KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee told the High Court here yesterday that he was only asking the relevant authorities to re-open the air crash tragedy file and re-investigate as the formal investigation report and the real cause of the air crash has never made known to the public.
Yong, 53, said that in his press statements, he had never even once made any reference to the plaintiff Tan Sri Harris Salleh as he alleged.
"It is a well-known fact by the public and the people of Sabah that the formal investigation report and the real cause of the air crash are never released to the public and the people of Sabah despite concerns and questions by the people on what was the real cause of the incident," he said, adding that he was not the only one who raised the issue for re-investigation into the incident.
Yong, 53, said that in his press statements, he had never even once made any reference to the plaintiff Tan Sri Harris Salleh as he alleged.
"It is a well-known fact by the public and the people of Sabah that the formal investigation report and the real cause of the air crash are never released to the public and the people of Sabah despite concerns and questions by the people on what was the real cause of the incident," he said, adding that he was not the only one who raised the issue for re-investigation into the incident.
The former chief minister testified that the newspaper reports which Harris alleged were defamatory to him was basically a call by him (Yong) for the air crash tragedy known as the "Double or Triple Six Tragedy" to be re investigated.
"The reason is, so that all doubts about the true causes of the crash are removed," he said.
Yong was testifying before Justice Dato' Abdul Rahman Sebli in the on-going hearing of a RM50 million suit brought by Harris against him and the party for allegedly insinuating that he (Harris) was involved in causing the plane crash which killed former Chief Minister Tun Fuad Stephens and all 10 others on board a Nomad aircraft on June 6, 1976. Harris, 81, who filed the suit on June 6, last year, is claiming for general damages, aggravated and exemplary damages of not less than RM50 million to be assessed separately against Yong and SAPP as the first and second defendants respectively.

Harris is represented by counsel Yunof Maringking and Trevor Maringking while Yong and the party are represented by counsel Datuk Simon Shim and Flora Dius. In that newspaper reports, Yong said he was also commenting on the revelation by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah that the Usno-led government under the late Tun Datu Mustapha Datu Harun in 1975 was unwilling to sign the petroleum agreement and this had revived a relevant issue in Malaysia federalism, the intrusion of the Federal Government on uncooperative state governments.
"I was again commenting that normally it is proper to re-open an investigation into an old accident if new information surfaces.
"I also said that maybe nothing new would come out of the re-investigation or maybe something big and depths of history," he said.
He said the government had decided in a few other cases in which public inquiries were conducted because the public demanded for them.
"For example in the case of V.K Lingam Video Clip and the death of Teoh Beng Hock because they involved the interest of the public," he pointed out.
Yong said, the government even formed an independent commission to investigate incidents which involved abuse of powers by the police force.
He said he and the plaintiff have political differences but he has never made any disrespectful statements on the plaintiff.
Thus, he said he was merely making fair comments in response to Tengku Razaleigh's statement during his talk at KDCA on April 2, 2010, which was published in the Daily Express with regards to the ill-fated aircraft that crashed.
"It was Tengku Razaleigh who made the statement that he and two others were already on board the ill-fated aircraft but the same left the said aircraft due to the last minute invitation by the plaintiff to board another plane to Pulau Banggi, Kudat. I did not make that statement.
"In response to that statement, I commented that for so long nobody really knew about the cause of the air-crash, I said that proper investigation should be made so the people would know what really caused the crash," he said.
Yong pointed out that there were a few theories of the incident.
"Some said it was caused by sabotage, some said it was because of pilot error, some said because of overloading and some said it was because the Nomad plane was defective.
"However, the official investigation report of the cause of the crash has never been released," he said, adding that these theories were discussed in some books like the books of "The Sabahan - The Life and Death of Tun Fuad Stephen" and "The Harris Salleh of Sabah".
"I also think that my party and I were merely exercising out rights of freedom of speech and expression as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution to call for a re-investigation into a very significant event in response to the revelation of the personal account of Tengku Razaleigh before the air crash. He was there before the plane flew," he said.
Yong told the court that if a public inquiry or re-investigation is conducted, there will be a witness who can testify on the conditions of the plane and of the passengers at that time and that the plaintiff can also be called to testify on his own account of the event.
Earlier in the proceedings, Yong told the court that he had an appointment at Tengku Razaleigh's office on Nov 14, and Dec 8, in Kuala Lumpur.
He said in the first meeting on Nov 14, they talked about his (Tengku Razaleigh's) speech and informed the latter that arising from his speech and the news reports, he was now being sued by the plaintiff in respect of what he (Yong) said in responding to the speech.
Asked by Simon on whether Tengku Razaleigh did say anything about his speech, Yong said, "Yes." Yong added that Tengku Razaleigh's memory of his speech and the June 6, 1976 air crash itself was very clear.
"Since we were both seated in his office, he was gesturing like putting on the seat belt and he described how the plaintiff had gotten into the plane and invited him to visit a cattle farm in Kudat and he said that he was very sad to lose friends who died in the subsequent air crash," Yong said.
In the second meeting, Yong said, he informed Tengku Razaleigh that the defamation trial had started and that they wanted him to be as a defence witness.
"He was reluctant saying that he is very busy," he said, adding that during the meeting, Tengku Razaleigh reconfirmed what he had said at the forum on April2, 2010."
Yong said that Tengku Razaleigh was also aware of the two books, namely "The Sabahan - The Life and Dearth of Tun Fuad Stephen" and "Harris Salleh of Sabah" but said the authors of the books never interviewed him.
Yong told the court that he showed Tengku Razaleigh the transcript of the latter's speech and also wanted to personally pass him the subpoena.
He said as they left his office, he passed a copy of the subpoena together with a covering letter from the legal firm with his (Tengku Razaleigh) officer who was also the officer who arranged the appointment.
Yong also told the court that he had to cancel his arrangements to fly to Kuala Lumpur for, a rescheduled interview with Tengku Razaleigh which was supposed to be held on Dec 14, 15, and 16 as he was outstation.
Meanwhile during cross-examination by Trevor, Yong told the court that it was a sufficient account of what happened on June 6, 1976, much more than a passing remark in Tengku Razaleigh's oil royalty speech in KDCA.
He said the remarks itself generated public interest.
To another question from Trevor, Yong said, the various possibilities or causes on how the airplane crashed should be re-investigated.
He also said that everybody knew the facts of Tengku Razaleigh and two others not in the ill-fated plane but the facts of Tengku Razaleigh and two others leaving the plane at that moment before departure were not known.
"As I said since three passengers have left the plane, the issue of overloading should be re-opened for investigation, irrespective of the cargo," he said.
Harris cuba sedaya upaya menutup kes ini tapi Tuhan itu adil kerana akhirnya dia sendiri yg telah mendedahkan kes ini untuk disiasat .
ReplyDeleteTuhan memang ada cara yang tersendiri untuk segala sesuatu yg tersembunyi!
Mungkin Harris selama ini tak dapat tidur nyenyak walaupun hartanya bertimbun kerana dihantui oleh dosa lama yg beliau telah lakukan 3 dekad yang lalu.
Ingat Harris! Ini baru permulaan, bagaimana dengan Projek IC dan pemberian kewarganegaraan kepada PATI yg kau telah lakukan di Sabah!
Labuan yang kau jual! Pulau2 yg kau ambil!
Tanah2 yg ribuan hektar kau curi drp rakyat!
Kau jual tanah dekat SLT Menggatal kepada Sultan Brunai!
Dan banyak lagi hartanah yg kau curi semasa kau jadi KM dulu.
Kau adalah sama dengan Mahathit umur kamu panjang sebab Tuhan mahu beri peluang untuk kamu bertaubat dan memohon maaf pada rakyat Sabah serta mengembalikan sebahagian harta yg kau curi.
Ingat kau tidak akan bawa mati harta dan wang ringgit kau.
Syukur, akhirnya Harris sendiri yg buka X-File yg sudah sekian lama terkubur. Saya yakin inipun kerja dan kuasa Tuhan juga.
God is great!
Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, Harris mati meninggalkan tembelang!
ReplyDeleteInteresting. This brings to mind, how come nobody is suing those making allegations in Project I/C?
ReplyDeleteharis salleh is the tool of the murderous armno. Tun Fuad and the rest were simply murdered to further armno's conquest of Sabah. armno gave technical assistance and the go-ahead.
ReplyDeleteHarris,kamu ini manusia apa? Sikit sikit gertak orang dengan saman berjuta juta ringgit.Betullah,kalau orang kampung yang tiada duit - akan terus takut tidak mahu cakap.
ReplyDeleteIni kali kau bertemu Yong Teck Lee,samanlah dia.Nanti bila kes kamu kalah dan kau kena saman balik,apa macam?
Harris kau sudah tuan betul,tidak lama lagi MESTI akan mati.Dosa kau dengan Sabah akan kami tuntut di AKHIRAT nanti.
Kaulah yang menjual Sabah kepada PATI bersama sama MAHATHIR sebab mahu kalahkan PBS dulu.Masa kamu lah Sabah cuma dapat 5 % daripada 100 % minyak.
Bodoh bodon Datu Mustapha pun masih mahu 60/40 % daripada Federal.Kau ini anjing PAKISTAN sama dengan MUSA AMAN.
God says, "I will used the same method you used to others" God is great. May your Kingdom come!
ReplyDeletewhat happened to the pilot?
ReplyDeleteWas there any monument built with his name included?
What a sacrifice for such a mission?
UUMNO X leaders are suspected murders? Not suprising as they will do anything to safeguard themselves. Look at Altantuya S. murdered case by suspect Rosmah A. Najjibb Razzakk?? Yet records from Immigration dept. was deleted. Why and BY Whom? Royal Commission of Inquiry should clear any doubts But will UMNO controlled government brave enough to form the RCI?: We Malaysians DOUBTS.
ReplyDeleteWe should wait for the results from the investigations so that the truth will be revealed.
ReplyDeleteBring back justice to those who are sacrificed in the plane crash.
ReplyDeleteIf it's His will, truth will be revealed.
ReplyDeleteUsahlah Harris seperti cacing kepanasan jika tidak terlibat langsung dengan tragedi Double 6 ini. Kan?
ReplyDeleteSaya tak sabar mahu tahu apa keputusan perbicaraan ni. Harap ada hasil yang baik.
ReplyDeleteKalau tak memang buang masa sajalah kes ni dibongkar semula. Macam hanya menambah luka lama pula:P
ReplyDeleteKita tunggu sajalah keputusan mahkamah nanti. Tidak perlu susah2 pening kepala.
ReplyDeleteSaya sendiri tak sabar mahu tahu hal sebenar, tapi sabar. Semuanya akan terdedah juga tu nanti.
ReplyDeleteAku hanya mahu tahu apakah yang menyebabkan kapal terbang yang membawa 6 kabinet menteri Sabah meletup?
ReplyDeleteJika bukan YTL berani menyuruh menyiasat kes ini. Semua pun ditutup dan penjahat yang terlibat masih FREE!
everyone is curious to know what actual happen on the day that plan crash.
ReplyDeleteThe case may be old but the cause of air crash was never known. That gives a good reason to reopen the case. Nothing is impossible as long as they are clues to lead to the truth.
ReplyDeleteReopen the case for the sake of the victims' family. They as well as the people are eager to know the truth.
ReplyDeleteMay the truth reveal and those who are involved regardless who that person is must be taken serious action.
ReplyDeleteGood to know if we can know the truth . However, if the withness refuse to testify ? perhaps the matter has to put into rest...
ReplyDeleteLets the reason of opening this case be a genuine reason for finding out the truth and not for gaining the political milage.
ReplyDeleteLets it be a Histroy of Sabah that taught in School and be part of the Histroy of the people of Sabah . Something to ponder and remember the loss ....
ReplyDeletetragedi tersebut adalah tragedi hitam untuk Sabah. ia mengorbankan pemimpin2 penting Sabah.
ReplyDeletepasti rakyat Sabah ingin tahu punca sebenar kejadian tersebut, harap hal sebenar akan diketahui.
ReplyDeleteSyabas dan taniah kepada kebranian DSP Yong Teck Lee.
ReplyDeletePemimpin Sabah yang lain hanya anjing kurap saja berduduk diam2 selepas disumbat oleh $$$$
keluarga mangsa tidak ada pula yang sibuk macam sorang politician ni..
ReplyDeletekenapa YTL tidak bangkitkan saja tragedi ini ketika beliau masih menduduki kerusi KM Sabah?? masa ada kuasa, tiada pula dia buat apa2..
ReplyDeleteharap isu ini tidak dijadikan bahan politik oleh mana-mana pihak sekali pun.
ReplyDeletelebih bik tunggu saja sehingga kes ini selesai untuk mengetahui kebenarannya.
ReplyDeleteIni bukan hanya isu keluarga. Ini isu untuk seluruh rakyat Sabah mahu tahu sebab hampir separuh dari menteri kabinet Sabah dibunuh oleh setan!
ReplyDeleteHanya manusi yang berniat jahat macam setan akan kata ini dipolitikan.
Kes ini macam isu PATI.
ReplyDeleteUMNO memang takut buka siasat kes ini sebab takut KEBENARAN! Allahku tahu.
Many tears yet no answer.
ReplyDeleteHope to have an answer soon. A lot of people are waiting.
ReplyDeleteMemang susah untuk mengetahuai bagaimana perkara ini boleh berlaku.
ReplyDeleteGod's know who are the evil to kill the innocent Sabah ministers!
ReplyDeleteThe truth will reveal soon!
Aku mahu berterima kasih YTL sebab berani dan ikhlas untuk memperjuangkan hak2 kita.
ReplyDeleteAdakah YTL boleh buka balik kes? bukan ahli keluarga saja ka yang boleh buka kes semula..
ReplyDeleteRosealie, ini bukan kes keluarga lah. Ini kes tentang rakyat Sabah dan kerajaan Sabah sebab mereka MENTERI2 Kabinet SABAH.
ReplyDeleteKenapa baru sekarang isu ini dikeluarkan. Mengenai nahas itu rasanya sukar untuk dikenali lagi memandangkan isu itu telah lama berlaku.
ReplyDeleteYTL sengaja mengeluarkan isu ini untuk mengelirukan penduduk dan pihak lain. Semasa YTL menajdi KM tidak pernah pula dia minta perkara ini disiasat.
ReplyDeleteSukar untuk dikesan semula sebab nahas udara yang berlaku dahulu. Kerana nahas ini telah berlaku bertahun lamanya. Bangkai kapal pun tidak tahu mana sudah.
ReplyDeleteSAPP dan UPKO sudah banyak kali suruh UMNO buka siasat kes 66 ini tetapi UMNO pura2 tidak tahu!
ReplyDeleteKes 66 sama juga kes PATI dengan RCI.
Ini semua kerja setan umno. Allahku tahu.
Setan UMNO TAKUT KEBENARAN! sebab mereka semua dari ajaran sesat!
mahu siasat kes ini semula pun rasanya bukti sudah banyak yang hilang.
ReplyDeleteataupun kes ini ditimbulkan semula semata2 kerana politik dekat2 PRU??
ReplyDeleteOrang UMNO tengku razaleigh yang bongkar rahsia ini.
ReplyDeleteKenapa kaki pengampu umno takut sangat Kebenaran? Sebab mereka dari ajaran sesat!
ReplyDeleteKebenaran harus ditegakkan.
ReplyDeleteIni cuma mengungkit perasaan sedih sahaja.
ReplyDeleteMay be this is because for politic gimic.
ReplyDeletePasti adda agenda tersirat lagi.
ReplyDeleteBuat siasatan terperinci supaya semua golongan mengetahui apakah yang sebenarnya belaku.
ReplyDeleteHarap penyiasatan yang lanjut akan membongkarkan kebenaran kes ini.
ReplyDeleteTegakkanlah keadilan buat mangsa yang terkorban dalam tragedi 66.
ReplyDelete@BATU BERSUMPAH... WAHAI harris bin salleh! sudahlah kamu dalangi kemalangan pesawat 66 Tun Fuad dan rakannya, kamu dan mahathir bin mohammad dalangi lagi pengeluaran ic kepada pati! tidakkah kamu takut dengan dosa yang begitu banyak telah kau dan mahathir lakukan terhadap rakyat pribumi sabah yang tidak berdosa! Hakikatnya semua orang berdosa tapi dosa mu dan mahathir lebih TERUK dari lain orang.. ingatlah bahawa dunia ini cuma sementara dimana kuasa dan wang yang kau dan mahathir pegang dipunyai oleh TUHAN YANG LEBIH BERKUASA PENCIPTA LANGIT DAN BUMI... kau dan mahathir seorang pembunuh, penumpah darah orang tidak berdosa...seorang pencuri dan perampas harta orang orang miskin...pengkhianat kepada orang orang lemah...pembohong kepada orang2 yang tidak berpendidikan...dan ringkasnya kau dan mahathirlah akar kejahatan di Sabah dan akan dikenang sebagi bapa kejahatah Sabah selama lamanya...sangka mu wang mu bertimbun itu boleh membeli tiket mu dan mahathir ke kehidupan kekal?...hanya Tuhan saja yang tahu kerana Tuhan Semesta Alam adalah Hakim yang ADIL...
ReplyDeleteyes, i agreed that this case should be re-opened for investigation, irrespective of the cargo.
ReplyDeletebiarlah mahkamah yang menentukan keputusannya nanti
ReplyDeleteharap ada penutupan dalam kes ini
ReplyDeletesemoga keputusan mahkamah dapat diterima secara positif
ReplyDeleteharap keadilan dapat ditegakkan oleh mahkamah
ReplyDeleteUmmo ka, PKR ka sama juga . Perangai dan sifat ketua-ketuanya sungguh menjijikan, memalukan bangsa, agama dan negara. Sabah sepatutnya ditadbir oleh parti dari Sabah dan orang dari Sabah sendiri.Buat apa dari semenanjung, bukan d org ini hebat sangat.D org bukan peduli sangat dgn kita.Habis hasil sumber-sumber kita, d org nti bilang kita mengemis d org pulak.Cukupla untuk kali ini.Kita cuba tukar kerajaan baru.