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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Minister's presumption of dog trainer's guilt "mischievous and prejudicial"

Lawyers for dog trainer Maznah Mohd Yusof have slammed the government's call for their client to go for counselling as "mischievous and prejudicial."

N Surendran and Latheefa Koya were responding to Deputy Communications and Multimedia Minister Jailani Johari's comment that Maznah was morally defective and required rehabilitation.

"The statement is mischievous, baseless and prejudicial to Chetz Yusof's legal rights as a person under investigation," said Surendran and Latheefa in a joint press statement today.

"We are shocked that the ministry has made a public attack upon the conduct and morals of a private individual," the lawyers said.

"By this statement, the authorities are continuing their unjust attacks and propaganda against Maznah. This public campaign orchestrated by the authorities and pro-Umno newspapers against one helpless woman is cowardly and disgraceful."

According to a Bernama report published by Sinar Harian, the minister had reportedly said, "Maybe in the near future, Jakim can try to have a programme to guide and heal Chetz's morality."

The minister added that while Maznah has been released from remand, she might be called back into custody for further investigation and suggested Jakim could follow up by "reforming her personality and character".

'Not found guilty'

Surendran and Latheefa reminded the ministry, the Prime Minister's Department and Jakim that Maznah has not been found guilty of any offence, whether by the civil or Shariah courts.

In fact, Maznah is currently only being investigated under Section 298A of the Penal Code, which deals with causing disharmony on grounds of religion, and Section 4 of the Sedition Act.

"Upon what basis then have Jailani and Jakim criticised the conduct of Maznah? It appears that the various ministries and Jakim are acting as ' judge, jury and executioner', without giving her the basic right to defend herself," the lawyers said.

They also warned that Jailani and Jakim were encroaching into the functions of the judiciary by publicly condemning Maznah.

Calling for an end to the attacks on their client, Latheefa and Surendran warned that they would be taking the "necessary action" to protect Maznah's rights.

Maznah, better known as Chetz, found herself in hot soup after her three-year-old video clip showing her cleaning her feet and then her dog's caused a stir among Muslims.

She was arrested on Thursday and was released yesterday after being held at the Segamat police station and is being investigated under Section 298A of the Penal Code, which deals with causing disharmony on grounds of religion, and Section 4 of the Sedition Act.

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