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Monday, May 23, 2011

10 women raped every day in Malaysia

Sexual violence has reached epidemic levels

All Women’s Action Society (Awam) notes with concern  The Malay Mail’s front page story (May 19) on the alarming rate of sex crimes statistic saying that 10 women become victims of rape every day and that in average every two-and-a-half-hours one woman gets raped, according to latest statistics released by Bukit Aman.

However, we’d like to add that while these police statistics are alarming, they don’t convey the true scale of the crime. Applying the general rule of thumb that only one in 10 cases of rape is reported, the more accurate picture is approximately one rape happens every 15 minutes in this country.

This means that each year in Malaysia, the number of victims are enough to fill Bukit Jalil stadium to capacity. If we include other sexual crimes such as incest and harassment, experienced not just by women alone but also the transgendered and  people of all ages, the numbers would easily double.

According to the 2010 Malaysia Millennium Development Goals report, Malaysia ranks among the highest in the world for reported cases of rape.

Violence has reached epidemic levels in this country. It is a widespread social, development and public health issue that needs to be radically addressed and dealt with.

Prior to this report, these statistics were classified as ‘sulit’ and withheld by the police, suggesting a sweep-under-the carpet mentality which betrays a resistance to openly and seriously tackling this issue. Similarly, the ambitious Government Transformation Programme and National Key Result Area to reduce crime makes no mention of reducing sexual crimes, betraying perhaps a disconnect with the reality of that sexual violence is huge dimension of crime in Malaysia.

The pitifully low rate of prosecution of 162 rapes in 2009 also suggests that our court system is also failing. Meanwhile, the Women’s ministry is virtually silent on tackling issues of sexual violence. Rape is a crime that is seemingly committed with impunity, where perpetrators escape the law and get off scot free.

We need a national strategy to deal with sexual crimes, which includes the involvement of all agencies such as service providers, the judiciary, the police, and medical staff. Prevention strategies which promote education, awareness of gender equality and securing women’s rights are long-term enabling environment for reducing this crime. We need to approach this epidemic with the guts, the will and the resources to truly eradicate sexual crimes.

News was lifted from FMT The writer Ho Yock Lin acting president of All Women’s Action Society (Awam)


  1. Cut the penis of the rapists. that's should be enough to give them lesson.

  2. Wow! So many sex maniac and rapist in Malaysia a country which declared as Islamic country?

    Please provide the break-down of the statistic by race and religion who committed the most rape case.

  3. Really sad to hear that. The safety and security in the country is still poor to protect the people.

  4. This is a serious matter.

  5. Make it compulsory for each & every women to bring pepper spray to defend themselves when being attacked..

  6. islamic country??? Why the rape case so high and even worst than western country like Australia?

    Father raped daugther = incest happened everywhere in Malaysia and mostly committed by ???

    Malaysia is running by a bunch of hypocrite to the highest order from umno.

  7. usaha untuk menangani permasalahan ini perlu dilakukan dengan lebih bersungguh-sungguh lagi. pada masa yang sama golongan wanita juga perlulah sentiasa berhati-hati.

  8. tidak dinafikan keruntuhan akhlak sejak akhir2 ini memungkinkan perkara seperti ini sering terjadi.

  9. Sudah bukti pemimpin umno cakap tidak serupa bikin. Mereka gila kuasa dan nafsu perumpuan. Jahanam!

  10. Kita memerlukan method yang lebih canggih untuk mengelak daripada perkara ini berlaku.

  11. Disamping golongan wanita harus sentiasa berhati2 agar tidak berlaku perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Make it compulsory for each & every women to bring pepper spray to defend themselves when being attacked..
    May 24, 2011 11:39 AM

    Ya, bagus cadangan ini. Pepper spray itu perlulah digantung pada tempat yang mudah dicapai supaya boleh digunakan bila kecemasan.

  13. 10 women raped everyday? give more law under raped.

  14. My suggestion:
    1. Either ask all women to design a new technology or any kind of thing i.e a leather made underwear. Better iron la. how to piss after wear that thing should be your business. whatever.

    2. Other than pepper spray, theres another technology that women can use i.e taser gun or high voltage electric gun. this things should be enough to protect every woman. plus, you can take your revenge even the rapist doesn't success like, kick the man ball, taser the man penis or even cut the 'head of the penis'. just do what as you like.

    3. To those wealthy woman, you can employ a very2 tough negro man to protect you but make sure he is a gay so that he is not interested in your 'thing' or otherwise. remember, negro man, their thing are 'marvelous'. no kidding.

    4. Take a German Shepard pet dog. bring this dog everywhere. i'm sure before any man came closer to you, the dog already 'ngap' the man.

    5. Buy a shotgun. take the man with only one shot.

  15. Tolimbu..

    good ideas.. hehe..

  16. tindakan undang2 yang lebih tegas harus dikenakan kepada perogol2 tersebut. jgn biarkan jenayah rogol terus berleluasa.

  17. since our police can't protect every women in this country, then they(women) should be allowed to kill the man who tried to commit crimes against them.
