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Friday, August 14, 2015

MH370 'landed safely on Indian Ocean floor before sinking fully INTACT', claims expert

MISSING Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has not been discovered because it is "intact" on the sea floor, a satellite communications expert has claimed.

The Malaysian aerospace specialist believes the stricken jet sank somewhere in the Southern Indian Ocean "after probably floating for a while".

"I believe that when the aircraft went out of fuel, it glided downwards and landed on the water with a soft impact...that's why I believe the plane is still largely intact," Zaaim Redha Abdul Rahman said.

Flight MH370 disappeared on March 8 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

None of the 227 passengers and 12 crew have ever been located, although debris from the wing was found washed up on the island of Reunion earlier this month.

Mr Rahman was part of the team that worked to locate the jet in the hours and days after the crash, using satellite date provided by British company Inmarsat.

He said the two-metre long flaperon discovered on the remote French island supported his theory that the aircraft "glided down".

"[The flaperon] was only slightly damaged and was just encrusted with barnacles. Its appearance indicates that it was not violently torn off from the aircraft's main does seem that it got detached pretty nicely at its edges," he said.

Noting the recent crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, he added: "If MH370 had crashed with a really hard impact, we would have seen small pieces of debris floating on the sea immediately after that.

"Furthermore, the flaperon that was recovered wouldn't have been in one piece...we would have only seen bits and pieces of it."

In the fatal Alps crash, masterminded by co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, none of the debris was larger than 1ft in length, due to the hard impact.

Rescue teams scouring the Indian Ocean earlier claimed to have found two box-like shapes that "strongly indicated aircraft debris".

Sonar images taken of the area showed square objects, which were deemed to be 'Category 3' - considered most likely to be plane wreckage.

However, officials with the Australian Transport Safety Bureau have now ruled out a link, saying they have a "low probability of being significant to the search".

Despite the latest setback in the international hunt for clues to the plane's whereabouts, Mr Rahman claimed it was possible that MH370 may have been submerged "deep inside the ocean for quite some time" before the flaperon became detached.

He said: "Similarly, other parts would also become detached and float with the help of the strong water current, before being washed up on the shores of islands like Reunion."

Mr Rahman used the example of the US Airways plane which safely landed on the Hudson River in New York in 2009 as further proof that the missing jet could have made a soft-ditch landing on water.

He also added further weight to the theory that more debris could be washed up on Reunion.

"One cannot underestimate the power of the ocean current," he said.

"Going by how the earth rotates, it's highly possible that the piece of debris could have floated because the ocean current can be really powerful."

By Tom Batchelor

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