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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SAPP regrets Rejection of NCR Land Tribunal

TENOM: Natives especially those who have an interest in Native Customary Rights (NCR) land are worried and anxious because the Government has rejected the proposed Native Land Tribunal.

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Supreme Council member, Roger Stimin, said by rejecting the proposal, the Government is giving an excuse that the Sabah Land Ordinance (SLO) to determine NCR land claims is already sufficient and still relevant.

He said the Government should not depend on the SLO alone but transform NCR land management to be more conducive to resolve the issue rather than drag people to court.

"We sympathise with villagers who really have the rights to claim NCR land but were forced to go to court to obtain justice," he said, adding that these people are mostly poor and have no means to engage the services of legal counsel.

In this respect, he said the SAPP really regretted that the proposed Native Land Tribunal was rejected.

Such institution, he said, would have been a good platform to resolve NCR land disputes.

The Government should reconsider its decision, he added.

He said many people in rural areas are getting educated, hence the increase in awareness of their rights especially with regards to NCR land compared to 20 years ago.

The increase in population is also one reason why more natives are fighting for their rights to NCR land, he added.

By Mail Mathew


  1. parti umno adalah perompak tanah NCR orang kampung.

    1. Kerajaan berusaha memberi kesenangan kepada rakyat Sabah

  2. Tribunal tersebut ditolak buat masa ini kerana SLO masih releven dalam selesaikan isu NCR di Sabah.

    1. Rasanya bukan kena tolak bah tu, cuma tak ditubuhkan saja buat sementara sebab SLO masih relevan lagi. Tapi senang cerita kena tolak la ba tu. ihihih

  3. pasti kerajaan ada alternatif laim dalam tangani isu NCR.

    1. Haraplah. Dan kalau betul lah SLO masih relevan harap isu2 tanah yang timbul sekarang ni dapat ditanggani dengan baik.

  4. Musa said that govt are always receptive to any proposal that can improve the present procedures in SLO.

  5. "He said many people in rural areas are getting educated, hence the increase in awareness of their rights especially with regards to NCR land compared to 20 years ago."

    It is good to hear that the people in rural areas are getting educated. It shows that education is well provided for the them. After this less land will be sold once they get NCR land.

    1. True, the people are getting more educated and getting to learn more about their rights.

  6. Native Land Tribunal is not needed as the Land and Survey Department claimed that the current Land Ordinance is already sufficient.

    1. Bah kalau betul sabah land ordinance masih relevan, buktikanlah pada masyarakat dengan menyelesaikan semua isu tanah dengan baik.

    2. Ini tak, isu tanah makin banyak timbul dan kualiti perkhidmatan jabatan tanah pula teruk tahap dewa dewi!!! Jadi apa macam ni geng. huhu

    3. Is the current Land Ordinance sufficient enough?

  7. Ordinan Tanah Sabah yang sedang diguna pakai untuk menentukan tuntutan hak tanah adat anak negeri Sabah masih relevan dan memadai. Bagaimanapun, menurut KM, sebagai sebuah kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab, penerimaan secara terbuka apa-apa cadangan yang boleh menambah baik kepada prosedur yang sedia ada masih boleh diterima.

    1. Kalawar Imahit, KemabongApril 6, 2012 at 3:46 PM

      Memang tolol betul kenyataan KM itu sbnya kalau dia benarkan juga sesiapa yg memberi cadangan yg lebih baik dari prosedur itu, kenapa dia tolak cadangan penubuhan Tibunal penyiasatan tanah NCR utk menggantikan SLO yg sdh lapok dan tdk relevan lagi.Tribunal penyiasatan tanah dlm cadangannya membenarkan ACLR/DO menerima aduan dan mengemukakan kpd Pengarah Tanah berhubung isu kekalutan pemilikan tanah khususnya NCR...dan Tribunal tanah tdk perlu mengheret org kampong ke muka pengadilan atau menyumbatkan mereka ke penjara sb Akta baru itu memberi kuasa menyiasat dan meng-abritasikan hak pemilikan tanah tanpa ke Mahkamah.

  8. Saya yakin CM punya alasan munasabah namun, rasanya ramai yang tak puas hati dengan kenyataanny itu. huhu

  9. Hopefully NCR land disputes will be resolved soon.

  10. The government will possibly have to reconsider its decision.

  11. I suppose the government is also ready to listen to the people and become receptive to more innovative ideas.

  12. Isu tanah NCR harus dipelihara hak2 rakyat natives

  13. Rasanya perkara ini perlulah dibincangkan sebaiknya.

  14. ""He said the chief minister statement "to study on need on Native Title Tribunal on Sabah disputes" was of no value and redundant.""

    kenyataan siapa ni kalau bukan dari SAPP ketika mula2 NLT ini dicadangkan??
