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Friday, January 4, 2013

Tough choice for Sabahans to make

Myles Togoh

The constant bickering over trivial matters by the opposition has left politically aware Sabahans with a dilemma over who and which party to choose in the 13th general election.

As voters in Sabah ponder their options ahead of the looming 13th general election, it is no secret that they are caught between a rock and a hard place – join the opposition to dethrone the ruling coalition in Malaysia or support the local parties in the hope of getting more out for Sabah.

Amid the murky politics of the vast, resource-rich but paradoxically poverty-ridden state where money is the main political arbitrator, many Sabahans are looking for change.

Fed up with what they see as Sabah’s wealth subsidising Peninsular Malaysians, they are not overly keen on supporting the ruling Barisan Nasional. Neither are they comfortable with the fact that the opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition is made up of peninsula-based parties and as such have little or no understanding or sensitivity of Sabah’s real problems.

Voters are conscious that the most pressing issue in Sabah is the alarming rate of poverty and inequality.

The state is still the poorest in Malaysia. Government statistics claim the 58% of poverty in the population in 1976 was reduced to 16% in 2002.

However, it is perceived and believed that the poverty level is much higher than these official figures.

The World Bank’s Malaysia Economic Monitor 2010 report estimated that 40% of the population in Sabah were poor and some claim that the figure should read 60% of the population.

The top two contenders claiming “local” status requesting Sabahans’ sympathy and support are the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) led by former chief minister Yong Teck Lee and the State Reform Party (STAR) led by maverick local politician Jeffrey Kitingan. Both say the answer to this is to keep Sabah’s wealth in-house.

But nothing is as it has been in the Bornean Malaysian state where hundreds of thousands of “new Malaysians” have gained electoral rights and diluted the power of the by and large Christian native population.

Umno is the clear beneficiary of a controversial citizenship-for-votes strategy which was allegedly put in place in the early 1990s to dispose the native-led government of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) in 1994, and is currently under investigation by a royal commission.

BN’s covert tactic

With that illegal but astute move, the four state parties – PBS, Upko, LDP and PBRS – play second fiddle to Umno and indeed in the future to larger BN components like MCA and Gerakan as well.

Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad once even said that the BN does not need the support of Sabah and Sarawak to form the federal government. He had to eat his words after the 2008 general election when the BN only managed to cling to power with the help, ironically, of Sabah voters who today feel they are being ripped off.

The coming election is now seen as a window of opportunity. The ball is with the opposition, certainly when Sabah voters looking for change are concerned.

So far the opposition in the state – made up of SAPP, STAR and Pakatan Rakyat coalition of PKR, DAP and PAS – has refused to play ball, akin to a failure to see the bigger picture as some observers find.

All the parties in play are making pompous sounds that they have the voters’ support and are the only ones capable of safeguarding Sabah’s rights.

In Sabah, DAP has aggressively pushed its view that those not with it in the Pakatan coalition are against it, which has put the party in direct confrontation with both SAPP and STAR, which are not comfortable cementing bonds with what they see as “Malayan” parties.

This may, however, be their only option to remain relevant in the country’s volatile political landscape.

Trying to keep all doors open, the STAR under Jeffrey – and its Borneo Agenda that will reform Malaysia’s unequal power structures – has indicated that it is neither for nor against either the BN or Pakatan.

Up to earlier this year it was tilting in favour of the opposition coalition, but as the year came to an end, Jeffrey said STAR would also work with the BN if it was given another mandate at the polls.

This has been taken by some observers as an admission that the party can be a poisoned chalice for the opposition at the polls given that the wealthy ruling coalition can buy out the party and its leaders as it demonstrated in the past.

While Jeffrey has pressed his call for autonomy for the Borneo states when he boldly brought up the issue of secession when proposing the formation of a Malaysia Borneo nation, he is not the only one pressing for regional autonomy for East Malaysian states.

Local and national Pakatan leaders have also jumped on the train of regional autonomy as a bait to capture Sabah and Sarawak. The opposition coalition has pledged to honour the 1963 agreement in which Sabah and Sarawak helped to form Malaysia.

Bickering over ‘trivial matters’

Such promise is largely a response to the strong undercurrent that exists in both states of their second-class status within the federation; pledges that sound attractive but are a far cry from being easily achievable.

“It’s like the story about people squabbling over who’s going to clean the windows in a house that is not even built,” said a retired civil servant-turned-businessman who has joined the opposition and is disheartened by its constant bickering over what he calls “trivial matters” in the context of what it is trying to achieve – dethrone the mighty BN rule for the first time in the country’s history.

The pensioner, who requested anonymity, said this week’s open quarrel between DAP and SAPP highlighted the predicament of voters in the state eager for change.

He was referring to a statement by a second echelon DAP official here who said his party would not be guided by Anwar’s on-going talks with SAPP.

With Anwar, who is also Pakatan component PKR chief and the opposition’s choice for prime minister, the DAP’s stance may be reflective of what is in store should Pakatan march all the way to Putrajaya.

As both Yong and Jeffrey keep saying, the political structure and governance systems of Malaysia and the strongman rule must change to prevent the rampant corruption at all levels in the state and country from persisting.

And they believe they are the ones who can lead the way by keeping the opposition coalition at arm’s length.

Sabahans tending towards either SAPP or STAR are aware of the many twists and turns both leaders have made in the past and are now musing if they are supporting a lost cause.


  1. Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman yakin Sabah akan terus kekal sebagai kubu kuat Barisan Nasional (BN) berdasarkan sokongan padu rakyat serta
    kepercayaan terhadap keupayaan BN membawa pembangunan negara.

    1. Sabah tetap akan dikuasai BN. Rakyat sudah terima cara pentadbiran BN.

    2. Rakyat sudah berkeyakinan dengan BN.

    3. Rakyat yakin BN sentiasa yang terbaik buat Sabah.

  2. rakyat kini menyedari bahawa pembangunan pesat di Sabah hanya datang daripada kerajaan BN.

    1. To some extent, Sabah development has close link to BN.

    2. BN melaksanakan banyak program dan projek untuk membangunkan ekonomi di Sabah. Dengan ini, Sabah berjaya menarik lebih banyak pelaburan asing.

    3. Projek yang di buat oleh kerajaan dapat memberi manfaat kepada rakyat.

  3. Musa yang juga pengerusi BN negeri berkata demikian ketika ditanya mengenai aliran sokongan rakyat terhadap BN dalam siri perjumpaannya dengan ketua-ketua masyarakat di seluruh Sabah.

  4. Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman memberi empat sebab mengapa rakyat Sabah perlu terus menyokong Barisan Nasional (BN) dan Perdana
    Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri

    1. Ini juga pilihan rakyat sendiri sama ada masih berkeyakinan dengan Najib dan transformasinya.

  5. Beliau berkata empat sebab berkenaan amat diperlukan demi kemajuan berterusan negeri dan kemakmuran rakyat Sabah meskipun negeri itu sudah
    mengecapi banyak kemajuan dan pencapaian di bawah kepimpinan Najib sekarang.

  6. Mengapa kita perlu mengekalkan Barisan Nasional?. Mengapa Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak perlu terus menjadi Perdana Menteri? Jawapannya
    mudah sahaja, kerana kita inginkan pembangunan, kita ingin kesejahteraan, kita inginkan keamanan dan kita inginkan kemakmuran serta
    keharmonian," katanya.

  7. Beliau berkata sebaliknya jika rakyat Sabah silap memilih parti dan pemimpin untuk membentuk kerajaan pada pilihan raya umum akan datang, Sabah dan rakyat negeri itu dikhuatir kembali kepada suasana kemunduran dan ketidakstabilan politik akibat perpecahan.

    1. Pembangkang juga semakin stabil dan matang, mungkin juga rakyat Sabah akan lompat parti.

  8. Bagaimanapun, Musa berkata rakyat Sabah sejak dahulu lagi sudah bijak dan matang berpolitik serta tidak mudah dipengaruhi parti pembangkang
    yang disifatkannya sebagai "pura-pura cacat penglihatan" kerana enggan mengakui pembangunan pesat yang dialami negeri Sabah di bawah BN.

  9. Katanya rakyat tidak kira latar belakang kaum dan kepercayaan, sama ada di bandar atau di luar bandar sudah dapat menikmati dan mendapat banyak
    manfaat daripada pelbagai program dan inisiatif yang dilaksanakan di bawah pentadbiran Najib seperti Program Transformasi Kerajaan dan
    Program Transformasi Ekonomi.

  10. Ada orang mengatakan macam mana Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) ini. (Rakyat) Di laut tolong. di darat pun di tolong. Nelayan ditolong, petani, pesawah pun ditolong, (rakyat) di desa pun dapat di kota pun dapat, kanak-kanak pun dapat orang tua pun dapat, pesara pun dapat malah pemandu teksi pun dapat," katanya.

  11. Menurut Musa selain pembangunan dan kemajuan yang dibawa oleh kerajaan persekutuan, kerajaan negeri juga melalui inisiatifnya sendiri berusaha
    membawa kemajuan kepada rakyat dengan memperkenalkan pelbagai program untuk meningkatkan taraf ekonomi

    1. Indeed right, the people should not too much depend and rely to the government, they need to work by their own to change their standard of living.

  12. projek mini estet sejahtera (MESEJ), penubuhan Pusat Kraftangan, program galakan perniagaan dan keusahawanan dan pembinaan pelbagai
    infrastruktur asas merupakan sebahagian daripada inisiatif kerajaan negeri membangunkan rakyat Sabah.

    1. Pembangunan industri ini dapat membaiki taraf kehidupan semua golongan.

  13. Ketua Menteri berkata kerajaan negeri juga telah mengambil langkah berani dengan memberhentikan kegiatan pembalakan secara berleluasa di
    kawasan seluas beratus-ratus ribu hektar dan menggantikannya dengan projek penanaman semula hutan demi kelangsungan sumber asli itu kepada
    generasi akan datang.

  14. Menurut Musa melalui projek peladangan hutan itu, Sabah boleh menghasilkan kira-kira 400 pokok balak berkualiti bagi setiap satu hektar berbanding pembalakan biasa yang jumlah hasilnya jauh lebih

    1. Pemuliharaan dan pemeliharaan hutan amat penting agar tidak kepupusan.

  15. Masa depan Malaysia lebih terjamin di bawah pemerintahan BN pimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak yang kini giat mentransformasikan negara
    ini menjadi sebuah negara maju menjelang tahun 2020, kata bekas ketua menteri Sabah Tun Sakaran Dandai.

  16. Tokoh veteran itu berkata berdasarkan pengalamannya berpolitik selama lebih 50 tahun dan menempuh pelbagai cabaran dalam proses pembangunan, negara ini telah mengalami perubahan yang ketara dari aspek pembangunan hasil usaha pemimpin negara terdahulu sehingga kini.

  17. Oleh itu rakyat seharusnya bersyukur kerana negara ini dianugerahkan pemimpin yang bukan sahaja berjaya memerdekakan negara daripada belenggu
    penjajah tetapi juga benar-benar berjuang untuk membela nasib rakyat.

  18. Menyentuh mengenai kepimpinan Najib, Sakaran berkata transformasi negara lebih ketara di bawah pentadbiran Najib yang merupakan arkitek konsep

    1. Konsep 1Malaysia memang baik tetapi berapa diantaranya yang benar mengamalkannya?

  19. Saya melihat Najib memiliki keistimewaan tersendiri. Beliau ingin melihat negara ini memasuki era kecemerlangan dengan lebih pantas,"

  20. Bukan ramai pemimpin negara yang memiliki keistimewaan seperti Najib kerana saya perhatikan dalam tempoh empat tahun sahaja beliau menjadi
    Perdana Menteri, rakyat sudah merasa apa yang beliau lakukan.

  21. Apa yang beliau janjikan kepada rakyat, beliau tunaikan. Misalnya konsep 1Malaysia yang mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama. Kini kita ada Klinik 1Malaysia, Kedai 1Malaysia, Komputer 1Malaysia, Amanah Saham 1Malaysia, kenaikan gaji kakitangan awam, subsidi untuk nelayan dan peruntukan pembangunan luar bandar yang besar.

  22. Semua ini menjurus kepada kejujuran perdana menteri 'menolong' orang kita tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama

  23. Sakaran yakin lebih banyak lagi kemudahan yang akan dinikmati oleh rakyat sama ada di bandar atau luar bandar sekiranya Najib terus diberi mandat memimpin negara ini.

  24. Beliau berkata agenda transformasi negara pasti memerlukan masa untuk dilaksanakan sepenuhnya dan sebab itu kerajaan BN perlu dipertahankan
    dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.

  25. Beliau berkata kerajaan BN telah memainkan peranan penting dalam membawa rakyat dan negara ini di landasan yang betul untuk terus maju dan membangun, bukan sahaja dari segi fizikal tetapi juga dari segi rohani, perpaduan, hormat-menghormati dan nilai modal insan

  26. Di Sabah ini, rakyat pernah berada dalam pemerintahan pembangkang untuk beberapa ketika dan kita sudah merasa kesusahan apabila kita tidak ada
    hubungan yang baik antara kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan.

  27. Kalau tidak ada kerjasama antara negeri dan persekutuan, pelaksanaan pembangunan pun agak lembab, jadi kita tidak mahu lagi ia berulang di
    Sabah, kita sudah lihat bagaimana pantasnya pembangunan di Sabah di bawah BN,

  28. Sakaran berkata kerajaan BN Sabah di bawah pimpinan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman juga meletakkan kedudukan ekonomi yang lebih kukuh.

  29. Harapan saya ialah rakyat Sabah akan terus menyokong kerajaan dan Sabah terus menjadi kubu kuat BN pada pilihan raya akan datang, sekali gus
    mengulangi pencapaian cemerlang dalam pilihan raya 2008.

  30. Sabah under umno/bn regime for the past 50 years has clearly shown that the outside parties from Malaya are only interested in our natural resources and wealth. It's time for Sabahans this time around for all Sabahans to make the correct and obvious decision to ensure that local opposition parties that are not linked to umno/bn nor any Malayan parties are to take over the State administration after GE13 to avoid any history repeating itself.
    As a Sabahan, we can't depend nor trust any parties from Malaya to determine our destiny. The future is in our hand to fight for our rights and not depend on outsiders as their interest is only to look after their own kind and to carry out colonization.

  31. tidak perlu sebenarnya SAPP bekerjasama dengan PR...namun atas dasar kepentingan politik peribadi pemimpin SAPP, pintu rundingan dibuka...namun setakat ini, PR masih lagi menolak permintaan SAPP...seperti SAPP meminta sedekah kerusi pula dari PR...buat malu saja...

  32. No matter what happen, I believe everything happened for a reason.

  33. Well, we have to face that though.

  34. Seems like Sabahans are famous now.

  35. Guess what? We all know who is the best.

  36. Kita harus ingat bahawa pilihan juga harus dibuat.

  37. Dan dalam masa yang sama ialah kita harus ingat bahawa setiap keputusan yang ada harus diperolehi

  38. When there is will, there is a way.

  39. Never mine, we have to make the decision sooner or later though.

  40. In fact, we can choose the best one we can think of.

  41. So start figure it out, it's not too late yet.

  42. Walau macam mana susah pun, kita dapat tangani juga.

  43. betul, pengundi sedar bahawa isu yang paling mendesak di Sabah adalah kadar yang membimbangkan kemiskinan dan ketidaksamaan...

  44. and we all know that these issues are often played by the politicians

  45. whether this issue can be addressed or not, everything is up to the sincerity of their hearts

  46. regardless of whether the government or the opposition

  47. so, the role of politicians is to convince the people that they will carry out the duties of what was promised before to the people

  48. The local opposition parties do not have a common goal.

  49. Each parties have different political aspirations.

  50. I do not see the local-based opposition and the Pakatan Rakyat being able to come to terms.

  51. That is, taking into account strong local sentiments among supporters that only Sabah-based political parties know Sabah issues better.

  52. The opposition camps, he said, were an 'unhealthy, non-inclusive style of coalition'.

  53. Star demand that they should be given exclusive right to contest against BN in Sabah and Sarawak in the coming election is unfair to the voters

  54. the issue of who should contest and win should be decided by voters, and voters today are smart and well-informed to make the right decision.

  55. Jeffrey was trying to portray PAS and PR as outsiders and less eligible to represent the people in the two states as compared to local-based parties.

  56. Three-corner fights, should STAR continue to insist on not cooperating with PR against BN, could have a negative effect to the opposition as a whole and would only benefit the BN

  57. At the end of the day, it is the voters who will decide, not the contesting parties

  58. the political trend in urban areas in the country, including in Sabah and Sarawak, has changed with the younger voters beginning to appreciate the fact that a state party is no longer a must, but what is more important is that a party should be able to lead and govern the people effectively

  59. political parties are also demanded to have the ability of not only governing the State they rule, but also effectively represent the interest of the people from that particular state at the federal level.

  60. BN government warned the people of Sabah not to fall for the promises and sweet talk being spread by the

  61. What STAR intends to do can never be successful as proven by history. Just think about Jeffrey history

  62. since STAR was formed in Sarawak and only beginning to spread its influence in Sabah, and without any significant foothold in Peninsular Malaysia, STAR had no steady foundation to become a government

  63. Pembangkang tidak akan dapat seperti kerajaan sekarang, cakap kosong sahaja.
