By Ravinder Singh via FMT
The Home Minister Zahid Hamidi, in announcing the setting up of the syariah police unit, called upon Muslims “to set aside their political differences and unite to solve issues facing Islam”.
Everyone knows that Muslims have political differences. It is due to these differences that there was a Malay or Muslim tsunami that saw the BN losing the popular vote. This was a formidable feat as the EC had always done its work very meticulously to ensure that the BN would not just win, but big and retain its two-thirds majority. This fraudulent practice was publicly admitted to by no less than the previous Chairman of the EC.
Now the focus is on the 14th GE. This time the EC may not have it so easy to play its “numbers game” in the first past the post system as in previous elections. Therefore new strategies have to be planned and implemented well ahead of the 14th EG to prepare the “ungrateful, misled, ….” Malay Muslim electorate who voted for the opposition to “gostan” (reverse) from the political positions they took in the 13th GE.
When all else fails, in a multi-racial, multi-religious society, race and religion become one of those strategies. Imaginary threats to race and religion are created and repeated by the loser politicians (i.e. fear-mongering) to frighten the simple minded into falsely believing that they are about to lose their racial and religious rights and identities, and they can only be saved by a certain political party.
Unfortunately, not everyone can be fooled nowadays as information that reaches the public does not come solely from politically controlled media.
Zahid’s call is therefore very telling on the ‘Allah’ issue. It leaves no doubt that the issue is created to create fear in as many Malay Muslims as possible so that they may revert to supporting the political party that they are made to believe is the protector of their race and religion.
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