Ex-Sabah state secretary Simon Sipaun has called the RCI on the influx of illegal immigrants a sham and an insincere attempt to mollify Sabahans ahead of the general election.
KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah state secretary Simon Sipaun has again sounded the alert that the federal government is hoodwinking Sabahans into believing the current government is serious about solving Sabah’s long-standing illegal immigrant problem.
He accused the federal government of having an agenda in allowing illegal immigrants to settle in the state.
Sipaun served as chairman of the Sabah Public Service Commission, was vice-chairman of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, member of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Advisory Board, and a founding member of Demokrasi Sabah (DESAH).
“The mother of all problems in Sabah is the presence of unusually large population of illegal immigrants. By my estimation, they have already outnumbered the local Malaysians who are living in Sabah.
“It (the illegal immigrant problem) is quickly and surely changing the economic, social, political and cultural landscape of the state,” he said in a radio interview by “Inspire FM” that was aired last week.
While acknowledging that illegal immigrants had participated in the development of the state, he said this was no excuse for the federal government to behave as it had done on the issue.
“They [illegal immigrants] contribute to the development of the state, but that does not mean you can allow them to walk in and out of Sabah with impunity.
“I believe this is happening because this has been allowed by the federal government which is in charge of immigration from foreign countries and security.
“Why have they been allowed in? You have also this type of problem in the peninsula.”
He cited the posturing by the federal government in the 1970s when the Vietnamese boat people came to Peninsular Malaysia but were quickly dealt with.
Sipaun said this was the same time Sabah started to feel the influx of refugees from the Southern Philippines.
However, he said unlike in the peninsula, where within two years all those who landed in the peninsula were dealt with, those who landed here about the same time are still here.
“Why? This is what I call a federal government agenda. That’s the mother of all problems,” he said.
He believes the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah is an insincere attempt to mollify Sabahans as the general election draws near, with a likelihood of protest votes taking place in the state.
“The federal government is showing the people of Sabah that it is doing something about it… it has done all sorts of things – task force, deportations… but it has not produced the desired result.
“The task force was established when I was still a civil servant and that was about 35 years ago. Until today the task force is there but the task is bigger now. The problem is more complicated but it [task force] has not resolved the problem.
“The latest now is the RCI. From what I read in the newspaper… the federal government decided to have a RCI for Sabah on Feb 8, this year. It took four months for the federal government just to make the announcement. What does that indicate? That does not indicate urgency, that does not indicate seriousness.
“Now you [the government] talk about the terms of reference. Terms of reference means what is the RCI going to do? What are its objectives? The terms of reference should have been prepared before you decide on the RCI.
“RCI was a Cabinet decision. As far as I know, a Cabinet decision is based on a comprehensive Cabinet paper. The next thing to do after a decision is made by the Cabinet is to implement it.
“This is not the case…you talk of terms of reference for the RCI. That to me is as simple as putting the cart before the horse so it doesn’t move.
“So I think because of the election, the federal government just wants to show it is doing something about it but without the intention of really doing something about it.
“You know why? Because those people who have a hand in the creation of this problem are in government and surely they don’t want the truth to be out just as they were reluctant to act on [the recommendations of] the commission on the Lingam case, Teoh Beng Hock case, the police commission case… so many recommendations but not acted on.”
Please save Penampang. Please run for election. Which ticket will save her? I don't want to feel alienated when I get back to see her.
ReplyDeleteThe numbers of pilaks in Penampang gets higher. Worry with this condition if it continues to happen. Weekend in Donggongon makes you feel as if you are in different country. Pilaks all over. And I hate to see the street kids selling 4D results!
DeleteKita mengharap sangat dengan adayan RCI ini akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah PATI yang berlaku di Sabah ini.
DeleteWho's her?
DeleteThey have this penchant to give promises. They like to butter up to get the better. They have the tendency to make-believe. They use tenderizer like they do to tenderize meats. They have the proclivity to seemingly cleave. They like to put on a hoodie to hoodwink. They are bent to do a number everytime.
ReplyDeleteLet us show them the touch down.
The Prime Minister have already established the Terms of Reference and set up the RCI panel, hopefully Datuk Najib will give the green light to start the inquiry soon. Just wait and see.
DeleteWait and see next highway or rather low-way to hell. After all there are many ways to hell as said.
DeleteEach and everyone has their own brain to think. Up to them how well they can use it to think and differentiate.
Deletehopefully the RCI will be run smoothly.
DeleteRCI panel should have freedom and authorise power to handle their own investigation.
DeleteRCI is important for the freedom of the people. That's what we want.
DeleteSimon Sipaun must be very sore for not being appointed a member of the RCI hence the outpouring of grief about it.If he is wise enough then he should give the RCI a chance and not barking as if it is hopeless and meaningless.Whats the alternative then? How does he want the RCI to work? For a person who has a long service record in the civil service he talks like a new born child just out of the womb.What a pity and what a disappointment.I think he should stick on doing what he knows best,being a moderator.
ReplyDeleteAnak Petagas, don't mind that nobody minds. Indulge in your best pastime. Keep licking until your tongue is glued to the object of your desire. When it's frozen you'll fancy separating your tongue thingy.
DeleteMy thoughts as well, Simon Sipaun must be disappointed because he didn't get appointed in the RCI panel, hence the sour grapes syndrome.
DeleteIf Simon Sipaun is appointed as RCI member, I'm sure he will have different thoughts about the effectiveness of the RCI. Since he is not, why give RCI a good name?
DeleteDevil BN
Deletei think the same...maybe simon disappointed he was not selected as the RCI panel..
DeleteHow do you Simon is upset over it?
DeleteaNAK PETAGAS : <--- he knows best,being a moderator. BIASED...!!!
ReplyDeleteT U K A R .......................!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough of giving away benefits of doubt. This Time we are moving in. Clear out
ReplyDeleteRCI is still applicable and relevant.
DeleteDatuk Pairin Kitingan first bring up the suggestion of RCI in 1994, but was rejected by Datuk Anwar Ibrahim that time. The illegal immigrant issue could have been resolved a decade earlier if the RCI was approved that time. Nevertheless, Datuk Najib have agreed to form the RCI now, we shall wait for the inquiry to begin.
ReplyDeleteSabah Barisan Nasional leaders have welcomed the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry to deal with the illegal immigrant problem in the state.PBS president Pairin Kitingan said the TOR was what the people expected to resolve this long standing issue.
DeleteOnly Najib has the guts to form RCI. Mahathir and Badawi were chickened out.
Deleteanwar should be investigate by the RCI...and mahathir too...
DeleteRCI tidak harus melepaskan mana-mana pihak yang berkemungkinan terlibat dalam projek ic termasuk Dr. M dan Anwar jika benarnya mereka terlibat.
DeleteRCI tidak harus dikawal mana-mana jabatan kerajaan. Mereka harus mempunyai kuasa untuk menyiasat mana-mana pihak termasuk PM.
DeleteMahathir is surely chickened out because he's so intimidating with our strength.
DeleteBefore we say the RCI does not work, give it a chance to be implemented and let them do their job. Just wait and see.
ReplyDeleteSpeculating the effectiveness of the RCI before it completes its investigation won't make the situation better.
Deletewe never know how effective it is if we don't give trust for RCI to be implemented.
Deleteya la...belum pun buat sudah macam2 tomahan...patut kita bagi peluang dulu...
DeleteCepat sangat membuat kesimpulan, bagi masa dan ruang untuk RCI bekerja.
DeleteRCI harus dipantau agar tidak sesat arahnya.
DeleteMahathir wrote: Better the devil you know than the angel you don't.
ReplyDeleteMy interpretation: He admits himself/BN as the devil . They want to continue being the devil and they want the rakyat to okay their devilish acts. Perpetuate the devil-camp by telling the rakyat to keep being poles to BN devil tent.
Better focus on knowing the angel. This Time
He will be the first to be investigated once the RCI being implemented.
Deletemahathir sekarang sudah takut...
DeleteJanganlah ketinggalan. Mahathir mengakhiri satu penulisannya bagai mengaitkan dirinya dan BN Syaitan. Taupun. Berterusan mengikuti Syaitan?
ReplyDeleteSesiapa saja yang mempunyai niat tidak ikhlas dalam politik/bantu rakyat, terpengaruh dengan godaan syaitan iaitu hanya mahu pangkat dan wang.
DeleteSabah will stand firm behind Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Najib who is a caring leader. He cares and whatever we request, he will not hesitate to approve so long as it benefits the people. It is a government that brings progress and development across the State and ensures a good future for the people.
ReplyDeleteAnon : "Sabah will stand firm behind Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Najib who is a caring leader. He cares and whatever we request, he will not hesitate to approve so long as it benefits the people. It is a government that brings progress and development across the State and ensures a good future for the people."
ReplyDelete'Sabah' = Pelahap dari Sabah(yang 'tamaha'tamak)
"whatever we request, he will not hesitate to approve" = umpan undilah...!!!!
"progress and development across the State and ensures a good future for the people." = 49 tahun dah pun berlalu + kita masih under poor condition...!!! mau tambah lagi kah.....???...!!!!
"so long as it benefits the people" = yalah juga, memang saya sangat jeles dengan PATI yang sekarang sudah jadi orang sini ada hak lagi tu. Diurang(PATI) berkahwin dan dikahwini tambah sup dan tambah nasi dua lagi tu.......aduuuuuh kenyaaaaaang..!! beranak-pinak- bercucu-cicit sudah jadi berjuta diurang..... kita panggil diurang bos udah ni. saya tukang buat rumah dan tukang cuci kereta diurang lagi sekarang ni...
....Kamuuuuuuuuuu tak faham-faham lagi kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!??
The Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in the state should be given the benefit of the doubt, otherwise the request for the RCI will be an exercise in futility. Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said when speaking to reporters at the fast breaking hosted by his ministry at Le Meridien Hotel.
DeleteIn his personal view, Masidi believes that there is no shortcut to citizenship : That is exactly why the RCI is going to be set up in the first place, because the people are not happy with the population explosion, which is rather alarming compared to other states. He that the RCI should be given the benefit of the doubt; otherwise if credibility of the RCI being undermine at the early stages, , there will be nobody to believe or the request for the RCI will be an exercise in futility.
DeleteHe was commenting on a recent statement by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who allegedly defended the increase in the number of migrants in Sabah, pointing out that they qualified to be citizens because they had been staying in Malaysia for decades and spoke Bahasa Malaysia. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak have announced the details of the much-awaited RCI when he visits Sabah.
According to statistics provided in parliament last year, Sabah’s population numbered 651,304 in 1970, and 929,299 a decade later. But in the two decades following 1980, the state population rose significantly by a staggering 1.5 million people, reaching 2,468,246 by 2000. Unconfirmed media reports have stated that as of 2012, this number had grown further to 3.12 million.
DeleteMasidi stressed what was important was that the law must be respected and the provisions of the law must be fully adhered to in granting citizenship. He believed the RCI’s terms of reference would include tackling issues on the claims that people in possession of citizenship may be doubtful.
DeleteCul-de-sac. Change lane Now. Make a U-turn. Want to see the view still? Be prepared for a midden heap.
ReplyDeleteAsk for change? Tell the ignorant individuals who hasn't register themselves as voters.
ReplyDeletekita tunggu dan lihat dulu...
ReplyDeleteThose who support UMNO/BN,cheer up! The opposition will be crushed like a tin of sardines and they will wake up after GE13 not knowing what hit them on the heads.They have high confidence now not because they will win but are trying to recursitate themselves for lack of big support which they expect and disappointingly never materialise.Be calm and be cool.We are just counting the days on the total demise of the opposition.Just wait and all these noises will soon never be heard again.
ReplyDelete“The mother of all problems in Sabah is the presence of unusually large population of illegal immigrants. By my estimation, they have already outnumbered the local Malaysians who are living in Sabah."
ReplyDelete---> scary fact but true...
semoga RCI bukan gimik politik
ReplyDeleteapa yang penting, permintaan rakyat atas RCI telah diluluskan ...
ReplyDeletesememangnya, satu berita yang baik untuk rakyat Sabah
ReplyDeletesemoga ia akan memberikan hasil penyelesaian yang terbaik untuk kita semua.
DeleteSemoga hasil juga menggalakkan.
Deletebetul..bersyukurlah kerana permintaan rakyat telahpun ditunaikan oleh kerajaan..
ReplyDeletebaguslah kerajaan mendengar apa yang kita suarakan.
DeleteKerajaan menunaikan sebab PRU semakin dekat.
Deletemacam ahli politik sudah si Simon Sipaun ni.. bagus dia bertanding la..
ReplyDeletewalaupun RCI diumumkan sebaik Najib menduduki kerusi PM, orang2 macam si sipaun tetap tidak akan puas hati dengan pengumuman itu.. tetap ada pertikaian dibuat..
ReplyDeletepentadbiran Najib jauh lebih baik dimana beliau berjaya membawa pelbagai perubahan kepada negara ini yang mana gagal dilaksanakan oleh pemimpin terdahulu..
ReplyDeleteya, PM dilihat lebih berani melakukan perubahan ke arah yang lebih positif.
Deletepenubuhan RCI menggembirakan banyak pihak.
ReplyDeletesemoga isu pati akan berjaya diatasi apabila sisatan selesai nanti.
ReplyDeleteGolongan yang disyaki terlibat, harus dikenakan tindakan yang berpatutan.
ReplyDeleteRCI memang satu harapan untuk menyelesaikan isu PATI.
ReplyDeleteSemua golongan di Sabah menanti dan menaruh harapan sepenuhnya agar RCI dapat mengesan sesuatu.
DeleteSemoga siasatan RCI menghala ke arah yang positif untuk membawa mereka yang terlibat ke mahkamah.
ReplyDeletemoga RCI akan berjalan dgn jayanya dan ia dpt cari penyelesaian kepada masalah PATI.