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Sunday, March 18, 2012

CM should sue those politicizing illegals

By Daniel John

The Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman, in a speech this week had said that the opposition is politicizing the issue of illegal immigrants, and that the BN leaders should go to the ground more to explain issues to the people. This is another one of those talks by BN leaders asking their leaders to go and “answer the slanders of the opposition” (pergi dan tangkis tohmanan-tohmahan pembangkang). Note that tohmah, according to Kamus Milenium, is “tuduhan atau anggapan buruk yang berasaskan syak tanpa bukti nyata” or slander. But most of the time the media translates “tohmanan-tohmahan” as “lies”, and we seldom here BN leaders say “pembohongan-pembohongan pembangkang” because “tohmahan” is better for them since it paints the opposition as evil-hearted slanderers (pemfitnah), and because “tohmahan” doesn’t suggest that they are liars. But truth is truth and there is nothing you can do to escape it. It always catches up with you in the end. And the truth will trap and punish you.

What I find most unbelievable is that the after years and years of the illegals issue, the opposition is now accused of politicizing this issue as if it is something new and a lie. It is as if we are making it up and that there is no proof of the opposition’s complaints about the illegals. The CM also took a shot at the opposition as if the opposition leaders are slanderers and liars.

But that being the case, if we are lairs and slanderers of the worst kind, people who have defamed and assassinated the characters of the BN leaders, who have smeared their names with false accusations, why on earth don’t they just go ahead sue us? We have been accusing them of creating the illegals problems for many years now, but how come all they do is call us liars? Why not settle it once and for all, fight it out in the courts, so they can get a few million and drive us bankrupt?

In fact we have not even accused them verbally! We have put our exposes on paper, on hard print, which can be used as evidences to sue us to kingdom come. For example, this is a quote from Dr. Chong Eng Leong’s book, Lest We Forget, p. 25: “Hassnar Ebrahim – a former Sekong State Election BN candidate frtom Berjaya and Sekong [Native Chief] and an ex-ISA detainee … revealed in the last two books [by Mutalib M.D.] about [the] mechanics of how foreigners were issued Sabah Blue ICs. There was a meeting in January 1986 chaired by the late Dato’ Megat Junid… Present were: former Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tun Sri Ahmad Sarji, three top guns from Bukit Aman Police, Sabah Director of Immigration Datuk Dusmi Ibrahim, Ketua Pengarah Immigration Negara Datuk Halim Harun, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Pendaftaran Negara, Ketua Setiuasaha Sulit Azmin, Datuk Yahya Lampong and Hassnar himself….

“Jabar Khan – also an ex-ISA detainee who disclosed that there was a Sabah UMNO Special Task Force in 1991 and the office bearers for 1991-1993 were as follows: Director: Datuk Musa Aman, the currently sabah Chief Minister; Deputy Director: Datuk Yahya Hussein; Secretary: Jabar Khan himself; Treasurer: the late Datuk Malek Chua.

“The job of this Task Force was to recruit foreigners who were then issued Malaysian ICs and then registered and UMNO members and registered in Sabah electoral rolls. The target was 30 constituencies (out of 48) to ensure that by the next state general election PBS would be removed from power with the help of those phantom voters.”

So there! In additions to all the books written by Mutalib, this passage from one book alone should have triggered the BN leaders to drag Dr. Chong and Mutalib to court, but how come that hasn’t happened, and will not happen? Because it is TRUE, and Dr. Chong and Mutalib only have one thing as their legal defence – the truth! And this is one thing the BN leaders just can’t face – the truth.

Now the people realize that the issue is not just that there are illegals walking about which the Federal and State governments are not doing all it can to eradicate, but also that the State and Federal leaders were the ones who started it all. Now the question is: Are we in the opposition guilty of politicizing it or aren’t the BN leaders the ones bearing the great and unforgivable SIN of PURPOSELY and MALICIOUSLY creating the problem since more than 20 years ago, and that they are still doing it?

The other question is: Who should be condemned, the opposition or the BN?

What can BN leaders do to defend themselves against this very well documented fact of history? Don’t they realize that a hundred years from now the history books of Sabah will be written with their names and picture in there labelled as traitors to their own people? How long do they think they can continue to lie to themselves and to the people? I really wonder how those Christian leaders in BN go to church on Sundays and pray while they are killing the future of their own people.

It is the BN leaders who are the liars and traitors. But why are we the ones called slanderers and liars when in fact we are the ones telling the truth? Where is their concscience? And don’t they have any shame at all?

STAR Sabah Deputy Chairman, and Advisor to the UK-Based Human Rights Foundation Malaysia


The people are no longer afraid of BN leaders

Personally I am very happy that Musa is asking the BN leaders to go on the ground more to explain issues raised by the opposition to the people, especially about the illegal immigrants which he said we in the opposition have been politicizing. In fact I would really like to be there when those BN leaders go the kampungs and tell the people, “Dear people, don’t believe the opposition when they talk about the illegals. They are liars and making up a lot of stories…” and right there in the crowd there are some illegals trying very hard to look and sound like locals.

Why is Musa asking the BN leaders to turun padang? Because all these while they have stopped going into the kampungs. There is hardly anymore such thing as BN party ceramahs anymore. Well, they try to organize them but the people don’t come even if food and drinks are served. Even if Tan sri Pairin himself goes into a KDM kampong, they will no longer come to kiss his hand like in the old days. So in order to create a crowd the BN buses have to carry the BN members to the venues. But even by doing this the so-called BN supporters feel it is a waste of time. That is why in some place where they tried to have ceramahs, only a handful, or a dozen or two turned up. Forget about having hundreds coming.

There was one ceramah held in Inanam recently and an old man stood up and asked why the BN keeps talking about developments with millions of ringgit in allocations, but the small old folks monthly assistance hadn’t been paid for a long time already? The BN leaders couldn’t answer. Their tongues got frozen and their jaws were hanging in embarassment! And this is the problem for the BN leaders everywhere they go. The people nowadays are very clever – they know what to say and ask. They are no longer afraid of even the CM, and they have simple but very tough questions the BN leaders just can’t answer. They go to BN ceramahs to take shots at the leaders, not to listen and clap their hands. And after all, they already know what do the BN leaders will tell the people. Only two things – developments, developments and that the oppositions are liars, can only make empty promises but can’t fulfil them.

So what’s the point for the BN to go to the ground? If holding ceramahs is useless and will only invite embarrassing unanswerable questions, what else can the BN leaders do? Should they go from house to house? Maybe, but even then the people can’t be stopped from asking the questions which are burning in their hearts. Leaders try to get themselves close to the people by attending weddings and funerals, but the PBS President, Tan Sri Pairin, himself is feeling the heat while doing this kind of rounds in Tambunan. A few weeks ago while walking into a wedding in Kg. Sunsuron at night, some guests at the back shouted, “Ini kalilah!” And there were red faces all around!

Some PBS divisional leaders in Tambunan are now supporting STAR, going to Dr. Jeffrey’s house for chit-chats. When Pairin asked them if they still support him, they said, “Tan Sri, we still love you but we don’t like BN anymore!” So how?

If the BN leaders really want the people to support them, they can do a few things: 1. Declare and RCI and get it done before the next general election, 2. Delay the GE13 to next year (go full term), 3. Have a sweeping operation to clean the state of illegals, 4. Bring those people responsible for treasonous acts to justice, 5. Increase the oil royalty to at least 20% NOW, 6. Abolish the cabotage policy TOMORROW, 7. Have an RCI on the Double Six Tragedy (late is better than ever), 8. Stop all religious discrimination, 9. Stop the Malay dominance in the civil service, etc. etc.

But these will never be done as long as the BN is in power. What the BN leaders want to do is to continue lying to the people, to accuse those telling the truth of being liars, and at the same to try and make the people believe they are the angels and that the opposition leaders are devils. But you can’t lie to the people forever. They are mature enough to differentiate between truth and lies, and surely the day of reckoning will come.

Sabah STAR Chairman and Advisor to the UK-Based Human Rights Foundation Malaysia


  1. Berapi-api betul Daniel kali ini dan nampak marah sekali.Kalau lah betul pembangkang sudah kuat apa lagi di ragui,relaks sajalah dan tunggu p/raya untuk menentukan siapa menang.Yang saya khuatir ialah calun STAR semua hilang deposit kecuali JK.Kalau lah kekuatan itu di satu tempat saja janganlah terlampau ego seperti pepatah orang kampung,'kalau kail panjang sejangkal,janganlah pula lautan hendak di duga.'

    1. Tohmahan memang bahan2 pembangkang. Boleh tahu juga ba tu. PRU13 pun tidak lama lagi.

    2. Suka atau tidak, BN akan menang sekali lagi. Bukan mudah untuk tumbangkan mereka.


      Dear John

      As a lawyer you might want to ponder on the points made in a Sarawak blog in Hornbill Unleashed. The article was discussing the topic of banning Malayan political & social activists from entering Sarawak recently:


      Thanks Awang- understand that your argument was on the valid enforcement of the law as it is. This was acknowledged in the comment.

      The “banning” could be said to be outside the “power” of the Swak Immigration Dept as this was not spelt out in the relevant law and may be challenged on this basis. Whether the law courts will agree with this argument is uncertain.

      The point made was that “banning” was historically used to screen out the “subversive suspects” by the colonial authorities and in fact this may have been one of the original intentions of the law makers when there was a fierce ideological struggle between British colonial style democracy and communism.

      But now this law is viewed as being in conflict with the idea of the “1Malaysian identity” and the right of Malaysians to travel freely in their country within official hindrance.

      Taib may well treat Sarawak as his private separate kingdom and this is a bargaining chip he holds against Kuala Lumpur. Many Sarawakians would heartily support a democratic independent model.

      Former CMs Stephen K Ningkan (Sarawak) Tun Mustapha and Donald Stephens (Sabah) were living dangerously when they used “separation” as threat against KL. Stephens actually died in the process of resisting UMNO’s efforts to seize Sabah oil. They all had an “independent” streak.

      The second point (without digressing) is coming back to the point of immigration control being rather unique in an independent “federal” system such as Malaysia. Immigration control is normally enforced at international borders not within your own borders.

      The Sabah Sarawak right implies that there is a semblance of sovereignty and territorial integrity for these “states” or “colonies” as seen by others.

      It would be more accurate to describe them as “colonies” as this would fit the reality where foreigners and Malayans alike have to produce their passports to enter Sabah or Sarawak as in the case of the French colonialists treatment of Algeria. From 1848 until independence, the whole Mediterranean region of Algeria was administered as an integral part of France, much like Corsica and RĂ©union are to this day. To this may be added Tahiti the French “overseas territory” like Sabah Sarawak are Malaya’s “overseas territories”.

      In the sixties the local anti-Malaysia forces and Indonesia asserted that Malaysia was a neo-colonial creation. The current incorporation of Sabah and Sarawak into this newly created country is akin to the above description of the French/Algerian/Tahiti relationship.

      The law and physical separation of Sabah Sarawak from Malaya reinforces the perception of many Malayans is that they are entering a different country.

      Unfortunately this discussion cannot rest here as there are many unresolved issues arising from the questions of how the Malaysia Agreement has been nullified by UMNO’s breaches and the sacking of Singapore.

      The immigration issue is really an issue of independence. When Malaya does abolish Sabah Sarawak immigration control it will mean the erasure of their right to self-rule and self determination. This will be another breach of the Malaysia Agreement."

  2. Sombong betul sampai suruh CM saman.Kalau STAR percaya pada kebebasan bersuara kenapa mau saman menyaman.Maseh otak antik kah? Pasal politik tidak payah saman pembangkang boleh cakap apa saja dan biar rakyat menentukan.Human Rights advisor apa ni? KAMPUNGAN!

    1. I'm sure the CM would not sue due to this kind of dare from the opposition.

    2. Tidak perlulah mahu saman2. CM dan pemimpin2 Sabah semuanya matang dalam hal2 politik. tidak mudah goyang, sikit2 saman keluar, sikit2 perhimpunan jalan.

    3. CM doesn't bother to sue for he has more responsibilities and works to focus on.

    4. Itu la namanya emosi. Biarlah ba dia mau cakap apa. Kan itu pun kebebasan bersuara. Biarlah dia. Yang penting c Datuk Musa buat kerja, sudah.

    5. CM seorang yang profesional dan matang, dia takkan layan dan perbesarkan hal2 remeh mcm ni. hal2 rakyat lebih diutamakan.

    6. Tidak perlu saman menyaman, begini lah politik, terima sahaja lah.CM ada banyak kerja lain lagi mau buat selain mau saman.

  3. The illegal immigrant issues should not be politicize as it is an important issue to Sabahans, hopefully real solution can be found rather than just talk.

    1. I believe the RCI will be announced at suitable time. Really positive feeling.

    2. If all the politicians concerned about the PATI problems, why don't they sit together and discuss instead trying to be hero?

    3. tindakan yang efektif harus diambil untuk mengatasi masalah PATI di sabah.

    4. Daripada sibuk mengkritik sahaja, lebih baik pembangkang bagi pendapat untuk selesaikan masalah ini.

  4. Habis suda fikiran macam mana mau fikir pasal ini PTI. Tidak ada satu Method pun yang dapat selesaikan masalah PTI. Tunggu RCI pun belum tentu lagi dapat ditubuhkan.

    1. RCI dah dipersetujui semua pihak, ia kini dalam perbincangan dalam tentukan terma rujukan, ia pasti akan ditubuhkan tak lama lagi.

  5. Pembangkang sama kerajaan masing2 berbalas2 pantun, sampai bila2 pun RCI tiada penghujung. Last2 ka c biar saja la.

    1. Kerajaan sudah berjanji untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini, tapi pembangkang masih sibuk juga mau kasih panas isu ini.

  6. Berani kerana benar, Takut kerana salah. Siapa makan lada dia lah merasa pedas. Tuhan sentiasa memihak yang betul. Semoga kerajaan yang adil dan saksama akan tiba. Sesiapa yang di dapati salah patut di hukum dan di penjarakan supaya tiada lagi penghianat. Amen

  7. Bagus lagi penasihat kampungan daripada pengkhianat rakyat Sabah. Position and power are not permanent, what ever goes up will come down in the end. Judgement day awaits those who sin against its own people.

  8. RCI harus ditubuhkan segera..

  9. dilaporkan kira2 300 ahli UBF bertindak untuk keluar dari NGO tersebut disebabkan kecewa UBF dijadikan alat politik Star..mungkin DJJ harus beri penjelasan mengenai perkara ini.

  10. pembangkang memang suka mempolitikkan sesuatu isu...memang itulah cara pembangkang..

    1. Rasanya masalah PATI ini tidak perlu di politikkn, lebih baik duduk bersama2 berbincang bagaimana hendak selesaikan masalah ini.

  11. dan rakyat janganlah cepat terpengaruh dengan propaganda yang dicetuskan oleh pembangkang..

  12. Hopefully RCI will be announced and established.

  13. The establishment of RCI will help to tackle issues concerning the illegal immigrants.

  14. Let’s hope genuine solution will be found as to taking firm action.

  15. We want action to this rather than mere words.

    1. Hopefully the government will do something soonest.

  16. let the opposition politicize the illegal immigrant issue cause in the end it depends on the voters to decide who to vote.

  17. The oppositions are only concern about the illegal immigrants issue which seems to be getting serious. Hopefully the opposition leaders could provide some solution beside setting up RCI.

    1. yup.. the government has doing their part, and among the announcements made in the past were, the establishment of a Federal Cabinet Committee on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah in 2000, 2006, 2008 as well as the formation of a Laboratory on Immigrants Management in Sabah in 2010 followed by a Sabah BN Panel on illegal immigrants in 2011.. and now we demand for RCI which already agreed by the federal ministers..

  18. People should evaluate each party wisely so that the best party will win.

  19. Cakap memang senang, tapi cuba suruh pembangkang buat, tidak tau dapat kah tidak.

  20. Kalau kita lihat sendiri pun, sebenarnya kerajaan begitu serius menangani isu PATI ini. Namun mungkin pembangkang buat-buat tidak tahu akan perkara ini sehinggakan sengaja memainkan isu sedemikian.

  21. Wah! Punya ramai itu Pakistan di Keningau sama Beafort yg kana bagi IC projek itu!

    Itu Bugis sama Pilak sudah melebihi jumlah orang tempatan. Celaka punya KM tidak boleh [akai, tamberang! Mampuslah BNUMNO!

    Sekarang inipun IC Projek sedang berjalan di Sabah. Tidak lama lagi semua org tempatan akan jadi pelarian di negeri sendiri.

    1. cuba kau bagi maklumat yang lengkap dengan bukti2 kukuh.. buat macam Mutalib MD..

  22. Daniel, kenapa bukan kau saja yang saman kerajaan?? kumpul semua bukti berkenaan dengan pendatang haram, kemudian bawa kemahkamah..

  23. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:42 AM

    BARISAN Nasional (BN) Sabah are compiling its respective parties’ proposed Terms of Reference (TOR) on the formation of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah, according to Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

    1. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:43 AM

      The Deputy Chief Minister, who heads the BN Sabah sub-committee on citizenship, told reporters yesterday that the TOR will be submitted to BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak next week.

    2. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:44 AM

      Speaking at a press conference after the sub-committee meeting yesterday, Pairin said they have agreed to form a working committee which will be headed by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) secretary general Datuk Henrynus Amin.

    3. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:44 AM

      “Today we have compiled the proposed TOR from various BN component parties and the working committee will consolidate the proposal and submit a united draft to the Prime Minister and BN top leadership within one week.

    4. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:45 AM

      “I would like to thank all the Sabah BN component parties for participating in the discussion which I think have truly focused on the interest of the rakyat and the protection of their citizenship as well as in urging the authorities to enforce the laws of the country,” he said.

    5. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:45 AM

      Pairins aid they expect the formation of the RCI to be done soon after the TOR is finalized by the federal government.

    6. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:46 AM

      When asked what would the TOR contain, he said that there are a lot of suggestions from the BN Sabah component parties.

    7. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:46 AM

      “What I’ve outlined just now is the objective of the RCI which is to resolve the issues pertaining to the illegal immigrants and resolve issues which have been adversely created by their presence so that in the eyes of the citizens it can be seen that their rights are protected and the laws of this country are enforced properly.

    8. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:46 AM

      “It also shows that the laws of this country are adhered to and respected by people who want to come to work or enter our country because we are talking about the interest of the citizens, about the sovereignty of the country being protected, about the laws being enforced properly and seriously, about rectification of procedure which can prevent the illegal issuance of documents, because in the past we see not only ICs could be issued illegally but birth certificates and also for that matter passport,” he stressed.

    9. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:47 AM

      “We have all this matter in mind which obviously the RCI has to cover and it must be formed with immediate effect. We are suggesting to see results for the short term within 6 months and for the longer term within two years,” he added.

    10. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:47 AM

      Pairin also pointed out that there are no two ways about the united stand by BN component political parties in Sabah on the formation of the RCI.

    11. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:47 AM

      “Obviously the expected announcement of the formation of the RCI by the federal government or the PM has yet to be heard (but) we have no doubt in our mind that the federal cabinet has already agreed to the formation of the RCI.

    12. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:48 AM

      “We know that part of the delayed announcement is because the TOR coming from so many different sources, have yet to be fully submitted for the consideration of the top leadership.

    13. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:48 AM

      “We are of course, all in the know that many expressions of views, opinions have been put through the newspapers on the proposed TOR for the RCI,” he said, adding that they come not only from BN but also from the opposition and NGOs.

    14. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:49 AM

      Obviously this indicated the interest and the focus being given by the public throughout the country particularly from Sabah, Pairin said, adding that the negative implications created by the presence of illegal immigrants in the state have sufficiently been debated in many forums in the past.

    15. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:49 AM

      “We are all waiting for the necessary announcement by the Prime Minister. In the meantime we have of course been asked to provide certain guidelines in connection with the TOR for the RCI.

    16. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:49 AM

      “Today we have held our meeting to discuss the TOR and we have taken into consideration the views coming from Sabah BN component parties and we will have a joint listing of the TOR to be submitted to the top leadership to consider and adopt any one of those TOR,” he said.

    17. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:50 AM

      Pairin said there are a number of angles to be looked at and the obvious ones which have been on the minds of the people and Sabah members of parliament is the question about the extraordinary increase in Sabah population and about the irregularities of issuance of IC to foreigners or the obtaining of ICs by illegal immigrants through dubious means.

    18. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:50 AM

      Other reasons also include reasons why there had been in the past illegal syndicates which were exposed as having issued ICs to illegal immigrants.

    19. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:50 AM

      “The truth about Projek IC for example. Basically what we would like RCI to do is to look into the truth of the many queries raised by the public and MPs.

    20. Bam Bam FlinstonesApril 18, 2012 at 9:51 AM

      “We have of course over the years said a number of things on what the authorities should be doing as far as enforcement is concerned,” he said.
