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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

STAR: Najib, Stop Lying and Fooling Sabahans

“The Prime Minister should stop lying and treating Sabahans as fools by making sweeping statements about Sabah’s rights without checking the facts. To true Sabahans, the PM is making a fool of himself” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah in response to the PM’s statement that the rights of Sabahans are intact as reported in today’s papers.

Sabah’s rights downgraded to colony and 12th State

“How can the PM say that Sabah’s rights have not been taken away when it is very clear that from its position as an equal partner with Malaya in 1963, Sabah is now downgraded to become the 12th state and its Umno/BN state leaders subservient to Umno/KL leaders” asked Dr. Jeffrey.

In fact, the maneuvering of the Umno/federal leaders have resulted in Sabah being made a de-facto colony of Malaya and the Umno/BN leaders treating Sabah as their “fixed deposit” and treating Sabahans with disrespect.

Loss of political rights with reverse ethnic cleansing through PTIs

Sabahans have also lost their political franchise and rights when Umno maneuvered itself into Sabah and misguiding Usno to hand over power to their proxies and stooges. Sabahans further lost their rights to determine their own future through the evil “Project IC” during Tun Mahathir’s reign which also resulted in illegal immigrants being given ICs and voting rights.

The reverse ethnic cleansing through these illegal immigrants have affected true Sabahans in every aspect and yet the federal government has been dragging their feet on the RCI.

To top it all, under Umno/BN’s rule, Sabah is now the poorest State in Malaysia which accounts for 40% of all poor in Malaysia.

Loss of right to collect revenue

What is RM32 million for schools and RM132 million for infrastructures for Sabah when Sabah contributes about RM15 billion oil revenue annually to Petronas and for 2011 the federal government collected about RM22.7 billion in federal taxes and revenue from Sabah excluding other collections? The immigration department alone collected about RM200 million from Sabah for 2011.

The federal government has taken away the right of the Sabah State to collect these revenues when Point 11 of the 20-Points was not implemented. Point 11 reads:-

“Sabah (North Borneo) should have control of its own finance, development funds and tariffs.”

The revenue from Sabah’s oil and gas has been unfairly taken from Sabah when the PM’s own father in 1975 signed the vesting order and granting and vesting the ownership of Sabah’s oil and gas resources to Petronas.

If the PM means what he says, he should immediately rescind the vesting order and hand back Sabah’s oil and gas resources to Sabah.

Since 1975, Sabah’s oil revenue has been channeled to Malaya via Petronas to develop the Malayan states at the expense and detriment of Sabah. Recently, this was acknowledged by the PM himself in Sarawak that for 49 years, Sabah and Sarawak had contributed their revenues towards the development of Malaya.

Borneonisation and usurping roles of federal agencies

It was agreed at the outset of the formation of Malaysia in 1963 that borneonisation of the Sabah civil service will take place immediately. After 49 years, it is clear that the federal government is the replacement colonial master and taken over almost all the key positions in the federal civil service in Sabah.

The problem is compounded by the duplicating roles of federal agencies in Sabah to the extent of usurping the roles of Sabah agencies. These federal agencies have even deemed it appropriate to import their staff, even junior staff, from Malaya and marginalized the local Sabahans. It is all part of a devious scheme to control and make Sabah a colony of Malaya and Umno.

Manipulations by Mahathir and federal government

From 1965 when Singapore was kicked out of Malaysia, the federal government through their various schemes manipulated the situation to secure a 75% control of the federal Parliament when it was agreed in 1963 that Malaya would not have more than 65% of the parliamentary seats as a constitutional safeguard for Sabah and Sarawak.

History has now shown the testimony of the Umno federal government in making Sabah now the 12th State and a subservient state/colony of Malaya. Even during Usno early days, Umno had sent their adviser and it cannot be said that what Usno did was purely of their own doing.

During Berjaya’s tenure, Sabah lost Labuan and its oil revenue. The then Chief Minister seemed more interested in trying to please the federal government so as to achieve the political ambition of overthrowing Tun Mustapha.

During the PBS-era, Tun Mahathir showed his dictatorial side in sidelining the PBS government which was democratically elected by the people and even stopped Tan Sri Pairin from being sworn in as the legitimate Chief Minister. Mahathir also induced the jumping of PBS elected representatives and causing the downfall of the PBS government and used his dictatorial powers to put his opponents in jail under the draconian ISA.

The rotation system of the Chief Minister was then introduced against the Sabah Constitution to induce and later trap the other BN leaders while at the same time gerry-mandering the electoral boundaries to create additional seats for Umno and making it the single largest component with 32 out of 60 seats. With the Project IC then at its height, the takeover of Sabah by the federal Umno government was complete.

Why is the PM turning a blind eye to these testimonies of loss of Sabah’s rights?

Loss of freedom of religion

Freedom of religion was guaranteed by Point No. 1 of the 20-Points as well as the Batu Sumpah (Oath Stone) in Keningau.

The fact that Sabahans today no longer enjoy the freedom of religion clearly suggests that they have been robbed of this right.

In addition, there is a steady creeping in of the “Ketuanan Melayu” policy where new imported Malays are accorded better rights than the original indigenous natives, many of whom are Muslims.

Similar development not true

If the PM is correct that the federal government has given more than due to Sabah and that Sabah received development and progress similar to their counterparts in Malaya, surely Sabah will be one of the richest State in Malaysia, if not the richest.

If the PM had only opened his eyes to his surroundings when officiating the bridge at Padang Pagansakan and the Native Court Training Institute building in Penampang, he would notice that the development of the surrounding areas including the road, bridges and other infrastructure are not on par with the Malayan states. And that is only 10 miles from Kota Kinabalu city centre. He should then imagine how much below par is the development status in the other areas especially in the interiors like far-flung Pensiangan village.

Better still, on his next visit which is expected very soon with the growing support for the opposition and the general elections just around the corner, he should travel by road instead of helicopter to see for the status of the development in Sabah.

Malaysia is not 55

By insisting that Malaysia is 55 years old now and not 49, the Federal Government is propagating the worst lie to the people of Sabah and Sarawak.

What is motive of the Umno federal government in manipulating the facts of history?

PM should restore Sabah’s rights and not lie anymore

The PM should learn how to view Malaysia and the federal government from the perspective of Sabahans and not just a top view as an Umno leader with a Malayan Agenda.

Sabah has lost a lost since agreeing to form Malaysia in 1963 and suffered a great deal due to the manipulations and policies of the Umno federal government in the name of national integration and the federal government of Malaya in the guise of the federal government of Malaysia.

There was never a true and genuine partnership for Sabah in Malaysia. The federal government has disrespected the Malaysia Agreement, 1963 and the autonomy and rights of Sabah. After 49 years of an unequal partnership and treatment, Sabahans are now clamouring for the restoration of their rights and autonomy. The PM and the federal government should stop treating Sabahans as fools.

The 2012 Budget is nothing to shout about for Sabahans. Sabahans deserve more than 1-Malaysia water tanks and BRIMs.

Time to Put Things Right

What the Prime Minister can and should do, if he truly wants to make a difference unlike the past PMs, is to restore the rights and autonomy of Sabah and the status of Sabah as an equal partner to Malaya and Sarawak and to treat Sabahans with respect and dignity.

Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan is Chairman of STAR Sabah


  1. Very true, Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan. Thank you for speaking up for OUR RIGHTS! Let's work with like-minded Sabahans & PR to kick out the BN-umno gangs from our beloved Land Below the Wind. Yes, restore our rights. It's now or never!

    Sabahans must rise up!

    P.S. Don't listen to any of the paid umno cyber-troopers spilling their hog-wash on this blog to try to counter the truth as stated in this article. They'll make you sick.

    1. Believe me their own hog-wash will make them insane;remember Judas,he became mad after he betrayed his own MASTER/REDEEMER for ringgits,throw the money and hang himself.

    2. keep listen from this frog.. Sabah will suffer more than you can imagine if you choose this lidah bercabang to be the next chief minister..

    3. Lets wait and see what JK can do for Sabahans this election and the future.

    4. JK tidak akan dapat membantu rakyat. Cakap kosong sahaja.

  2. Inilah penjelasan yang sepatutnya diberikan kepada semua rakyat Malaysia di Sabah. Bangunlah wahai rakyat Sabah sokongilah permintaan kita iaitu "hak rakyat Sabah" dikembalikan kepada kita... terima kasih JK.

    1. jika benar Jeffrey memperjuangkan hak rakyat sabah, kenapa dia guna parti luar (sarawak) sebagai platform beliau?? kenapa tidak tubuhkan saja parti baru atau bergabung dengan sapp?

    2. gunalah utak kau sikit kalau dia dapat tubuhkan parti dah lama pun dia guna .tapi BN UMNO bahalol yang control mana dapat buat .guna utaklah parti sebagai jentera sahaja yg penting perjuangan tak meyimpang dari masuk ISA SAMPAI SEKARANG MASIH DGN AGENDA BORNEO .

  3. Najib thinks we are so ignorant and stupid kah?

    1. no.. Jeffrey is the one who thinking sabahan stupid.. easy for him to influence sabahan just by manipulate some facts..

    2. Think yourself. vote wisely in the next GE.

  4. JK dalam Star belum tentu menang majoriti.

    1. masih sukar Star nak menang.

    2. Kami menantikan sejauh mana STAR boleh capai di pru akan datang.

    3. JK dan Star kononnya mahu berjuang bersendirian.. tidak mahu bekerjasama dengan parti lain.. ingat dia boleh menang?

    4. Belum setahun jagung pun STAR di Sabah ni.jangan dulu cakap besar. tanding pun belum. dulu di Sarawak mana ada pencapaian STAR.

    5. Lepas ni, kalau JK kalah lagi..kita tunggu dan lihat, parti mana lagi beliau lompat.

  5. Lepas PRU13, jangan rasa kecewa kalau Jeffrey masuk parti lain. Lompat la tu.

    1. Orang macam ni lah yang di katakan "FIX DEPOSIT" oleh Umino semua tak kena,tapi dia hapak pun tak buat apa utk NAGARA Sabah,mau nya asal poket dia penuh orang lain peduli apa.....ini kah yang orang Sabah mau...? kalau tidak TUKAR TUKAR

    2. JK kan raja katak paling manang. tak mustahil lompat lagi.

    3. Kamurang memang bukan anak jantan dan bukan anak jati Sabah.
      Ini isu pasal hak Sabah bukan pasal JK. Ada JK atau tidak, kita semua rakyat Sabah yang tulen dan jati khasnya pemimpin sampai tahap KM harus berjuang untuk hak Sabah.
      Kamu masih mahu Petronas ambil 95% minyak yang keluar dari bumi Sabah?
      Bodoh betul bloggers macam kamu hanya buta sebab disuruh oleh bos. Sampai mati kamurang kekal kuli kepada bos besar di Malaya.

    4. AnonymousOctober 16, 2012 9:53 PM

      kalau kau bijak betul, kau tolong si JefFrog jelaskan bagaimana dia boleh naikkan royalti minyak kepada 100% dengan mengambilkira kos carigali dan subsidi.. jangan main cakap saja.. tolong jelaskan secara terperinci..

  6. A political analyst said the Prime Minister's assertion in Penampang on Saturday that the Federal Government never seized Sabah's rights has somewhat diluted the opposition's trump card - playing up or harping on that issue to win the hearts and minds of the people...

  7. In what is seen as a plus point for the BN, Najib had aptly assured the local people during a walkabout in Kundasang town that the Federal Government had big plans for Sabah "if the BN is given the mandate once again".

  8. As a prelude to this, Najib, the architect of the 1Malaysia concept, announced on his visit to Kudat on Sunday that he agreed in principle to build a coastal road linking Tuaran, Kota Marudu and Kudat as well as the setting up of a Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) centre in Kudat in the northern part of Sabah.

    1. Pembangunan Sabah mencapai dan menghala ke arah yang positif. Teruskan usaha dalam pimpinan BN.

    2. Pembangunan Sabah semakin banyak dan hargai denngan bantuan yang di beri kerajaan.

  9. Although Sabah BN might face a strong challenge from the opposition in the urban and suburban areas, he predicted that Sabah would remain a stronghold of the BN, helmed by Najib and, at the state level, by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

  10. Salman, a former civil servant with a law degree from Universiti Malaya and a Master's degree from UiTM, said the big turnout for the Prime Minister's programmes in Penampang, Kundasang and Kudat "where thousands of people were so eager to see him face to face and listen to his speech, actually sent a strong signal or message to the opposition, especially local parties like Star and SAPP, that the people still have trust and confidence in the BN to deliver".

  11. Hello, jangan pandai2 angkat bos besar dan bos Sabah semasa kamu bekerja dengan jabatan bos Sabah. Fikirkan apa akan terjadi kepada jawatan kamu bila PR ambilalih dari BN Sabah sebab jawatan itu bukan BN atau bos punya tapi perkhidmatan awam yang bertugas untuk kerajaan semasa? Senang cari saja daripada footprint anonymous.

  12. kalau setakat type di media pro pembangkang semua pun boleh dipersoalkan.. dengan sikap tamak si Jeffrey, saya pun tidak yakin Sabah akan bertambah baik jika dia jadi KM Sabah..

    1. Angan2 mau jadi KM??JK cubalah dulu imbas balik macam mana dan apa sumbangan perjuangan dia terhadap rakyat Sabah.

  13. jika benar Jeffrey mahu membawa perubahan kepada Sabah, kenapa dia enggan bekerjasama dengan pembangkang yang lain?? agenda perjuangan parti pembangkang yang lain tidak baik untuk Sabah ka? atau memang sudah dasar tamak?

    1. JK hanya pentingkan kedudukan saja tu. kalau tiada jawatan dalam sesebuah parti, dia akan lompat ke parti lain. sebab itulah sudah 5 kali lompat parti.last2 dia tubuhkan parti sendiri.

  14. Hello, nampaknya bukan JK tidak mahu bekerjasama dgn PR tapi AI yang tidak mahu bekerjasama tapi mahu orang2 Sabah bekerja dibawahnya seperti LU dan WB. Last2 sama juga dgn BN mahu kontrol Sabah dan bolot hasil dan minyak Sabah dgn bantuan pemimpin Sabah LU dan WB yang hanya berjuang utk diri sendiri. Kalau LU dan WB konfom dapat bertanding, tentu sudah mereka masih dlm BN hari ini.
    Tinguk kenyataan AI, LU, WB dan PR Sabah sejak 2 bulan lalu, semuanya hanya mereka sahaja. Mana ada mau bekerjasama dgn parti tempatan.

    Itu minyak keluar dari bumi Sabah. Siapa mereka oh mahu bagi Sabah 20%. Kalau betul cakap, mereka harus cakap dulu musim BN, Sabah kasi 95%, sekarang kita PR mahu Sabah kasi 80%. Ngam begitukahn?

    PR bilang dalam Buku Jingga, hormat Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai equal partner dan beri Sabah dan Sarawak autonomi selaras dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Apa ni? Ini rata2 bilang Sabah kekal negeri ke-12 sebab dalam Perlembagaan Sabah dan Sarawak adalah negeri ke-12 dan ke-13 dalam Malaysia. Kalau tidak percaya pigi tinguk Buku Jingga dan Perlembagaan. Dalam Kuching Declaration, lagi teruk utk Sabah dan Sarawak. PR hanya akan hormat "spirit of the Malaysia Agreement". Kenapa tidak laksanakan Perjanjian Malaysia dengan sepenuhnya? Apakah udang yang disebalik batu mereka?

    Kita Sabah dan Sarawak, sama taraf dengan Malaya dan membentuk Malaysia pada 16.09.1963. Kalau tiada Sabah, maka tiada Malaysia.

  15. Let's wait and see what is going to happening in the coming general election.

  16. Najib knows what is doing.

  17. He is working hard for the betterment of the people.

    1. Which people? Definitely not for the majority of the people of Sabah.

  18. The people of Sabah needs to cast their vote wisely.

  19. PM will always support the people.

  20. The Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) government is “serious” and is doing its “best” to solve the issues faced by the people, including the major issue of illegal immigrants, says the coalition’s state secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

    1. A Merdeka Center survey showed that only 54 per cent of voters polled last September felt the state was heading in the right direction compared to 66 per cent in November 2009.

    2. But Abdul Rahman said the survey results will not have a bearing in the next general election.


    3. People have concerns, but I think when they go to vote, it’s not just about the economy alone, it’s also about leadership, it’s also about whether or not the incoming government from the opposition will be better to manage the economy or not.


    4. The Merdeka Center survey showed that the top five reasons for the drop include the issue of illegal immigrants, dissatisfaction with political leadership, the high cost of living, and “the perception” that Sabah was still “lagging” behind in economic development and infrastructure.


    5. Abdul Rahman said that the present government are trying to solve the issues.

    6. The difference between the present government and the opposition is that the government understand the issues and acknowledge the issues.

    7. The present government knows what the problems are, people are worried about economic issues, that’s why The National Budget is tailor-made to address those issues.


    8. Even if it’s about the PTI (illegal immigrants), the RCI is there, but it will take time and the government is addressing it, that’s the most important.


    9. The illegal immigrants issue was rated by 53 per cent of the voters polled as the most important issue in Sabah.


    10. The Kota Belud MP also appeared to suggest the “gloomy” world economy had contributed to the decline shown in the Merdeka Center survey results.

    11. “Times are tough worldwide, worldwide the economy is bad, people are gloomy... somehow it affects us one way or the other...” he said, adding that Sabah was “not isolated”.

    12. But overall, in the whole world, people are a bit worried about the future about the economy so it’s not just about Sabah.


    13. Another top Sabah BN leader, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak, also commented on the Merdeka Center polls that was carried out this September.


    14. The government is indeed serious about tackling the illegal immigrant issue and all concerned should lend their support.


    15. As for the illegal immigrants, the royal commission of inquiry has started its mission and it should be left to the wisdom of its members to carry out their task, and those with grouses can go up and meet them.


    16. He said the people should “allow” the RCI members to carry out their job and “see what their recommendations are at the end of the day.


    17. Salleh also said: “It would not be fair to say that there has been a lack of development when a huge chunk of the state budget, supplemented by federal funding, goes into all sorts of development.


    18. Looking at it objectively, the survey gives the Sabah BN the opportunity to know what’s in the minds of the people and to take proactive action to address outstanding issues.


    19. If what has been reported is correct, then the Sabah BN must take stock of the situation and take steps to correct the misperception that development is lagging.

    20. He had also said that “development and infrastructure are localised and these are not often highlighted in the media”, having noted the state’s infrastructure was developed at a “rapid pace”.


    21. But it is true that some problems cannot be solved overnight; it is deep-rooted and when steps are taken to clear the matter, some people would be happy but there would also be others who would object.
