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Monday, September 9, 2013

Sabah RCI: Illegal immigrants also obtained police cards, RCI told

Illegal immigrants, mainly from the Philippines, had also received police identification cards to allow them to live in Malaysia without running into trouble with authorities.

The royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into illegal immigrants in Sabah heard today that the cards added to a multitude of other documentation immigrants were able to obtain to reside in Malaysia.

Nasir Abdullah and Sharlin Indah, two Filipino immigrants who came into the country in the early 80s, admitted to having received police cards, which had helped them to escape the authorities’ inspections.

Though vague in details, the two witnesses said that the cards were given to them in Sandakan when they first landed in Malaysia.

Immigrants have previously testified receiving birth certificates, identity cards (Blue IC), and IMM3 documents.

Both witnesses said they had never faced any action from authorities due to their possession of the cards.

However, Sandakan police chief Rowell Marong, who also testified before the RCI today, claimed he had no knowledge of this exercise.

“To be frank, I don’t know. I never met anyone (immigrant) who had a police card before,” he told the commission.

He also said that the Sandakan police do not have any records of issuing such cards, and pleaded ignorance as to the people who might have distributed the cards to immigrants.

“There are no records, and when I referred to Sabah police headquarters, even they do not know anything about this,” he said.

Rowell is also a former Special Branch officer.

By Ram Anand


  1. APMM berjaya mematahkan cubaan pendatang asing memasuki negara ini secara tidak sah apabila menahan 34 warga Filipina di kawasan Kg Simunul, Semporna.

  2. Program Penyelesaian Menyeluruh Pekerja dan PATI, dikenali sebagai 6P, yang bermula serentak di Semenanjung dan Sarawak. pendaftaran yang dikendalikan oleh sebahagian syarikat swasta.

  3. majikan tidak mendaftarkan pekerja mereka dan jika majikan gagal memberikan alasan kukuh mereka juga boleh dikenakan tindakan

    1. Gaji mereka rendah tanpa dokumen, itulah majikan sanggup guna mereka ini.

    2. ni majikan pun patut kena tarik kewarganegaraan dan lesen mereka...

  4. Kerajaan bersetuju menubuhkan RCI bagi menangani masalah berkaitan PATI di Sabah

    1. penubuhan RCI ini adalah atas political will kerajaan dibawah pimpinan najib untuk selesai isu ini...sokongan penuh dan padu dari musa aman KM sabah merealisasikan penubuhan RCI yang mana pernah dibantah dengan keras oleh anwar ibrahim..

  5. pihak majikan yang mempunyai pekerja asing tidak berdaftar diminta bersedia lebih awal kerana program pendaftaran

    1. majikan yang langgar peraturan ni patut dihukum berat...1 kepala PATI bekerja dengan mereka, denda rm250K...biar terus gulung tikar..

  6. What happen to these police card? Is this another way to retain those immigrant to stay in Malaysia for certain purposes?

  7. Nampaknya polis kad memang berfungsi dengan baik untuk elakkan dari tindakan undang.

  8. Pihak polis Sabah sudah menafikan kesemua ini, serahkan kepada RCI untuk mengenal pastikannya.

  9. Mustahil ada rekod, jika tidak, kesemua ini adalah bukti kesalahan.

  10. pukitai punya pilak...menyamar lagi jadi lah ni gara2 si anwar semua ni..kalau RCI ada pada tahun 1994, isu ini sudah lama selesai.,.

  11. ops besar-besaran akan dilakukan oleh kerajaan negeri untuk banteras PATI...usaha kerajaan ini patut dipuji dan diberikan sokongan padu oleh rakyat tempatan.

  12. This is so so so unbelievable

  13. Maka tidak hairan la banyak penyamaran polis

  14. I wish everything is back to normal od
