"Or maybe, he has read but does not comprehend. Or worse still, the press statement was just related to him, thus the partial comprehension.
Whichever one it is, what is abundantly clear is Datuk Herbert has come across as being ignorant, and not for the first time. Who in their right mind would seek explanations that have already been clearly stated and fully explained? Maybe Tan Sri Pairin was referring to Herbert Timbun when he advised that this PTI issue should not be politicized for political mileage.
"Since we are on the PTI issue, having stated on record what Datuk Yong has done for Sabah during his two year stint as the Chief Minister of Sabah. What has the PBS President done during his nine years rule as the CM and the CEO of the State to resolve the issue? Let's add to that the nine extra years as the Deputy Chief Minister of the current BN administration and not forgetting the five years as a full cabinet minister of the Berjaya administration.
"Herbert should consult his colleagues in the current BN Cabinet if he is unsure. The so called border pass suggested for Filipino citizens is a registration process on those entering the State, much like the current immigration practice at the moment. Once registered, it then becomes easier to locate and find those who have exceeded their stay etc. The regularization exercise was also a registration programme. Maybe Herbert should have asked his Secretary General who seemed quite knowledgeable to a point?
"It is PBS Secretary General, Datuk Henrynus Amin, who has to eat the proverbial humble "apple” pie. His public acknowledgement via the media is ample prove that the Federal Authorities refuses to address the perennial illegal immigrant problem in Sabah. Either PBS leaders within the Federal Cabinet or the State Cabinet are non-performing or they are there for mere window dressing? Or are they there to mere rubber stamp and be the obedient "Pak Turut”? Whatever the answer, what is apparent is that PBS reasons for rejoining BN does not hold water.
"Whilst Henrynus was generous in his praising of SAPP's might in the downfall of PBS, one must be forthright and truthful in giving praises where it's due, that the downfall of PBS was largely attributed to PBS's YBs who jumped ship and went on to form PDS and PBRS. That was what transpired even though PBS won the 1994 elections by the slimmest of majority. But it seems that this convenient lapse of memory suits Datuk Henrynus Amin so as not to poke the BN hornet's nest.
"Many Sabahans will not putting up their hopes too high as the PBS challenge for the Federal Government to resolve the PTI issue by 2012 is seen as "main wayang”. The reason being that the NKRA's Special Laboratory on illegal immigrants is largely perceived as an afterthought, the result of its findings will be nothing new and that none of the recommendations will be implemented by 2012, despite Pairin's proclamation at the 24th PBS Congress.
"Datuk Henrynus is however right in saying that Sabahan voters are smart. They can see through the so called leaders who have abandoned them. Natives, mainly KDMs lost ancestral lands, suffer forced evictions from forest reserves etc are becoming regular features in the news. Always proclaiming to be championing the KDM community's cause, what have PBS leaders done to assist them? The inaction as well as the continued silence by PBS leaders on this and other pertinent issues affecting especially the KDM community has left them feeling hopeless and abandoned.
"It is this act of betrayal to the community that will witness PBS leaders desperately hanging onto their positions by issuing "sandiwara” statements to remain relevant in the eyes of Sabahans.
"Since we are on the PTI issue, having stated on record what Datuk Yong has done for Sabah during his two year stint as the Chief Minister of Sabah. What has the PBS President done during his nine years rule as the CM and the CEO of the State to resolve the issue? Let's add to that the nine extra years as the Deputy Chief Minister of the current BN administration and not forgetting the five years as a full cabinet minister of the Berjaya administration.
"Herbert should consult his colleagues in the current BN Cabinet if he is unsure. The so called border pass suggested for Filipino citizens is a registration process on those entering the State, much like the current immigration practice at the moment. Once registered, it then becomes easier to locate and find those who have exceeded their stay etc. The regularization exercise was also a registration programme. Maybe Herbert should have asked his Secretary General who seemed quite knowledgeable to a point?
"It is PBS Secretary General, Datuk Henrynus Amin, who has to eat the proverbial humble "apple” pie. His public acknowledgement via the media is ample prove that the Federal Authorities refuses to address the perennial illegal immigrant problem in Sabah. Either PBS leaders within the Federal Cabinet or the State Cabinet are non-performing or they are there for mere window dressing? Or are they there to mere rubber stamp and be the obedient "Pak Turut”? Whatever the answer, what is apparent is that PBS reasons for rejoining BN does not hold water.
"Whilst Henrynus was generous in his praising of SAPP's might in the downfall of PBS, one must be forthright and truthful in giving praises where it's due, that the downfall of PBS was largely attributed to PBS's YBs who jumped ship and went on to form PDS and PBRS. That was what transpired even though PBS won the 1994 elections by the slimmest of majority. But it seems that this convenient lapse of memory suits Datuk Henrynus Amin so as not to poke the BN hornet's nest.
"Many Sabahans will not putting up their hopes too high as the PBS challenge for the Federal Government to resolve the PTI issue by 2012 is seen as "main wayang”. The reason being that the NKRA's Special Laboratory on illegal immigrants is largely perceived as an afterthought, the result of its findings will be nothing new and that none of the recommendations will be implemented by 2012, despite Pairin's proclamation at the 24th PBS Congress.
"Datuk Henrynus is however right in saying that Sabahan voters are smart. They can see through the so called leaders who have abandoned them. Natives, mainly KDMs lost ancestral lands, suffer forced evictions from forest reserves etc are becoming regular features in the news. Always proclaiming to be championing the KDM community's cause, what have PBS leaders done to assist them? The inaction as well as the continued silence by PBS leaders on this and other pertinent issues affecting especially the KDM community has left them feeling hopeless and abandoned.
"It is this act of betrayal to the community that will witness PBS leaders desperately hanging onto their positions by issuing "sandiwara” statements to remain relevant in the eyes of Sabahans.
Temberang Mutalib M.D kunu belanja Sabahkini sebulan RM22,500
Siapa ini selalu promosi blognya di sini..Shafie Apdal kah?
ReplyDeleteShafie Apdal yang promosi blog sendiri di WikiSabah?
ReplyDeleteNajib mesti pecat Musang Bin tidak aman secepat mungkin dan diganti oleh Datuk Shapie. Musang bin tidak aman akan menyebabkan Sabah BN kalah teruk dalam PRU13.
ReplyDeleteMusang Bin tidak aman sudah melakukan banyak kes rasuah dan banyak bukti dalam tangan najib.
Tak tahu malu tu Sapdal blog tu. entah siapa di sebalik tabir. Cakap satu crew. kalau dpt tengok elok juga. boleh kenal2 muka. kalau tak kena hambat ja dengan penyapu kandang babi. dahla menumpang publisiti dgn wikisabah, dah tu kutuk2 org lain pula.. berselindung di sebalik blog, dengan nama "sapdal crew" atas alasan penyokong dn pembela Sapi apdal. Takda informasi lanjut tentang pengendali tapi yg pasti admin blog ini tidak seberani admin sabahkini.net. 'Mengata dulang paku serpih mengata orang dia yang lebih '. Fikir2kan oi Sapdal.
ReplyDeleteSaya pun perasan juga ni. Ada2 ja promosi blog. Jangan buat publisiti murahan laa. Najib tidak akan pecat musa, banyak pembangunan & usaha musa kepada Sabah & Umno di Sabah.
ReplyDeletemusa bawa pembangunan untuk sabah? Kamu fikir kerajaan BN keluar duit buat bangunan di Sabah kah? Kenapa jalanraya masih teruk di KK? Kenapa masih selalu tiada air dan lektrik di penampang, kepayan, luyang, petagas dan likas?
ReplyDeletemusa yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi TERMISKIN di Malaysia tapi masih ada kaki pengampunya masih puji musa yang palui.
Aku sokong najib pecat musa cepat. Datuk Shafie akan menganti musa yang tidak boleh pakai.
Najib sudah ada banyak bukti kes rasuah dilakukan oleh musa.
flying underpants, kamu memang sokong orang makan rasuah macam musa ya.
jika dilihat banyak juga pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh Musa terhadap Sabah, jgn nak cari kelemahan dia sahaja.
ReplyDeleteapa pembangunan di sabah dilakukan oleh musang bin tidak aman kecuali KOREK KOREK KOREK duit rakyat?
ReplyDeletePembagunan shopping mall semua duit dari swasta.
Rakyat Sabah semakin miskin sebab gaji tidak naik tapi harga barang naik.
Dimana semua duit keuntungan dari minyak kita? Semua masuk pocket musang bin tidak aman?
musang yang menyebabkan sabah termiskin di Malaysia.
Aku pun hairan kaki pengampu macam kili suka jilat bandat ketua menteri musang yang tiada guna. Jahanam!
PBS perlu memperbaiki kelemahannya.
ReplyDeletehahahaha...baik kita semua jadi menteri laa. Senang cerita. mengomen ja pun tiada guna. Sekalian Anonymous yang penakut letak nickname. Letak nickname pun takut, cuma tahu bantai komenter2 dengan maki hamun saja.
ReplyDeleteSAPP, stop politicizing this issue..
ReplyDeleteSAPP, you are good for nothing...back off!
ReplyDeleteSAPP ni bikin kacau saja..tiada perkara lain yang dicakap..sedangkan masa Yong Teck Lee jadi KM sabah, apa pun tiada..kosong...hampir bankrap adalah..
ReplyDeletesetakat hari ini, saya tidak nampak apa pun kebaikan atau sumbangan dari SAPP..
ReplyDeleteHerbert memang badul PBS dan BN Umno. Dia tidak dapat memberi satu alasan yang betul, tapi kuat menfitnah dan bohong...inilah pasukan PBS?
ReplyDeleteHarap rakyat pandai menilai mana parti yang paling baik. Jangan salah memilih pada Pilihan Raya ke-13.
ReplyDeleteHahaha Nampaknya blog Shafie semakin rajin post link untuk tontonan para blog..Baguslah itu. Kita mahu juga melihat apa berita dan maklumat disana.
ReplyDeleteparti yang terbaik akan dipilih rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSAPP lagi banyak main sandiwara.. I don't see your determination to solve the problem of the people in this state, but I can see your determination to play with the people's problems and play with statement of other leaders.
ReplyDeleteSudah2 la dengan semua ni.
ReplyDeleteSo what? Is there anything you have to lay out in this thing?
ReplyDeleteAdakah permainan politik sesuatu yang patut kita hadapi buat masa ini?
ReplyDeleteJust stop bullshitting each other.
ReplyDeleteToo many controversies will only being the worst.
ReplyDeleteBerusahalah PBS!