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Monday, May 9, 2011

‘Sabah has immigration powers’

The state BN government can act on its own to deal with immigration issue, says former PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan.

KOTA KINABALU: Borneo rights activist Jeffrey Kitingan believes that Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) partner, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), is barking up the wrong tree by asking the federal government to grant immigration powers to the state.
He said the state already has immigration powers and all it needed to do was to enforce them to solve the problem of illegal immigrants.

Jeffrey, who is United Borneo Front (UBF) chairman, is also the younger brother of Deputy Chief Minister and PBS president, Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

Jeffrey said he did not understand why PBS felt the state BN government needed federal government backing on the issue.

He said that while he fully agreed with PBS secretary-general Henrynus Amin’s statement that the decades-long issue must be resolved, he was puzzled as to why the party felt that the state BN government had no powers to deal with the matter.

“This is because the state already has the full, unquestionable power to arrest illegals and deport them without referring to the federal government.

“The state’s power of immigration was never surrendered to the federal government. All the state government needs to do is to assert its power and solve our immigration problems.

“We still have the power to deny entry to non-Sabahans the same way Lim Kit Siang (the DAP leader at the time) was denied entry and was forced to re-board the plane during the Berjaya rule,” Jeffrey said.

He pointed out that the Immigration Department should report to Chief Minister Musa Aman.

“The chief minister can direct the Sabah Commissioner of Police to act in the same way the district officer can direct the district police chief to act,” he said.

“Let’s not forget that as chief minister, Musa is also the chairman of the State Security Committee, a unit under the state’s internal affairs unit.

“This committee is the one tasked with monitoring, co-ordinating and acting on security matters in Sabah,” Jeffrey added.

Initiate action

According to Jeffrey, all the state needed to do now was to initiate action to solve the state’s security problem without depending on the federal government to give the go-ahead.

“If the state BN is really serious about retaining Sabah as its fixed deposit, it would act on this matter for its own good as well.

“It cannot keep shying away from carrying out its duties and responsibilities and think it needs KL’s approval all the time,” he said.

He suggested that as BN component parties, PBS and Upko should engage with their main partner, Umno, in the state government to solve the problem.

“PBS and Upko should broach this matter to the state cabinet and deal with the federal government as soon as possible,” Jeffrey said.

He, however, questioned the sincerity of the state government in wanting to handle the issue that could cause many leaders to get their fingers burnt if they decided to go too deeply into it.

“I wonder if the (state security) committee has been meeting to discuss security and immigration matters.”

Last week, former Senator Dr Chong Eng Leong said the statement by PBS showed that the party was in a dilemma over its role in the BN coalition government.

PBS said last week that it was not satisfied with government action on illegal immigrants in the state and saw “the day-to-day police operations, roadblocks, IC checks or immigration raids as mere window-dressing”.

Michael Kaung


  1. Such power will never be used against PTI except to stop LKS from coming to Sabah.Sarawak is different for Taib Mahmud can act with reference to KL but Musa Aman has to get the green light from Najib before he does anything.See the difference?

  2. I mean Taib Mahmud can act WITHOUT reference to KL.Sorry just a typing error.

  3. Sabah rule by party malaya.

    Sarawak rule by local-based party.

    Sabahans should change their mindset by too relying on the federal in state issue. Sabahans should learn from Sarawakians on how to tackle the illegal immigrant problems.

  4. Maklum saja lah KM kita terlampau nak jaga hati PM daripada hati rakyat.Macam juga orang UMNO Sabah semua mahu jaga hati KM.Takut nanti tidak kena pilih jadi calun atau tidak kena kasi projek.Mereka apa peduli rakyat kerana semua sudah sokong UMNO membuta tuli.Rakyat Sabah ini sudah jatuh cinta sama UMNO jadi susah di pisahkan.Bagi mereka hidup dan mati mesti bersama UMNO.Tak tau lah,kena pugai ka,sihir ka atau kerana hilang siuman dan sudah jadi bodoh.
    Musa Aman sudah jadi kebal,Salleh Keruak sudah jadi ADC Musa dan orang UMNO tak kira lelaki atau wanita lagak macam pelacur kerana jual diri dan maruah kepada pemimpin.Mereka sudah kabur olih wang ringgit dan hilang harga diri kerana bolih dijual beli.

  5. Mutalib M.D. Sertai SAPP

  6. Why can't Sabah run itself? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?

    Only Sabahan has the determination to solve PTI problems because we live here and we sufferer here every god forsaken day. OUR OWN PEOPLE BEING KILLED ON THE STREETS WITH FIRE ARMS AND THEY HAVE TO REFER TO KL.

    They only come here with promises and lie. Behaving high and mighty because they can use PTI as their fixed deposit to hold our life at ransom with their feeble.

    Did we go there and argue about putting our candidates and taking their seats? Don't be folled by their INSOLENCE.

    Those who disagree are penny wise pound foolish by happily accepting their empty promises but loosing the whole future.

    For those who play down on his own Sabahan are traitors.


    Enough is enough.

  7. I hope those ass holes will one day be shot by PTI. Ass hole.

  8. Wow! we have not learned from Sarawak? Sad bro.

  9. Such power will never be used against PTI...... So we just go on letting them rape us. very politically ambitious.

  10. Ah, belum mampus pula ni sapdal... masi nak promo blog ye? dhla, tiada siapa minat dgn blog yg mengagung-agungkan sesorang pemimpin 'setengah masak' and dah tu tulis artikel pakai tempurung lutut.

  11. Musa says BN still need time to study the formula on how to tackle PATI eventhough he was Sabah CM for 7-8 years.

    I tell you Musang tidak aman, eventhough till you die, I believe you still hasn't come out your formula on how to tackle PATI problem.

    BYE BYE UMNO in Sabah.

  12. Harap kerajaan akan menggunakan kuasa yang ada.

  13. sebarang masalah atau isu yang timbul perlulah diselesaikan demi kebaikan rakyat.

  14. kuasa immigresen yang ada perlu digunakan dgn sepenuhnya untuk mengawal kemasukan orang luar terutamanya PATI.

  15. Kerajaan negeri pasti mencuba yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masala yang dihadapi di Sabah. Kuasa sebenar immigresen adalah ditangan kerajaan negeri sepatutnya. Apa pun kita tidak juga boleh salahkan mana-mana kerajaan berhubung kuasa ini. Apa yang perlu sekarang ini kita mahukan Kerajaan negeri mahupun persekutuan menangani masalah yang terdapat dinegeri ini. Bersatu pasti akan berjaya.

  16. even the state have the power to act on its own, but we still need federal government to bear all of the cost related to operation to catch and sending the illegal immigrants back to their countries.

  17. Sarawak tiada UMNO = Tiada PATI

    Sabah ada UMNO = populasi PATI bertambah pesat.

    fikir fikirkan lah

  18. That's why m saying. It is better for us to solve our own problems instead of " giving " that power to someone else.

  19. Jadi mengapa kita harus tunggu jawapan dari kementerian?

  20. Then the PTI problem should be solved once and for all.

  21. Jadi apakah tindakan seterusnya?

  22. But it is so bad too see our " dilapidated " situation now.
