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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

NRD double standard - SAPP

KOTA KINABALU: Member of Parliament for Sepanggar, Datuk Eric Majimbun, lashed out at the federal government of applying a different set of procedures when dealing with Sabah-born Malaysians and foreign-borns registering for birth certificates in the state.

Eric said the procedures adopted by Kuala Lumpur marginalised and discriminated against the people of Sabah, particularly those in the rural areas where many children do not have birth certificates.

He said when these applicants, with the assistance of local community leaders, finally get their documents, the National Registration Department (NRD) will stamp, in red ink, the words “Late Registration”.

“Late Registration” refers to births not registered within the 14 days stipulated under CAP 123 of the Sabah Registration of Births and Deaths Ordinance.

When it is time for the holders of such documents to apply for identity cards (MyKad), they have to begin with first getting their certificates endorsed by a First Class Magistrate.

It’s a procedure under the Sabah Births and Deaths Ordinance Cap. 123. 1953 which states that all “late registrants” must to go through the procedure in court presided by at least a First Class Magistrate but the same court requirements do not seem to apply to foreigners.

Majimbun, who is also Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) deputy president, said his recent query on the matter in parliament was not satisfactorily answered by the Home minister.

As a former chief judge of the Kota Kinabalu Native Court (Ketua Daerah Kota Kinabalu), who had handled many late registration cases, disclosed here on Tuesday that the written answer given to him was alarming and giving foreigners a `fast track’ scheme to obtain identity cards.

According to the minister’s reply, the NRD adopts the position that for the children of foreigners, the information in their parent’s passports is sufficient to determine their status without court verification process that is applied for children of Sabahans, Majimbun said.

The opposition MP called the procedure “lopsided” and accused NRD of practicing “double standard”. The procedure was made arbitrarily in order to smooth the way for children of foreigners to easily gain citizenship.

“I wonder how many of these late registration certificates holders are foreigners in Sabah because only in Sabah has such (a) law that requires court endorsement of late birth certificates,” he said.

Thousands of others circumvent the procedure altogether by registering through the NRD in Putrajaya, he added.

Majimbun wants the Barisan Nasional state government to issue a directive to the department that late registrants must go through the proper procedure in accordance to the state law.

He said the state government has the power to do this but has allowed the loophole for unknown reasons.

“We must have some identity documents to differentiate between local Sabahan Malaysians and the so-called Malaysians in Sabah,” Majimbun added.


  1. tau pun ramai kanak2 di kawasan pedalaman masih tidak memiliki sijil lahir.. tapi kenapa bantah bila NRD buat pendaftaran bergerak di kawasan pedalaman?? itu Roger Stimin bukan main lagi dia bantah bila ada pendaftaran sijil lahir di kawasan pedalaman.. begini la kalau parti lidah bercabang..

    1. Pendaftaran bergerak yang dijalankan di kawasan pedalaman memang baik tapi takut juga kalau-kalau PATI pun 'ter'daftar sama.

    2. ni PATI ni pandai berlakon ni...mesti ada surat sokongan dari ketua kampung kalau boleh untuk mengesahkan bahawa ibu bapa kanak2 yang didaftarkan adalah penduduk asal kampung tersebut...

    3. Bagus juga ada pendaftaran bergerak di kawasan pendalaman, tapi perlu di buat dengan lebigh terperinci lah agar hanya warga tempatan saja yang mendaftar.

  2. bagus SAPP tukar logo parti dari peta sabah kepada lidah bercabang.. lagi sesuai dengan cara pemimpin2 SAPP berpolitik..

    1. Bagus SAPP gulung tikar..ekekeke..alang2 lagi tukar logo bah

    2. bagus bubar terus kalau tidak mahu tukar tu pucuk pimpinan parti...

    3. Cakap banyak tiada guna.. lebih baik bubar sahaja SAPP ini.

  3. Yong guna khidmat pengundi hantu

    ""Pada Jun 2001, Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu telah mengisytiharkan keputusan Pilihanraya bagi kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Likas (Yong Teck Lee menang dengan 9110 undi) yang diadakan pada tahun 1999 sebagai batal kerana terdapat pengundi hantu yang tidak wujud dalam daftar pemilih kawasan itu. Calon PBS, Dr. Chong Eng Leong sendiri yang meminta mahkamah mengeluarkan perintah bagi membatalkan keputusan pilihan raya tersebut kerana terdapat pemilih daripada kalangan bukan rakyat Malaysia yang mengundi di kawasan Likas.

    Sementara itu, seorang lagi calon yang juga bekas Ketua Menteri, Harris Salleh, turut mengemukakan petisyen serupa dengan mendakwa terdapat kegiatan bercanggah pada pilihan raya 1999 untuk DUN Likas. Petisyen Harris itu mendakwa terdapat parti yang memasang empat papan pameran di sekitar kawasan pusat mengundi Likas dan tindakan itu melanggar Akta Kesalahan-Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954.""

    1. yong memang suka main taktik kotor...sekali dia cuba2 tidak main taktik kotor, dia kalah di batu sapi...dia mungkin boleh menang kalau guna taktik kotor..

    2. Pemimpin yang suka main taktik kotor tidak akan berjaya.. sama macma YTL la..

  4. tidak mustahil kad pengenalan khas yang dicadangkan oleh SAPP juga akan disalahgunakan oleh pemimpin2 SAPP untuk mengekalkan kuasa sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh Taiko mereka pada tahun 1999..

    1. itu lah bah tujuan si Yong tu...tiada lain lagi...

  5. Approximately 40,000 people in Sabah, including 4,000 children in Semporna, are facing documentation issues as they do not have birth certificates, Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop said.

    1. Late registration of birth certificate occurred due to the lack of awareness among the local residents on the importance to register the birth of their children on time. They usually prefer to wait for the National Registration Department’s mobile unit to come to their places so that they don’t have to pay the cost of going to the nearest NRD office to register the birth of their children.
      Some of them didn’t even have marriage certificate as they were married under customary law or were married to foreigners.

    2. PATI banyak di kawasan pantai timur Sabah. 4,000 kanak2 yang tidak berdaftar tu pasti ka semuanya anak tempatan?

    3. Pastikan anak2 tempatan saja yang didaftar bukan anak2 PATI

    4. kalau ada anak2 PATI didaftarkan, segera batalkan pendaftaran tersebut.

  6. The late registration of identity card, however, was often associated with the problem to obtain confirmation from the Magistrate Court before applying for identity card, to wait for court decision for verification and the unknown status of the child.

  7. Infrastructure and geographical factors also contributed to the issues of children without birth certificates and identity cards.

    1. Perlu juga ada pihak yang ada untuk membantu mereka yang tinggal jauh di pendalaman untuk register anak2 mereka

    2. Pasti kerajaan akan pastikan pendaftaran begerak ini akan di jalankan dengan tulus tanpa sebarang penipuan.

  8. The NRD is not responsible for any application transactions for identification cards made by certain individuals outside of NRD offices.

    1. NRD Director-General Jariah Mohd Said urged the public to report to the authorities if any individual offers such services.

  9. SAPP mahu buat IC khas...bukan double standard juga kah tu?

    1. Memang double standard la tu, entah apa tujuan mereka untuk buat IC khas untuk Sabah, tidak masuk akal langsung..

  10. There is a need to set in place additional precautionary measures to prevent immigrants from taking advantage of the ongoing National Registration Department’s (NRD) mobile registration drives to acquire Malaysian citizenship.

    1. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) vice president Datuk Radin Malleh who suggested this, said although certain mechanisms were already in place, the NRD still needs to be extra careful to ensure that illegal immigrants are not mistakenly registered as locals and given Malaysian birth certificates and identity cards (ICs).


    2. Radin who is also Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department said the mobile registration was one of the government’s way to help the people, but to a certain extent, there might be a hint of truth to the association’s claims.


    3. He added that there were rules in place under the Federal Constitution for foreigners to get their citizenship and NRD must ensure that everyone abides by this.


    4. If there is any truth that these immigrants are able to get the Malaysian identity cards and claim their citizenship that way, it is not the right way.


    5. Hopefully with the high-tech mechanisms that they mentioned, NRD will be able to properly screen these irregularities.


  11. The relevant authorities to be extra careful in registering the birth certificates and identity documents, so that they do not fall into the wrong hands especially illegal immigrants, as this could jeapordise the country’s sovereignty and future.


    1. He noted that amongst the requirements of the Federal Constitution, one must reside in this country for a certain period of time, be fluent in the Malay language and the cultures of the country and take an oath before they can be granted citizenship, not simply impersonating as a local.

    2. Although llegal immigrants may try, mechanisms are in place to ensure they do not get registered for birth certificates or ICs at mobile registration drives carried out by the National Registration Department (NRD) in rural areas.


    3. It is impossible for them to get Malaysian birth certificates and citizenship, said NRD Director, Ismail Ahmad.


    4. It might be true that a lot of them (illegals) come and wait with all the rest of the eligible people. But The might not know that their journey is only up to there, standing and waiting because they won't be entertained.


    5. For legal foreigners, the department will issue a red birth certificate to the children whose parent, either the mother or father is a Malaysian.


    6. For locals who have no documents due to factors such as lack of awareness and living too far from the city, we will issue a green birth certificate (original Malaysian birth certificate).

    7. The purpose of issuing these documents to legal foreigners so that they can go to their embassy or consulate to get their passports done, whereas for our locals, the department has the responsiblility to help them get their identification documents done so that they can go to school and so on.

    8. Ismail said the outreach programme currently being held in Semporna to register locals without valid identification documents, is meant to help the locals.

    9. Since the programme started on Feb. 20, he said a total of 3,067 Malaysians were found to be without birth certificates.A total of 193 children had court endorsement to get ICs while 731 of them are still without the court's endorsement.


    10. He said representatives from the Immigration Department, special branch, court, Election Commission, and Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission among others will also be present then.


    11. This shows just how strict we are in issuing documents to the people. If there really are suspicious cases and people trying to crawl their way into getting a citizenship.

    12. They (NRD) would straightaway refer the cases to the police (special branch) before proceeding further.

    13. There were one or two cases in Sandakan recently, where the village head was trying to support the application of illegals to be registered to obtain Malaysian documents. They were caught and convicted.


    14. Further on among those who the NRD strictly do not entertain, are the palaau or sea gypsies. These people live without documents, and we cannot do anything about it.


    15. Apart from that, those found to be illegal immigrants trying to get citizenship or identification documents also will not be entertained. Only genuine locals or those born here, with one of their parents being a Malaysian will be entertained, but we still differentiate them using red (query certificate).

    16. Some of the reasons behind some people not having any valid documents are due to logistics. Some of them have to spend an amount of money and time and they just don't feel like doing it.

    17. Some may think it's not important while some may feel that it would be troublesome because their father has more than one wife, and things just become more complicated.

    18. Some do not want to go through all the hassle of having to go to relevant agencies and departments because they might have got married kampung style, and so on.
