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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

UBF: Time for Sabahans to Unite and be Assertive

By Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan

“Sabahans, especially Sabahan leaders must stand together irrespective of their political ideologies, when it comes to the common interest of Sabah” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, the Chairman of UBF.

“I am beginning to see this happening on the issue of the RCI and Project IC as well as on illegal immigration.”

“Sabah leaders must be more assertive in voicing out their concerns and in protecting State interests” added Dr. Jeffrey.

However, leaders should also be persistent and consistent to ensure that what is being voiced out is resolved one way or the other.  Statements querying the establishment of the RCI are mere rhetoric.  We must make sure it is done.

There is no better time to be assertive and persistent than it is now when the political situation in the country is in favour of Sabah and Sarawak as the kingmakers.

Sabah and Sarawak leaders should, therefore, unite and leverage their positions to resolve outstanding issues with the Federal Government, including restoration of the Borneo States’ lost rights and autonomy.

The setting up of the RCI, by itself, will not produce the desired solutions, if we do not actively participate, engage and suggest alternative solutions.   We have to be part of the solution.

The Project IC, the unexplained population growth, the padded electoral rolls are not mere Sabah problems.  They are national problems of huge magnitude involving the security of the nation, our sovereignty, our peace and the survival of the natives.  It must be faced head-on and resolved by peace-loving, patriotic Malaysians, failing which we have only ourselves to blame.

Foreigners and illegal immigrants are not to be blamed as they are merely recipients abused by the powers that be.  They are merely pawns in the scheme of things.

Whoever is or are responsible for this mess must eventually be brought to book and face the full consequences of the law.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan is Chairman of UNITED BORNEO FRONT


  1. Hope it is no more just dream but is real for everyone and need to single out your political party.

    For those who disagree may be they are the poison rather than medicine to heal our land.

    By Sabah tradition from murut or other tribes use the customary punishment will help too!!!
    The betrayal and unfaithful is no better than a bad tooth for us.

  2. Batu Bersumpah!

    Thank are the real and genuine leader of Sabahan..

    If all Sabahan especially the parties leaders in Sabah take an action to stand together in dealing with KL, I do believe that our dream will slowly and finally come true in fighting our struggle that KL has been doing in order to destroy native Sabahan.

    Now is the best time! come on..all wise man and be wise in taking an action behind DR.Jeffrey

  3. Pemimpin saja di minta bersatu rakyat tidak payah.Nyanyuk sudah Jeffrey ni.Suruh dia sama pemimpin UBF lah berbaris di padang.

    Rakyat jangan terpengaruh oleh UBF atau parti STAR atau SAPP.Mereka ni laknat di sumpah di kutuk oleh Tuhan kerana menimbulkan ketegangan dan permusuhan antara kaum di Sabah.

    1. Tuhan Mahatahu dan Mahadil untuk semua orang!
      Tuhan tidak melaknati perkara orang jujur!
      Tuhan menentang perkara iblis orang jahat!

      UBF suci perjuangannya melawan iblis.

  4. Hanya orang anti-sabah yang suka cakap begitu.

  5. once umno starts using religion, race and money as leverage, all this effort will be for nothing

  6. Ini parti sampah pasal dekat PU baru tumbuh.Lepas PU dia lenyap macam sampah.Now you see now you don't.PEE...WEET!

  7. All Sabahans must unite against those illegal immigrants.

  8. Sabahan leaders should also unite as one and join forces to fight for all Sabahans rights.

  9. For those Anons of UMNO or Malaya don talk cock here and bully borneon true fighters.

    Dare you to show your real face at KDCA on the 6th we will tell you what is head-hunting like.

    Why be a coward?

  10. We must unite together to protect our rights, don't let outsiders control us.



  12. unite no matter what for the sake of our rights to be protected.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Ini parti sampah pasal dekat PU baru tumbuh.Lepas PU dia lenyap macam sampah.Now you see now you don't.PEE...WEET!
    January 5, 2012 2:53 AM

    Hmm, i didn't realize that till u mention it. How come this party is only form when election is coming. Isn't it a bit too late to get the people support?I find it fishy to suddenly pop out from no way.

  14. Now im not convince with the new party formed. I hope they are really sincere in helping the people and not in it just to get power.

  15. Why should I waste my time going to KDCA to listen to lousy and boring speeches by rejected leaders and whose supporters are still headhunters and living on trees.PEE...WEET!

  16. They are not only headhunters but cannibals too.Be careful Sabahans with STAR party around a lot of the Sarawakian headhunters will be in town. For your info STAR is a Sarawak-based party of the Dayaks.

  17. Tapi jika Jeffrey asyik lompat parti dan tubuhkan parti baru, tiada guna juga.

  18. Rakyat perlulah fikir panjang sebelum memberikan sokongan mereka kepada sesuatu parti.

  19. Need put a lot of efforts to gain supports from voters. New party, the journey might be more difficult.

  20. If only the Sabahans, especially the leaders to unite for the sake of Sabah.

  21. semua semua bersatu pasti kita makin kukuh dan hidup harmoni.

  22. oleh itu, bersatulah kita semua.

  23. Kejayaan dikecapi jika semua penduduk Sabah bersatu. Maka mari kita sama-sama kerajaan Negeri memperjuangkan hak penduduk Sabah.

  24. The leaders should be more emphatic in articulating out their concerns so as to protect interests of the people in Sabah

  25. If only the Sabahans can unite, we can then speak of true future for the state.

  26. Sabah and Sarawak leaders should unite and leverage their positions as stated earlier.

  27. Hopefully our leaders can be consistent in voicing out for the people, while awaiting results one way or the other.

  28. I suggest the right time to be assertive and persistent is now.

  29. setiap orang ada pilihan masing-masing. pilihlah yang dirasakan terbaik.

  30. apa yang penting, kepentingan semua orang terjaga dengan sebaiknya.

  31. adakah Jeffrey akan terus dengan UBF setelah menubuhkan STAR?

  32. "The setting up of the RCI, by itself, will not produce the desired solutions, if we do not actively participate, engage and suggest alternative solutions. We have to be part of the solution."

    is there any alternative solutions from Jeffrey??

  33. memang perlu untuk Sabahan bersatu hati memperjuangkan hak2 mereka dan bersikap tegas tapi bagaimana juga jika pemimpin2 Sabah sendiri ada yang tidak sependapat dan tidak sehaluan?

  34. semoga tahun ini perjuangan mempertahan hak dan kepentingan rakyat Sabah akan mempunayai perkembangan dan pencapaian yang besar terutama berhubung isu PATI.

  35. Tengok saja sejauh mana parti baru boleh pergi.

  36. Bila2 masa saja PRU13 akan diumumkan, nampaknya persaingan semakin sengit.

  37. Unity to chase away those illegal immigrants.

  38. RCI harus ditubuhkan untuk mencari punca masalah.

  39. Parti baru harus berusaha untuk membuktikan keupayaannya.

  40. Lets see how UBF, SAPP & others to handle the people issue.

  41. Tiada penjelasan langsung terhadap pendatang haram yang semakin meningkat. Projek iC?

  42. Masing2 ada pilihan...cuma perlu cari mana yg terbaik sahaja..

  43. Diharapkan kepentingan rakyat di utamakan menjelang PRU13 ini..

  44. Halau Pati keluar dari sabah..

  45. Parti yang gilakan power pasti disingkirkan.

  46. "Foreigners and illegal immigrants are not to be blamed as they are merely recipients abused by the powers that be. They are merely pawns in the scheme of things."

    Mereka tidak tahu apa, cuma dipergunakan sahaja.

  47. Rakyat dan Kerajaan harus bersatu-padu untuk menyelesaikan masaslah di Sabah terutama isu yang semakin genting.

  48. Hope new parties like UBF, STAR could proven their ability to resolve PATI issue.

  49. Adakah lain kaedah yang lebih baik dari RCI buat masa kini?

  50. we must unite and be assertive.

  51. we must keep voicing out our rights..

  52. apa keputusan kerajaan persekutuan? BN sabah menyokong penuh tanpa bantahan penubuhan RCI..

  53. apa pun keputusan kerajaan, ianya bakal mengubah senario politik sabah dan malaysia..

  54. why its so hard to set up the RCI to investigate project IC in sabah?

  55. I always respect Dr Jeff for his fighting spirit but unfortunately he is always choosing the wrong and difficult path. His STAR will become vehicle used by the ambitious people who dream and wants to be calons and YBs only. And they will never reach there- this is the general feedback.


    We have had 48 years of failed promises that we will reap the fruits of the false independence in Malaysia.These are made repeatedly every election!

    What did we get? We get to become the poorest territories in Malaysia!

    The truth is that we got to this terrible stage because we did not achieve independence at all in 1963. We were just re-colonized and plundered full on!

    We were betrayed by many local traitors who used us to get into power. These so-called leaders committed big crimes by freely giving away our oil and gas resources to UMNO/Petronas.

    There are now many UMNO billionaires while there are many millions of poor Sabahans and Sarawakians because of such plunder (plus the local plunder which could only take place because they were backed up by Kuala Lumpur force).

    The question is how can we unite to work to take Sabah & Sarawak out of the control of UMNO and out of Malaysia?

    It was not even a viable "union" from 1963 since 2 original components were left out- Brunei and S'pore.

    All the rationales for Malaysia were based on including Brunei and S'pore using the racist argument of "balancing" the races!

    How come now this reason no longer applies and UMNO imposed its Malay Supremacist rule over us?

    Sabah is a good example. It has been overrun by 1 million non-Sabahans because of Mahathir (& Mustapha if we remember him) implementing the Malay supremacist ideas!

    Let's hope that he new Sabah parties will genuinely serve the people and not use us a vehicle to achieve power and glory like PBS did!

    Also everyone wake up from the big lie that we have independence in Malaysia and fight for real Sabah & Sarawak independence!

  57. setiap pemimpin perlulah memberikan keutamaan kepada kepentingan rakyat.

  58. hak dan kepentingan setiap rakyat perlu sentiasa diaga dan dipertahankan.

  59. semoga Sabah akan menjadi lebih membangun dan isu yang berlaku seperti masalh pati akan dapat diselesaikan.

  60. Dari dulu lagi Sabahan patut bersatu kalau bab mengundi calon barulah tiada penyesalan kan...

  61. Tapi susah juga bah sebab lain orang kan lain pandangannya. hehe

  62. Namun saya yakin kali ini rakyat lebih matang utk berdepan dengan gimik politik seklaigus membuat pilihan yang terbaik pada PRU nanti.

  63. Bagus juga usaha si DJK ni kerana beri keutamaan pada rakyat namun biarlah rakyat nilai sendiri.

  64. Setakat hebat menyuarakan kekurangan di Sabah dan menunjukkan kerajaan sekaran ni tak sesuai, apa guna kalau sendiri pun tahu cakap ja. huhuu
