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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sabah at a crossroad – Dare to change

PRU13 (The 13th Malaysian General Election) is now upon us. We must now make the ultimate choice in the political governance of our country. This has been touted as the most significant democratic election Malaysia will ever experience.

This general election will be a turning point in the history of Malaysia. It will be unprecedented because this would be the first time the oppositions on the political divide have a realistic chance of toppling the strangle hold grip of a racially based dictatorial regime which had forcefully ruled its citizens with impunity.

For Sabah this is a chance of a lifetime. An opportunity to change the course of history!

The moment all freedom loving people relishes, where the hope off humanity going into the 1st world becomes more than hopeful.

The promise of "equality for all" is not just a dream but a guarantee that the human existence within this beautiful country Sabah can now transition seamlessly into the global prosperity index enjoyed only by developed nations.

Sabah is at a crossroad, we can either be brave and embrace change or continue to be timid and allow the bully to choke us until we no longer breath air. I think the choice is clear. We want the good and the beautiful. We want a country govern by common sense and not by an authoritarian regime guided by idiosyncratic religious tenets.

The guilt has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The evidence is overwhelming. We even felt it in our senses! Common sense tell us it's wrong! Proven past scientific deductions based upon the logic of the Middle East; promises that even our beautiful country could descend into an Arabian culture of infinite conflict and hopeless human degradation.

Unless, we demand a change in the way things are run in our society, we may descent into an ideological death trap. This is not what our forefathers had envisioned for Sabah, the “Land below the Wind.” If we want peace and prosperity for all then we must accept “Equality for All” and “reject all forms of race and religious discrimination.”

We cannot follow down a path of destruction for only doom awaits us, yet we may not have a choice, should we continue to appease the corrupted and the bigoted. We need the brave, the strong, the realist, and the uncorrupted to save us from falling into the trap of a vicious human conflict.

A world historian knows too well that a nation can be ruined easily by a despot regime whenever “the people” were never consulted. If we have any decency left in our soul we cannot allow the status quo to continue. Not when the rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. Not when race and religious supremacy becomes a forced lifestyle. We cannot follow in the path of Malaya where Muslims and non-Muslims cannot seat together in a Kopi shop enjoying an afternoon tea. We must carve a
beautiful Sabah based on the love and respect for humanity.

Economic Progress Briefing:

Road Infrastructure: How do we measure economic progress? Some people measure it by counting the amount of large buildings in the cities. Some based it on the gross profit of large industries such as the Palm Oil industry. Some based it on the Petroleum industry production revenues. Some based our economy on the Stock market performance. All these basis are often used by the rich and wealthy to measure their rates of success, but none of these are the right basis to determine the health and welfare of our economy.

This is where the idiom, “the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer” falls into character. The way our economy is growing and spreading is geared toward the fulfilment of the “rich getting richer.” This is a classic economic disaster plan that will guarantee our nation's status remains within the boundaries of the third world.
There is no long-term planning when it comes to the growth and development of Sabah.

Using layman's terms, let's first consider the basic fundamentals of communication and marketing. We begin with the road system. Can we say we have a good road system?

Obviously, no! If we cannot fulfil the very basic of the pathway to economic progress, how therefore can we say that our economy is good?

You don't have to be highly educated to consider the facts. Just look at the roads and you will get your quick answer. Road infrastructure is the lifeblood that fuels our economy so if we can't give this basic road infrastructure tasks an A grade then obviously we have failed in economics 101.

Manufacturing: If our Sabah Manufacturing industry cannot even surpassed Labuan then there is no need for me to elaborate on this matter. Obviously, our Manufacturing industry is not going anywhere.

How does that affect our economy? Well, obviously nothing. This is not 'rocket science,” anyone with a tertiary education can deduce that our economy is not what its been touted to be in the mass media.

Agriculture: This is where Sabah can truly excel. This is where we can guarantee a self-sustainable economy. However, do we have a comprehensive long-term plan for success in the agricultural sector? And is there any program that directly benefit the local populace. Again, obviously, very little!

I have just mentioned three basic economic foundations and so far we have failed all three. Do I need to continue? There are reasons why we are the poorest state within the Malaya federation.

What has happened to our economy did not occur by chance! Logic spells logically! We have become a poor nation with poor people. There is none denying it, for it is a proven statistical fact supported by studies done by the World Bank MEM.

The fact is our economy is in such a jumble and the evidence is in plain sight. Economic deception: Perhaps you have heard how the government is giving people rm500 to boost the citizens’ morale for UMNO-BN, or how the government is touting major investment of up to several hundred millions to build roads and manufacturing industries.

Before you accept these claims at face value, look around you. Look at yourself and ask the yourself, am I rich? Are my neighbours rich? Are the roads in my Kampung good? Can I afford to send my children to college? Do I owned a house? If you have difficulty answering these basic questions, then clearly, this government lied about the true nature of our economy.

We cannot have a government that is not people friendly, nor can we have a government led by corrupted and unscrupulous people “with a chip on their shoulders.”

Unfortunately, this government is too complicated for the well-being of the people. Complicated, because the people who runs our government have other thoughts besides’ serving the people. A corrupt government is anti people-friendly! Here is where the wealth of our nation is benefited by a tiny few who does not deserved it. If the system is not people-friendly, we must change the management of this government. This is fairness 101!

Make it simple, “the people” has the power within their grasp to change the management of our government. We “the people” must exercise our right to vote for a better management company. We must choose a local party that has toiled day and night for several years to bring hope and a bright future for Sabahans. We must give this local party a chance to make good its promise.

They have worked very hard to demand and to protect the rights of Sabahans. Let us not betray their sincerity by throwing our votes to a Peninsular based party just because we think they are a big national party.

Like UMNO, other Peninsular based parties have their self-interest to protect and that self-interest is not in the interest of Sabahans. We must be committed to our own struggle for the equitable distribution of social, economic and political rights.

Do not be a coward just because you think they are bigger and stronger. Rather be a David and not a Goliath! Voting for a Peninsular based party will only create a schism that will eventually lead to economic hardship for all of us because the patriots of our nation will never accept the dictates of a Malaya based party so do not waste your vote for them.

After decades of deceit and unscrupulous manipulation from outside government, our people can no longer trust them. Do not risk being called a coward and a traitor just because you are afraid of their size and might.
Be smart for in this election a good local party called SAPP is about to make history for Sabah. This is also the first time in Sabah's history that we have a strong, smart, and dedicated local leaderships, that has the ability to improve our economic prosperity to new heights.

SAPP has a plan to take us to into the 1st world nation status. That is a plan we must be willing to give our votes for. This is a time to be brave. For too long we have been timid and what have it gotten us but to the very bottom of the food chain. Remember, we did not become the “poorest state” by chance but by the purposeful unscrupulous manipulation of UMNO-BN.

If you are a KDM, do not ever waste your vote for any Peninsular based party. Voting for a Peninsular based party is like kicking your father and your grandfather in the face. After what “our people' had been fighting for 49 years after independence just for a chance to enjoy a slice of the pie, do not throw this enormous chance to take this slice of pie and eat it. Do not risk being called stupid by your peers for foolishly voting for a Peninsular based party. This is a time in our history to be brave! This is not a time to
be cowards. If SAPP is willing to fight for our wellbeing why would we foolishly reject such honourable deed?

If you are a Chinese, believing that DAP will be your saviour will be the biggest mistake you will ever make for the Chinese community of Sabah. Just as mainland Chinese cannot understand Singaporean Chinese mentality, Malaya Chinese do not understand Sabahan Chinese mentality.

Malayan Chinese were subject to discrimination and ill treated by the Malays since the time they take root in Malaya. Sabahan Chinese have never experienced discrimination from Sabahan natives especially the KDM. KDM had from the very beginning treated Sabahan Chinese with equality and respect. In fact, that explains why there are numerous inter-marriages between KDM and Chinese creating a large group of Sino-
KDM in Sabah.

Sabah Chinese must never kowtow to a Peninsular based Chinese party such as DAP, for doing so would segregate you further away from the rest of the people. There should be a think known as Hakka pride in Sabah. Sabahan Chinese ought to be an example of Chinese pride and not the other way round.

Sabahan Chinese understands what it means to be governed by a multi-racial government. Sabahan Chinese understands the camaraderie between Chinese and non-Chinese in Sabah so do not fall into the trap of racial segregation as practiced by Malayan Chinese.

Today, Chinese in Sabah had a great opportunity to make the Multi-racial party of SAPP take control of the Sabah government so do not waste your vote for a foreign party like DAP.

Do not start a trip back to the past when SAPP is in the verge of taking all Sabahans a trip into the future. Be smart and follow the tide of prosperity! SAPP will bring greater prosperity to Chinese in Sabah as has never been experienced before.

It is time Sabahan Chinese stay true to its roots and work together with your native brothers to take Sabah into a new dawn. SAPP is going to win the election and it will win big! To make this happen we need our Chinese brothers to make our dreams come true.

A smart vote for SAPP today will guarantee long term prosperity to the Sabahan Chinese community. This coming election is about the brave taking responsibility! It is about what your gut and your vision tells you. It's about doing the right thing! History is on our side so there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

There will be plenty of prosperity for all once SAPP takes the helm of government. Do not ever lose this chance to support for a wise Chinese leader of integrity such as Yong Teck Lee of Sabah. Sabahan Chinese must know the truth!

Government policies are based on wrong ideology:

Every society has its unique qualities and characteristics and Sabah is no exception to this rule. The vast racial, cultural and religious heritage of our nation reminds us that we must make room and give respect to all legitimate persons on this land. We must practice fairness in our public service. We must utilized science and common sense in moulding a successful and prosperous civilization. It is not God who runs the government, but rather man! Be wise and let truth and honesty guide your action. Pray to your God for inspiration, but rule the nation with the integrity of mankind.

By Wilfred Gaban

Director at PIPPA – Progressive Institute of Public Policy Analysis

President of Kadu Foundation – An NGO dedicated to the health and welfare of the Kadazandusun


  1. Parti manakah yang sesuai mengantikan BN di Sabah? DAP? yang asyik berposing di parit? SAPP yang PRU13 baru sampai kawasan pendalaman? kununnya tiada pemimpin BN pernah sampai kawasan tu, padahal ada masjid yang dibina hasil peruntukan kerajaan..Star?? yang baru tumbuh, kita pun belum tahu lagi sejarah mana kebolehan Star. JK pun tiada ketetapan pendirian. PAS? asyik2 dengan hudud. PKR? Anwar cuma patung2kan dan menjadi batu loncatan bagi Anwar jadi PM. Lepas tu lepas tangan. Banyak parti2 pembangkang di Sabah tapi undi akan terbahagi. tiada guna juga.

    1. Tidak mungkin pembangkang dapat mengambil alih kerajaan BN di Sabah kerana sampai sekarang parti pembangkang Sabah masih lagi gagal bekerjasama. Perlawanan 3 penjuru pasti akan menyebabkan pecahan undian.

    2. JK tu agen Dr.M bah..... kacau saje. Nanti 2 lawan 1 pulak.
      Kerusi yang STAR menangi akan kembali kepada BN... sebab si JK ni "Katak Si Katak Lompat" Katak King dari Tambunan bah.......

    3. bah kamu tidak dengar dan baca kah kenyetaan pengerusi SPR bahawa parti STAR tidak boleh bertanding untu kerusi ADUN sabah sebab ia berdaftar hanya di serawak mengikut perlembagaan parti tersebut dan kalau JK berhasrat juga bertanding ia perlu mesyuarat EGM dan keputusan nya perlu dihantar kepada ROS untuk kebenaran untuk bertanding diluar serawak, tapi boleh bertanding di kerusi Parlimen saja disabah jadi hilang sudah satu masaalah di sabah yang bermaksud hanya parti tempatan yang kuat iaitu SAPP,PKR,DAP dan PAS saja yang kita boleh harap kan....jadi kepunan lah si JK ingin menjadi CM sabah,terpaksa lah beliau berhentakan dengan abangnya..mampu kah dia berhadapan dengan JPK..alamat nya sampai tua lah dia ini berkelana antara satu perti dengan parti lain taklah kalau si JK ini tanding ADUN guna Lambang PKR,SAPP,DAP atau Pas dan jika bertanding kerusi parlimen guna lambang STAR..memang sah gila lah dia ini.

    4. Bukan STAR saja malah Pakatan Rakyat juga sebenarnya tidak diiktiraf sebagai sebagai parti seperti BN. sekarang ahli komponen hanya ada PKR,DAP dan PAS saja. kalau teringin sangat mau bertanding, kan lebih bagus pungut SAPP,STAR sekali.

    5. parti pembangkang perlu bersatu kalau mau tanding 1 lawan 1 di Sabah. kalau tidak memang besar peluang kalah ni. BN dapat peluang menang lagi besar.

    6. BN yang menang lagi tu nanti...percayalah kamu...

    7. pembangkang2 ni tiada yang boleh dipakai.

  2. Sama2 la kita saksikan hasil PRU13 nanti. Sama ada pembangkang dapat berkuasa di Sabah atau tidak.

    1. Sama-sama kita tunggu PRU-13 nanti, kita tunggu pengumuman rasmi daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan mengenai tarikh PRU. Rasanya BN akan menang majoriti kerusi di Sabah sekali lagi kerana pembangkang gagal bersatu.

    2. keputusan PRU macam sudah nampak bayangan.pembangkang kalah teruk.huhu

    3. pembangkang tidak akan dapat berkuasa...BN akan kekal menjadi kerajaan negeri sabah..

    4. jika pembangkang tak bersatu, sukar mereka nak menang.


    1. It is impossible for SAPP and Star to unite, be prepared to expect a multi- cornered fights during the next GE when all opposition parties compete at once. BN will have high chances of winning the majority this time.

    2. kalau mau bekerjasama pun agak2lah. PRU sudah dekat. kalau ada niat kerjasama tu patut sudah lama dibuat.

    3. mana si Yong mahu JK jadi bos dia..Yong sendiri mahu jadi bos...bos no 2 pun dia tidak mahu..

  4. The government can give a general amnesty to the Project IC holders before the next GE so that the electoral rolls can be clean up for cleaner and fairer elections. They are still allowed to re-enter the state legally after their surrender of the IC obtained through dubious means and return to their home countries.

  5. Hopefully the Prime Minister will make the announcement on the implementation of RCI during his visit here today.

    1. he already announced it yesterday...

  6. If BN still heard the people's voices, i am sure BN will winning the next GE..

    1. As long as they still protect Sabahans rights and welfare, the vote still goes to BN.

  7. God bless all the Sabahans and please keep them away from any harm that might create tension among the people.

  8. jangan kamu bising sini orang Sabah tulen !!!

    Kami PATI akan berakar umbi si negeri Sabah ...

    Dr. M adalah Nabi kami

    BN adalah pelindung kami

    Tahu tak ?

    1. BN tatap MENANG !!!!

      Tengok la kamu nanti

      Pembangkang akan mampus semua

      SAPP akan makan "SAPP jiau" jadi pisang rebus orang cina bilang
      STAR balik langit
      PR tengelam di laut china selatan
      WB dan Lajim akan hilang deposit dan minta di ambil balik olih BN


    2. BN pengkhianat orang Sabah! Kalau BN menang, kita akan mampus selama-lamanya.

  9. Hidup UMNO! Hidup BN! Mampus SAPP! Mampus Pakatan!

    1. Kau ini macam samseng...inikah stail umno atau BN???

  10. pilihan di tangan rakyat...buatlah pilihan yang terbaik..

    1. ya.. biar rakyat membuat pilihan.

  11. Hidup UMNO! UMNO untuk selama-lamanya!Hidup BN! Gaban balik kampung tiada orang Sabah mau dengar apa kau cakap.Pembohong! Hidup UMNO!

  12. SAPP parti hipokrit kerana melobi PATI untuk menyokong parti mereka.Minta SAPP maklum kepada semua bahawa tidak ada keturunan PATI dalam ahli-ahli mereka.Kalau ada satu pun maka YTL patut letak jawatan.
