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Saturday, April 6, 2013

GE13: Yong to talk on Sabah security tonight

KOTA KINABALU: Members of the public have been urged to take time out to attend the Kopitiam Ceramah organised by the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) tomorrow (Saturday 6 April) night, also at the vicinity of the Foh Sang shops here, starting at 7pm.

SAPP leaders including its President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee will be on hand to share their views and information with the people, with the hope to enable them to make better decision at the coming GE13.

In a statement issued here Friday, SAPP Luyang CLC Chairwoman Melanie Chia who is also the Organising Chairwoman for the talk noted that while Yong had in the last ceramah held on 2 April revealed encounters with Malaya politicians from both sides of the divides like Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the then Prime Minister Tun Ahmad Abdullah Badawi in 2008, this time around, he is again going to give insight to the security situation in Sabah and the claim on Sabah by the Philippines.

Yong who was Chief Minister of Sabah from 1996 – 1998 and Chairman of the Sabah State Security Committee will shed some useful and interesting insight on this issue that will dominate our relations with our neighbours in the years to come, she noted.

She added that Yong will especially share his views on how should Sabahans deal with the resurfacing of the so-called Sabah Claim issue, following the recent intrusion by the armed Filipino militants in Lahad Datu.

This was despite the fact that the United Nations recognition of Malaysia in 1963 has ended the possibility of any claim by the Philippines or any other group on Sabah.

Among the pertinent issues which Yong will touch on are, How do we strengthen our security? What is the role and responsibility of the Federal Government? Has the Federal Government lived up to its guarantee of security for Sabah as promised in 1962 and 1963 leading up to the formation of Malaysia?

By Victor Ma

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