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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reports of activated terrorists cells ‘untrue’

Philipines media had reported that Moro Liberation National Front (MNLF) had activated about 4,000 foreign-trained Tausug fighters embedded in Sarawak and Sabah in Malaysia.

LAHAD DATU: The Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom) has stepped up security measures in 10 districts under its purview following reported clashes in Mindanao.

Esscom director general Mohammad Mentek said their security forces were on  heightened alert after reported clashes on Sunday night between armed followers of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and Philippine troops in Zamboanga City.

Mohammad said yesterday although the clashes took place far away from Esszone, the security command was not taking it lightly.

“We have already put on alert our security assets and personnel…we are not taking chances on possible intrusions, following that clash.

“That’s why, we put our security forces on heightened alert,” he said in response to reports in the Philippines media that the MNLF had also ‘activated’ their sleeper cells in Sarawak and Sabah.

The reports also claimed that MNLF had activated about 4,000 foreign-trained Tausug fighters embedded in Sarawak and Sabah in Malaysia.

But Mohammad has rubbished these claims.

Meanwhile in PETALING JAYA, Defence Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said such a claim was not new and that Malaysia was ready to face any eventualities.

“If they try to come in even one inch within our shores, based on what happened in Lahad Datu, we know how to deal with them,” he told reporters here yesterday.

Hishammuddin noted that the Malaysian army was still in place to ensure security in the area.

Yesterday, a Philippines news portal in Mindanao quoted Mayor Isabelle Climaco-Salazar as saying that armed followers of the MNLF had held some 20 civilians hostage in Zamboanga City after a clash with government troops on Sunday night.

Climaco-Salazar said the MNLF members were planning to enter the city and declare independence at the City Hall, adding that a crisis committee was formed to handle the situation.



  1. kerajaan akan mempertahankan kedaulatan negara dari mana2 penceroboh atau pengganas...tidak seperti pembangkang yang memperkecil-kecilkan dan memperlekehkan pengorbanan wira2 negara semasa pencerobohan sulu di lahad datu...pembangkang akan menjadi perosak negara jika mereka berkuasa.

  2. penubuhan esscom dan esszone di sabah adalah satu tindakan yang tepat daripada kerajaan...

    1. Pasukan ini akan memastikan tiada ancaman keras dari luar.

  3. Hishammuddin noted that the Malaysian army was still in place to ensure security in the area.

    Kerajaan ikhlas dan mereka tahu apa tindakan harus diambil untuk menanggani isu tersebut.

  4. Pembangkang tidak harus mempolitikkan ESSCOM & ESSZONE semata-mata untuk memenuhi keperluan sendiri. Harus juga mengutamakan keselamatan rakyat.

    1. pembangkang mana kisah pasal keselamatan rakyat..pada awal penubuhan ESSCOM dan ESSZONE sudah pembangkang BANGKANG..

  5. rakyat haruslah yakin dengan kemampuan pasukan keselamatan kita...sokongan harus diberikan kepada mereka..

  6. the advice is that people should start trusting our government and support them and enough of accusations and blasphemy

  7. this will curb threats and attacks from the outsiders

  8. i think this will shut the oppositions up from their accusations

    1. mulut pembangkang ni mulut tempayang yang busuk...tutup macamana pun tetap akan terhidu bau busuknya tu...pembangkang ni suka cari publisiti murah...mereka akan terus meroyan dan merapu..

  9. wow!!! great, this will reduce the fear of the unknown

  10. the government are taking the necessary measure to make this land more secured

  11. rakyat tidak perlu mendengar atau mempercayai dakyah2 palsu dari pembangkang...rakyat seharusnya yakin pada pasukan keselamatan kita...kerana merekalah kita dapat tidur nyenyak...bukannya pembangkang..
