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Friday, February 24, 2012

Dr M: Mas bailout only RM1.8b, less than...

Dr M defends MAS bailout, says it was not the worst

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today conceded that the government's move to bail out MAS resulted in a loss of public funds, but argued there were worse cases of bailouts after he stood down.

"The government lost money when it cancelled the double tracking and electrification between Ipoh and Padang Besar - we lost about RM8 billion," he contended.

The project was cancelled by former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi months after he took over the country's leadership in 2003.

Abdullah subsequently earned Mahathir's wrath for his move to shelve the project.

The double-tracking rail project was revived four years later.

"The press doesn't seem to mind, so you are being very selective in focusing on the wrongness of government decision," he snapped at journalists after attending a youth dialogue in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon.

In 2001, the government spent approximately RM1.8 billion to buy back MAS shares from its then-chairperson Tajudin Ramli at RM8 per share instead of the market value of RM3.68.


  1. Mahathir, the worst culprit corrupting the whole of malaysia..and he is the devil behind and traitor in depriving Sabahans the right to their using illegal immigrants. In other countries, people like Dr M should be hanged like Saddam Hussein.

    1. He is very resistant. Maybe he has lots of gimbarans.

    2. Hahaha u r so funny! but it might be true...

  2. Dr. M is still not satisfied with Badawi.

    1. Memanglah tidak suka dengan Badawi kerana Badawi cancel banyak projek Dr M bila beliau menjadi PM.

    2. I think Dr M has a lot of dissatisfaction in this country.

    3. begitulah politik dikalangan bekas PM ada yang mereka tidak puas hati.

    4. walau pun sudah lama bersara tapi masih aktif lagi mengenai hal2 negara.

  3. Dr M, don't be so bitter about what has passed. Badawi only did what is needed to stop wasting the public funds on unnecessary projects.

  4. Dr M kelihatan masih mahu terlibat sama dalam sebarang proses membuat keputusan di negara ni. apapun, mungkin sebarang pandangan beliau masih boleh dipertimbangkan.

    1. Dari pemerintahan Badawi sehingga pemerintahan Najib. Tun M tetap akan measuk campur.

  5. if there is anything wrong done by Tun Apanama, just lodge a police report..

  6. Mungkin ada sebab lain kenapa Dr. M sengaja ikut campur dalam politik yang ada sekarang. Sedangkan Tun telah pun lama bersara dari PM.

  7. Dr M is too old to talk about Politics...Even he used to be a PM last time..
