Neither Chief Ministers, Musa Aman nor Taib Mahmud, have any right to re-negotiate the states' oil rights; "only" the respective State Legislative Assemblies can do that.
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Barisan Nasional government will be making the same ‘mistake’ it did more than 30 years ago by agreeing to negotiate its oil rights with the federal government, a politician here has warned.
Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Liawan vice-chairman Joseph Wilfred Lakai said today that there was no necessity to re-negotiation terms between the East Malaysian states and federal government on the Petroleum Agreement 1976 .
“Why should Sabah and Sarawak renegotiate the Petroleum Agreement when even in the first agreement Malaya did not honour the terms?”
He said that being the main producers of oil, Sabah and Sarawak should rightly be the sole beneficiary of the oil income.
Lakai claimed that the terms of the agreement are not only lopsided but grossly unfair to the oil-producing states.
He said records showed that in 1976 Sabah and Sarawak’s right to their oilfields were signed away for just 5% “royalty” which seems not to be what it really is.
“Malaya did not honour the agreement and all the other agreements including the 20 Points Malaysia Agreement for Sabah and 18 Points Malaysia Agreement for Sarawak. Malaya had repudiated the terms.
“Sabah and Sarawak are not bound by these Agreement to the extent where they are entirely for the benefit of Malaya. If these agreements are voided then Sabah and Sarawak are free from all the legal lies with Malaya,” he told FMT today.
Lakai, a pilot, accused the Malaya-centric government of acting as a colonial master by annexing, Malayanising and looting Sabah and Sarawak since 1963 to fulfill its objective to create a “Greater Malaysia”.
“Today, both the Chief Minister of Sabah and Sarawak wants to re-negotiate…(but) the issue is that the petroleum belongs to the people not the leaders.
“They have no right to re-negotiate on behalf of the people,” Lakai said.
He pointed out that only the State Legislative Assembly of both states have that power to re-negotiate on this matter.
The SAPP leader also questioned the need to export petroleum from Labuan and gas from Bintulu.
“Who collects the export tax? Why does Sabah and Sarawak have no say to the export tax? What about tax on petroleum products into Sabah and Sarawak? Why is Sabah and Sarawak not getting any of it,” Lakai said.
On the 5% royalty Sabah and Sarawak are now being paid by the federal government, Lakai said it was never a royalty but total sale based on FOB.
“The global petroleum and gas price for the last two decades was excellent. Why does the amount paid to the state government remain constant,” he said.
Meanwhile, the SAPP leader agreed with Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) chief Jeffrey Kitingan that the 5% is a cash payment payable by Petronas under Section 4 of the Petroleum Development Act, 1974 and had nothing to do with royalties.
Kitingan had last week said the the cash payment was in return for the ownership and the rights, powers, liberties and privileges of the oil and gas resources vested to Petronas by the state.
Furthermore, Section 4 provides that the cash payment is to be agreed between the parties, and not imposed upon.
Jeffrey said the general opinion was that the existing oil agreement is unconstitutional and invalid because it was not only unfair but infringed fundamental state rights.
The conclusion that could be drawn, he said, was there was unlikely to have been any negotiations in 1976 for the amount of the cash payment.
If terms had been properly negotiated, Sabah would not have ended up at a mere 5% for transfer of ownership of the oil and gas resources to Petronas.
Jeffrey also pointed out that then Chief Minister Harris Salleh, who signed the oil royalty agreement in 1976, recently stated that the Sabah was forced to accept the five per cent cash payment.
Both previous Sabah chief minister Tun Mustapha Harun and Tun Fuad Stephens had refused to sign away the state’s oil rights for the extremely low rates it would get in return.
Joseph Bingkasan
I haven't read the whole article. But the heading reminds me of Alcoholic Anonymous. Wonder why it's normally conducted in a group? Mabuk kepayanglah kalau seorang-seorang. Two is dangerous still. Endlessly with bottoms up.
ReplyDeleteCouch potato. Tapi ada juga belajar sikit-sikit.
Tapi jangan jadi couch potato bila PRU-13.
DeleteTidak sama sekali pun Datuk Harris dan Datuk Musa. Rasanya Datuk Harris banyak sangat melakukan kesilapan. Namun tidak dengan Datuk Musa Aman.
DeleteKalau kita lihat banyak kelemahan yang ada pada pentadbiran Datuk Haris bukan. Tapi Datuk Musa pula telah membangunkan sabah dengan pesat.
DeleteJual Labuan dan tandatangani 5% royalti minyak-ini memang suatu kesilapan yang cukup memberi impak pada Sabah.
DeleteHarris, you better step off.
Deletemusa tidak akan mengulangi kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh harris salleh...bahkan musa cuba membetulkan kesilapan tersebut..harris salleh yang menyebabkan kita kehilangan royalti minyak dan gas yang sepatutnya serta kehilangan labuan...jadi kita patut mempersalahkan harris dan menyokong musa aman..
DeleteSaya juga yakin Musa tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan lampau. Beliau pasti akan terus berusaha memperbaiki keadaan.
DeleteHarris is just another piece of shit. He is so pathetic. Why he has to compare Musa with him?
DeleteMusa mungkin akan diarah Najib undur diri oleh kerana hilang sokongan rakyat.
DeleteBanyak yang kecewa dengan Harris sebenarnya.
DeleteHow can musa or taib negotiate With fed govt for what the oil & gas that belong to Sabah & Sarawak? We should have a large portion of the oil & gas, and only contribute to fed govt perhaps 10 per cent. To solve this problem, Sabah should leave Malaysia and take control of our own destiny. We can not trust Malayan parties to continue to divide and rule over us. No doubt, we are now matured and can governance on our own and not to depend on outstanders.
ReplyDeleteI suspect you are working for the Philippines government for poisoning Sabahans mind that we should leave Malaysia, so it make things easier for the Philippines to recapture Sabah as their state.
DeleteMalayan people should just stay in Malay. We are Sabahans and we are eligible to get more. That's a promise.
DeleteIt's the true Sabahans that decides if they want to go for independence and not to be continued colonization by Malayans.The umno/bn supporters will use fear tactic to scare the raykat of foreign govt take over Sabah --don't forget people power is more powerful.umno/bn can go back to Malaya and fight among themselves there.
DeleteIt's the true Sabahans to decide whether to go for independence and to discard the colonization of Sabah by Malayans. Only the umno/bn supporters/ leaders will use fear tactic to scare the rakyat that foreign govt will take over Sabah -- don't forget people power is more powerful. Umno/bn can go back to Malaya and continue their fight among themselves over there.
Deletemengapa pula tidak boleh?
DeleteThere is nothing wrong for Sabah to find its way out but merely politicizing all the things, I don't think that helps.
DeleteSepatutnya kita gunakanlah peluang dalam PRU13 ini untuk menentukan kita memiliki 100% hasil minyak hanya untuk negeri Sabah sahaja.
ReplyDelete"To solve this problem, Sabah should leave Malaysia and take control of our own destiny. "<--- I do agree
Sons of the soil
Tips of Borneo
Northern Borneo
89058 KUDAT.
Keluar dari Malaysia dan jatuh dalam tangan Kerajaan Filipin. Jangan lupa bahawa Filipin masih belum memadamkan hasrat untuk melepaskan Sabah sebagai salah satu negeri mereka.
Deletesiapa berani bagi janji 100% royalti minyak?? Anwar 20%, JK 50%, Oil for Future Movement 70%. tiada yang 100%. yang 20% pun sudah nampak mustahil.
Delete100% royalti minyak dari pembangkang? Memang memalukan.Sedangkan air percuma pun bukan 100% diterima oleh orang Selangor.Ada hati nak lebih2.
Deletecakap saja lebih...tapi otak tiada...
DeleteYou're a dickhead alright, dickson
DeleteMustahil untuk dapat 100% la... Dan tak logik juga kalau royalti kekal 5% dalam keadaan ekonomi sekarang. Sedangakan diskaun pun paling rendah 10%.. hehehhe
DeleteIsu royalties seharus dikaji agar perubahan boleh dibuat.
DeleteWhy have to negotiate Sabah and Sarawak Rakyats are the owners of these Gas & Oil la...... Malaysia is non- existent without Sabah & Sarawak, come on Sabahans & Sarawakians lets join hand and move out as UNITED BORNEO MERDEKA !!!!
ReplyDeleteEasy for you to say.
DeleteUnited Borneo Merdeka? Such a lousy name though.
Deleteni pun cakap saja banyak tapi otak tiada...emosi saja berlebih-lebih..
DeleteWell how about you start it first?
DeleteThanks Lakai. I have learned something from your writing, and from that I have made up my mind. I will fully utilise my right in this coming PRU 13 by voting Sapp. God bless
ReplyDeleteNo one will bother you though.
Deletebuang masa saja kau undi tu SAPP...pasti kalah punya tu SAPP...
Deleteya kah??Macam mana u tau SAPP pasti kalah ah?? daniel
DeleteKita berhak buat pilihan mahu undi siapa. Namun harus diingat kita undilah yang terbaik demi masa depan yang mengembirakan.
DeleteMemang betul tu. Kita berhak memilih siapa yang kita nak.
DeleteNever trust sharp nose leaders...!! kampung style comment..
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell are you saying?
DeleteSiapakah gerangan yang sharp nose tu ya?
ReplyDeleteSaya pun hairan kenapa tiba-tiba ada komen macam tu, apa maksudnya sebenarnya?
Deleteeh, janganlah hairan. Kan hidung mancung ada tarikan. Tengok lama-lama tak nampak jalan, terperonyok kaki tu hah, masuk lubang, hah kan dah terperangkap?
DeleteI think this is just part of the games.
DeleteKamu tidak tahukah Haris Sama Musa ada persamaan? jadi jangan hairan kenapa dia dia bikin kesilapan yg sama. Kesamaan dorang ini ialah Pakistan. Bodoh..
ReplyDeleteGambar di atas tu kan berlainan?
DeleteMacam mana kamu boleh buktikan bahawa Musa Aman dan Haris Salleh adalah keturunan Pakistan? Tak masuk akal langsung.
DeleteTertempias Mahathir. Licik...
Deletecuba senaraikan apa persamaan mereka..
DeleteThere is nothing to do with Pakistani look or something. We are talking about serious things here.
DeleteTak cukup sabun nanti. Dan jenama yang kebiasaan adalah generic. Nak cuci cari jenama sendiri
Deletemusa dan harris tiada persamaan...musa adalah lebih baik dari harris..
DeleteDaripada parti import, Bagus saya ambi Parti Maju Sabah Saks lah'.
ReplyDeleteSaya pun menolak parti import, tapi sokongan saya bersama Parti Bersatu Sabah.
DeleteUPKO is local based party also.
Deletesamalah...PBS, UPKO, LDP parti tempatan..
DeleteAll these local Bn parties are the stooges of Putrajaya and their are only interested to fight for their own agendas and becoming the subservient of Putrijaya.
DeleteAre we Sabahans, all along being cheated by these Malayans for all these years..I believe so, we were not that smart before, but we are now smart enough to know and time to demand what we have lost.
ReplyDeleteWe need to regain our autonomy, which we rightfully deserve, we are not servants of the Malayans, Sabah and Sarawak, especially Sabah, must now use your very important right and power...ie. your vote to vote out UMNO and any other alien parties other than our local parties, not aligned with BN.
i believe the people know which party to vote. If they want to vote UMNO, let them.
DeleteMalayan parties should just off from Sabah's hands. In fact, we need more forces to make sure our rights are well protected.
Deletejust let the people choose who to vote...no need to influence them..
DeleteAt first the opposition kept calling on the Chief Minister asking him to re-negotiate the oil rights with the Federal Government, now they are saying only the State Legislative Assembly can do so?
ReplyDeleteOpposition is very confuse to what they want. This shows that if they become a government, they will have problem in their leadership skill.
DeleteThey just make this issue as a political tools. no wonder.
DeletePembangkang putar belit cerita saja supaya rakyat keliru.
DeleteI don't know what is the real purpose of condemning the government about this thing. After all, Harris is the one who should be blamed.
Deletepembangkang hanya tahu putar belit...
DeleteNo negotiation, no changes will be seen. The Prime Minister said he will set up a special committee to look into the oil royalty rights for East Malaysians in a fair manner.
ReplyDeletesemoga akan ada hasil yang positif mengenai pekara ini nanti.
Deletehopefully there will be positive feedback.
Deletehope oil royalty can will be increase more than 5%.
DeleteHe will walk his talk and I believe he will do his best to deliver his promises.
DeleteApa yang pasti ialah kerajaan memang komited untuk menyelesaikan masalah.
Deletewell, PM should also setting up a special committee to look into the oil royalty issue for all oil-producing states...
DeleteKerajaan tidak runding, pembangkang marah. Kerajaan runding, pembangkang pun marah. Memang sukar untuk memuaskan semua orang.
ReplyDeletepembangkan semua pun mereka mahu salahkan, runding salah tidak runding pun salah.
Deleteapa ba pembangkang mahu nie.. make up your mind opposition!
Deletemacam pembangkang sengaja marah kerajaan.
DeleteNama pun pembangkang. Semua pun mereka mahu bangkang. Semua pun tidak betul di mata mereka.
Deletepembangkang memang macam tu...semua pun dia saja yangg betul...
DeleteThe opposition has done nothing for Sabah though.
DeleteBN has done nothing for Sabah only false promises since 1963.
DeletePM Datuk Najib announced a special committee to review oil royalties would be formed is described by the CM Datuk Musa Aman as another good and positive sign of a caring BN government.
ReplyDeleteBN is always concern about Sabah. Hopefully everything will goes well for the oil royalties issue.
DeleteLike Dompok said, the committee to review oil royalty for Sabah Sarawak must be different from what they have for Semenanjung.
DeletePM najib razak sentiasa mendengar suara hati rakyat sabah..
DeleteHe is coming to Sandakan for the opening of UMNO Zone 5. Let's hope another good news for Sabah.
DeleteDatuk Musa Aman tidak akan melakukan kesilapan yang sama seperti Harris. Beliau mengambil inisiatif untuk berbincang mengenai royalti minyak Sabah. Sepatutnya kita sebagai rakyat Sabah berasa gembira dan menyokong tindakan tersebut. Dan berharap royalti minyak akan lebih adil bagi Sabah.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Sabah menyokong inisiatif kerajaan Sabah untuk membincang isu royalti minyak bersama kerajaan persekutuan. Semoga peratusan royalti minyak untuk Sabah dan Sarawak boleh ditingkatkan melebihi 5% yang dipersetujui oleh Datuk Harris Salleh sebelum ini. Kita tunggulah dan lihat.
Deleteusaha yang dibuat musa disokong oleh rakyat Sabah.
DeleteMusa is much much better than Harris! Harris tahu jual Labuan saja loh..
Deleteya...musa aman tidak sama dengan harris...nasib baik harris bukan lagi KM sabah...kalau tidak, habis tanah di sabah dia jual bagi persekutuan seperti apa yang dia buat pada labuan..
DeleteThe United Sabah Chinese Communities Association Kota Kinabalu (USCCAKK) president John Lim Yu Sin said Sabahans would certainly enjoy the economic benefits when the oil royalty is reviewed.
ReplyDeleteHopefully after the special committee that the Prime Minister have set up will help bring an increase of oil royalties for Sabahans. We shall wait for the good news.
Deleteharap2 royalti minyak akan dinaikkan sekurang-kurangnya 20%...
Delete“The hike in the oil royalty can be likened to an increase in our monthly salary, imagine how many things we can do especially in accelerating the development and transformation of this state,” said John.
ReplyDelete“The State will have a bigger budget to spend when we have more oil royalty money, allowing the government to implement projects to improve the people’s wellbeing,” he said in welcoming the statement by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman on Tuesday that the 5 per cent royalty review was open for discussion with the federal government.
“This is a positive move, thanks to the close and cordial relationship established between the Chief Minister and the federal leadership, which had profited the state a lot over the years,” he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said it is up to the State Government’s wisdom to discuss the matter and how much increment we deserved.
ReplyDelete“Obviously, the more the better as this has been overdue for four decades. It is high time, we sit down together to discuss and improve the agreement which I believe the federal government will land us a good deal in view of the sheer size of the state which need a lot of funds to be developed,” said John.
ReplyDelete“I hope the call to review the oil royalty would not be seen as a demand by the federal government but a reward for our unwavering loyalty and to support to the BN led government,” he added.
John said it was nothing wrong for Sabah to discuss the matter as we believe our Prime Minister is always open to hear suggestions.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Najib Razak has listened to the people on many issues, the people wanted RCI, he gave us that, the people wanted to review the oil royalties, he is open for that too. We should look at this as a positive experience.
DeleteTidak mustahil isu royalti juga akan dapat pertimbangan sewajarnya.
Deletekalau RCI boleh ditubuhkan, memang tidak musthil juga bagi royalti minyak.
Delete“Furthermore this is also the voices and wishes of the people,” said John, adding that the USCCAKK comprised 15 outstanding Chinese associations and 20,000 members.
ReplyDeleteThe fight for higher oil royalty rights is indeed the hopes of Sabahans and Sarawakians, its good that the Federal and State government both agreed to review this issue.
DeleteMeanwhile, SAPP deputy president Datuk Eric said Sabahans can anticipate another good news if the Prime Minister decides to announce the increase of the oil royalty in his next visit to Sabah said to be next month.
ReplyDeleteI hope Eric Majimbon is right on this, it would be great news to Sabah if the Prime Minister did decided a hike on the oil royalties during his visit to Sabah on September 2. We shall wait and see.
Deletehopefully we will hear a good news from PM..
Delete“Could the Prime Minister announce the increase of oil royalty to Sabah from 5 per cent to 20 per cent as demanded by the opposition or should he increase at least 30 per cent to top up and silence the pressure groups in Sabah and Sarawak,” said the Sepanggar MP.
ReplyDelete“Sabah revenue budget could surely increase by RM8 billion, thus we would have a surplus budget,” he said when commenting on the Chief Minister’s statement.
Majimbun said the demand to increase the oil royalty for Sabah from the federal government does not have to seek approval from the State Legislative Assembly as what the Sarawak Chief Minister has stated.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the Sabah dan Sarawak Chief Ministers will discuss this issue with the Federal Government to fight for higher oil rights for the people.
DeleteAs the chief administrator of the state, the Chief Minister has the responsibility to shoulder the people demand, something that the Umno-led BN government should replicate to look after the wellbeing of Sabahans, he stated.
ReplyDeleteThe Sabahans and Sarawakians oil rights should be taken care of, hopefully the state government will continue to champion the people's needs.
DeletePrime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was a caring leader who was always prepared to listen to the people and their needs. Datuk Musa Aman believes that the royalty issue is open for discussion and what's important is that we scrutinise the matter and reach the best decision for the mutual benefit of all concerned.
ReplyDeleteNajib announced that a special committee would be set up to study the petroleum royalty payments involving the eastern states of Peninsula Malaysia, in a fair and transparent manner.
ReplyDeleteThe committee was given six months to study the issue before submitting its proposals to the federal government.
The RCI and Oil Royalty review has been raised up by PBS since 1985. It's good that the current government finally pays attention to what really matter to the people.
ReplyDeleteYa itu lebih penting sebab kita mahukan penyelesaian demi kebaikan semua.
Deleteperjuangan PBS tidak sia-sia..
DeletePayung tu tak sesuai. Guna pakai yang memang khas untuk Sabah barulah.
ReplyDeletePerjanjian cakap 5% jadi sekarang ni Musa mahu negotiate,so kita patut sokong dia dan bukannya asyik fikir -ve saja.
ReplyDeleteya, usaha musa adalah baik dan patut disokong.
Deletekita harus sokong musa aman...
Deletesokongan padu harus diberikan kepada musa aman...
DeleteTerlalu lama saya tak lawat laman sesawang, ini pula isu yang paling hangat diperdebatkan oleh pelayar laman. Harap usaha Musa berjaya.
ReplyDeleteApa yang penting sekarang ialah usah amusa membuahkan hasil. Tak perlu pedulikan hal lain dulu sebab kalau royalti naik kita pun happy juga kan.
ReplyDeleteSemoga semuanya berjalan seperti yang rakyat harapkan:)
ReplyDeleteAdakah PM akan naikan royalti minyak??? Sukar untuk dijawab tapi memandangkan keprihatinan Najib terhadap Sabah, tidak mustahil royalti akan dinaikan.
ReplyDeletememandangkan PRU13 akan datang, tidak mustahil royalti akan dinaikan.
Deletemesti najib naikkan...kalau tidak, masalah akan timbul...lagipun pru13 kan makin hampir..
DeleteIsu ini makin hangat diperkatakan. Walaupun ramai yang harap agar hal ini tidak dipolitikkan, namun bila fikir semula ia tetap berkait rapat dengan politik.
ReplyDeletepembangkang yang mempolitikkan isu ini...sebab jika royalti dinaikkan, pembangkang sudah tidak ada isu untuk jadi modal pru13..
DeleteTerpulang pada pemimpin tertinggi untuk buat keputusan sebab menaikkan royalti minyak atau mengubah sesuatu perjanjian bukan senang dan ia harus dibuat dengan lebih teliti.
ReplyDeletemoga keputusan terbaik akan dibuat.
DeleteSemua pihak patut fokus kepada kenaikan royalti dan bukannya ambil kesempatan nak cari kelemahan pihak lain. Jika itu yang berlaku susahlah isu ini ditanggani nanti.
ReplyDeletedaripada mengambil kesemptan nak cari kelemahan pihak lain, baik semua pihak bekerjasama untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada isu tersebut.
Deleteada-ada saja isu yang ditulis demi kepentingan politik sesetengah pihak.
ReplyDeletetypical of opposition leaders to find the government weakness to use it against them.
Deletepembangkang memang pandai cari isu, tapi bagi saya Musa sedang berusaha untuk rakyat Sabah termasuklah bersedia untuk membincangkan mengenai royalti tersebut.
ReplyDeletethat is what opposition for. They look for all kinds of issue to use it against the government.
DeleteWhat say you if Musa isn't making the same mistakes as Harris instead doing much better than Harris?
ReplyDeleteIf he made a same mistake as Harris, for a long ago Sabah would be sold to Malaya like Labuan.
ReplyDeleteya betul tu...musa aman langsung tidak sama dengan harris...sedikit persamaan pun tiada..
DeleteSame mistake by both Harris and Musa...making Sabah the biggest loser and the poorest.
DeleteWe see 1st how's the progress, but make sure we give attention to result.
ReplyDeleteItulah sebaiknya. Perkara macam ni susah sangat nak tahu apa yg akan berlaku seterusnya.
DeleteKita lihat sajalah nanti siapa sebenarnya yang terbaik buat rakyat. Rakyat pasti ada pilihan mereka masing-masing.
ReplyDeleteJadi kita lihatlah kepada majoriti ya. hihihi
ReplyDeletePasti ada pihak yang sengaja mahu menbgeruhkan lagi ketegangan politik di Sabah dengan harapan dapat menjatuhkan Musa. Harap rakyat dapat menilai sebaik nya.
ReplyDeleteAll the best kepada Musa dalam usahanya menyelesaikan kemelut yang timbul.
ReplyDeleteKenapa pula Musa disamkaan dengan Harris? Macam takda saja kerja penulis ni oo.
ReplyDeleteNmaun terpulanglah pada pembaca sendiri untuk mennetukannya. Susah mahu cakap kalau hal dah jadi macam ni.
ReplyDeletemusa byk bawa pembangunan kepada Sabah.
ReplyDeletekepimpinan musa jauh lebih baik dari harris.
ReplyDeletekita patut sokong Musa dalam perbincangan untuk menaikan royalti
ReplyDeleteIn the last five years, after appropriating the Best Chief Minister’s title, Musa has calibrated his communication with people through the language of development. That has clicked with people because the subtext of his act says that under Musa’s rule you could make money and have a comfortable life without many political, communal or social disturbances.
ReplyDeleteThere is madness in crediting Musa Aman for every good thing happening in Sabah. In the last five years, the rains have been good, the KLSE is zooming up, agricultural income is booming and real estate is making middle-class families millionaires. Many middle-class voters say “Musa’s rule is auspicious.”
The Musa government has created the “feel good” factor by giving electricity supply to most homes in Sabah. There is a vital difference between the 2003 situation and now. Of course there is still power cuts but its not as bad as what it was before 2003.
ReplyDeleteMusa has succeeded in setting up new power plants and have changed infrastructure fundamentals big time. Now with the setting up of Kimanis RM1.5bil gas-fired plant a 300MW power plant to address the power supply issue in the state, things will get even better.
ReplyDeleten last five years, even the supply system of drinking water has improved. Kampongs do have reliable system of water supply, now.
ReplyDeleteA large number of kampong people say they have a tap in their homes for the first time in their family history.
Again, there are problems in many areas. In some place the water supplied by government is not of good quality and at many places water is stored in tanks. But, there is perceptible improvement in the entire drinking water system.
Musa believes in the fact that good infrastructure is the driver of economic development. He therefore, paid utmost attention on physical and social infrastructure and involved private sector in their development.
ReplyDeleteThe rapid and qualitative development of ports, roads, bridges, LNG terminals, water distribution networks and other infrastructure facilities are being implemented in a big scale. Setting up of Kimanis RM1.5bil gas-fired plant a 300MW power plant to address the power supply issue in the state and water grid are exemplary achievements in infrastructure.
When the Musa's government was sworn-in in 2003, the economy of Sabah was reeling under several adverse trends. The growth in various sectors was stagnant, major parts of the state were facing water scarcity and power shortage, infrastructure was in shambles and investments had slowed down.
ReplyDeleteMoreover, the mood of the people was despondent. The biggest challenge was to resurrect the spirits and the economy, revive the livelihoods and to construct the infrastructure. However Musa Aman, a master strategist enriched by national and international exposure and experience, decided to take the bull by its horns and turned an adversity into an opportunity.
He re-oriented and re-organized government’s administrative structure, embarked upon a massive exercise for construction of infrastructure, recreation of the business environment and rejuvenation of the traditional entrepreneurial spirit of Sabah, putting Sabah back on the road to progress and prosperity.
ReplyDeleteEven when the construction of infrastructure was going on, Musa Aman did not lose sight of the bigger picture. He emphasized on all-inclusive and uniform development of all communities and districts. In the very first year of his tenure, he came out with an integrated strategy for overall development of the State which I call the EIGHT PILLARS:
ReplyDelete1) Rural Development and Poverty Eradication
2) Quality and coverage in Education
3) Development of Human Resources
4) Power of energy Resources
5) Good Forest and Environmental Governance
6) Sustainable Development
7) Good Governance
8) Security and well being of people.
Agriculture production including short term and long term crops have quadrupled. Sabah produced RM13.21 billion or 24.7 per cent of the total of RM53.45 billion agricultural output in Malaysia last year. Sabah leads in energy production. Sabah has been able to supply uninterrupted three phase round the clock electricity to most of the kampongs in the state. The rural economy is now vibrant owing to this and some kampongs have turned into centers of production.
ReplyDeleteWorking in harmony with the Federal Ministries, Musa’s Government has brought qualitative change in health services and health infrastructure to ensure a healthy mother and child in the very remote areas of Sabah.
Focus on cent per cent enrollment of children through campaigns and resultant drooping dropout rates have been able to reverse the trend of high illiteracy rate from Sabah. The focus is putting Sabah at par with the developed regions in Human Development Index and work towards the achieving Millenium Development Goals declared by the UN.
ReplyDeleteTo ensure all round, all inclusive and uniform development, comprehensive and well conceived packages like indigenous people welfare in remote areas, development of coastal dwellers, upliftment of urban poor are under implementation.
Musa Aman has also created excellent infrastructure at tourist places. Urban sector has been enlivened by up gradation of civic amenities, state of art sports complexs, parks i.e the Perdana Park in Tanjung Aru and emphasis on cleanliness and greening.
ReplyDeleteThe well conceived, meticulously planned and professionally organized Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) the one stop authority to drive Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) have put Sabah as a preferred investment destination among global investors. SDC has managed to secure a planned investment of RM112 billion as at the end of June 2012.
ReplyDeleteSDC have not only attracted investments worth billions of USD but also created huge employment opportunities in the state. Its logical fall out is skill development for various class of people on a massive scale.
Even in the forest sector Musa has done a wonderful job as he has been pursuing for good forest and environmental governance in the interest of future generations to come. Recently, The Sabah Forestry Department had decided to re-gazette 183,000 hectares of Class 2 Commercial Forests into Class 1 Protection Forests to expand the expanse of totally protected forests in the state.
ReplyDeleteThis “bold” upward reclassification exercise involves principally lowland forest ecosystem in Ulu Segama and Gunung Rara Forest Reserves, in pursuance of Musa’s decision. This exercise shall mean that Danum Valley on its eastern fringes will be buffered by totally protected forests and in particular, the biologically rich Ulu Segama Forest Reserve (127,890 hectares) can no longer be logged now or in the future because of legislative protection.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, Northern Gunung Rara (55,000 hectares), which forms a vital wildlife buffer from Maliau Basin and Imbak Canyon to Danum Valley, will also be accorded full protection. Both areas, although logged over, are important wildlife habitats and are homes to iconic species such as orang-utan, pygmy elephants and the Bornean clouded leopard.
ReplyDeleteClass 1 Protection Forests are given strict protection primarily for safeguarding water sheds, maintenance of stability of essential climatic and environmental factors, in addition to biodiversity conservation. Under the Forest Enactment 1968 (Sabah), the law forbids any form of conversion such as conversion into oil palm plantations or timber exploitation in a Class 1 Forest.
ReplyDeleteAfter the gazettement of the Protection Forest Reserves in 1984, a total of 44 were gazetted as class 1 Forests, including the controversial Kukusan Hill Forest Reserve, Tawau, which was declassified to Class 2 in 2003. The last Class 1 gazettement was Maliau Basin Forest Reserve in 1997.
ReplyDeleteThe latest decision by Musa will increase the area under total protection to about 1,300,000 hectares or some 17.5 per cent of Sabah’s total land area, exceeding the IUCN standard of 10 percent. Musa’s model of good governance is being applauded within the country and beyond. The way he has won the hearts of people of Sabah and his popularity at the national level shows that ‘Good governance is also good politics’.
ReplyDeleteThere are several reasons why Barisan National will do well in Sabah again this coming 13th General Elections although Musa’s government had reached its peak of getting 59 out of the 60 state seats in the 2008 elections.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman without any doubt is pro-reforms and a moderate ruler. He has continued helping the under privileged and poor. He has even helped single mothers and has asked his administration to give them training. Now, trained widows are getting work and even getting pension.
There are many such situations where Musa has created new programs and projects for the poor and the underprivileged.
ReplyDeleteHis penchant to give permission to new education institutes is appreciated, he gives permission to self-finance education bodies and schools which plan to run on government grants.
As a result the indigenous people don’t have to pay for uniforms shoes and text books for their school going children. Even milk and free food are supplied to these indigenous children in the interiors.
ReplyDeleteSo the overall thrust is such that Musa will score points.
The hidden social fight of upper/middle class versus the poor people is taking a new direction in Sabah. Musa is benefiting out of it.
He has successfully created hype over his social schemes.
The craving for forest protection in the state is so intense by Musa Aman that the story about him cutting all the timber and corruption is not getting people’s attention because they know its all lies to discredit him.
ReplyDeleteThe e-government is a pet subject of Musa and its help in systemising land records does make an impact on the people. The Communal Titles a brainchild of Musa Aman, a move to issue communal land titles to resolve ownership woes among the indigenous people has paid off. It has ensured that indigenous people receive the land they had cultivated or lived in for generations. It is also a way to ensure that land owned by the natives could not be sold off.
Musa Aman has so many companies under him that undertake timber businesses...and that is a fact, people who want to protect him just write in with their lies to the people.
ReplyDeleteAs Michael Chia, Lawyer Barnes and others who are his proxies, if it is not true,,,just come out to prove it or otherwise..of course, we know they are hiding everything from being exposed.
apa yang sapp merepek ni? risau ka sokongan BN Sabah bertambah? maklumlah sepanjang 2 tahun sapp memerintah, semua isu2 berkaitan sabah "disenyapkan" oleh mereka..
ReplyDeleteyong teck lee bagi hutan seluas 5 kali ganda keluasan singapura kepada 265 kroni2nya, bukan mistake??
ReplyDeleteMusa regime is a lot different from that of Harris.
ReplyDeleteWhy make such comparison between the two?
ReplyDeleteWho knows what plan Musa has in mind?
ReplyDeleteMusa administration is way different as Sabah has experienced rapid development.
ReplyDeleteShould we compare mistakes made by Harris with Musa?
ReplyDeleteIndeed Harris make a great mistake in Sabah. The people should differentiate the good & bad.
DeleteHe definitely won't make the same mistake.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he has better plans to improve every situation.
ReplyDeleteLet the bygone be bygone...look and trust the future ahead.
ReplyDeleteThere is a promise for the people of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteTrue Sabahans should decide.
ReplyDeleteMusa has done a lot for the state.
ReplyDeleteLet the State Government negotiate for more benefits to the people.
ReplyDeleteBetter negotiate for much increment that we all deserve.
DeleteHopefully they would have proper review for this.
ReplyDeleteGood news we hope to hear afterwards.
ReplyDeleteI am a sabahan. I believe he has contributed a lot to us. We are proud of him.
ReplyDeleteMusa's only mistake is being a nice guy
ReplyDeleteThe people are please with Musa that contribute a great development to Sabah.