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Thursday, May 19, 2011

MoCS speads its wings to Sabah

The Sabah chapter of the Movement for Change Sarawak (MoCS) will be a 'separate entity', according to initiator Francis Siah, and would call for the revival of the rotation system for chief minister.

KOTA KINABALU: The Movement for Change Sarawak (MoCS) has formed a new independent wing in Sabah.

Called the Movement for Change Sabah, the apolitical NGO, while aiming to voice the dissatisfaction of Sabahans, will support the direction and plans of the federal government in developing the state.

Topping the group’s agenda are the longstanding land applications by local residents; poor infrastructure facilities such as water, roads and electricity to rural areas; subsidies to farmers and fisherman; unfair distribution of welfare aid; jobless Sabahans; and the low participation of locals in agropolitan projects.

The group is also seeking to find out why the federal government has repeatedly rejected the application by former United Sabah National Organisation (Usno) members to form a new party.

The group also wants to revive the rotation system for chief minister and to limit their terms to five years, instead of two that was previously practised.

“We want an answer from the federal government on why it has allowed other parties to form such as Makkal Sakti, Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM), but it has not approved the application to register a new Usno party.

“We want a meeting with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to discuss this issue,” said Movement for Change Sabah chief, Abdul Razak Salam, during a dialogue with some supporters and the media yesterday.

On calls to oust Umno from Sabah politics, Abdul Razak said MoCS was sympathetic, since Umno had come in by the back door after former Usno president Tun Mustapha Harun had deregistered the party to allow its members to join the peninsula-based party.

Change system of cronyism

Meanwhile, MoCS leader Francis Siah said the new Sabah wing would be a “separate entity from MoCS”, but would still cooperate in changing the face of politics in both states.

Asked what the Movement for Change in Sabah could offer in changing the political landscape of the state, Siah said: “To be honest, we can offer nothing. There is nothing to gain and all to lose.

“We hope to change the system of cronyism that is prevalent in our political system. We will not be accepting funds from anybody who wishes to control us.

“We want to change the mentality of fear and intimidation that the government uses to turn its people to be subservient to them.”

While Sabah and Sarawak may be in the same boat of having long-serving chief ministers who have dictated the political landscape in their respective states, Siah said that Sabah was different since it had allowed the entrance of Umno into the state.

“Local politicians may have made a few mistakes and we are here to help them correct the mistakes,” Siah said.

Casey Lee FMT


  1. Parti dari semenanjung mesti dibuang dari Sabah. Buat apa sibuk di Sabah sejak kita tahu niat mereka adalah hanya minat KOREK KOREK KOREK hasil kita.

    BANGKITLAH orang Sabah bersatu padu untuk mempertahankan negeri yang tercinta kita.

  2. Sabah people need leaders from elsewhere? This isn't football or about winning all the times. Even losers can make a different but Siah way is akin to malaya way, get lost!

  3. Kita tidak mahukan lagi rotation Sistem untuk KM di Sabah. Katakan TAK NAK.

  4. setuju dengan Sabah Asli. tidak perlulah rotation sistem untuk KM di Sabah. kita perlu blajar dari pengalaman dulu.

  5. Sistem pengiliran Ketua menteri akan menyebabkan negeri Sabah akan terbantut. Kita boleh nampak sendiri dari sejarah dulu lagi. Sistem pengiliran ini menyebabkan banyak projek terbangkalai, membazirkan kewangan, masalah rakyat tidak sempat ditangani dan macam-macam lagi. Jadi biarlah KM ditetapkan. Supaya mudah untuk menangani masalah dan memajukan negeri ini. Semua apa yang dirancang pasti akan mudah dilaksanakan.

  6. ya.. sistem pengiliran KM tak sesuai dilaksanakan lagi di Sabah.

  7. Kalau bukan kerana UMNO pasti Sabah sudah lama bankrap. Tengoklah sendiri apa yang BERSATU pernah lakukan dahulu. Mengambil hasil minyak hanya 5% dari keuntungan. Labuan dijaul menjadi persekutuan..Tapi lihat UMNO sekarang mencuba untuk membantu rakyat Sabah sendiri. Walaupun UMNO parti dari semenanjung tapi perlu diingat bahawa ahli UMNO Sabah adalah dari kalangan rakyat Sabah itu sendiri.

  8. Kalau bukan PENDATANG HARAM. Umno sudah kalah di Sabah.

    Kalau bukan UMNO tahu saja KOREK KOREK minyak dari Sabah dan sarawak. Malaysia sudah bankrupt.

    Kalau bukan umno, sabah tidak akan jadi termiskin di malaysia.

    Bersyukurlah kamu albet wong yang guna bandat untuk berfikir dan niat syaitan kamu untuk menipu rakyat sabah yang miskin.

  9. People can change the system through voting on the next GE.

  10. I don't think rotation system should be implemented.

  11. just assume that MoCS come to Sabah with a wrong move..

  12. Perbincangan semeja yang paling penting.

  13. Never put yourself in fire.

  14. Jangan suka bertindak ikut perasaan.

  15. Can't be restless.

  16. Want a fruitful decision? Then discuss.

  17. Jadi apa kah kesimpulan yang dikecapi?
