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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Anwar not involved in Project IC?

PKR central committee member Khalid Jaafar says PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim was never involved in the Sabah identity card fiasco in the time he was in government.

Khalid, then an aide to Anwar, said: "Although Anwar has held various positions in the cabinet, he was never the home minister.

"Anwar was youth and sports minister, education minister, finance minister and deputy prime minister," said Khalid (left), who is also Hulu Selangor PKR information chief.

"I can (state) that Anwar was never involved in this matter (issuing ICs to non-citizens) in Sabah."

In the cabinet, Khalid said, one cannot infringe on another minister's portfolio.

Megat Junid, he said was the de facto Home Minister (as Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the Home Minister).

“Anwar has never been appointed as acting Deputy Home Minister or acting Home Minister before,” he said.

He said this when Sabah general surgeon Dr Chong Eng Leong was asked today if Anwar had been involved in the issuance of ICs to non-citizens in Sabah.

This was part of an operation called 'Project IC', which Chong has dubbed as "Project M" in reference to the former premier.

Chong, who was a PBS member but is now in PKR, said this when declaring that Umno was responsible in giving out ICs to foreigners who he estimated numbered 600,000 in 2005.

Chong, when asked this question, said he could not answer it and that such questions should be posed to Anwar himself.

Lifted from Malaysiakini


  1. Ask Mahathir, Musa Aman, Yahya Hussin. Whats the fuss.

  2. Mahathir sudah turun 'tahta' tapi kenapa Musa Aman dan Yahya Hussin masih menteri? Kesalahan ini besar kerana menghianat kepada bangsa dan negara.Pembelot dan penderhaka rupanya mereka ini.Bagus hantar saja Musa Aman balik Afghanistan,negara moyang nya.

  3. Kerajaan negeri sekarang ni tengah berusaha menangani isu PATI. Kerjasama dari semua perlu untuk melihat hasil yang memuaskan. Harap2 isu ni dapat diselesaikan.

  4. Umbangankiut, sudah berpuluh puluh tahun masih mencari cara kah? Bila kamu sedar dari kebodohan kamu?

    Lebih baik umno tutup kedai lah.

    Kenapa pengikut umno sokong babi buta dengan menteri yang penderhaka dan pembelot? Tidak mustahil kebanyakkan mereka adalah PTI yang sudah dapat mYKad.

  5. What a joke. Anwar was there with Mahathir during that time.

  6. bukan mudah untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI. usaha perlu dilakukan secara berterusan.

  7. apa pun komitmen daripada semua pihak perlu bagi menangani isu ini.

  8. how many issue Anwar got involve in?just enough for sex video and 'khalwat'.

  9. sampai bila isu ni dapat diselesaikan jika ada pihak yang tidak bekerjasama.

  10. jika PKR berkuasa mereka nak beri Status PR kepada PATI. satu lagi projek IC Anwar secara terang terangan.

  11. mgkin dialah dalang projek IC ni.

  12. PKR central committee member Khalid Jaafar says PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim was never involved in the Sabah identity card fiasco in the time he was in government.

    Really how that you know Nawar not involved in IC project??During Mahathir the PM who the Deputy PM?

  13. Only local party SAPP can solve the PTI issue in Sabah.

    Sarawak governed by local party where there is NO PTI issue in Sarawak which is a very good example for us to learn.

    Say NO to party malaya!

  14. Even SAPP cannot solve the PTI issues if the Philippines government still refuse to set up their consulate here in Sabah....

    C'mon Philippines government, build that consulate & let us leave in peace!

  15. Chong, terus-terang saja...cakap 'Ya, Anwar terlibat bahkan dia adalah antara mastermind'.

  16. only SAPP can solve this issue? SAPP also need their votes mah..same goes to PKR, DAP in sabah..

  17. '..Chong, when asked this question, said he could not answer it and that such questions should be posed to Anwar himself.."

    is it too difficult for Chong to say YES?
    this guy cannot be trusted either..

  18. Lies after lies, and I think Anwar is very much involved with Projek IC.

    If he want to save Sabah, he should expose the whole affair, repent well as lodge police reports for justice to be done, even though he could be incriminated..that is what we called a statesman.

  19. Hanya Anwar sendiri yang tahu samada ada ataupun tidak. Tepuk dada tanya selera.

  20. kalau kita tuduh Anwar,, walau dengan bukti sekalipun, dia tetap nafi, putar belit dan tukar topik.. sebab apa? dia tahu ramai penyokong2nya akan sendiri tampil membela beliau..

  21. Siapa akan mengaku kalau betul-betul terlibat?

  22. Yang juga terlibat itu sedang jadi KM Sabah musang bin tidak aman dari umno. Jahanam kamu umno.

  23. How sure are we that he is not involved??

  24. Better to not trust whatever Anwar say just to be in the safe side.
