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Monday, July 29, 2013

'Sanjeevan was to release leaked police memo'

A leaked police memo shedding light on its officers linked to drugs syndicates was due to be released this week by anti-crime activist R Sri Sanjeevan, who was shot in Negeri Sembilan last Saturday.

Revealing this today, PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli added: "Sanjeevan said he obtained an internal police memo, which lists the police personnel who are being investigated internally for (allegedly) being involved in drug syndicates."

NONEElaborating on his 20-minute meeting with Sanjeevan a day before he was shot, Rafizi told a press conference at the PKR headquarters today that the MyWatch chairperson confided to him that the offences were very serious, for which there were mandatory sentences upon conviction.

However, Rafizi added, Sanjeevan did not disclose the names of the police officers involved at that time.

He said it was "fortunate" that Sanjeevan, who was shot in the rib cage, had not revealed the names to him.

Rafizi suspect that Sanjeevan's access to the leaked memo was a "very probable" reason for him being shot in Bahau last Saturday.

"It's very probable. I mean, he was not working on anything else, .... he talks only to the Home Ministry, police and underworld... it is only reasonable to think (this was the reason)," he said.

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