
By Raymond Tombung
BN leaders who are busily attacking Jeffrey Kitingan for claiming that all Sabah leaders are frogs 'can't defend themselves when it comes to real issues'.
KOTA KINABALU: Why are Barisan Nasional leaders frothing over Jeffrey Kitingan’s remark that “all Sabah leaders are frogs” when they have been silent on all the major issues raised by him and his State Reform Party (STAR)?
Posing the question, Jeffrey said the “real issue in Sabah is not about frogs but about other serious matters which have brought socio-economic disasters to Sabah”.
“BN leaders don’t want to talk about the real issues because they know they can’t defend themselves.
“By being proxies and stooges of Kuala Lumpur, these leaders have directly or indirectly supported the transfer of our political franchise which we gained at the time of independence.
“The franchise has now been given to illegal immigrants by way of, among others, the infamous Project IC, and other underhanded dubious methods at the great expense of Sabahans’ future,” he said in a statement yesterday.
Jeffrey said STAR has repeatedly said that the Sabah BN has consistently failed to protect Sabah’s special rights and by this failure, it has turned Sabah which is resource-rich into the poorest in the country, as well a subservient 12th state in Malaysia.
“What are all these big fat frogs doing about it after sitting in government for so long? They claim to have working relations with KL and yet they can’t solve a single important problem for Sabah.
“All we hear is the stories of handouts but the root socio-economic diseases are still there. You can’t solve economic problems by playing Santa Claus,” he said.
‘I’m free from Umno clutches’
Jeffrey asked why Sabah BN was not using its good office to solve the problems of poverty, land and native customary rights (NCR) issues, re-negotiate the oil royalty to obtain more revenue for the state and reinstate the loss of rights from the 20-point agreement.
“We are paying RM22.7 billion in taxes and RM15 billion in oil and gas annually. Why not ask and get a significant part of these revenues returned and develop Sabah like never before?
“Also, why not create downstream industries to produce value-added products?
“Why are we still exporting logs when our sawmills are closing down due to lack of logs to process. We are sending our gas to Bintulu and locating industries outside Sabah such as the petrochemical plants to be built in Johor,” he said.
Jeffrey pointed out that even with the oil palm industry, the country is incurring lost economic opportunities due to lack of downstream industries.
“It is as if the government is carrying out a policy of perpetuating poverty so that the people continue to be dependent on and subservient to the government in order for the BN to remain in power.
“It is a shame that the leaders of the government of the day are becoming fat and embroiled in financial scandals while the people continue to be mired in poverty.
“As for me, I am proud that I continue to be free from the clutches of Umno.
“I will not veer off from my struggle for the people, and will stick to my principles for rights and autonomy of the Borneo states.
“I believe that given the chance, we will be able to do much better than the current BN government.” he added.
.........SEE PREVIOUS NEWS.......
Political frogs: Jeffrey under attack
By Luke Rintod (June 28, 2012)
A veteran politician opined that it is more important what a 'political frog' did during his leadership in a particular party than the jump itself.
KOTA KINABALU : State Reform Party (STAR) Sabah chairman Jeffrey Kitingan’s statement that “all Sabah politicians are frogs” in Bingkor last Sunday seems to have poked right into the hornet’s nest.
Politicians across the divide and coffeeshops are abuzz with arguments over who is or is not a “frog” in Sabah.
A barrage of defensive attacks against Kitingan by Sabah Barisan Nasional leaders made the local newspapers today, with vehement denials that Chief Minister Musa Aman and his deputy Joseph Pairin Kitingan ever were “frogs”, a term often used to demean politicians who ‘hopped’ from party to party.
Sabah BN secretary, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, said Kitingan’s accusation that Musa was also “frog” was both wrong and laughable.
“Musa changed party because there was an understanding that Usno was being dissolved for Umno to take over its functions.
“Even Pairin ditched Berjaya to form Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) because of fundamental principles,” said Abdul Rahman who is also MP for Kota Belud.
He refused to delve into the fact that Pairin also had joined Pasok briefly before his PBS was registered in time for the 1985 general election in Sabah.
Sabah’s Assistant Finance Minister, Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan, who is close to Musa meanwhile said it was a sad day for politics in Sabah when a politician used words such as “to look for solutions for Sabah” as an excuse to defend his hopping six times from one party to the next.
“Musa did not jump from Usno to Umno. He joined Umno when the party was the opposition in Sabah at that time but more importantly he did not party-hop as an elected representative unlike Dr Jeffrey (Kitingan),” Tawfiq said.
PBS information chief, Johnny Mositun meanwhile, accused Kitingan of hopping into another party every time he failed to secure the top leadership post in a particular party he was in.
“Sabahans know his background and will judge him accordingly,” Mositun said.
Blogs in favour of Kitingan
Meanwhile, another Umno leader who is also the State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Masidi Manjun, said Kitingan’s excuse was lame.
“Jeffrey’s (Kitingan) favourite game is hop, step and jump”, Masidi said.
In his speech at the launching of STAR Bingkor, Kitingan said that all Sabah politicians are “frogs” and that he was not the only one who switched parties.
He also said that while he hopped “seeking” for solutions for Sabah, others were selfish enough and only stayed with a party that gave them comfortable positions and lucrative benefits, sometimes sacrificing their true struggle for Sabah and its people.
“They are actually ‘fat frogs’ now, so they don’t jump anymore..,” he said describing his past moves as principled and based on a ‘struggle’ to regain the independence and autonomy of Sabah.
Meanwhile a random check of comments posted on blogs and websites over the issue leaned in favour of Kitingan.
Many postings defended him as a true fighter and seeker of justice for Sabahans, while others were merely doing it for their own self-interest.
The local grapevine and coffeeshop natter meanwhile are abuzz with names of those who had leapt before and speculations of who will do it now and for what purpose.
The auditing by the laymen revealed that Musa was once a member of Berjaya party which was led by Harris Salleh. He later joined Usno and is now with Umno.
There’s also rumours that Pairin, the Huguan Siou of the Kadazandusun, was once linked to the now defunct Pekemas in 1970s and another party USAP or BUNAP.
‘Jumping not the issue’
Others also claimed that Pairin was instrumental in the setting up of Upko even while Bernard Dompok was still in PBS. Dompok now leads Upko.
“Can we say Pairin encouraged party-hoping then?” asked a man during a friendly coffeeshop discourse in Kota Belud, 70 km from here.
Veteran politician, Fredoline Edwin Lojingki, 72, however is of the view that ‘jumping’ is less of the issue than what a politician does during his leadership.
“In Sabah, actually all are frogs, but who among these frogs are really fighting for the state rights and the people?” he argued.
Lojingki, who was with Unko in 1960s and then with PBS until he quit the party recently to join STAR also opined that there is a great difference between what Kitingan is trying to achieve and that of his other contemporaries in Sabah’s politics.
“Yes Jeffrey (Kitingan) jumped parties, but clearly he was not doing it for his own self interest, otherwise he could have just stuck with a ruling party, kept his mouth shut and enjoyed all the perks and leisure time, no need to travel to the remotest places in Sabah just to tell them what their rights are…” said the veteran activist.
Meanwhile Kitingan has yet to respond to the barrage of attacks by BN leaders on him.
When contacted Kitingan declined to respond but said that ‘issue’ would continue to reverberate among the grassroots here ahead of a looming general election that ultimately would decide all the leaders’ future.
I rather become a frog, jump away and keep my integrity as compared to being a lying cheating toad and a traitor to my country and people.
ReplyDeleteBN/UMNO had this plan all along to manipulate and take advantage of Borneo in whatever way possible.
DeleteThe usual UMNO diversion trick- attack the messenger to sow confusion about the message!
OK Jeffery is or was a frog. He said so and admitted frankly. But his message is not about himself but for the good of the Sabah people.
Is it a bad thing to do. Does he put down the people?
His message is that we Sabahans and also Sarawakians can stand up and say "NO" to UMNO. Take back our country!
If we don't take back our country we can never control how our country is run or how its resources are used.
Oil refineries go to Johore- so we miss out on the investment & jobs. What's new. (May be better they get the pollution!)
But if we control our land we say where we put the refineries!
That seems not too hard to understand!
Over 48 years the trees have been chopped down & the money generated all disappeared overseas...
Worse is our oil being stolen to fatten UMNO companies and bosses.
So independent Sabah Sarawak- oil goes to us, job given to us, we decide our education and language policies, control our finances and government...
Is not that so simply wonderful?
Why beg to be ruled by Malayans?
Are we blind to the cruel suffering they inflicted on our poverty stricken people?
Why can't we stand on our own two feet? We are not cripples! (unless we are mentally!)
So instead of punishing the messenger why don't we all go and talk to him.
Work together and think about how to work for our independence.
The enemies of Sabah independence would love make us fight each other about frogs so we don't think and fight about independence!
Let the doubters talk, complain and curse. We who adhere for self rule continue the journey.
DeleteKerajaan UMNO/BN leading for Frog Gov...by reject this anti lompat...adakah rakyat sabah ingat ini...???
RAMAI pemimpin politik di Sabah memikirkan bahawa Undang-Undang Anti-Lompat yang sedang digembar-gemburkan sebagai seuatu yang tidak perlu dan membazirkan masa.
Ahli Parlimen Kalabakan, Datuk Abdul Ghapur Salleh berkata undang-undang berkenaan tidak perlu kerana bergantung kepada integriti wakil rakyat yang terpilih.
"Bukan masanya untuk memperkenalkan undang-undang ini kerana ia memerlukan masa yang lama untuk meminda Perlembagaan Persekutuan dalam keadaan Barisan Nasional tidak mempunyai majoriti dua pertiga," bidas Ghapur yang mengatakan sesiapa juga yang melompat parti tidak akan meletakkan jawatan kerana tidak akan dapat bertanding dalam tempoh lima tahun sebagaimana dinyatakan di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Manakala Ahli Parlimen Tuaran, Wilfred Bumburing pula berpendapat memandangkan undang-undang Anti Lompat yang diluluskan Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah telah diistiharkan sebagai tidak sah dan batal di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu kerana bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Negara, maka usaha berkenaan akan menjadi sia-sia.
"Perlembagaan adalah asas penubuhan Malaysia by 'Founding fathers' dan generasi sekarang tidak harus meminda apa-apa yang dipersetujui oleh nenek moyang kita dahulu," ujar Bumburing yang memberitahu bahawa sudah ada undang-undang yang sedia ada sudah mencukupi.
Tegas Bumburing, mesti ada sebab tertentu kepada seorang wakil rakyat meninggalkan atau melompar parti, terutama apabila dasar parti tidak dapat diterima oleh rakyat atau pengundi.
"Maka seseorang wakil rakyat yang memihak kepada rakyat tidak lagi dapat mempertahankan partinya dan terpaksa berpinda parti yang berjuang dengan rakyat, " ujar Bumburing yang meminta pemimpin parti memikirkan isu ini sebelum membuat keputusan yang tidak popular seperti mengarahkan wakil rakyat meletakkan jawatan.
Dalam pada itu, Naib Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, yang sering disindir sebagai 'Katak' di dalam sejarah politik Sabah kerana sering melompat parti berpegang teguh kepada Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang menjamin kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia untuk memilih jalan atau halatuju politik mereka.
"Perkataan lompat tidak sesuai. Kita bukan melompat. Kita berhijrah daripada yang tidak baik kepada parti yang baik demi untuk memperjuangkan aspirasi rakyat kita. Walaupun parti kita besar, tetapi parti anggap kita sebagai pengacau kerana tidak bersetuju dengan dasar parti, maka pengundi minta kita hijrah, maka kita hijrahlah," kata Jeffrey yang membidas Barisan Nasional kerana lebih mengarahkan tuduhan kepada Pakatan Rakyat.
Menurut Jeffrey, bukan mereka yang memulakan isu berhijrah parti ini kerana BN yang merampas kuasa secara tidak sah setelah wakil rakyat PBS berhijrah kepada UMNO dan bukannya melalui pilihanraya secara sah.
"Apakah kalau mereka berhijrah kepada BN, maka ianya sah dan pembangkang pula jadi tidak sah?," tanya Jeffrey yang meyakini niat sebenar BN ialah untuk menghalang Pakatan Rakyat menumbangkan Kerajaan Persekutuan BN melalui penghijrahan beberapa ahli parlimen BN sebagaimana teori pecah dan perintah yang diamalkan BN pada 1994 di Sabah.
DeleteANTI-FROG LAW? UMNO relies on frogs to maintain its power since 1963!
Now, Dr Jeffrey can educate us that those places where he made a few stops are to be avoided. Those places are points of extinction of our species. Keep on the lead Dr Jeffrey. We want to be home. We will help rebuild this HOME OF OURS.
ReplyDeleteJust wait and see what JK can do through his new party, STAR.
DeleteSTAR will not go far.
DeleteSTAR will achieve its objectives.
DeleteWithout 1 vs 1, will the opposition be able to topple BN?
DeleteVote BN out b4 Sabah become more like a Philippine state. Look around you and you can't help but notice Filipino are everywhere competing in every field be it in sosio or commercial aspect with local. Many families have been ruined due to local married men marrying or having affairs with Filipino girls. Businesses run and own by Filipino are mushrooming everywhere. The situation is critical but our BN politicians are turning their back n play down the seriousness of the situation.
ReplyDeleteEven after BN is out from Sabah, dealing with the illegals will not be an easy task.
DeletePray for that one inspiration and we all know that the rest will require perspiration.
DeleteYes, indeed they are Malayan citizens.
DeleteNot Filipin state but Bugis country with Bugis CM in KK and Bugis PM in KL known as 1-Malaysia.
DeleteHidup 1-Bugis country Hidup 1-Malaysia
1 bugis 1 BN 1 PENIPU
DeleteYes indeed they re Malaysian citizen but is called citizen penipu. Wakakaka
DeleteCitizen haram
How about the Philippine Embassy and Consulate in Sabah?
DeleteThis is the attitude of the Philippine government. The less they have to deal with their own people especially the trouble makers of their south, the better off they will be. They can't even completely control what is happening in Mindanao, what makes us think they will even have the time and resources to deal with the illegals.
DeleteI'm sure Sabah would be rather in BN's hands than be in philippines's
DeleteI'm sure Sabahans would rather be in UBA hands than in BN/PR hands.
vote wisely!
DeleteVOTE BN OUT...
DeleteWilliam Wallace got his points there. PATI problems will be forever. Efforts are needed to lessen down the problems.
DeleteSiapa juga kasi manja ni pilak2 kalau bukan orang tempatan sendiri? Beli barang mereka, melanggan perempuan tagalog, ambil mereka bekerja tanpa pass etc..
DeleteMasalah pendatang haram harus diharamkan dan dihantar balik ke negara asal. Kerajaan filipin harus memberi kerjasama untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.
DeleteJeffrey the King of frogs accusing others for being frogs, what an irony.
ReplyDeleteHe just want to cover his own weakness.
Deletei dnt see why they would argue about this.
DeleteSabah BN leaders are fat frogs which can only be identified by the King of frogs.
DeleteJeff has no other way to defend himself than to blame others.. what a way.
Deletethere is no way to those who are accused frogging by Jeff can deny the fact...just admit it..come on be a man...no state of denial..
DeleteCommon thing in the country for members to jump ship when one party can no longer serve their self interests. Jeffrey is on example of excessive party hopping syndrome.
DeleteMay the innocent cast the first stone. Jeffrey certainly does not have the rights to do so.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey Kitingan is the King of all Frogs, guilty as charged.
Deletejika kenyataan Dr.Jeff betul2 salah bahawa tiada pemimpin politik di Sabah yang bukan berstatus katak politik...sila buat penafian terbuka yang mereka tidak pernah bertukar parti...end of story...saya cabar Datuk Musa mendahului pemimpin pertama menafikan beliau tidak pernah bertukar parti...
ReplyDeleteMusa bukan lompat parti.. USNO dibubarkan untuk memberi peluang kepada UMNO, jadi automatik pepimpin USNO akan menjadi pemimpin UMNO.
Deletesebanyak2nya pemimpin yang 'katak', JK lagi katak sebab 6 kali sudah lompat parti.
Deletejadi betul lah tiada pemimpin sabah yang labelnya bukan katak politik..???
Deleteorang lompat parti = orang tukar parti = orang itu katak
Deletejeff has the most party jump compared to other politicians. What does this tell you??
Deleteit did tell me that Jeff got more political experience compared to other politician...
DeleteMusa tiada masa mahu layan tohmahan merepek macam ni.
Deletebeliau sibuk dengan kes bank swiss dan duit 90j dollar...tolong memahami situasi beliau...
Deletemusa tidak lompat parti lah...yang kuat lompat parti ialah JK...
DeleteImej Jeffrey kurang memuaskan, bukan mudah jika rakyat untuk memberi sokongannya.
DeleteFrog or not is not important. What is important now is which frog can lead Sabah out of BN colony
ReplyDeleteRakyat akan menilai mana satu pemimpin yang betul2 perjuangkan hak dan kepentingan orang Sabah.
DeleteBN will definitely win in this election again. i see no point of letting oppositions to take over this time.
Deletejust to say ini kali lah...BN will definitely be end this time...
Deletedo we need a frog to lead sabah??
DeleteI can't imagine how sabah would turn out to be if a frog is the one leading sabah.
Deletejust imagine sabahan people living life in peace...
Deletejust imagine all our rights give back to us...
just imagine what is good...
Kalau benar semua katak, sekurang-kurangnya kita perlukan 'katak' yang ada wawasan dan pendirian. Bukan 'katak' di bawah tempurung. Lol
Deletejadi betul lah semua katak....??...
Deleteakhirnya mengaku juga....
you want a frog to be your leader? once he jumps again you will stay lugai2 loh...
DeleteJeffrey tetap adalah raja katak.
ReplyDeleteKamu ni pula pengampu apa ke benda?
DeleteApa sumbangan yang sudah JK beri dengan rakyat selama ni?
DeleteJeffrey has to shut up for his own good.
DeleteJeffrey must say more to save the people of Sabah from being cheated.
Deleteif Jeffrey shut up..it is not good for the people of Sabah...just continue to speak...
DeleteOnce a frog, always frog.
Delete"katak" hanyalah perkataan dan tak akan mempunyai impak langsung. Teruskan Dr. JK. Kami memerlukan pemimpin yang sabar dan berani.
DeleteJK memang raja katak lompat parti...
Deletedan bede hanya tahu cakap kosong saja..hheheh..
DeleteThat is the lamest excuse Jeff ever come up to defend himself.
ReplyDeletebut defend sabah rights was the top priority...is that wrong too...??
DeleteJeff is the king of all frogs.
ReplyDeleteand the king of all frogs fights so hard to reclaim sabah rights...but other frog just growing fat...
DeleteI dnt see y argue abt whose the frog.
Deleteso lets stop frog issue and just focus on how bad sabah umno/bn leaders has destroy our country...
Delete1. I.C project
2. NCR issue
3. petroleum royalty issue (sabah umno/bn leaders failed to raised this issue)
4. 20 points and autonomy issue..(salleh and umno the colonizer said it no longer valid)
...and more...
"frog" is mean to hop.....
ReplyDeletewhen we hop we go to another new place to transform.
so we hop to transform like new 1Malaysia.
Kita berubah untuk menjadi orang/pemimpin yang baru dan kita pergi se suatu tempat baru untuk memulakan hidup baru.
lompatan "katak" boleh mengubah kepimpinan yang lama kepada yang baru. teruskan dr. JK. kami akan melompat meninggalkan BN dlm PRU13 nanti.
(berhijrah kita ke kehidupan yang baru) kan islam juga mengajar penghijrahan.....
It depends on the reasons why some leaders want to 'frog' out from a party. If it's for their own personal interest only, they are called opportunist.
DeleteToo many opportunist in the country, all they care about are their own self interests and not sincere in fighting for the state and people.
Deleteyes you are definitely right and that suit for umno/BN leaders..they only care about their own self interest and only care about their pocket...there is no sincerity in umno/BN leaders to help the people..just topple them out..
DeleteAfter so many years, where did Jeffrey hid himself? Just when the election is around the corner then he wants to discuss about this. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteis the election around the corner..??..how you know that..??..its amazing...
DeleteSay whatever you want jeffry! You are not even better than the other politician. Actually i am very pity of you. I just realize that you are now talking about yourself.
ReplyDeleteIn the Malaysian General Election 2008, JK challenged his brother Datuk Joseph Pairin from BN-PBS at the Keningau Parliamentary Constituency, but lost.
Deletetime changed
Deletecondition changed
and the present word changed..
just to say...
lain kali lah...
Deletelain kali lah untuk bede bad...
DeleteYou better shut your mouth. You are not going to change what had happened and stop complaining. You did not do anything for the people and why should you want to voicing up like you are the real hero....
ReplyDeletewho do you think you are to order someone to shut up...you just show your undemocratic attitude..
Deleteshame on you..!!
JK is known to be a controversial politician, having been detained under the infamous Internal Security Act on suspicion of plotting to secede Sabah from the federation of Malaysia. He is also known to have switched political parties a number of times, being a former member of PBS, Parti BRS, AKAR Bersatu, and UPKO. In 2003, he applied to join the UMNO but his application was rejected.
ReplyDeletehe will turn to be a handsome prince...
ReplyDeletepilihlah frog yang paling campion, yang dapat lompatan paling jauh. Itulah yang manang. Ini kali lah. Ada frog yang siok-siok terima duit dan pura-pura membela rakyat tapi sebinarnya tambirang. ada frog yang gimuk, kurus, Bilang membilah rakyat tapi sabenarnya membela poketnya saja.
ReplyDeleteTapi lainlah dengan JFlah yang paling mempunyai aginda mau bilah rakyat sabah. Dia bilang sabah autonomi untuk kabaikan rakyat sabah. itu sangat sokong. ini kali lah
semua rakyat malaysia adalah katak.
ReplyDeleteNot sure whether STAR and Jeffrey can attract more votes?
ReplyDeletestar masih baru, entah dapat sokongan atau tidak.
DeleteBudaya lompat parti bukannya perkara ganjil lagi, memang kebiasaan di politik.
ReplyDeletekalau sering lompat parti, tu menunjukkan tidak tetap pendirian.
Deletetapi kalau asyik lompat saja bila tidak diberikan jawatan presiden parti, itu bukan perkara biasa sudah tu.. something wrong with the person..
DeleteWalau apapun, biarlah rakyat yang menentukannya.
ReplyDeleteIsu yang berkaitan dengan JK sebagai raja Katak ini mula dijawab oleh JK. Namun sebaliknya jawapan itu memakan diri sendiri. Sehinggakan melibatkan Datuk Musa pula dengan raja katak. Sedangkan diri sendiri lebih terkenal dengan lompat parti.
ReplyDeleteberdasarkan rekod JK rakyat pasti menilai sendiri dengan bijak.
Deleteisu ini nampaknya menjejaskan JK sekarang ini.
ReplyDeleteisu lompat parti ini memberikan imej yang buruk terhadap Jeffrey.
ReplyDeletebertambah2 buruknya bila JK menumumkan akan bertanding di semua kerusi di Sabah.. nampak sangat sikap gila kuasa beliau..
Deletemestilah dia defends diri dia sendiri.. itu tandanya dia mengaku yang dia adalah katak..
ReplyDeleteIt is a sad day for politics in Sabah when a politician uses "to look for solutions for Sabah" as an excuse to defend his hopping from one party to the next, said State Assistant Minister of Finance Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan.
ReplyDeleteHe said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan''s justification for party hopping was lame and did not hold water.
ReplyDeleteHe said being a so-called seasoned politician, Jeffrey also needed to get his historical facts right.
ReplyDelete"Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman did not jump from Usno to Umno as claimed by Jeffrey," he said in a statement.
ReplyDeleteTawfiq asserted that during a special Usno Assembly in 1991, all Usno branches and divisions made a unanimous decision to join Umno enblock.
ReplyDelete"It was then that Musa became an Umno member. In fact Musa joined Umno when the party was the opposition in the state at that time," he said.
ReplyDeleteTawfiq said Jeffrey, on the other hand, left PBS in 1994 to form new party, Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) but subsequently left it to join AKAR, and then left AKAR after failing to become president and rejoined PBS.
ReplyDeleteHe said Jeffrey again dumped PBS when he failed to get into the mainstream of the PBS leadership and after leaving PBS he tried to join UMNO before the 2004 election but was not accepted.
ReplyDelete"And history tends to repeat itself with Jeffrey rejoining PBRS but that decision was shortlived when he ditched the party after failing to unseat Kurup as president," he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said: "After more or less running the entire BN gamut, Jeffrey tried his luck with the opposition and joined Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)."