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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

GE13: SAPP Sounds Battle Cry for Sabah

KOTA KINABALU - A huge crowd listen to SAPP President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee speaking at its political talk held at a coffee shop, in the vicinity of the Foh Sang shops, on Tuesday night.

In his half-an-hour speech, Yong gave a thorough explanation on the rationale behind SAPP's refusal to join Pakatan Rakyat, by citing his past experiences of dealing with the Malaya politicians, especially during the time when he was in the BN.

He also declared all out war on Malaya politicians, taking a swipe on the young Sabah DAP leaders, urging them to better study and understand the politics of Sabah before making any statement about SAPP and its leaders.

Besides this, he also quipped that DAP should contest at least 20 seats in Sabah since its leaders had been boasting about its strength and performances in the various Pakatan Rakyat-ruled states, Penang in particular.

He quipped that if DAP can’t do it, they might as well join SAPP to fight against BN.

While noting that some quarters have labeled SAPP as a ‘parti nyamuk’ (mosquito party), Yong resolutely vowed that SAPP will go for 40 seats at least.

Also present among the crowd was a group of young DAP supporters who listened attentively to Yong's lecture.

M Teh

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