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Monday, May 23, 2011

SAPP: Have separate system for Sabah

KOTA KINABALU: There should be a separate policy and system in Sabah in order to quash inequalities and imbalances, said Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Secretary General Datuk RichardYong.

Supporting the call by the Federation of Sabah Lorry Transportation Association (FSLTA) for the diesel subsidy for commercial vehicles in Sabah to be maintained, he said Sabah should not be treated as just another state.

He said that apart from reasons by FSLTA, the geographical, poor road system, congestion all added to the high cost of transportation in Sabah.

"Coupled with the cabotage policy, cost of land and sea transport make up great part of costs on goods," he said here Sunday.

Yong said that revenue from oil and gas obtained from Sabah were being used to develop whole nation therefore by right Sabah should enjoy cheaper fuel.

"Windfall tax on palm oil (Sabah as the largest palm oil produeer) are use to subsidise cooking oil for whole country. It is not logical for the poorest state to subsidise the rich states.

"There should be a separate policy and system for Sabah in order to quash inequalities and imbalances especially due to geographical reasons and over burdened by presence of huge number of foreigners," he said.

Daily Express


  1. One Nation Two Systems should be applied to Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak as Equal Partner to fulfill the original Malaysia Agreement when Malaysia was formed.

  2. 99.9% of the Sabahans will strongly support this idea.

  3. East Malaysia and West Malaysia does not necessarily have the share the same system.

  4. As long as 'no change' to National Cabinet for any federal level government even after change in future so to accomodate Borneo states -Sabah and Sarawak representing or holding key positions at least DPM to involve in "many state by federal level policies" decision. All rest will become effortless just like before!

    1Nation 2System is one thing but just look at few opposition states government today. With certain restriction in policies from federal ruling level they face some obstacle too in many public issues.

    This doesn't mean I am agreeing and support the opposition parties in West Malaysia like PKR or DAP but find that Borneon other tahn defending state's autonomy and agreement in 1963 also must challenge its way to change and involve themselves to have equal treatment as malaysian with right in policies making for states at Federal level.

    Syabas and really make change for our future with reconciliation.

  5. Root cause is due to many preceding authoritative or bullied attitude from past and present Federal Governing body towards Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak.
    So include in the 'change' amd awaken your political good leaders to change in demanding more involvement in future Federal level governing in politics and non-political administration too!

  6. good suggestion! the federal government should consider the fact that Sabah infrastructure such as the road are not as good as in the peninsular. If the subsidy for commercial vehicle is taken back, it will have spill effect everything including the price of goods & essentials.

  7. Sounds like a good system.

  8. We will see whether the majority sabahan support this system through the voting in GE.

  9. i agree with the system. let just try it to know whether it is good for Sabah or not.

  10. New System? the negative and the positive should be considered.

  11. Apapun kita hanya inginkan yang terbaik untuk semua.

  12. setiap cadangan wajar dipertimbangkan. setuju dengan heally, kita inginkan yang terbaik untuk semua.

  13. Ya, lebih baik menggunakan sistem yang berasingan untuk S&S dan Semenanjung.

  14. SAPP seperti mempunyai banyak perancangan. Kita tunggu saja apa yang akan mereka lakukan.

  15. Tujuan utama kita adalah menghalau umno keluar dari Sabah. Umno adalah punca kebanjiran PATI di Sabah. UMNO adalah punca dan menyebabkan Sabah termiskin di malaysia.

    UMNO GET OUT FROM SABAH! Bye bye PATI dan umno

  16. kena fikir betul2 jika nak wujudkan sistem yang berasingan, jgn ja nnti lain pula masalah yang timbul.

  17. Good to have separate system for Sabah.

  18. make sure that Najib read your suggestions and explanation.. and ask him to respond for it immediately..
