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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

EPU Sabah regrets Hiew’s unfounded attacks

KOTA KINABALU: State Economic Planning Unit (EPU) director Datuk Ismail Abdullah regretted that DAP Luyang assemblyman Hiew King Cheu continues with his ill-conceived and unfounded attack on the state EPU and the Sabah government.
Ismail said this was evident from Hiew’s continued action in citing the purported written reply to his question during the last Parliamentary session that RM10.9 billion of the Ninth Malaysia Plan development allocations were not spent.

“I do not know in what context was his question framed and in what context the written answer was given, if what Hiew (photo) said was true.

“All I know is my figures are correct based on the official data that we have. There is simply nothing ridiculous about them. It is a fact. Eighty-nine per cent was spent during the 9th Malaysia Plan! No two ways about it,” he said in a statement here, today.

Ismail said that the state EPU and state government were being professional about the whole thing.

“I wonder if, during his term previously as a Member of Parliament (former MP for Kota Kinabalu), Hiew did learn about how development projects were planned, how projects were evaluated, selected and approved, how ceilings and budgets for various development projects were allocated, how projects were then executed and monitored.

“It is important to understand the process and procedures as well as terminologies and timing involved so that figures are read and interpreted accurately in its proper context,” added Ismail.

In making his point, Ismail further clarified that under the current 10th Malaysia Plan, spending for the first two years were 78 per cent and 87 per cent respectively, giving an average of 82.5 per cent.

“We still have roughly two and half years to go till the end of the 10th Malaysia Plan, and implementation will definitely intensify.

“So how come Hiew is coming up with spent allocation and procedures as well as terminologies and timing involved so that figures are read and interpreted accurately in its proper context,” he said.

He said there was no need to ask state EPU to check the figure because the figures were with the state government and the federal department concerned all the time, and the figures that state EPU gave were established figures.

“Anyway, any unspent amount or unimplemented project would definitely invite scrutiny from the Audit Department,” he said.

Ismail hoped “Hiew can now put the matter to rest and refrain from making further untrue statements regarding this matter in order to try to belittle the government”.


  1. all I need to see are shit roads, and I know the money is going to Sir Corrupts-A-Lot

    1. before you complaining about the roads in sabah, better you try to build it first.. so that you know how much money needed to build it.. don't ever think that the allocations is only to build the road in kota kinabalu area.. there are many roads in sabah..

  2. Be careful Hiew. Making false accusation would only tarnish your image.

    1. perkara biasa geng.. opposition leaders always repeat they mistakes.. because the mistakes they are doing is actually part of their strategies to topple BN..

  3. 10.9 billion wasted money. Drive to Kota Marudu or Pitas and you will believe me

    If you're not going to help the people there, DON'T TAKE THEIR MONEY

    1. rm10.9 billion is only for road in kota marudu and pitas??? don't show your stupidity here bro.. there are many road in Sabah.. don't ever think that rm10.9 billion is enough to build or upgrade all roads in sabah..

  4. Semoga tuduhan Hiew bersama dengan bukti yang sah.

    1. mana ada bukti dia.. sudah kena sangkal pun.. sekarang si hiew diam2 sebab kantoi membohong..

  5. banyak juga penyelewengan di kesan.

    1. jika benar berlaku penyelewengan dan jika Hiew ada buktinya, kenapa dia tidak serahkan terus kepada sprm?? disinilah permainan pembangkang terutamanya pemimpin dap sabah.. licik, jijik dan berniat jahat..

  6. Pengendalian projek harus mengikut prosedur yang betul.

    1. kerajaan sentiasa mempunyai prosedur bukan sahaja dalam pelaksanaan projek malah dalam pengurusan kewangan atau peruntukkan..

  7. Hiew sepatutnya memohon maaf kepada kerajaan negeri kerana membuat kenyataan tidak berasas yang bertujuan untuk memburuk2kan kerajaan.. jika dalam kenyataan sebeginipun dia tidak jujur, apatah lagi jika Hiew memegang jawatan kabinet satu hari nanti.. boleh percaya ka setiap kenyataan dia pada waktu itu??

  8. bagus hiew berhenti berpolitik.. tidak ada gunanya dia belajar tinggi2 dan menyimpan cita2 untuk menjadi menteri kabinet negeri jika dalam setiap kenyataannya penuh dengan pembohongan dan putarbelit..

  9. agak heran juga.. bagaimana pemimpin badukang macam Hiew ni boleh dapat sokongan pengundi sabah?? dan lebih mengherankan, bagaimana DAP sabah boleh menang banyak kerusi di kawasan bandar sedangkan para pemimpinnya hanya tahu membohong, putar belit, memfitnah dan sebagainya..

  10. sedarlah rakyat sabah.. jika DAP dibiarkan memerintah negeri ini, hak2 bumiputera akan terhakis sedikit demi sedikit.. puak ini juga berpotensi membawa masuk lebih ramai warga asing dari china untuk dijadikan pengundi mereka.. lihat saja apa yang berlaku di Singapura dan Pulau Pinang..

  11. sokong DAP samalah menjual Sabah kepada negara china.. jika mereka memerintah, penduduk bumiputera akan tinggal bawah jembatan, manakala kaum2 DAP akan memenuhi bandar2, pekan, dan kampung2 yang sebelum ini dihuni bumiputera..
