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Thursday, May 5, 2011

PKR shoots down S'wak shadow cabinet line-up

Ang Ngan Toh

Another row is brewing among Sarawak Pakatan Rakyat coalition partners, this time over the composition of the shadow cabinet announced on May 1.

At a press conference in Kuching today, state PKR chief Baru Bian claimed that the line-up was unilaterally announced by Sarawak DAP chairperson Wong Ho Leng and that there was no prior consultation.

“We have decided not to accept it,” he said, adding that the line-up did not reflect enough Muslim and non-Muslim bumiputera representation.

“Therefore, it would be expedient to redress this imbalance and to review the matter at the next state Pakatan council meeting,” he said.

Baru's statement comes just a day after Wong had clarified that he had line-up announcement to the press with three PKR representatives present, after consulting them.

Wong had made the clarification yesterday after PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim told reporters in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday that the line-up was not final.


  1. This is the problem with party malaya. All of them should pack their bag and go back to malaya.

  2. Party Malaya will never let local leaders decide for themselves, too dangerous. Baru Bian should leave PKR and re-join SNAP.

  3. Sarawak should have a multi racial party like SAPP in Sabah to form a formidable opposition to fight for their autonomy...Sarawak can do it becos they do not have PTIs as BN fixed deposits...Sabah on the other hand, must be very united in order to force BN and Umno out! Including all West Malaysian parties!!!

  4. We should put our attention with the local leaders instead.

  5. mereka tidak sepakat dalam hal ini...

  6. terserah kepada mereka sendiri bagaimana mereka akan menguruskan isu ini.

  7. just wait and see la.

  8. biarlah mereka uruskan hal mereka.

  9. Semakin susahlah PR lepas ini.

  10. If a local leader need to report to his boss in kl. He is just a puppet.

    Look at musa, whatever decision he made must report to umno KL.

    Local leader from PR or UMNO all are just a PUPPET to their master in KL.

    Sarawak local party PBB local leader like Taib is not like UMNO, Taib has his sole administrative power and need not report to KL. He can make his own decision.

  11. PR hanya setakat nama. di luar nampak baik tapi didalam saling bercakaran..

  12. perkara seperti ini sememangnya selalu terjadi di kalangan parti jika tiada kerjasama dan persefahaman.

  13. Kenapa tak tumpukan perhatian kepada permasalahan dalam UMNO Sabah diantara Musa Aman dengan Shafie? Jangan lupa juga permasalahan diantara LDP dengan Musa Aman.Jangan lupa juga RON97 sudah naik harga dan semua harga barangan harian naik disebabkan kenaikan tersebut.Jangan lupa juga harga minuman dan makanan termasuk roti canai naik.Jangan lupa juga nilai wang kita turun disebabkan kenaikan harga tersebut.Jangan lupa harga rumah melambung tinggi.Siapa masih mampu dengan kesemua ini bolih lah puji dan sokong UMNO/BN.Yang lain pandai-pandai lah bawah diri.Naik gaduh pasal 'shadow cabinet' buat apa.Semua patut simpan tenaga untuk tentang UMNO/BN habis-habisan di Sabah kerana negeri dan rakyat sudah parah dalam kesusahan.

  14. Ehh apa cerita terbaru pasal perkara ni ahh? PKR Sarawak sudah approve ka itu shadow cabinet? Walaupun DAP byk menang kerusi, tapi jgnla sampai diorang yg kontrol habis semua kerusi kan??
