh hidup dengan baik.

  5. sentiasalah mengamalkan cara hidup yang sihat untuk mendapatkan tahap kesihatan yang baik.

  6. Mungkin ada tapi tidak mampu untuk membayar kos perubatan yang tinggi.

  7. Jika mengikut statistik ini, ini membuktikan kesihatan orang2 Sabah sangat baik.

  8. kira betul la juga tu.. di kawasan bandar, orangnya sibuk bukan sampai memerah keringat macam orang di kampung..

  9. pasal penyakit ni, sendiri mau ingat la.. sendiri jaga kesihatan, bukannya orang lain atau kerajaan atau parti politik..

  10. bukan semata2 kerana miskin tapi kebanyakan penduduk di kawasan luar bandar masih amalkan pemakanan yang baik. kalau di bandar banyak terdedah kepada makanan yang banyak kandungan gula.

  11. kalau mahu mengelak atau mengawal diabetes tu perlulah jaga pemakanan dan berat badan, lakukan senaman, membuat pemeriksaan diri sendiri (terutamanya pada jari dan kaki yang kebas untuk tanda luka atau jangkitan kerana deria rasa sakit berkurangan)dan berjumpalah dengan doktor untuk buat pemeriksaan.

  12. Anon #3,

    Sekarang ni budak2 main game di laptop, PSP, PS2 etc..salah satu sebab mereka tidak bermain di luar. Terlampau canggih sudah sekarang. Kanak2 patut dari awal didedahkan dengan amalan gaya hidup sihat.

  13. Adakah diabetis ini penyakit keturunan juga?

  14. penduduk luar bandar lazimnya memakan makanan yang berkhasiat seperti sayuran, buahan, dan daging2 segar, berbanding penduduk bandar yang sering makan makanan ringan dan byk bahan kimia.

  15. apapun, kita harus jaga kesihtan kita dgn baik.

  16. baguslah kalau Sabah kurang dengan penyakin kencing manis.
