By Daniel John Jambun
This year’s slogan for the national day celebration, “Janji ditepati” has courted a lot of controversy not only because it violates the sanctity of the national celebration by converting it into a BN election campaign but also because it is so easy to argue with. It was a mistake on the part of BN to have chosen the slogan because the statement of the slogan itself invites criticisms and arguments. BN has forgotten that the national celebration is for all Malaysians regardless of party affiliation, so BN is really making an outrageous blunder, or showing plain arrogance, by making even the national celebration its own celebration.
By doing so, BN has alienated the rakyat who are in the opposition. Now there is no reason for the opposition to celebrate the national day together because it has become “BN’s Day”! There is no reason for people in the opposition to be patriotic with the national day because to celebrate it means to support BN! BN has forgotten that its duty is to celebrate the national day on behalf of ALL the people. The national day belongs to the people NOT to BN! No wonder the number of flags being put up on shops, offices, houses and vehicles have suddenly dwindled to ALMOST ZERO compared to previous years. Now even the Jalur Gemilang has a strong tinge of BN’s arrogance so much so that many people no longer feel any patriotic feeling when they see flapping in the wind.
Is BN so desperate or so frightened of losing the next general election that it is using everything and anything it can get its hands on, even the people’s patriotic heritage to glorify itself? Or is it so overconfident or simply super-arrogant that it thinks that it will gain a lot of political mileage by making it a part of the BN propaganda? Apparently that is the case, and because of this the whole meaning of patriotism has been hijacked and damaged. From the BN’s viewpoint patriotism means supporting the BN while from the viewpoint of the opposition patriotism means saving the nation from the abuses of the BN! So now it is meaningless for the BN to appeal to the people’s sense of patriotism because when the Prime Minister or any top BN leader talks about patriotism they know it means only one thing, “Come and support the BN” and “Supporting the opposition means destroying the country.” So, in a way, being patriotic in Malaysia nowadays is to come in cahoots with robbers!
But back to the problem of “Janji Ditepati.” If we were to list and discuss all the issues which prove that this is not an honest statement, it would fill up several books. But here is a sampling of only a few cases.
One, the security for Sabah in Malaysia. When Sabah was considering whether to join the formation of Malaysia, the rational bandied about for doing so was the supposed threat from the Philippines which had been claiming Sabah and the threat by Sukarno’s konfrontasi to “Ganyang Malaysia” before the cockerel crows on the dawn of September 16, 1963, that without Malaysia, Sabah would be invaded and colonized by Indonesia. But strangely history had shown that these threats didn’t go far as proven by the fact that Brunei not only survived but prospered. And when we became part of the federation we didn’t really get the security that we were promised. Very ironically it were the Filipinos and Indonesians who actually invaded Sabah, not as military forces, but as illegal immigrants, and all the security forces of Malaysia – the army, the border police, the immigration officials – couldn’t or wouldn’t stop them! Where was the promise to guarantee us security?
Two, the promise not to ‘colonization’ of Sabah. Donald Stephens biggest worry was that Sabah would escape from the clutches of British colonialization and fall into being a colony of Malaya. The Tunku then made a promise that Sabah and Sarawak would not become the 12th and 13th states of Malaya. But this is what had happened. We are now unitary states instead of being independent, equal-partner nations in the federation as was originally understood. The promise not to colonize Sabah was flagrantly broken.
Three, there is no compliance by the federal government on the five constitutional documents and/or constitutional conventions (the Federal Constitution, the Malaysia Agreement, the 20 Points, the IGC Report, and the Batu Oath Stone) which formed the basis for Sabah & Sarawak’s equal partnership as nations in Malaysia.
Four, why wasn’t there a proper constitution drafted and passed? What we have is actually the constitution of the federation of Malaya amended to become what is now the “Federal Constitution” which is the real reason why it is not called the “Malaysian Constitution.” When they came up with the decision to use the Malayan constitution as a basis for the constitution we have now, there was already a hidden agenda. We were played out from even before the start of Malaysia.
Five, the rights and autonomy for Sabah. The 20 Points has many points which promised certain rights and autonomy for Sabah. These have now been taken away, eroded or simply denied, often without any proper legal process. That is why we no longer have freedom not to have any official religion, right to arrange our own education system, to determine our own immigration rules and to retain the collection of our own taxes and use it in accordance to our own economic plans. The 20 Points in fact is a list of not only broken promises but a list of rights and autonomy which were then taken away unceremoniously.
Six, we were not consulted before the decision was made to expel Singapore from Malaysia. This means Malaya thought that the views of Sabah and Sarawak as components of the federation were immaterial and irrelevant in matters of such a critical and vital decision as expelling a partner. This was simple arrogance, a condescending attitude, taking us for granted because our leaders in Sabah were seen as people who could be forced to accept Malaya’s decision. Only one leader, Donald Stephens, demanded for a review of the Malaysia Agreement and to silence him he was sent or “ice-boxed” to Australia as Malaysia’s ambassador.
Seven, the Sabah Baru promise. When BN took over the state government in Sabah in 1994, there was a huge announcement of a promise to create “Sabah Baru” (a New Sabah) within 100 days. Now after 18 years we do have a ‘new Sabah’ – a Sabah depleted of its natural forests which had caused the death of ecosystems and many rivers, a Sabah mired in poverty and abject poverty with 40 percent of Malaysia’s poor, a Sabah which is the poorest in Malaysia. BN had promised a dream but delivered a nightmare!
And the situation is not improving. In fact things are getting worse. The state continues to be flooded with illegal immigrants, and the solution is not forthcoming because the recently-announced RCI is not expected to solve it largely because it has no provision to penalize those culprits behind the problem, and that obviously it was announced only as an election ploy.
Janji ditepati? You be the judge.
ReplyDelete"One, the security for Sabah in Malaysia. When Sabah was considering whether to join the formation of Malaysia, the rational bandied about for doing so was the supposed threat from the Philippines which had been claiming Sabah and the threat by Sukarno’s konfrontasi to “Ganyang Malaysia” before the cockerel crows on the dawn of September 16, 1963, that without Malaysia, Sabah would be invaded and colonized by Indonesia. But strangely history had shown that these threats didn’t go far as proven by the fact that Brunei not only survived but prospered. And when we became part of the federation we didn’t really get the security that we were promised. Very ironically it were the Filipinos and Indonesians who actually invaded Sabah, not as military forces, but as illegal immigrants, and all the security forces of Malaysia – the army, the border police, the immigration officials – couldn’t or wouldn’t stop them! Where was the promise to guarantee us security?"
ALL of the rationales including the invasion threat used to support the creation of neo-colonial Malaysia have been proven to be totally false by history.
This leaves us with the big question why are we still trapped in the illusion of wanting Sabah or Sarawak to be part of Malaysia?
There is not reason to stay and ever reason to break up and leave Malaysia!
We have the economic resources and political experience which we sadly lacked in the 1960s.
We can go alone. Brunei by conscious decision (1863 & again in 1984 when UMNO tried to push Brunei to "join") and Singapore by political accident both excluded themselves from the clutches of UMNO.
They are the best proof of being free and independent. They by and large (allowing for the controls of the free market politics and economics) are masters of their own destinies .
So why should Sabah and Sarawak with all their resources continue to subsidise Malayan development and shackled as Malaya colonies?
DeleteSaudara Daniel let us not forget that before the current Indonesian and Filipino invasion, there was one other real military invasion.
If you are old enough to remember when the Brunei Uprising broke out on Dec 8 1962. Britain launch a massive invasion of some 60,000 troops with air and sea support to suppress the uprising and later the guerilla independence war in Sarawak which lasted till 1990.
Under the cover of this invasion, Malaya also sent in its fledging army participate in the suppression and killing of many real Borneo patriots and independence fighters.
This Malayan invasion and occupation army has remained and to took over the suppression of the independence war when the British "Commonwealth" army finally left in the early 1970s.
So using the threat of Indonesian/Filipino military threat, the Malayan army assisted by the British military might invaded Sabah and Sarawak and stayed ever since. This was the real invasion to cover up the Malayan annexation of Sabah and Sarawak.
This point needs to be made when Malayans and their hanger ons constantly used the Indonesian threat as an argument to support why Sabah and Sarawak should not leave the Malayan union!
There is not reason left for Sabah or Sarawak to remain in Malaysia.
We shall fly the Malayan colonial flag at half mast and upside down to display our anger over Malayan military occupation and colonial rule and looting on 31 August and 16 September...
The current political experience is mostly tuned in to the wrong station. It is not organically Sabah Station. And the wrong or artificial station, if you will, is raking in Sabah resources to prop up themselves. They control the airwaves. How can they be out tuned ? Digital needs help.
DeleteSabah needs Freedom to groom her talents. We need to redirect her energy to get her on the right stage with solid foundations. The stage has always looked so fragile with crooked structures. Demolish the unsafe platform. Rebuild. Use genuine building materials. Hire the right people. That's the tough one.
ReplyDeleteJanji Ditepati is a good slogan if it's true.
ReplyDeleteSemoga apa-apa janji yang telah diberikan akan ditepati sepenuhnya.
DeleteKalau kita lihat sekarang ini pun Kerajaan sememangnya telah mencuba yang termampu untuk memastikan setiap janji yang ada akan ditunaikan.
DeleteBuktikan kepada rakyat yang mana kerajaan mampu memberikan yang terbaik kepada semua.
DeleteSebenarnya menjadi masalah sebenarn adalah pihak pembangkang. Mereka yang masalah kerajaan. Apa-apa perkara yang baik dilakukan pasti akan hadir pelbagai kenyataan yang kurang tepat daripada pembangkang.
Deleteof course it is true..
Deletekalau rasa2 tak dapat tepati janji, samada janji terlalu banyak atau di luar kemampuan janganlah cuba2 untuk menabur janji. janji pakatan seperti memberi pendidikan percuma, royalti 20% adalah antara yang dilihat luar dari kemampuan.
Delete@ Slogan "Janji ditepati" adalah tidak patriotik.......
Deletemengenai pembangkang pula, teguran yang membina adalah sangat diperlukan dari pihak pembangkang, jadi kewujudan pembangkang adalah sangat perlu, tanpa mereka kerajaan akan menjadi sangat "besar kepala", menjadi sombong, angkuh tak tentu pasal dan lihat rakyat ni macam anjing saja. Lambat laun parti pembangkang akan menjadi 'kerajaan' selepas menumbangkan bekas kerajaan. jadi setiap kerajaan pastinya akan berusaha keras untuk menunaikan janji-janji itu.
Ini kalilah Sabah Merdeka 49 tahun.....!!!
Janji yang semata-mata untuk memancing undi, lihatlah apa akibatnya.
DeleteJika ikhlas untuk menunaikan janji, pasti rakyat akan terus memberi sokongan.
DeleteI'm being mundane. Tnen again this world is mostly of worldly championship/s. And as said that the heart wants what the heart wants. STAR has enough HEARTS actually throbbing for his/her love. Show us more of your differential advantage/s. Are you good to stand for DUN? If negative, what is your recourse
ReplyDeleteAm I reading a pre-thesis notes or what?
ReplyDeleteOften sabahan in records,amongst many leaders have strong soul,idealistic,talented but lack walk in action.
Until now many leaders and local group(s) still can't resolve to single and common understanding to set a unique goal to score.Do you get me right?Hope I am not wrong!
Have a good deep breathe and ask yourselves as sabahan when the so-called "talented and expert" can reach agreement in unity with one strong force to make change practically?
Star not really shining bright but gloomy though.Haven't you see times are short and very limit as days are near yet still keep talking and negotiating for terms and conditions with no progress at least officially applause by your people.
Good luck Daniel boy!
With sarcastic people like you of course things never get done- such as working for our independence from Malaya!
DeleteExpressing our thoughts for independence is a good start. Instead of critising do something worthwhile for Sabah.
Independence does not come on a silver platter as we learn by having been forced into "Malaysia"
But every effort will make a difference!
For all his faults and weaknesses in more vigourously insisting on Sabah not becoming part of Malaysia, Donald Stephens did resist Malaya's colonising efforts to steal our oilfields and Malayanise Sabah.
So he is remember for his resistance- a smidgeon of patriotism, but people remember him.
STAR must unite with SAPP and all Sabah compatriots to free Sabah from Malayan colonial rule and the illegal migrant invasion which UMNO failed to stop.
Unite for a free Sabah!
Star ni pun siok sendiri sudah bah..
DeleteKami sedang menunggu kamu bergabung (STAR + SAPP) untuk jadi mantap, bebaskan Sabah...!!!
DeleteBergabunglah...bebaskan Sabah.......!
Perhaps STAR should seriously look into making English as another official language in Sabah. Make it one mission of STAR. It is difficult to communicate in English when people are not on the same page . We all know the importance of having a good command of English.
ReplyDeleteSTAR, avasi no kopizo daa oh gaung do kitombituon. Songian di kagaung, goungon toiko gumaung? Uhaa no mintong kopizo gaung di noihaan no do au kosudong. Mogot umbosian toiko povosion kopizo oh gaung do STAR. Kivaa po dati totodukon poguhu ih humusu? Kada do au vagu kouha songian oikot timpu mananggaung.
ReplyDeleteKoiho no baino. Nung fashion tavasi oh gansing ka nga om maagansing will be considered as cool or in/it. How uncool is that?
...?? ooonu nodii booson nu diti oi gundohing... au olotian oh boos nu..?? tigoog poh om onggilis vagu oh pompod do suat nu...
DeleteOdoi, au cool oh binoohingan diho. Komozon nopo do gansing diho nga BN. Goson noogi kozo booson. Mingboos kopizo pasal diho miaga ih do popobuu dootiho
DeleteMogot pakazon timpu do kovosian sondii (STAR). Monuat kovosian do STAR
Memang ada banyak yang belum ditepati namun kita harus faham kerana bukan semua dpat diselesaikan dengan sekelip mata.
ReplyDeleteya la...apa2 pun kerajaan sentiasa berusaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada rakyat.
Deleteso, kalau janji belum dapat ditepati janganlah minta bayar budi dalam PRU13, Malaysia belum pun sampai 55 tahun 16 sept'1963 - 31 Ogos'2012.(kerana Malaysia tidak ujud sebelum 31 Ogos 1963 - fakta sejarah)dan jangan sekali-kali mempolitikan hari kemerdekaan.....dan jangan berjanji kalau janji tidak dapat diselasaikan tepat pada tarikh perlaksanaanya. fahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam....???????!!
Deletepaling mudah, 'jangan banyak berjanji'. nanti kalau banyak janji tidak ditunaikan, bertambahlah bising terutama pembangkang2 yang suka ambil kesempatan.
Deleteyang penting usaha perlu berterusan untuk memenuhi keperluan rakyat.
DeletePerancangan diperlukan. Semoag setiap janji yang dibuat dapat ditunaikan.
DeleteSetiap pelaksanaan projek dan rancangan memerlukan masa. Jadi, tunggulah dengan sabar.
DeleteWalaupun begitu rakyat juga kena sama2 memberi sokongan antara satu sama lain untuk memastikan semua janji dapat ditepati pada masanya.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan kena lebih agresif dalam membawa kebahagiaan kepada rakyat.
ReplyDeleteiyah betul... perbanyakkan PATI di sabah dan beri diurang IC/mykad... terbaik......!!!!kerajaan yg agresiflah tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......
DeleteKita bahagiaaaaaaaaaa..................ada PATI
Kita bahagiaaaaaaaaaa..................ada PATI
Kita bahagiaaaaaaaaaa..................ada PATI
thanks umNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................!!!!!!!
Smeua yang dirancang tidak akan berjaya tanpa ada sokongan antara mereka.
ReplyDeleterakyat juga kena menyokong usaha2 kerajaan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat..
Deletesetiap perancangan memerlukan komitmen daripada semua pihak.
DeleteKerajaan harus memantau projek yang dijalankan agar mencapai kejayaannya.
DeleteRakyat hanya boleh mengharapkan yang terbaik.
ReplyDeleteBah, harap berharap mengharap sampai langit jatuh. Rakyat boleh membuat sesuatu dengan bertindak.
DeleteI just read a comment saying that Singapore is the richest country in the world on a per capital basis because of the entry of many millionaires and billionaires into the country. Even if they would just up and away if things didn't go their way they would leave something positive to emulate.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of immigrants are we contending with in Sabah, again? Are they an exemplary lot?
yang menjanjikan sabah baru dalam 100 hari tu ialah Anwar...
ReplyDeleteyang menjanjikan sabah baru dalam 100 hari tu ialah Anwar...sekarang, anwar menjanjikan perkara yang serupa..mahu percaya anwar lagikah?
ReplyDeleteAnwar memang manis mulut, tapi rakyat pasti sudah kenal dengan beliau ni.
DeleteParti mana yang tidak membuat janji? Sejauh mana setiap janji boleh ditunaikan?
DeleteBetul kata Josh, parti mana yang tidak berjanji. Rakyat sendiri harus membezakannya benarkah janji itu boleh ditunaikan.
Deletepembangkang pun suka berjanji juga, tapi janji mana yang sudah tertunai oleh pembangkang?
ReplyDeleteKerajaan PAS menjanjikan rakyat Kelantan bahawa mereka akan menunaikan Perjanjian 22 perkara sejak PRU-12, tapi sehingga kini mereka masih belum lagi melaksanakannya. Rakyat Kelantan sudah bosan dengan kerajaan PAS yang mungkir janji dan mungkin akan memberi mandat kepada kerajaan BN pada PRU-13. Kita tunggulah dan lihat.
Deletebiar rakyat yang menilai sendiri..rakyat pasti dapat menilai apa yang mereka nikmati..
ReplyDeletePerjanjian 20 perkara tidak ditunaikan juga? Apa tindakan selanjutnay kerajaan terhadap perjanjian ini?
ReplyDeletePerjanjian 20 Perkara ini perlulah dikaji semula untuk memastikan sama ada ia masih sah ataupun tidak.
Deletebaguslah jika kerajaan berhasrat untuk membawa negara lebih berkembang, setiap warga dapat menikmati perubahan dari segi kehidupan.
ReplyDeleteSemoga kerajaan akan menepati semua janji kepada rakyat supaya rakyat akan terus memberi mandat kepada BN.
DeletePakatan Rakyat takut gunakan slogan Janji Ditepati kerana mereka tidak pernah menepati janji-janji mereka.
ReplyDeleteNegeri Pakatan akan menggunakan 3 tema Hari Merdeka yang berlainan kerana tidak bersetuju dengan menggunakan slogan Janji Ditepati. Ini menunjukkan mereka tidak sepakatan.
ReplyDeleteJanji Ditepati adalah satu slogan umum yang tidak lari dari ungkapan biasa sebagaimana slogan-slogan lain dalam sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan yang lalu dan ia dijadikan sebagai isu oleh pemimpin pembangkang kerana mereka ketandusan bahan politik..
ReplyDeleteTerbukti bahawa pakatan pembangkang ini kekontangan isu dan akan menjadikan apa saja yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan sebagai bahan politik termasuklah slogan kemerdekaan ini..
ReplyDeletePasti pembangkang berusaha melontarkan hasutan pada segala persiapan hari kemerdekaan.
DeleteKetika pihak pembangkang terus fobia dengan Janji Ditepati", nyata slogan tersebut menarik minat Barack Obama sehinggakan beliau turut menggunakan slogan sama Promises Kept" (janji ditepati) dalam kempen pilihan raya Presiden bagi penggal baru beliau.
ReplyDeletePembangkang akan terus sabotaj slogan "Janji ditepati" untuk menarik perhatian rakyat kepada pembangkang.
Deletesemua janji yang diberikan haruslah ditepati.
ReplyDeleteMaintenance of racial unity is one of the promises to the people that the Barisan Nasional government has fulfilled, besides ensuring development and economic stability.
ReplyDeleteDeputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the policies implemented by the government had successfully fostered and strengthened unity among the people of the various races and religions.
ReplyDeleteIt is the government promise to the people, to the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Iban, Kadazan, Dusun and so on …. Our government has to create a situation conducive for good relations among the people.
ReplyDeleteCooperation and unity have been in place for more than 55 years, most successfully.
ReplyDeleteMuhyiddin said that according to the sociological theory, a country with a multi-racial population would face problems in race relations, but added that this had not occurred in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteHe said the book ‘The Plural Society’, written by sociologist M.G. Smith, stated that countries with a multi-racial population would face prolonged racial problems.