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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Carrot and Stick approach to LDP

LDP's Chin to be made Senator?

Kota Kinabalu: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Deputy President Datuk Chin Su Phin is expected to be appointed a Senator, it was reliably learnt.

Sources, however, told Daily Express that Chin's impending appointment, if it materialises, would need the consent of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. His appointment may be in the wake of LDP's dissatisfaction after the party was left without a State Cabinet member following a recent reshuffle.

The party's former representative in the Cabinet, Datuk Peter Pang recently joined fellow BN component party Gerakan after being "partyless" for months. But he had all the time remained a Minister.

LDP then described the Chief Minister's move as not being in the BN spirit.

There are two ways in which a Member of the Upper House of Parliament (Dewan Negara) can be appointed.

One is through nomination by the State Legislative Assembly whereby each State is allowed to nominate two. The other is through direct appointment by the King after being recommended by the Prime Minister.

The last time LDP had a Senator was many years ago in Datin Naomi Chong, the former chief of the party's women wing.

It is not known if Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman had a hand in Chin's appointment but the Chief Minister did say after the LDP's outburst that the party would be "compensated" through other means.

Meanwhile, the sources added that in the event of a Federal Cabinet reshuffle, LDP President Datuk VK Liew stands a good chance of being promoted to a full Minister. He is currently a Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of, among other things, judicial matters. Liew is a lawyer.

The sources said by appointing Chin and possibly Liew later on, the Prime Minister hopes to kill two birds with one stone. The first is to pacify LDP.

The sources pointed out that with the next nationwide general election expected any time, the BN chairman cannot afford to see in-fighting amongst its coalition partners.

Secondly, by making Liew a full Federal Minister, Najib hopes to woo back some Chinese votes to the BN in the light of in-road gains by the Opposition in the recent Sarawak election. In the last Sabah election in 2008, BN component member PBS lost a parliamentary seat and a State seat, narrowly winning another.

If Liew's appointment materialises, it will be the second time LDP has a full Minister in the Federal Cabinet, the first being Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat, then a Senator, in the early and mid-1990s before he came back to Sabah to join the State Cabinet.


  1. Hemm... Another politic play, i recon. to cool down the heat ehh... good move but not better enough to change the sentiment of the rakyat.

  2. Sabahans are not viewing this GE13 lightly.The mood is different now.They are quiet but their minds made-up on who to vote.The moslem bumiputras will still rally behind UMNO probably 80%.The non-moslem bumiputra will be split amongst BN,Pakatan and SAPP.BN will garner 50%,Pakatan 40% and SAPP 10%.The Chinese will support Pakatan perhaps 80%,SAPP 10% and BN 10%.The fight therefore will be more apparent in the non-moslem bumiputra areas.The rest will be a gone case.The moslem areas will go to UMNO and the chinese areas to Pakatan.
    In other words what Najib is going to do to pacify LDP will not work in BN favour.

  3. If only the people will garner their full support of a local party like SAPP, then the State Election will have a meaning for autonomy, otherwise, it is a same thing we are facing for the decades of federal biased control over Sabah. Sarawak still maintain a certain autonomy...and they need to further enhance for full autonomy.

    In other words, West Malaysian or KL parties should be voted out totally to enable Sabah and Sarawak their self-owned AUTONOMY!

  4. Yang penting sekarang adalah untuk rakyat menolak UMNO/BN dulu.Beri peluang pada Pakatan tidak apa kerana SAPP tidak layak untuk mentadbir Sabah dengan sendiri.Mereka patut menyertai Pakatan supaya menjadi lebih kuat.
    Walaupun SAPP parti tempatan tapi banyak beranggapan YTL tidak layak untuk menjadi CM kerana beliau terbukti tidak menyerlah waktu menduduki kerusi CM dulu.SAPP patut sedar perkara ini dan menyedari bahawa rakyat masih was-was keupayaan YTL untuk memimpin Sabah.
    Bertanding bersendirian akan membawa padah kepada SAPP kerana ia bererti kekalahan yang teruk.Akan lebih teruk lagi sekiranya Pakatan kalah kerana 'kekacauan' undi kepada SAPP sepertimana berlaku pada 2008 diantara PKR dan DAP.SAPP hanya ada peluang menang dengan bersatu dalam Pakatan.Mungkin ia akan membawa keselesaan kepada rakyat untuk menentukan pemenang.

  5. This appointment shows Musa Aman has lost clouts with Najib and it is a big spite on his face.Najib should also appoint Datuk Chin as a federal Minister in charge of Sabah affairs and make Musa answerable to him.

  6. LDP diperalat oleh Chin Su Phin.

  7. Hope BN will solve the internal problem..Chin should discuss with their boss, what the self problem with among BN or UMNO?

  8. and i would like to describe that Chin is the one who move as not being in the BN spirit.

  9. apapun harap masalah mereka boleh seelsai.

  10. This is merely speculation.

  11. VK Liew sudah pun membuat penjelasan.

  12. Chin Su Phin gonna be a new " Senator ".

  13. Ini cuma kesimpulan yang dibuat oleh beberapa pihak.

  14. 这存脆是传闻而已。

  15. Harap rakyat sendiri boleh menilai dengan bijak.
