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Monday, October 15, 2012

What about contributions to Musa's sons?

I deny all these allegations. I wish to put it on record once again that I have no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia,” Musa (April 12, 2012)

Does Musa still want to deny again that he knew Michael Chia?

The government may claim that the RM40 million that Hong Kong had seized from businessman Michael Chia may have been for Sabah Umno and not Chief Minister Musa Aman, but court documents have shown that Chia has also given money to Musa’s sons.

Whistleblower website Sarawak Report said this yesterday in a posting, stating that Singapore High Court documents allegedly prove this.

“Don't rely on ‘forged documents’ from Sarawak Report for the proof on this matter,” said the website sarcastically, referring to Musa’s earlier denial.

“Go to the High Court of Singapore and look at the depositions made by the Swiss UBS Bank, which has been seeking to defend its management of these accounts for Michael Chia.

“In its evidence, the bank swears to a series of payments from these accounts made out to the sons of Musa Aman,” it said.

In an April expose, Sarawak Report revealed the court documents allegedly showing how Chia’s UBS bank account had been making payments to Musa’s sons, apparently for their education expenses in Australia.

Sarawak Report added that they have sighted the same documents in MACC’s possession, while Musa in his denial had accused it of forging the documents.

“These recorded payments perfectly match the bank statements we ourselves have acquired from the MACC's own investigation of this matter (now being suppressed by Umno ministers), which puts paid to the notion of ‘forgery’ once and for all,” it said.

Why hard cash?

The London-based website pointed out that government’s admission that Chia’s RM40 million was meant for Sabah Umno is an admission that Musa had dealings with the former.

“For the past four years, Musa Aman has strenuously denied that this money had anything to do with him or indeed that he had ‘any business association whatsoever’ with Michael Chia,” it said.

“However, the prime minister has now been forced to admit in the face of overwhelming evidence that the money was linked to Musa (in making the excuse that the money was for Umno Sabah).

“In any other country, such an excuse would be treated as an admission of enormous guilt, because of course it is just as criminal to launder illegal money on behalf of your political party as it is for yourself,” it said.

“Was the education of Musa's sons in Australia and their spending money 'Umno party business'?” it added.

Sarawak Report added that if the money was legal, then it could have been transferred via the bank rather than through a “suitcase to Sabah”.

“Is the world really supposed to take on trust that this sordid transaction, involving used notes stuffed into suitcases was all above board and there was no hint of corruption involved? Why is the PM not prepared to provide the evidence?” it asked.

Alleged source of funds revealed

The website, led by former British PM Gordon Brown’s sister-in-law Claire Rewcastle Brown (left), further detailed parties they claimed were behind the funds.

It listed a number of individuals and companies that have been putting money into Chia’s Hong Kong account, from which the Sabah Umno funds is said to have been drawn.

These figures include Sabah timber tycoons who are said to have received “numerous concessions” from Yayasan Sabah, of which Musa Aman is chief.

According to the article, such payments had been highlighted by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in their investigations.

“If there is nothing wrong with millions of dollars being donated to Sabah Umno (chaired by CM Musa Aman) from timber barons who have received valuable concessions granted by the Board of Yayasan Sabah (chaired by CM Musa Aman), why does the prime minister leave it to Sarawak Report to make all this public?” it said.

Last week, de facto Law Minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz told Parliament that the RM40 million in Singaporean currency that Chia was carrying when he was arrested at in Hong Kong on August 14, 2008 was meant for Sabah Umno liaison body.

Nazri said that this was the findings of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). He said investigations also showed that there was "no element of corruption" involved and that the funds were not meant for Musa Aman's personal use.

Parti Bersatu Sabah said this has vindicated Musa of allegations of corruption.

DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, however, questioned MACC’s ability to conduct impartial investigations as the commission comes under the PM’s Department, headed by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, who is also Umno chief.

Source: Malaysiakini


  1. Replies
    1. Well, election fever has taken its toll! Now they are rambling on these old tabloid quality that they call 'news'......

    2. Yeah what a recycle issue again!

    3. Asyik nak cakap benda yang sama saja.

    4. ya bah, balik2 ni barang...bah kanapa lah bapa mau bagi anak duit?!?

    5. Just ignore it. they're desperate to use the same issue.

    6. They are making out fool of themselves. Shame on you.

    7. Hahaa now the title change but the contain is still same.hehe So this Opposition strategy actually.

    8. Don't read if the issue is recycled.

    9. No need la to recycle this thing if don't get the evidence yet.

    10. Haha yeah no need to read anymore article like this just recycle..hehe Same before and now..haha :)

    11. General Election is near, opposition need more news to recycle.

    12. its not a surprise because the 13GE is just around the corner...sarawak report will recycle the same issue until the last minute..

    13. Ini kalilah, Pembangkang tidak akan putus asas, kalau tidak ,Anwar nak bersara sudah XD

  2. ICAC has dismissed these charges. So does the swiss government. I guess the only people who kept on running these are claims are probably intended to to dislogde .BN and discredit MUSA AMAN and his family.

    1. I think the oppositions have nothing to say but kept on recycled the issue.

    2. Musa sudah sisahkan tidak terlibat.

    3. The fact is he is released from any issue of graft so we don't have to be so dead wasting time on this.

    4. Opposition have nothing good to say about Musa Aman.

    5. No matter what it takes, opposition will manage to discredit CM Musa Aman, although his name has been cleared by authorities.

    6. all the opposition can do now, is just keep recycling the issue...although, musa aman names has been cleared by MACC and ICAC...

    7. Nak bagi tahu pembangkang apa yang sudah berlaku dalam dunia realiti memang susah, kerana mereka hidup dalam idaman impian sendiri.

  3. New issue or recycle?

    1. Yawn.....old issue I'm afraid. This matter has already settled. No evidence was found. It's more of a circumstances with no solid evidence to back it up. I read somewhere that the so called 'evidence' was fabricated .... via photoshop or whatever graphic software they say.....

    2. Bear in mind, I saw the topic and I knew it was a recycle issue. Why? Because the picture and the content tells it all.

    3. The same old issues being recycled over and over, never was there any proof in it.

    4. Hong Kong ICAC does not take any further actions because they did not have enough evidence, so they have to let it go. But people like those in Sarawak Report find it difficult to let it go.

    5. MACC also declared that they found no elements of corruption regarding the RM40 million issue.

    6. It's obvious that some people is desperate to use this issue to bring down the government. It doesn't work.

    7. What the MACC said is final, Musa Aman's name is cleared from graft allegations.

    8. Just change the topic but the issue is still the same.

    9. Jika benar Musa salah gunakan kuasa dan kewangan, ambil tindakan undang-undang.

    10. Same issue but with different title. Lol

    11. Hahaha so why this issued just recycle by other side? Maybe they don't have any thing to issuing more. So that why this issue recycle.

    12. Thanks to MACC for the full report investigate the issued connect to Datuk Musa Aman before.

    13. The report now cleared name Datuk Musa from the money laundering case related to Micheal Chia. All of this just rumours.

    14. Sesuka hati nak maki orang lain memang stu perbuatan yang tidak masuk akal langsung.

    15. New or recycle issues all are affected news from opposition.

    16. Asalkan headline baru tu lah berita terkini pembangkang.

    17. it just prove one thing that, sarawak report cannot be trust...

    18. XD tiap2 hari fikir tajuk baru je, kandungan artikel semua sama...

  4. While they recycling the same issue Datuk Musa doing well in serving the people....the allocation of RM386 million in the 2013 budget for the standardisation of prices of goods in Sabah and Sarawak, proved the government's concern on the welfare of the people....

    1. That's what Sabah BN leaders such as Rahman Dahlan and V.K Liew are saying.

    2. Datuk Rahman Dahlan said in a statement that the opposition should apologise for ruining CM’s reputation when he worked tirelessly for Sabah.

    3. Meanwhile Datuk Johnny Mositun shared Rahman Dahlan's view about Musa Aman, he said “We leave it to the people of Sabah because we know anybody who is doing a great job, people will criticize.”

    4. Datuk Musa Aman is still retaining people's and local leaders support regardless of graft.

    5. Nasib baik Musa Aman abaikan saja khabar angin yang tidak betul pasal beliau. Buang masa saja mahu layan.

    6. Nampak sangat ada pihak yang tidak senang dengan keputusan yang dibuat oleh SPRM ini. Tapi yang pasti ini adalah yang tepat sekali. Jadi terima seadanya dengan laporan tersebut.

    7. Datuk Musa pernah berkata juga dulu pasal ini yang mana daripada memikirkan hal ini lebih baik rasanya memikirkan masalah rakyat untuk dibantu. Itu lebih baik dari memikirkan perkara yang tidak memberikan manfaat kepada rakyat.

    8. This clearly shown that the opposition is hungry of sympathy.

    9. Walaupun begitu banyak penjelasan dan jelas sekali ICAC dan Swiss bank sudah withdrawn their charges.

    10. Pembangkang tidak mau penjelasan dari pemimipin, mereka cuma nak dengar kata pemimpin pembangkang sendiri.

    11. sabah were lucky for having such a great and excellent leader as musa aman...

    12. Esok adalah pemgumuman bajet Sabah, exicited nak tahu sangat2.

  5. Sarawak Report PAKAR guna dokumen PALSU

    Sarawak keReport sudah terkantoi di Sarawak ba.. sekarang dia beralih ke sabah sebab banyak media pro pembangkang di negeri ini yang boleh dijadikan kuda tunggangan pembohongan media asing SR..

    1. What is Sarawak Report real agenda I wonder?

    2. To create disunity among Sabahans.

    3. Memang ketara bahawa pembangkang ini hanya tahu membangkang dan bukannya menghargai.

    4. Najib announced an allocation of RM2.98 billion to fund various development projects in Sabah next year.

    5. SR ni alat pembangkang untuk bantu mereka mencapai impian mereka.

    6. Mereka yang terlibat dalam kes rasuah harus diambil tindakan, kebenaran harus ditegakkan.

    7. buat apa SR nak sibuk2 hal di Sabah..

    8. Bila Sarawak Report hanya berminat dengan Musa Aman, memang ada yang something wrong. Tidak pula Sarawak Report ni mahu sibuk pasal KM negeri lain.

    9. Betul,Sarawak Report sekarang ni macam hanya attack Musa Aman,something wrong.....

    10. pasal tu lah sarawak report tidak boleh dipercayai semua isi kandungannya...diorang ni pakar buat dan guna dokumen palsu...

    11. Selesai perbincangan akhir dengan Pembantu-Pembantu Menteri, SUT dan pegawai-pegawai kanan Kementerian Kewangan sebelum pembentangan Bajet Negeri Sabah esok. Pastinya bajet yang realistik dan terbaik untuk rakyat dan negeri Sabah. Dari Musa Aman FB.

  6. musa not guilty lah..

    1. He never was....if not he would not be so calm to give cooperation to MACC as he stated last time . Is that thee action of a guilty man?

    2. And it's clearly stated that he is cleared of everything. Everything, man.

    3. Tapi ada tidak dapat terima hakikat bahawa Musa tidak bersalah

  7. bukan Sarawak Report sudah serahkan ka dokumen2 itu kepada ICAC dan SPRM?? kalau dokumen itu tidak diserahkan, bermakna dokumen itu palsu.. tetapi jika dokumen itu sudah diserahkan, dan masih tidak mampu mendakwa Musa Aman, bermakna dokumen itu diragui..

    1. Yes, and the documents can be abused by irresponsible people.

    2. Bukti yang ditedahkan harus dikenal pasti terlebih dahulu.

    3. dokumen tu dari mana sarawak report dpt? setakat dokumen begitu senang ja nak buat.

    4. SR ada kes memalsukan dokumen sebelum ni. Kantoi..

  8. boleh pula media2 pembangkang tanya "how about contribution to musa's sons" sedangkan ketika sprm dan icac membuat siasatan, tidak ada pula yang mahu bekerjasama untuk menyerahkan bukti2 yang ada dalam simpanan pembangkang.. bukan BENGAP ka tu?

    1. Three words, ipar: KUTUK, HASUT, JANJI

      That's how they roll, ipar........

    2. Bermakna mereka ni mempunyai niat yang tidak bagus.

    3. Skandal RM1 billion yang melibatkan kerajaan Selangor tu pembangkang2 buat2 lupa pula ya..

  9. sarawak report sebelum ini pernah memberi gambaran palsu mengenai lembah danum.. mengatakan lembah danum kawasan yg teruk oleh pembalakan. hakikatnya lembah danum kawasan pemuliharaan hidupan liar yang cantik alam semulajadinya..

    1. Biasalah SR ni, tiada berita negatif memang tak menjadi.

    2. Sarawak Report should just focused on Sarawak thingies. I think we should have Sabah Report, who knows we can contribute critical articles like what it did.

    3. Never trust Sarawak Report. we know who's behind them.

    4. Sarawak report mmg byk buat penipuan.

  10. atau mungkin sudah diserahkan tapi kesahihan dokumen itu diragui.. maklumlah, Sarawak Report pakar memalsukan dokumen mengikut selera pembangkang..

  11. putera william dan kate yang melawat lembah danum mengiktiraf pusat pemuliharaan tersebut terbaik di dunia.. sarawak report kantoi dalam penipuannya.

    1. Pihak British memberi kenyataan bahawa mereka tidak akan membuat sebarang komen tentang isu ini kerana tidak terbukti.

    2. Pusat Penyelidik Danum Valley dan hutan simpanan tersebut adalah salah satu usaha kerajaan Sabah yang baik. Kejayaan ini juga mendapat perhatian daripada pasangan diraja British.

    3. Datuk Musa Aman yang memberi arahan untuk memberhentikan aktiviti pembalakan di Danum untuk tujuan menjadikannya sebagai hutan simpanan. Tidak benar sekali bahawa Datuk Musa hanya pentingkan keuntungan.

    4. Datuk Herman Luping juga memuji Datuk Musa Aman bahawa usaha beliau dalam perlindungan hutan adalah terbaik.

    5. Kalau bukan usaha Datuk Musa Aman dalam pengurusan hutan simpanan ini, sudah lama hutan-hutan di Sabah dihapuskan dan digantikan dengan ladang kelapa sawit.

    6. Akhirnya tidak berjaya pihak SR memberikan imej negatif pada Sabah dan pentadbiran Musa Aman.

    7. Usaha Musa dalam pentadbiran Sabah amat baik dan ini tidak bermaksa beliau tidak berkemungkinan terlibat dlm kes rasuah juga.

    8. Usaha Musa Aman dalam pemuliharaan dan pemeliharaan hutan amat membanggakan.

  12. isu RM40 juta untuk tutup dana Soros beratus-ratus JUTA

    ba macam mana pula dengan kemewahan pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan terutamanya Anwar Ibrahim yang mampu menaiki Jet eksekutif secara percuma (kos menyewa RM96,000 untuk penerbangan ke Sabah dan Labuan), memiliki banglo bernilai lebih RM6 juta di Segambut Dalam, kereta pertama, MG Rover 3500cc bernilai ratusan ribu ringgit, bas mewah dua tingkat yang dianggarkan bernilai RM900000, treler jelajah merdeka dan kos guaman (skandal liwat) yang dianggarkan hampir mencecah RM10 juta... semua ini PERCUMA??

    1. Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat tidak pernah dedah penderma politik mereka, mengapa tidak siasat mereka?

    2. Datuk Najib Razak berkata, mana-mana parti berhak menerima sumbangan politik, kalau Pakatan boleh, kenapa UMNO tidak boleh?

    3. Kalau sumbangan politik UMNO disiasat, Pakatan Rakyat juga patut disiasat, ini supaya adil untuk semua pihak.

    4. Pinjaman Jet Peribadi kepada pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat untuk tujuan berkempen itu juga dikira sebagai sumbangan politik, tapi Anwar Ibrahim tidak pernah mendedah siapakah 'Kawan Baik' itu yang meninjamkannya jet tersebut.

    5. Tiada apapa yang percuma dalam dunia ini, walaupun kawan Anwar yang pinjamkan jet tersebut itu berkata tidak berminat dengan politik, jika PR menjadi kerajaan, kawan itu mesti akan ada hubungan dengan mereka. Adakah Anwar Ibrahim boleh katakan 'no' kepada kawan yang begitu membantunya semasa berkempen?

    6. Sumbangan sebanyak RM40m, tidakkah jumlah ini menakutkan?

    7. Anwar naik jet private tu bukan percuma tu, ada kawan Anwar bayarkan loan jet tu. Baik betul kawan Anwar tu...Kawan yang bayar atau duit2 dari negeri2 pembangkang yang disapu.

    8. Anwar dikatakan mempunyai kekayaan luar biasa sejumlah 4000 juta.

    9. @ Headhunter : pembangkang bukan sekadar membangkang laa.... hasil saman malu 3billion dari pemfitnah itu adalah duit dsai yang terkumpul, tolong buat kajian dulu. saya pun kalau difitnah saya akan saman pemfitnah itu.

  13. SR is merely creating chaos among us.

    1. SR is merely want to mislead us with doubtful resources.

    2. isu yang lebatkan pemimpin PR, tidak pula didedahkan oleh SR.

  14. Duit ini pasti ada agenda yang tidak diketahui.

    1. Bantuan dana politik pembangkang yang tidak diketahui sumber daripada kamu tidak ragui ka.. Pembangkang ada peruntukan ka..atau daripada kuasa asing di luar sana

    2. pembangkang begitu byk wang. .dari mana mereka dpt?

  15. Pembangkang sekarang mahu kasi cerita anak musa aman. icac sudah tutup kes la.

  16. tulah durg ni, mcm2... Musa Aman dulu diserang, skali skrg anak dia sudah..emtah bsok2 nenek dia
    lg kena siasat.. hmmmmm ...

  17. Bukankah ICAC sudah buktukan yg Musa tidak terlibat dlm kes rasuah?

    1. takkan nak pertikaikan ICAC yang merupakan badan paling telus.

  18. Musa Aman sudah dilepaskan dri tuduhan rasuah bah tu.. knapa ada lg anak Musa? Adeh..mcm2 ni..

    1. Pakatan Rakyat asyik cari pasal je, nama Musa Aman sudah dibersihkan tapi sekarang pula libatkan anak Musa....

  19. Menyusahkan diri sendiri shaja.

  20. Musa menunjukkan keprihatinan beliau dengan melawat-lawat orang kg, ketika di hari perayaan

  21. Sokongan Musa Aman kepada aktiviti2 BN adalh tunjang kepada sokongan warga BN thdap beliau

  22. Musa sangat menekankn semagat berpasukan

  23. Musa telah memberi bnyak jasa bukan shj dlam aspek ekonomi malah dal aspek pelancongan, social, malah keselamatan kpd negeri Sabah

  24. We having an enjoy life under Musa's administration

    1. Sabahan understand and appreciate CM Musa Aman contribution.

  25. Walaupun Musa dituduh rasuah tetapi beliau tetap bekerja keras untuk Sabah -BB

    1. Inilah Usaha Musa Aman yang tidak dihargai oleh parti pembangkang.

    2. pembangkang hanya tahu mengkritik saja.

  26. walupun Musa ditmpar menerima rasuah tetapi beliau telah digambarkan 'bekerja keras'

    1. Memang dia bawa tenang dan menyambut kunjungan royal couple dan China delegasi.

  27. A clear cut corruption case can be condoned by Umno BN clearly shows us how corrupted they are..this is just a tip of the iceberg.

  28. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said in a written reply in the Dewan Rakyat the Attorney-General’s Chambers had not found any element of corruption in a case that linked Musa to a Sabah businessman who was detained in Hong Kong while trying to smuggle out RM40 million in Singapore currency.

  29. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said the Attorney-General's Chambers found no element of corruption after studying and considering the evidence and investigation papers presented by MACC.

    “The funds were contributions to the Sabah Umno liaison body and not for the personal use of the chief minister,” said Nazri in a written reply to a question from Tian Chua (PKR-Batu) today.

  30. Nazri said based on the ICAC's investigation and that of MACC's, the ICAC decided not to take any further action.

    “As for the case filed at the Switzerland court, it was merely an application for assistance, under the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act, sought by the ICAC to investigate the case,” he added. Nazri said that the application had also been retracted.

  31. Musa instead accused Sarawak Report of defaming him, claiming the graft allegations were likely part of a conspiracy by his detractors who wanted to topple Barisan Nasional in Sabah.

    He said he would offer full co-operation to the authorities if he was required to but stressed that his focus was on serving the state instead of entertaining frivolous allegations.

  32. pembohongan sarawak report yang selama ini bertubi-tubi menyerang musa aman, KM sabah, kini telah dibuktikan tidak benar oleh MACC dan ICAC...siasatan menunjukkan bahawa tiada elemen rasuah dapat dibuktikan yang melibatkan musa aman...kini sarawak report dan pembangkang mengitar semula isu, siap dengan buat laporan polis untuk mempertikaikan hasil siasatan MACC dan ICAC...tindakan ini adalah tindakan terdesak sarawak report dan pembangkang berikutan masa tetap berjalan menuju ke arah pilihanraya ke 13 dan untuk mencipta satu pembohongan baru mungkin sudah tidak sempat...hanya satu yang dibuktikan melalui siasatan MACC dan ICAC iaitu tuduhan2 yang dilemparkan kepada musa aman sebelum ini oleh sarawak report dan pembangkang adalah tuduhan2 yang tidak berasas dan liar...

    1. selama ini tuduhan yang dilemparkan terhadap Musa ternyata tidak benar.

  33. SR memang suka mainkan isu seperti ini, tapi isu pemimpin pembangkang tidak pula mereka siarkan.

  34. sebelum ini pelbagai tuduhan dilemparkan pada Musa, tapi ternyata itu hanya sekadar tuduhan.
