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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Msian Govt to respond Scorpene inquiry on June 26

The government will break its silence on developments in the ongoing French probe into alleged corruption linked to Malaysia’s purchase of two Scorpene-class submarines from shipbuilder DCNS.

"On June 26, I am going to reply on the matter (in there)," said Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi said, pointing to the chamber housing the Dewan Rakyat.

He was responding to a question on the alleged sale of a secret Royal Malaysian Navy document to the French at a press conference in the Parliament lobby today.

Quizzed on the subpoenas expected to be issued by the French court to himself and other Malaysian government ministers and officers, Zahid reiterated that he would reply on the same date.

Pressed further, he simply told reporters to "wait until the 26th".

"I cannot pre-empt the matter. You will have to come and listen then," he said.

The scandal surrounding the purchase of the submarines escalated when Malaysian human rights NGO Suaram lodged a complaint with the French court over the alleged payment of kickbacks, in contravention of French laws.

The French judiciary has launched an investigation into the deal, and available documents appear to implicate at least two Malaysian companies and several prominent personalities.

Zahid was among those said to be on the list of witnesses to be called.

The government has declined comment to date, with even parliamentary questions being rejected, until today's announcement.

By Hazlan Zakaria Malaysiakini


  1. Pelanduk boleh lupakan jerat tapi JERAT? Tunggulah langit ini rendah atau tinggi.


    1. What goes around will come around.

  2. Well can't wait to know the statement by government.

  3. ba ba ba black sheep, who's next?

  4. kita dengar apa respon dah kerajaan berhubung hal ini.

  5. can't wait to hear the progress of the issue.

    1. Kita tunggulah dan lihat apa penjelasan yang bakal diberikan mengenai isu ini.

  6. Zahid Hamidi will make his reply on the Scorpene issue next Tuesday, stay tuned.

  7. Guess everybody just can't wait to know the result!

  8. Siasat saja jangan tidak menyiasat. Kita ingin tahu juga kebenaran yang sebenar mengenai perkara ini.

    1. Siasatan harus sentiasa berterusan.

  9. Isu kapal selam ini kita perlu tunggu pengumuman seterusnya mengenai perkara ini.

    1. Pasti ramai rakyat yang ikut perkembangan pasal kapal2 ni.

  10. dari PRK hingga la PRN Sarawak, balik2 keluar isu konon Najib akan didakwa di mahkamah perancis.. tapi sampai sekarang beliau masih PM malaysia..
