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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sabah crisis has 3 important points

Dear Editors the following article on the Sabah crisis has 3 important points:

1. The article contains as statement that Najib promised to settle the Sulus in Sabah- if true then we should all be very seriously alarmed and no one seems to have picked up this point.

By what right and authority has Najib to make such promises so freely on behalf of Sabahans who are the most affected by UMNO's mass transmigration policies. How can he compromise Sabah's social and economic security with influx of more illegals? This is against the intention of the 20 Points Agreement. Najib must be challenged with this question. He betrayed Sabah's interests!

2.  “We want to thank Malaysia for being tolerant to the sultan’s people,” he said (nur Misuari)

This begs the question - why is the UMNO government so kind to foreigners when they treat their own non "bumiputra" citizens as pendatangs?  How about brotherly tolerance to these pendatangs?

3. Is the Sulu claim a sandiwara - to legalise the illegals and entry of more of them?

Perhaps you could print this article with an editorial comment on the alarming Najib offer to settle more foreigners in Sabah and shameful treatment non-bumiputra citizens.

by Conan

Don’t Harm Sultan’s Men, Nur Warns Malaysia

By Edd K. Usman
February 21, 2013, 8:03pm

MANILA, Philippines — Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) founding Chairman Nur Misuari yesterday appealed to Malaysia to settle the Sabah standoff peacefully and warned that his group will come to the aid of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III’s followers if blood spills.

“I hope they will not harm them. They (Kiram’s followers) are our brothers. If one drop of their blood is spilled, we might be forced to come to their aid,” Misuari said.

“Please don’t touch them, give them a friendly and brotherly treatment,” Misuari appealed.

Misuari was in Zamboanga City yesterday for the MNLF leadership meeting, which he said was attended by some 2,000 leaders from across Mindanao to discuss various issues facing the Bangsamoro people.

When he was in Jolo, Sulu, over the week, Misuari said that what he heard was that the group of the Crown Prince Rajah Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, younger brother of Kiram, crossed the sea to the island because they were allegedly promised to be settled in Sabah by Prime Minister Dato Seri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Addul Razak.

Misuari appealed to the prime minister to exercise prudence in dealing with the people of the sultan.

“This should be handled by cooler heads,” he said, adding it would also be good to await the coming election in April in Malaysia to see who will be the new prime minister.

Misuari also said the group of Rajah Muda could have gone to Sabah to show their impatient over their claim.

Meanwhile, an ally of Kiram appealed to the Malaysian government yesterday to extend a brotherly Islamic tolerance to the Moro group still holed up in Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Abraham Julpa Idjirani, secretary general of the sultanate and spokesperson of Kiram III, spoke with the Manila Bulletin Thursday.
On the news report about a Friday (today) deadline said to have been issued by Malaysia for the group to leave Sabah, he did not respond specifically about it.

Rather, he reiterated that the rajah muda and his followers will not pull out from their journey home to Sabah.

“I just spoke five minutes ago to the aide-de-camp of the crown prince and also with his son. They told me they are doing fine,” said Idjirani at about 2:05 p.m. Thursday.

As he acknowledged the tolerance shown by the government of Malaysia to the Moro group who sailed to Lahad Datu on February 11, in exercise of their proprietary rights over the oil-rich island.

“We want to thank Malaysia for being tolerant to the sultan’s people,” he said.

On the other hand, he appealed to Malaysia for more tolerance to the brother Muslims.

“We appeal to Malaysia to be more patient and prolong their Islamic tolerance to their fellow Muslims,” said Idjirani.

He said in Islam, forcing people to go hungry is un-Islamic, referring to the Malaysia security forces’ blockade of food supply for the rajah muda and his group.

It started Wednesday, he said.

Idjirani said depriving food to people is also a violation of human rights enshrined in the United Nations.

Kiram III sent his brother and their people to Sabah on what they described as a journey home, crossing the sea from Simunul in Tawi-Tawi.

He said they went there peacefully to stay and claim what is rightfully the Sultanate of Sulu’s ancestral domain.

Meanwhile, the Philippine military has deployed at least six ships and an aircraft near the border of the Philippines and Malaysia in what a Navy official describe as an operation to deescalate the tension in the Sabah standoff.

Lieutenant Commander Gregory Favic, spokesman of the Philippine Navy, said they have started conducting the border patrol on February 12, or right after the news of the standoff in Sabah broke out.

Source Manila Bulletin - click here



    There were some Sulus in eastern Sabah before 1963. The statistics show that in 50 years their numbers had swelled to over 2 million.

    They did not just multiply like rabbits but simply sailed "home" under the sponsorship of UMNO who kept the sea lanes open with a welcome sign for them to become instant voters!

    Readers should Din Merican's comments on how UMNO stopped aerial surveillance of the eastern sea coast. This was part of the effective police work early detection done with the Sabah government to stop mass illegal entry in the 1990s'

    Thanks again UMNO....

  2. Blame game from both the BN and PR is not going to contribute positively to finding a solution to end the fatal and dangerous insurgency.

  3. Both sides of the should show some unity to protect, defend and face any challenges to our national sovereignty and the parliament has to take an immediate action both legally and internationally to ensure that such incident and claim does not repeat again in the future.

  4. Both sides must condemn unscrupulous attempts from unsolicited sources to pin the blame on politicians from both BN and PR.

  5. Any attempt to split national opinion and unity over the issue is going to weaken our resolve to protect Malaysia's interest and sovereignty. All who are involved in the fierce political battles leading to the next GE must remember that national interests should transcend all.

  6. The government has duty to keep the nation informed of the current situation. Malaysians have a right to know what is actually happening.

  7. Pencerobohan kumpulan bersenjata dari selatan Filipina di Sabah, membuka mata masyarakat bahawa tanggungjawab menjaga keamanan dan mempertahankan kedaulatan negara melibatkan seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

    1. Diharapkan selepas ini, tahap keselamatan Negara akan lebih di perkuatkan.

  8. Insiden berdarah yang menyebabkan lapan anggota pasukan keselamatan negara terkorban itu menyemarakkan semangat patriotik dalam kalangan rakyat, tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan fahaman politik.

  9. Reaksi pelbagai pihak menerusi laman sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter dan blog antaranya meluahkan rasa marah dengan kumpulan penceroboh sehingga ada antara mereka yang menawarkan diri untuk menyertai Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dengan serta-merta dan bersama-sama berjuang mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.

  10. Meskipun ada pihak yang menuduh isu pencerobohan itu sandiwara kerajaan yang ditunjangi UMNO, rakyat termasuk penyokong parti pembangkang, mengutuk serangan kejam pengganas terbabit dan mahu semua pihak tidak mempolitikkan perkara berkenaan serta menggesa rakyat bersatu padu mempertahankan Malaysia.

    1. Tuduhan pembangkang mengatakan ini hanya satu sandiwara pembangkang adalah satu tuduhan yang berat dan menghina.

  11. Rakyat sedar betapa perlunya Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara berdaulat, dipertahankan daripada anasir jahat yang menggugat keharmonian semua kaum dan kestabilan negara.

  12. Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada Khamis lepas memberi keyakinan kepada rakyat di Sabah bahawa kerajaan pimpinannya akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk menjamin keselamatan, keamanan dan kedaulatan Negeri di Bawah Bayu.

  13. Pencerobohan kumpulan pengganas yang didalangi Jamarul Kiram III menyerang Sabah dengan alasan menuntut hak warisan Kesultanan Sulu itu dianggap sangat memalukan bangsa Sulu dan dikecam etnik Suluk Sabah, yang menzahirkan taat setia mereka kepada kerajaan untuk mempetahankan kedaulatan Sabah menerusi satu memorandum kepada Perdana Menteri.

  14. Pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof. Dr. Ahmad Atory Hussein berkata, pada masa ini rakyat negara sedar peri pentingnya bersatu padu dan mempertahankan kedaulatan tanah air.

  15. "Ini adalah soal keselamatan, kedaulatan dan keamanan negara. Saya percaya tidak ada seorang pun rakyat negara ini yang menyokong penceroboh sebaliknya berdiri teguh bersama-sama pasukan keselamatan negara.

  16. If the above is true;I guess genuine Sabahans should guilotine the traitor in the auditorium/Stadium Negara;Alhamdulilah!!
