A key figure in the 'Project IC' exposé warns that attempts to register illegal immigrants as citizens to pad up the electoral roll, a practice allegedly rampant in Sabah, will likely spread to peninsular Malaysia.

Chong, now a PKR member, warned that likely targets for an expansion of this scheme are the states ruled by Pakatan Rakyat - Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan.
"This problem does not only affect national security but also land issues in Sabah... I would not be surprised if they used this modus operandi in Selangor or other Pakatan-held states," he told a press conference at the party's headquarters today.
In his book, published in 2009, Chong claimed that in 1986, Deputy Home Minister Megat Junid Megat Ayob and chief secretary of the government Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid had spearheaded 'Project IC'.
"In 1991, when Umno came to Sabah, there was a Sabah Umno task force where its directors were Musa Aman (current chief minister), Yahya Hussin and secretary Jabar Khan.
"The job of this task force was to look for foreigners in Sabah and issue them Malaysian ICs and then register them as Umno members (to) be included into the Sabah electoral rolls," he said.
"In 1991, when Umno came to Sabah, there was a Sabah Umno task force where its directors were Musa Aman (current chief minister), Yahya Hussin and secretary Jabar Khan.
"The job of this task force was to look for foreigners in Sabah and issue them Malaysian ICs and then register them as Umno members (to) be included into the Sabah electoral rolls," he said.
All out defence of Putrajaya?
Chong pointed out that some Sabah Umno members including Jabar had been held under the Internal Security Act for their role in the issuance of Project IC to foreigners, which has also been dubbed 'Project M'.

"(Prime Minister) Najib Abdul Razak has said he would defend Putrajaya at all costs. Is this one of the ways to be used?
"This method of retaining the government by registering illegal immigrants as citizens and registering them as voters in order to maintain their political control not only affects the security of the country but is also treason.”

Khalid said the Project IC may not be widely known in peninsular Malaysia but it is a hot political issue in Sabah.
“Various parties from Pakatan Rakyat and those within BN component parties have asked for the formation of a royal commission of inquiry into the matter to resolve the situation. Until today BN does not want to seriously resolve the situation.
“We know why because the Project IC is by Sabah Umno which is directed to control the political demography of the state and ensure Umno remains in power there. It is time that people in the peninsular understand this project as there is a possibility that it is being implemented here,” he said.
Khalid said that is why as part of the Orange Book or Buku Jingga, Pakatan Rakyat has pledged for the formation of the royal commission of inquiry to resolve the illegal immigrants and the Sabah citizenship issue.
“While we promise this (the formation of RCI) to resolve the problem, we also must be prepared that such syndicates may expand to peninsular Malaysia,” he said.
This was concurred by Chong, who said that is why he is supporting PKR as he does not want the alleged foreigners to usurp the political power and rights of natural born citizens in Sabah.
“I have said the amount now could be 600,000 but this is based on my estimate in 2005. Now those living there and given ICs have their children become naturalised citizens and they are given similar rights as citizens, including voting.
“I believe the second generation of project IC descendents are there in Sabah. Who knows some of them have come to migrate to peninsular Malaysia and transferred to various sensitive constituencies,” he said.
'BN has no intention of solving issue'
Chong said in 1994, PBS won 25 out of 48 seats in the state elections but lost the government through defections to BN.
He said the issuance of ICs to illegal immigrants continued and PBS was convincingly beaten in 1999.
“The federal BN government has no intention at all of solving this issue (of illegal immigrants being given citizenship). What is the point of Sabah being wealthy but our sovereign land is overwhelmed by illegals. The foreigners give rise to tremendous socio-economic effects in Sabah and very much upset its demography and political scenario,” he said.
“The BN federal government must realise that losing the sovereignty of Sabah means the collapse of Malaysia and I believe that was not the intention of the founding fathers of Sabah becoming independent through the formation of Malaysia,” he said.
For this reason, Chong said he wanted Pakatan Rakyat to win the next general election to resolve the mess which Umno and BN has created in Sabah, as pledged in the Orange Book.
“If Pakatan comes to power in Sabah, I hope they will resolve the issue as it is affecting the locals deeply, involving economic opportunities which should have been the right of the real citizens,” he said.
But he warned that what had happened to Sabah could happen in other states in peninsular Malaysia as what had been highlighted by Khalid, with alleged attempts in Selangor.
Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin, who is also PKR Wanita chief, said based on Chong's experience, PKR may appoint Chong to supervise research over an operation by the NRD allegedly to give ICs to illegals here.
“Various parties from Pakatan Rakyat and those within BN component parties have asked for the formation of a royal commission of inquiry into the matter to resolve the situation. Until today BN does not want to seriously resolve the situation.
“We know why because the Project IC is by Sabah Umno which is directed to control the political demography of the state and ensure Umno remains in power there. It is time that people in the peninsular understand this project as there is a possibility that it is being implemented here,” he said.

“While we promise this (the formation of RCI) to resolve the problem, we also must be prepared that such syndicates may expand to peninsular Malaysia,” he said.
This was concurred by Chong, who said that is why he is supporting PKR as he does not want the alleged foreigners to usurp the political power and rights of natural born citizens in Sabah.
“I have said the amount now could be 600,000 but this is based on my estimate in 2005. Now those living there and given ICs have their children become naturalised citizens and they are given similar rights as citizens, including voting.
“I believe the second generation of project IC descendents are there in Sabah. Who knows some of them have come to migrate to peninsular Malaysia and transferred to various sensitive constituencies,” he said.
'BN has no intention of solving issue'
Chong said in 1994, PBS won 25 out of 48 seats in the state elections but lost the government through defections to BN.
He said the issuance of ICs to illegal immigrants continued and PBS was convincingly beaten in 1999.
“The federal BN government has no intention at all of solving this issue (of illegal immigrants being given citizenship). What is the point of Sabah being wealthy but our sovereign land is overwhelmed by illegals. The foreigners give rise to tremendous socio-economic effects in Sabah and very much upset its demography and political scenario,” he said.
“The BN federal government must realise that losing the sovereignty of Sabah means the collapse of Malaysia and I believe that was not the intention of the founding fathers of Sabah becoming independent through the formation of Malaysia,” he said.
For this reason, Chong said he wanted Pakatan Rakyat to win the next general election to resolve the mess which Umno and BN has created in Sabah, as pledged in the Orange Book.
“If Pakatan comes to power in Sabah, I hope they will resolve the issue as it is affecting the locals deeply, involving economic opportunities which should have been the right of the real citizens,” he said.
But he warned that what had happened to Sabah could happen in other states in peninsular Malaysia as what had been highlighted by Khalid, with alleged attempts in Selangor.
Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin, who is also PKR Wanita chief, said based on Chong's experience, PKR may appoint Chong to supervise research over an operation by the NRD allegedly to give ICs to illegals here.
'Anwar was not only DPM at the time, he was also Umno's head of operations in 1992 to 1994 to topple PBS. Can he really claim to be ignorant?'
ReplyDeleteOpposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim may not be directly involved in the Project IC in Sabah. But don't forget that he was deputy prime minister from 1993 to 1998. I find it hard to believe that as DPM, he did not know about such a huge project. Huge in every sense of the word.
ReplyDeleteIs former PBS supreme council member Dr Chong Eng Leong giving some kind of hint when he said that the question as to "whether Anwar was involved in the issue of ICs to non-citizens in Sabah" should be posed to Anwar himself?
But I guess that if asked that question, Anwar would be evasive, the same way he has been evasive on many other questions on his past conduct while in Umno.
Anwar was not only DPM at the time, he was also Umno's head of operations in 1992 to 1994 to topple PBS using phantom votes. Can he really claim to be ignorant of such a massive Umno political exercise? Anwar has a case to answer.
ReplyDeleteIf Anwar was not involved as DPM, was he a sleeping DPM? Or a powerless or ignorant one?
ReplyDeleteAnwar, we demand your answer. We think you knew about the Project IC. You were the DPM in 2005, and 600,000 foreigners became instant citizens in order to vote for Umno. That is really sickening and totally unacceptable to us true Malaysians.
ReplyDeleteWho are the ones selling the country for political power and control? It is as clear as broad daylight that the Umno-led government, starting from Dr Mahathir Mohamad, started to sell the country big time to the "right kind" of foreigners under his vision of achieving a majority Muslim-Malay population as fast as possible.
ReplyDeleteOnce that target has been achieved, they will leverage on their numerical superiority to further enhance their political agenda. But these plotters can never control all the variables in the equation.
Malaysians of Malay origin are now rebelling against this insidious plot and the recent immigrants are not that obedient. In their haste to achieve numerical superiority, they sacrifice quality for quantity like most things here, while local born-and-bred quality people are leaving the country at the same time because of social injustice. How ironical and paradoxical.
Siapa penderhaka? Siapa pendatang? Siapa menjemput pendatang jadi warganegara? Biro Tata Negara (BTN), tolong jawab. Ahli Umno termasuk pendatang. Pendatang pun bukan pendatang sah tetapi pendatang haram!
ReplyDeleteDr Chong has suddenly recovered from his failing memory, and after joining PKR, has remembered that such things were happening. This amnesia is contagious, like Anwar when he was deputy finance minister/finance minister. Chong's recollections date back to that time.
ReplyDeleteAnwar, can you let Chong know for sure that you were aware of such conspiracy where you were the No 2 in cabinet while Dr Mahathir Mohamad was No 1?
Chong Eng Leong, don't trust Anwar too much. It was because of him that the PBS government collapsed. Look at how Anwar treated Sabah PKR leaders.
ReplyDeleteIn Malaysia, only Sabah has the presidential council. Why? The setting up of this council means he doesn't trust Sabah PKR leaders. If he cannot trust Sabah leaders, how can you expect him to help Sabah?
This is seriously treason and should be strongly opposed by all true Malaysians, be it Malays, Chinese, Indians and indigenous people of both West and East Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteWe were born here and having built up this nation with blood sweat and tears to what it is now only to be usurped by foreigners who have entered Umno via the back door and may one day outnumber Malays and other races, and take over this nation.
One example is Dr Mohd Khir Toyo who has reached a high rank. In Sabah, many in power via Umno are such people from Philippines and Indonesia.
Umno, desperate to hold on to power knowing its support among Malays is on the wane, is desperate enough to sell out by creating grassroots consisting of such people who have dual citizenship, especially in Sabah.
The rakyat should wake up and see this folly and take action before it is too late and this country goes to the dogs.
Anwar might have known but I think powerless against
ReplyDeleteAnwar might have known but I think powerless to do anything against the UMNO mastermind at that time.He had to toe the line otherwise he would have been thrown out by UMNO much earlier.It was understandable at that time because he had to face the likes of Mahathir and many more who were more powerful than him.
Do not bark at the wrong tree.Go after the right person and not be a laughing stock of UMNO by trying to implicate Anwar.It is what UMNO wants and you have fallen into their trap.
Mahathir or Anwar who are the real culprits of this IC scam??? Only the insiders in Umno who have the real conscience to reveal the truth.
ReplyDeleteKarim Ghani of Sabah is one of the insiders, now he is in PKR and will he reveal the truth about this...I doubt it, becoz he is not that calibre nor the moral conscience ever to break out the news...anyway, he has got not many years to live either...so don't keep the secret to your grave.
Harap ini akan disiasat.
ReplyDeleteisu projek IC ni tak harus kita biarkan, ia mesti ditangani.
ReplyDeletesekarang ini wujud persoalan sama ada Anwar terlibat dalam projek ic atau tidak. apa pun hanya mereka yang tahu jawapannya.
ReplyDeleteSemoga IC projek ini akan dapat ditangani sebaiknya. Pakatan tidak perlu risau tanpa IC projek pun Pakatan tetap akan kalah.
ReplyDeleteRasanya Anwar sendiri memang tahu isu IC projek ini. Tapi Anwar tidak berani menyuarakan isu ini kerana takut memakan diri sendiri.
ReplyDeleteprojek IC ni satu agenda politik-digunakan untuk meluaskan kuasa dengan menggunakan PATI. sepatutnya pihak yang terlibat sedar akan kesan jangka panjangnya.
ReplyDelete'Project IC' has caused lot of problems. It need to be solved immediately.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Anwar has something to say about this 'Project IC'.
ReplyDeleteProjek IC pembawa masalah.
ReplyDeletehow Pakatan will going to solve the problem? by giving them PR status?
ReplyDeleteI personally think that all the political parties are the same.
ReplyDeleteProjek IC masih lagi menghantui kita.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the sense in that?
ReplyDeleteJika masalah ini masih membelenggu Sabah, kelak Sabah akan menghadapi bencana besar.
ReplyDeletePakatan will lose.
ReplyDeleteYou know what I felt as Sabahan?? I felt I want to gun down those culprit involved in this project.Im getting sick and sicks of this unresolved issue. This is an extremely disaster to the people of Sabah. Mahathir, what you have done to us? You better dont fly to Sabah.