Bruno Manser Fund says the probe into the RM40 million donation to Sabah Umno is ongoing.
KOTA KINABALU: A Swiss government investigation into the mystery donation of RM40 million to Sabah is still going on .
The Switzerland-based Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) said the case against UBS AG, a Swiss global financial services company operating out of Basel and Zurich, Switzerland, which is linked to the money, is continuing.
Lukas Straumann, director of BMF, confirmed that the investigation launched by the Swiss Attorney General is ongoing.
“It started on Aug 29 and is expected to take a couple of months at least until its conclusion,” he said in a message to his affiliates here.
The statement comes after the Dewan Rakyat was told on Oct 11 that the amount concerned that was seized by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) from a Sabah businessman at the Hong Kong International Airport in 2008 was a ‘political contribution’ to Sabah Umno by an unidentified donor.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz in a written reply to parliament on the outcome of the investigation into the affair denied that the seized amount was Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s money.
However BMF’s Straumann said: “We have submitted strong evidence showing the relationship between UBS and the Musa family.
” From what we see, it is a very clear case of money-laundering. This is why the official investigation was opened in the first place.”
He added that BMF has applied to be admitted as a private plaintiff in order to gain access to the case files.
“This might be a unique chance to find out more on the business between UBS and Musa because Swiss banking secrecy will be lifted during the investigation.
“Our position in this application is much stronger if we are backed by people from Sabah. This is why we seek to get plaintiffs from among Sabahans,” Straumann said referring to the BMF offer published in local news portal and also in its letters.
It is understood that several Sabahans have consented to be plaintiffs in the case being pursued in Switzerland.
Musa, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s point man in Sabah and the state’s longest serving Chief Minister has found himself in centre-stage after Sabah timber tycoon, Michael Chia Tien Foh, the man caught red-handed with S$16 million (about RM40 million) in his bag was detained by the ICAC in 2008.
Chia had allegedly told the ICAC that the money was not his but the Sabah Chief Minister’s. Musa subsequently denied all knowledge of Chia despite claims by Sabah businessmen that the two were close associates.
Nazri, who is also de facto Law Minister, has unwittingly added further controversy to the affair by sweeping it aside as a simple matter.
No explanation was given why the large amount of cash was being hand carried by Chia rather than through a an inter-bank transaction or how the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had come to the conclusion it was a political donation for Sabah Umno after investigating the case for four years.
Musa in a statement at the last Sabah State Assembly sitting said that he was not afraid of any investigation over the RM40 million and that the money was not his but Umno’s.
His remarks came days after Najib said in Kuala Lumpur that MACC had completed its investigation and that the papers were then with the Attorney-General, Abdul Gani Patail who is related to Musa through marriage.
While Nazri has claimed that the powerful ICAC wrapped up its case (perhaps through a government-to-government arrangement), it is not known for now how the Hong Kong-based Chia can escape prosecution as it is illegal for anyone to bring or take out such a large some of cash without a permit.
Chia’s link to Musa, who is also in charge of Yayasan Sabah which holds in trust for Sabahans large tracts of timber concession areas, was exposed by Sarawak Report which published online, flow charts of the money transactions that connected them.
Calvin Kabaron
---------------------more in Malaysiakini news ------------------
Amangate: Umno sinks into deeper quagmire
Kim Quek
COMMENT Parliament should consider censuring Minister Nazri Aziz for giving completely contradictory answers in the House within the short interval of one week in respect of the contraband S$16 million (RM40 mil) cash seized in Hong Kong International Airport which both Nazri and Prime Minister Najib Razak denied that it was Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman's money, claiming it was donation to Sabah Umno.
It should also consider rebuking Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak (right) for having irresponsibly denying that the illegal attempt by Michael Chia Tien Foh to board the plane with the contraband cash was not an act of smuggling cash in breach of the law, simply because Nazri has made some dubious statements in parliament.
On Oct 11, answering MP Chua Tian Chan, Nazri stated that the Attorney General (AG) had decided that corruption was not proven, based on the reports submitted by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). Nazri further stated that, based on this outcome of MACC's investigation, Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) did not take any further action.
However, answering MP Tan Kok Wai on Oct 11, Nazri said investigation carried out on the case was not done by MACC, but by Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), which had subsequently stated that there was no corruption in this case.
One moment, it was MACC's investigation that led to AG's verdict of no corruption. But the next moment: no, it was not MACC, but ICAC which investigated and concluded that there was no corruption.
Multiple contradictions
The contradictions are puzzling.
Could it be that Nazri thought our AG and MACC's credibility might not be good enough for Malaysians, and decided to attribute the findings to the world famous ICAC noted for its anti-corruption prowess, hoping to get better reception from Malaysians?
Otherwise, how could he reconcile the two completely contradictory statements?
In fact, Nazri (left )not only has problem reconciling these two different statements, but he also has problem reconciling both these statements against a MACC statement a few days earlier.
On Oct 5, MACC's deputy chief commissioner (operations) Shukri Abdul said that investigation on the Hong Kong contraband cash case was still ongoing as its review panel requested for further investigation.
Apart from these multiple contradictions thrown by Nazri to parliament, his claim that ICAC has concluded that there is no corruption is also fishy.
This is evident from the fact that the S$16 million cash seized on Aug 14 ,2008 was only released at the end of the statutory retention period limit of three years, when ICAC failed to wrap up the case due reportedly to Malaysian government's refusal to extend co-operation in the investigation.
If there was no case as claimed by Nazri and Najib, would the Hong Kong authorities have kept the money for the full legally allowable period of three years?
In fact, Michael Chia was arrested and investigated for both offences of money smuggling and money laundering.
Najib's denial irresponsible
Sneaking out the country with large amount of cash in breach of the law is called smuggling money.
I fail to see how Najib could claim it was not smuggling just because his minister Nazri has answered some questions in parliament - and badly answered at that, I must add.
Answering a question at a press conference on Oct 19 whether there was any basis to claims that the money was smuggled or laundered through Hong Kong, Najib answered curtly: "No. It has already been explained in parliament".
By that, Najib was of course referring to Nazri's duplicitous answers abovementioned.
It is most unbecoming of the prime minister to base his answer to such a serious scandal on such a shady foundation.
Members of parliament should seek the following from Nazri in parliament, in addition to asking him to explain the many contradictions in his abovementioned statements:
- Full disclose of the communications between the governments of Hong Kong and Malaysia on this issue; in particular a) whether ICAC has forwarded its findings to MACC including the money flow chart trailing the Sabah timber corruption money all the way to Musa Aman’s UBS AG account in Zurich, b) whether ICAC has requested for inter-country co-operation, c) whether ICAC has categorically stated that there was no corruption in the case and that it has ceased to pursue the case further;
- When did MACC start its investigation, and whether it is still on-going. If so, why it has not been able to complete the task after such a lengthy investigation; and,
- What role the AG has played in this case – in relation to the Hong Kong authorities and in relation to the Malaysian government, in particular, MACC.
KIM QUEK is a retired accountant and author of the banned book ‘The March to Putrajaya'.
Kamu percaya ka ini urang asing dr swiss? Kalo kamu pilih utk percaya dia, sama jg la kamu membenarkan orang asing datang menjajah tempat kita ini...
ReplyDeleteFor all we know, no one ever question the validity of any purported investigstive reporting done by Sarawak Report which by the is the root of all this slandering news.
DeleteWe tend to believe the outsiders instead of the inmates.
Deleteby believing an outsider we may lose sabah.
DeleteKenapa harus mahu percaya dengan orang asing? Tidak patut.
DeleteMemang tidak pasti kenapa Swiss begitu beria-ia mahu membuktikan perkara ini. Tidakkan Swiss sudah dikuasai oleh Pembangkang Malaysia.
DeleteMemang pelbagai berita kita mula dengar akan perkara ini. Jadi biarkan saja mereka mahu cakap apa pun namun rakyat tahu memikirkan yang terbaik untuk mereka.
DeleteTeruskan menyokong parti yang mamu memberikan yang terbaik untuk semua.
DeleteRakyat sendiri yang menentukannya.
DeleteRasanya isu RM40m ini tidak ada masalah besar tapi cuba dibesar-besarkan saja oleh pihak lain.
DeleteItu sudah semestinya. Rakyat yang menentukan yang mana terbaik untuk mereka sendiri.
DeleteBila orang asing sudah mahu masuk campur, tentu ada motif di sebalik tindakan mereka tu.
DeleteSelagi tidak ada kebenaran selagi itulah rakyat tidak akan percaya dengan khabar angin dan cakap kosong ini.
DeleteSebagai pihak yang tahu selok belok maka biarkan saja pihak yang berkuasa menyiasat akan perkara ini.
DeleteSering Musa dikait rapat dengan kes rasuah, lama kelamaan, rakyat pun anggap ini benar.
DeleteKita yang tidak tahu apa-apa rasanya tidak perlulah bersuara seperti orang tahu sahaja.
DeleteDatuk Musa telah memberikan kenyataan yang mana beliau tidak ada urusan perniagaan dengan orang yang bernama Micheal Chia.
DeleteJadi sekarang sudah terbukti yang mana pihak berkuasa telah memberikan kebenaran. Memang orang asing tidak patut ikut campur kalau mereka ini terpengaruh oleh pihak politik.
DeleteBukannya SPRM saja yang menyiasat kes ini. Tapi ICAC Hong Kong pun bersama-sama menyiasat bagi membantu menyelesaikan siasatan tersebut.
DeleteTidak ada istilah subahat dalam SPRM. Mereka ini suruhanjaya yang tidak berpihak kepada mana-mana.
DeleteSPRM dan ICAC badan yang tegas dan amanah.
Deletetidak percaya kalau saya...saya percaya lagi tu laporan ICAC yang mengatakan tiada elemen rasuah dibuktikan membabitkan musa aman..
Deletetidak patut orang luar dibenarkan untuk campurtangan dalam hal ehwal negara ni. nanti kalau dia pasang niat jahat, habislah kita.
DeleteC Lukas strauman ini cuba menegakkan benang yg basah. Dia ingat di tu di swiss so apa2 kenyataan yg dia buat tu orang percaya?
ReplyDeleteOf couse the swiss government are investingating UBS, but cases of tax evassion fro the states as well as money laundering by the drug cartel. Bruno manser is tqisting the facts just to fit their agenda.
DeleteWe can't control what others think but we know what's the right thing to do.
DeleteJangan-jangan mereka semua ni agen pembangkang lagi sengaja mahu calarkan imej pemimpin BN
DeleteTunggu dan lihat saja wayang mereka ni.
Deletethis case already settle related with Datuk Musa. So now only to know the RM40m. So govt will give the explaination with this case.
DeleteICAC bukannya bawah kuasa Kerajaan Malaysia. Jadi sudah pasti pihak ini tidak dipengaruhi. Jadi percaya dengan ICAC dan SPRM bersatu.
DeleteSebaik-baiknya tidak perlulah cuba memutar belitkan cerita mengatakan SPRM tidak menjalankan tugas dengan baik. Bukti ICAC yang melakukan siasatan juga.
DeleteSeharusnya kita perlu tahu yang mana ICAC ini adalah suruhanjaya rasuah yang paling terkenal di Dunia dengan ketegasan mereka.
DeleteJika Datuk Musa terlibat dan bersalah memang sudah lama beliau dimasuk penjara. Tapi tidak sehingga sekarang kerana tidak ada kebenaran dalam tuduhan tersebut.
DeletePembangkang tidak ada bukti rasanya tidak perlulah untuk mengatakan yang bukan-bukan. Tidak ada guna juga cakap kosong saja.
DeleteDatuk Musa ada menyatakan yang mana daripada memikirkan masalah yang sia-sia ini lebih baik lagi memikirkan hal negeri Sabah dan juga penduduk Sabah
DeleteAkhirnya nama Datuk Musa telah dibersihkan. Ini telah pun menyebabkan ramai pihak yang tidak berpuas hati.
DeleteKeadilan dan kebenaran harus ditegakkan.
Deletejangan2 ada pihak luar yang mahu kerajaan jatuh...ada sudah contoh di luar negara macam mesir, syria dan lain2...tengok sekarang, negara diorang kucar-kacir...hidup rakyat sangat teruk..
DeleteKebenaran sudah diumum oleh nazri aziz, bahawa macc, icac & swiss sudah lepaskan musa dr semua kes rasuah. Apa lagi bmf nak bising2 nih?
ReplyDeleteThis is just a desperate ploy by BMF....the same can be said by the opposition. What is more ironic is that they demand an answer by the government regarding this matter, but they keep on refuting all explanation provided. They might as well go to Hong Kong and seek clarification from ICAC forvthis matter.
DeleteDesperate act leads to disastrous end.
DeleteTakkan BMF hanya mahu dengar jawapan yang mereka mahu dengar?? Keputusan sudah dikeluarkan, patut terima sajalah kenyataan.
DeleteTiada unsur yangberkait rasuahan. Terima keputusan ini.
DeleteBMF tidak dapat terima hakikat.
DeleteBMF mahu jadi tin kosong. Sama macam itu pembangkang.
DeleteBukan mudah untuk terima hakikat walaupun benar.
DeleteBMF bukan siapa2 pun..hanya pihak luar yang cuba mengambil kesempatan ke atas isu yang sudah selesai ini untuk kepentingan mereka dan kepentingan politik pembangkang...
Deletekeputusan yang dibuat oleh MACC, ICAC tidak seperti yang mereka harapkan. sebab itulah masih pertikaikan tentang RM40 juta tu.
DeleteBMF sengaja nk pusing cerita.. dah sah Musa Aman tak bersalah.
ReplyDeleteThey are looking for controversial news.
DeleteBMF ni maca ada agenda tersembunyi la.
DeleteJika Musa benar tidak terlibat, tidak mungkin ada pihak boleh menjatuhkan hukumannya.
DeleteKenapa juga mereka berhabisan mahu lihat Musa jatuh??
DeleteBMF tidak akan berjaya selagi tiada bukti yang kukuh.
DeleteCarilah bukti yang kukuh dulu baru nk teruskan dakwaan ni. accusation is useless without evidence.
Deleteselama ini tak ada sebarang pn tindakn dilakukan terhadap Musa aman. tak ada sebarang siasatan terhadap musa pn oleh ICAC?
ReplyDeletePembangkang mahu mempertikaikan keputusan ICAC
Deletemusa is innocent. The opposition purposely make him look bad.
DeleteICAC sendiri gugurkan kes ke atas Musa Aman.
DeleteICAC adalah badan yang tegas, pengesahan ICAC harus diterima.
DeleteBukti masih tidak cukup kuat untuk menjatuhkan hukuman.
DeleteTerbukti Musa tidak terlibat.
Deletepembangkang hentikanlah dakwaan2 palsu tu. kalau mau teruskan juga, cari bukti dan serahkan pada SPRM atau ICAC.
DeleteMusa pn ada nyatakan sebelum ini dia akan memberi kerjasama penuh dalam kes ini jika perlu.
ReplyDeleteNah, tengok! Musa sendiri sudi beri kerjasama dalam siasatan ini tapi pembangkang masih mahu putar belit.
DeleteKali ini, terbukti Musa tidak terlibat.
DeleteI don't buy their words. Simply manipulating.
ReplyDeleteTrue. They are only good in making stories.
DeleteThen the oppositions are so good?
ReplyDeleteMy foot. The opposition is more worse.
DeleteAsk anyone in the streets, is this political donation? they will say, "You think we are idiots" a political contribution? why should you Umno be putting into money bags and get caught? For smuggling money, for laundering? Should not political contributions go through the proper channel? TT and cheques will do, so why need to hide hard cash in bag?
ReplyDeleteand ICAC in its report saying that there's no element of corruption involving musa aman...don't forget to say that...
DeleteSUARAM sudah kantoi tiada perbicaraan Scorpene di France. Tapi sibuk canang cerita sana sini. Sekarang ni BMF mahu ikut jejak SUARAM.
ReplyDeleteSUARAM dan BMF tag team mungkin.
DeleteBila kerajaan Swiss pun sahkan bahawa Musa tidak bersalah, entah mereka semua ni mahu meroyan dengan siapa lagi.
ReplyDeleteKenyataan memang sukar diterima.
DeleteMeroyan dengan pembangkang pun tiada guna bila kerajaan Swiss gugurkan kes tu nanti
DeleteIt will be the reason of opposition to win the Pru 13..but, they just govern the country in a wrong way
ReplyDeletei doubt the opposition knows how to manage a country.
DeleteThe opposition will be never manage to topple the current govt.
DeleteBagi peluang kepada pembangkang untuk membuktikan kebolehannya?
DeletePembangkang sealing sentiasa dengan isu mereka yg talk penting
ReplyDeletethere are far important issues to be tackled than this.
DeletePembangkang sebenarnya cuba untuk alihkan perhatian supaya kesalahan mereka tidak difokuskan sangat.
DeleteIsu ini sudah berakhir, tumpuan seharus kepada kebajikan untuk rakyat.
Deletesetuju, jika pembangunan diberikan perhatian dan bukannya asyik mainkan isu ini.
DeleteJgn mudh percya dengn brrita ini
ReplyDeleteMemang tak percaya pun..
DeleteAgain this issue. aiya..already close laa. No need to continue.
ReplyDeleteopposition purposely bring up this issue again and again in order to confuse the people.
DeleteBut fortunately the people are not easily confused by the opposition.
DeleteRakyat semakin bijak untuk menilai.
DeleteTidak ubah macam menegakkan benang yang basah.
DeletePembangkang tidak dapat terima keputusan ini.
DeleteRakyat sudah cukup matang dan saya yakin rakyat athu apa yang patut dilakukan.
DeleteSelagi tiada bukti yang kukuh, keputusan masih sama sahaja.
ReplyDeleteMereka hanya membuang masa mahu buka kes ini semula.
Deleteya, kalau tiada bukti, tuduhan dianggap tidak berasas.
DeleteKalau kes berpanjangan pun, hasil siasatan tetap sama
DeleteJadi cakap apa saja pun memang takda guna. Lebih baik kita fokus pada hal yang lain.
Deletejust wasting time doing all these useless action. Even 100x u gonna re investigate, the result is
ReplyDeletethe same. they are the paling telus or transparent body of corruption. So, shame on them do
twice for a case. looks like they are not careful in their work. They wont be tag as that title, isnt?
think of that... they are international body.
Usaha membanteras jenayah rasuah harus diteruskan.
ReplyDeleteYa, walau sesukar mana sekalipun gejala rasuah harus ditanggani.
DeleteMasing-masing menilaikannya sejauh mana kebenaran isu ini.
ReplyDeletemasing2 dengan pandangan sendiri. yang penting nilailah dengan sebaiknya.
Deletelebih baik, pihak yang tidak berpuas hati tu, rujuk dengan ICAC untuk dapatkan jawapan.
ReplyDeletePembangkang patut refer ke ICAC sekiranya masih meragui keputusan MACC
DeleteMusa Aman tiada kaitan dengan Michael Chia, semua tu hanya rekaan pembangkang
ReplyDeleteTimber tycoon Michael Chia was never arrested in Hong Kong over the alleged smuggling of about RM40mil, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.
ReplyDeleteHe said the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) had never arrested the businessman who was linked to a corruption allegation involving Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
Delete"Based on a report from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Michael Chia was never caught in Hong Kong by the ICAC," said Nazri when winding up debate on the Supply Bill 2013 in the Dewan Rakyat.
DeleteThe Attorney General's Chambers and the MACC had given full cooperation to the Hong Kong ICAC until the investigation was completed, he said, adding that in MACC had in turn also conducted its own investigation by gathering all evidence and documents related to the case.
DeleteJust leave the investigation to the expert.
SABAH Barisan Nasional has refuted allegations that it had interfered in the corruption investigations against Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and timber trader Michael Chia involving RM40mil of political funds.
ReplyDeleteIts secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan (BN-Kota Belud) said Sabah Umno had given its full cooperation to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, which had carried a two-year investigation into the case.
Delete“None of our officers had stopped them from carrying out their duties or urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to interfere and disrupt the investigations,” he said when debating the Supply Bill 2013 in committee stage, in Parliament yesterday.
DeleteHe also dismissed allegations that Chia was nabbed by Hong Kong authorities at the island’s airport for physically smuggling cash worth RM40mil.
DeleteHe also questioned why Pakatan Rakyat leaders could not accept the findings of ICAC, an independent body recognised internationally for their works against corruption.
Delete“Previously Pakatan had much respect for ICAC and had urged the MACC to emulate their work but now that the ICAC has cleared the Sabah Chief Minister, why can’t they accept the findings?” he asked.
Tak habis-habis perkara ini diperkatakan. Ini kalilah!
ReplyDeleteSudah dikatakan Musa takda kaitan dengan isu rasuah yang dikaitkan dengannya, masih juga ada yang sibuk nak cakap Musa bersalah.
ReplyDeleteThe State Assemblyman of Telang Usan says a lot of things have been said about Bruno Manser Fund, which has been soliciting for global sympathy and support for Penans in Sarawak, in Baram in particular. Obviously, the Fund has been collecting money on the pretext to help the poor Penans. But until today where have all the funds that have been collected over the years gone to?
ReplyDeleteAs a fugitive, Bruno Manser organized the Penans to hold blockades to disrupt timber operations with the primary objective to project very negative images of Sarawak, which he perceived to be ill treating the Penans, to the outside world. Initially, he did on the pretext of saving the world environment. However, he concentrated his activities in the jungles of Ulu Baram to stay with the nomadic Penans. What has such activities got to do with saving the world environment?
ReplyDeleteMalaysian should not easily fooled by this foreigner who work for opposition in this country.. he already fail many times.. They demonise our leaders. They instigate our people. They go around the world running us down. if bruno manser and opposition in this country have a new evidence, just give it to MACC for further action..