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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kudat by-pass another white elephant project

KOTA KINABALU, October 17, 2012: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said the announcement to build a coastal road linking Tuaran, Kota Marudu and Kudat is merely to cover up the delay to repair the Ulu Kukut road linking the three districts and Kota Belud.

SAPP Information Chief Chong Pit Fah said the project to repair the 5km Ulu Kukut road have been awarded two years ago and has yet to be completed.

"Thousands people travelling to Kota Marudu via Ulu Kukut road every day are feeling discomfort for so many years.

"How shameful are the government of the day especially to Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman with that bad bumpy conditions and failing to complete the five kilometers road in time.

"It has been rumoured that the Ulu Kukut road project valued at about RM70 million," he said.

Pit Fah said it is also puzzling when State Speaker Datuk Salleh Tun Said and Kota Belud Member of Parliament Datuk Rahman Dahlan who always praises Musa has never voiced out about the Ulu Kukut road delays.

He said Musa still earns a track record despite such failures.

According to Pit Fah, public members said it is wasting of time to talk new coastal road linking Tuaran Kota Marudu and Kudat as it seem became like the Submarine project, which were reported having problems.

He said it is highly questionable the needs for a new bypass within the same route because there are already road linking Tuaran, Kota Marudu and Kudat.

He added that the coastal road project would be jackpot for the crook leaders.

Pit Fah went on saying that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak¡¯s recent visit to Sabah on Oct 12 and Oct 13 full of big lying.

He said Alexandar the Great realised how his conquests..but all his wealth were of no consequences.
It was reported that Najib has agreed in principle to build Kudat by-pass that cost about RM800 million.
Najib said the coastal road must be built to spur economic growth along its route and help boost the economy of the local people in the three areas.

"I am led to understand, the coastal road through Tuaran, Kota Marudu and Kudat must be implemented because when there is a wide coastal road available, many areas can be opened up to boost economic growth.

"I want to find out the allocation needed for the project. I will make an official announcement, when I have determined the allocation. But, believe me, it will be implemented by the Barisan Nasional government (BN)," he said when attending the Promises Fulfilled Tour at the Kudat Sports Complex, on Sunday.


  1. kira bagus la ada jalan alternatif yang menghubungkan Tuaran, Kota Marudu dan Kudat.. bila sudah ada jalan alternatif ini barulah pembaikkan jalan ulu kukut dapat dilaksanakan..

    1. kewasan tersebut mmg perlukan jalan alternatif dan jalan yang baik.

    2. Daripada langsung tiada, ini kira bagus sudah..namun begitu harap jalan itu akan di perbaiki.

  2. tengoklah sendiri keadaan jalan macam gambar diatas.. macam mana mahu laksanakan kerja2 pembaikkan jika tidak ada jalan alternatif?? atau bagus Chong Pit Fah saja la yang kasi repair itu jalan.. mana tau dia boleh buat dalam masa sehari..

    1. Pandai saja cakap pembangkang ini, kerja-kerja pembaikan bukan boleh di buat dalam masa singkat.

    2. Tau mengkritik saja dan tiada tindakan, tidak akan bawa apa2 perubahan.

  3. Jalan raya yg bgus sgt diperlukan untuk membangunkan sabah. Pd pendapat saya, sebelum membangunkan sesuatu tempat terlebih dahulu pastikan dahulu kalau jalanraya nya bagus. cthny: tempat pelancongan. ramai orang berminat mau pergi d tempat itu, tp oleh kerana mengalami keadaan jalan yg tdk bgus maka niat itu sentiasa shj terhalang.

    1. jadi seluruh jalan2 di Sabah harus dinaiktaraf.

    2. Kerajaan akan membaikpulih jalan ini.

  4. Cadangan kerajaan membina lebuh raya dari Tuaran ke Kudat akan membuka peluang-peluang pembangunan dan ekonomi yang boleh membawa pekerjaan yang besar kepada rakyat

    1. when new roads cut through the interior, business opportunities transformed the region and the people, living close-by, enjoyed the economic spin-offs

    2. Memang betul..dengan adanya lebuh raya, peluang pembangunan dan ekonomi akan bertambah.

  5. once completed would make traveling to the various towns between Tuaran and Kudat

  6. Jalan raya di Sabah perlu di naik tarafkan untuk rakyat.

    1. harap peruntukan yang disalurkan untuk pembangunan dapat digunakan dengan semaksimumnya.

  7. The proposed Tuaran-Kota Marudu-Kudat coastal road will bring tremendous economic transformation and development to northern Sabah, especially in the tourism and services industries, says Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri.

    1. “A lot of benefits will come to the people in the areas concerned in terms of greater accessibility, improved travel times and job opportunities, especially in the tourism industry since Kudat is also located at the northernmost tip of Borneo,” he told Bernama yesterday.

    2. Rahim, who is also the Member of Parliament for Kudat, said the proposed coastal road would make the area, which is known for its white sandy beaches and clear sea water, more accessible to tourists, especially foreigners, who love the natural scenic attractions available in Sabah.


    3. “More tourists would mean having more investments in hotels and more jobs,” he said, adding that a number of hoteliers had been scouting around Kudat to build four-star and even five-star hotels.

    4. The Tuaran-Kota Marudu-Kudat coastal road was recently proposed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak when he visited Kudat during the Promises Fulfilled Tour.

    5. Najib also proposed that a Customs, Immigration and Quarantine centre be set up in Kudat since the district, which bordered Palawan Island in the southern Philippines, was a northern entry point into Sabah.


    6. Rahim said with the signing of the peace agreement between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, more economic progress would be seen in the region under the auspices of the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asia Growth Area.


    7. He also said that the airports in Kota Kinabalu and Kudat would stand to benefit from increased economic activities and the “Asean Open Sky” policy, which would facilitate a free-market environment for commercial aviation from 2015.

    8. Besides tourism, Rahim said, Kudat would also benefit from the increased oil exploration activities in offshore Sabah now that prospecting for oil and gas reserves in the marginal fields had become more viable against the backdrop of higher oil and gas prices.


    9. Murphy Oil Corp, for example, was exploring for oil and gas reserves about 45 nautical miles offshore Sabah and this would also benefit local companies involved in logistics and aviation services as well as in food supplies, he said.
