A Modern Tokyo Times report says Malaysia and the OIC are forgetting the elephant in the room: the large number of Muslims being ‘butchered’ by Muslims in Yemen and elsewhere
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia is manipulating language and being hypocritical in its condemnation of the killing of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, according to a report in the Modern Tokyo Times.
The e-journal also criticised the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the mass media of hypocrisy for focusing only on the killing of Muslims in Myanmar, and overlooking the killing of Muslims by Muslims themselves in several nations.
“The mass media is using dangerous manipulation of language towards Myanmar that is inciting and boosting Sunni Islamist propaganda. Likewise, (Prime Minister) Najib (Razak) and the OIC are ignoring the reality on the ground in countless nations based on inter-Muslim bloodletting – and the same applies to the anti-Shia nature of nations including Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.”
The report said while Najib was concerned over the plight of Muslims in Myanmar “it appears that he negates the persecution of Shia Muslims in Malaysia. Similarly, it seems to escape Najib that the Saudi Arabia alliance is pulverizing Yemen to pieces”.
The Modern Tokyo Times report suggested that the hypocrisy could be because Gulf petrodollars from Saudi Arabia had “benefited certain political elites in Malaysia”.
The report said the number of Rohingya Muslims killed in Myanmar was minuscule compared with the number of mainly Muslims who had been “butchered by fellow Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and a few other nations.
“Therefore, the manipulation of language by the mass media and Najib – and others – is clearly based on denying the reality of what is happening in certain Muslim-majority nations already mentioned.
“Of course, it is worth mentioning that Najib may be ignoring the systematic bombing of Yemen by the Saudi Arabia coalition based on being tainted by Gulf petrodollars. After all, Najib isn’t expected to be an honest broker when it comes to Syria and Yemen and the intrigues of Saudi Arabia. This is based on the role of Gulf petrodollars in relation to the current Najib-led government in Malaysia and the usual hypocrisy of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.”
The report noted that US$681million had been transferred into Najib’s personal bank account as a “genuine donation” from Saudi Arabia.
The report added: “It could well be that the crisis in Myanmar is being manipulated by Najib based on personal funding intrigues that beset the current leader of Malaysia. Hence, the same leader is extremely quiet about the endless bombing of Yemen by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition.
“This bombing of the infrastructure of Yemen includes numerous hospitals being hit, mosques blown up, markets attacked, and even funeral processions. In terms of numbers of deaths and people maimed, then the language being used by Najib and international media groups towards Myanmar is more appropriate in relation to the deeds of Saudi Arabia.”
The report, noting that the Myanmar issue was complex, claimed the brutal killing of Myanmar nationals over the last few years in Malaysia “by suspected Rohingya Muslims or Sunni Islamists is escaping the attention of the mass media”.
It added: “On top of this, more Christians from various ethnic groups have been killed in Myanmar over the last few decades rather than Muslims. Hence the hypocrisy of the leader of Malaysia, the OIC, and international media groups, towards the multiple problems besetting Myanmar.”
The report called on the OIC to focus on “internal realities” such as the fact that all non-Muslim holy places were forbidden in Saudi Arabia, the Shia were being “butchered” by Sunni Islamists in many nations, Muslim minorities faced institutional Sunni Muslim state discrimination in many nations, and the Saudi Arabia-led coalition was pulverizing Yemen.
“Equally important, various Sunni Muslim-dominated nations have supported sectarian Sunni Islamist terrorist groups against Syria. Therefore, while genuine concerns persist in Myanmar on various ethnic and political fronts, this issue in terms of the number of deaths pale into insignificance when compared with inner-Muslim bloodletting in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and other nations.”
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