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Friday, May 6, 2011

DAP to contest all seats?

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) urged the Sabah DAP green horns not to be too arrogant and overestimating themselves to the extent thinking their party alone can win all the seats in Sabah in the coming General Election, its KK/Penampang Zone Committee Member, Foo Si Chin.

Foo said undoubtedly SAPP was 'woken up' even before the Batu Sapi Parliamentary by-election, especially when the then Sabah DAP Chief Dr Hiew King Cheu described the consensus reached between Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) top leaders and SAPP not to attack each other but BN during the campaign period, as mere "coffee shop talk".
SAPP was further jolted up when DAP colluded with Umno to attack SAPP instead of BN, especially when Hiew defended BN's records etc, he said in a statement here Thursday.

Foo said all along, SAPP acknowledged that it was the peoples' wish to see the opposition work together to fight BN on 'one-on-one' basis.

"In fact, SAPP had already started discussion with PKR in June 2009 when its deputy president Azmin Ali was chairman of Sabah PKR but there were some people within DAP and PKR who think they can win all seats, and sabotaged the working relationship with SAPP."

"Let DAP and PKR learn from Sarawak. Winning three seats by PKR and 12 seats by DAP is not a victory. 416 promise by DAP has become same as 916 promised by PKR," he said.

"The same government and the same Chief Minister Pek Mo is in power, only DAP in opposition. The oppositions, DAP and PKR Sarawak, even quarrel over the "Sarawak shadow cabinet", what more if there is a real cabinet?" he asked.

"So, SAPP advises young green horn not to be arrogant, and over-estimate themselves to the point of thinking DAP can win all seats on their own.

"SAPP reaffirms our stand ever since 2009 to have a one to one straight fight against BN," he said.


  1. Sarawak does not have local party to in the opposition for the Chinese. Wonder what will happen to DAP if the Sarawak people have a choice and a voice.

  2. Like all party Malaya the arrogance .........

  3. SAPP should join Pakatan otherwise DAP has every right to contest all urban seats representing Pakatan.What's the hue and cry then?What guarantee can SAPP gives that by winning some seats with the support of Pakatan it will not turn its back on them.So SAPP must understand the reservations and doubt in the minds of DAP.Join Pakatan then discuss.No need to be greedy as SAPP is not as strong as DAP in chinese areas.

  4. PR should mind their own business in malaya. What make you think that Sabah PR is accepted by people since as proven Sabah PR was lost almost eat a BIG FAT ZERO in PRU12 eventhough 1 Vs 1 with BN.

    Sabah people already sent a clear message to Sabah PR we do not need party malaya because they are the same species like UMNO.

    Why those bigots from Sabah PR cannot think straight? Why they prefer to become a bull and their nose being pulled by the malayan? Maybe they get used to be the slave for the malayan people.

    Why PR cannot "work" with SAPP and must force SAPP to join? It has shown how arrogant you guys which is the same like UMNO.

    The fact is party malaya was Rejected by the people of Sabah as shown in last GE12.

    Sabah PR may came in as the spoiler which indirectly to benefit BN in the coming GE13.

    Watch out!

  5. If Sarawak has chinese opposition, DAP maybe eat zero in Sarawak GE.

    Sarawakian Chinese voted DAP doesn't mean DAP is good. It was because they had no choice! Wake up DAP!

  6. DAP mau tanding semua kerusi di Sabah? Jangan mimpi dalam siang hari lah.

    Kita bumiputra Sabah tidak mahu parti dari semenanjung. Berapa dapsy menang dalam pru yang lalu di Sabah? Satu saja! Bikin malu!

  7. Obviously, Dap is wearing a hat that is too large for its head.

  8. bukan Mudah untuk DAP menang di Sabah.

  9. it is up to the DAP to do what they want.

  10. but, it is difficult for DAP to get support from Sabahan.

  11. tapi, kita lihatlah nnti kemampuan DAP.

  12. We support SAPP than DAP..

  13. If DAP win 12 seats in Sarawak, then they should increase more effort to get Sabahan support in the next GE

  14. DAP and PKR should not quarrel each other unless they will get nothing.

  15. Just because DAP won big in Sarawak doesn't mean it will happen the same for DAP in Sabah.

  16. DAP shouldn't be arrogant and too overconfident.

  17. Neway, all the best to DAP!Do cooperate.

  18. Sabah DAP is umno's dog. Sabah DAP leader was in UMNO Shamsuddin Yahya house during prk batu sapi with a bag of money. God's know!

  19. Dr Hiew got RM500K from Umno Sabah..Musa's corrupted pocket from Batu Sapi..How he is going to spend the money is up to him.

    To go for all the seats in Sabah is to me, truly an agent for BN to win...Dap can cheat on the Chinese majority seats, they can never win the other bumi seats!

    The only logical explanation is they are all going to detroy the opposition and help BN win BIG in Sabah...becos these Sabah Dap are a bunch of opportunists..believe it or not!

  20. SAPP juga jangan lupa diri. Nanti sendiri yang kena.

  21. If PR wants the opposition party to win in the next general election, stay away from Sabah.. PR only bring defeat and burden to the other parties..
