PENAMPANG - Another DAP stalwart, Edward Mujie who was DAP Sabah Vice Chairman and Karambunai DAP chief, had left the party joining the Barisan Nasional via Upko out of frustration of his former party's handling of internal matters.
DAP Sabah was seen to be in a mess with internal conflicts and scrambling for candidacy in the coming GE13.
On Sunday, Stephen and 127 other former DAP members formerly handed over their applications to join UPKO.
Stephen who was DAP’s candidate for the Kepayan state constituency in the 2008 general election claimed that he was deeply touched by Dompok’s genuine, firm and consistent struggle in finding solution(s) to the ‘mother of all problems’ in Sabah, namely the illegal immigrants in possession of MyKad.
Both Edward and Stephen are Dr Hiew King Cheu's proposer and seconder in the DAP state committee election.
Jump from a frying pan to a fire of hell.
ReplyDeleteThis confirm that YOUR kind of struggle is just solely for YOUR OWN interest, not a sincere struggle for the rakyat.
ReplyDeletePembangkang Guna Pendekatan Populis, Pembohongan Untuk Tagih Sokongan Rakyat
ReplyDelete1) pembangkang cuba mengaburi rakyat dengan menjanjikan mereka akan beri lebih, termasuk menurunan harga minyak, sedangkan kajian kita mendapati jika negara melaksanakan manifesto mereka itu, negara akan mengalami defisit sehingga 11 peratus
2) jika itu terjadi, Malaysia akan dipandang hina, dan pelabur tidak lagi akan datang menanam modal di negara ini.
:: Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Its all becos of Dr Hiew la kan tak kena pakai tanding,bukan pasal sokong Golombang tataba tetapi mengharap tataba dari upko tapi selagi upko dan yang sewaktu dgn nya masih dalam BN tiada tataba akan datang yang akan dapat tataba ialah orang orang Sulu,Bugis dn PATI lain........ kadazan,dusun,murut,semua penduduk asal Sabah akan di pinggirkan,Upko hnya akan melolong tapi akan dpt tahi Babi.....pa lagi orang orang Kristian.....kamu puny Alkitab pun akan di hapuskan oleh PERINTAH Mahathir atas desakan Ibrahim Ali Setan....sampai masa tu jangan persalahkan siapa siapa .........SABAH/SARAWAK PENDUDUK ASAL INGAT SEMUA NI SEBELUM MEMANGKAH DALAM PRU 13 NI ....MASA DEPAN CUCU CICIT KAMU BERGANTUNG KEPADA PANGKAH KAMU.....PANGKAHLAH SAPP/STAR/USNO...JKA TAK SUKA PANGKAH PAKATAN JANGAN SEKALI KALI PANGKAH BNUMNO.......KERANA PANGKAH BNUMNO BERERTI MEYUMPAH ANAK,CUCU,CICIT KAMU SENDIRI......
ReplyDeleteHypocrites,pharisees,it is is not surprising that judasses are emulating the judas from pbs;birds of the same feathers flock together. I still remember, when I was just 18 years old, being adventurous attending ceramahs of pbs, how these so-called champions shamed the berjaya/bn/government/leaders; saying all sorts of despicable things about them,now they are swallowing their own vomits & excreta.They are CHAMPIONS FOR PTIs. As for me I will not associate with these hypocrites,I do not even want to go near them as I do not want their smell to even stick on my garments. Shameless.....money,money,money,money...aaaaaaah. masuk neraka!!!!!