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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why was QE Hospital hastily demolished?

QEH Kota Kinabalu
Questions abound as to who would benefit most from the hasty demolition of Sabah's QE Hospital and the construction of a 10-storey twin tower at the site?

KOTA KINABALU: The state government may have demolished one of its buildings with undue haste.

According to new information, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital which was razed several months ago was ‘structurally sound’ and damaged portions could have been saved.
 The iconic eight-storey tower block that was opened in 1981 was demolished in haste last year to make way for a 10-storey twin tower project.

“It was done so fast before any discussions could be made (on repairing the building),” said a knowledgeable source.

The source cited the case of another multi-storey building in the city that was once condemned and left vacant for years and which had recently been refurbished and turned into a hotel.

“The same could have been done for the QEH. If the Nautica building can be changed from unsafe to safe, the QEH was a hundred times stronger,” said the source.

The commonly held believe is that ‘vested interest’ was involved in the hasty condemnation and demolition of the hospital.

“Just imagine, putting a 10 storey twin towers is going to be very lucrative for whoever gets the contract,” added the source.

Consultant engineering firm Kumpulan Ikram Sdn Bhd and the Public Works Department have justified the demolition on the grounds that the buildings would not stand for long and it was uneconomical to repair.

Poor planning

FMT sources however disagreed and said that such a major decision should have involved other professional bodies.

The demolition of the QEH Tower block, which acted as the main referral hospital in the state, caused a massive headache for health services with patients having to be shuttled around from hospital to hospital within the state.

The city has been without a general hospital for almost three years while a private hospital, Sabah Medical Centre, has been purchased and is being renovated to act as a substitute until the completion of the new hospital blocks.

Since 2008, medical workers and patients have criticised the poor planning by the government which has put patients who are already suffering major illnesses and injuries to further suffering.

QEH was declared unsafe in October 2008 during an engineering evaluation by Kumpulan Ikram Sdn Bhd and the Public Works Department.

Chief Minister Musa Aman later announced that the hospital was to be relocated and it would be replaced with a twin towers that would house 660 beds.

Since then, the wail of ambulance sirens have resounded around the city and surrounding districts as they shuttle patients from hospital to hospital.

Casey Lee


  1. Another lopsided project by BN without any proper planning and only interested in BERAPA MENTERI UMNO DAPAT itu commission? Ask Rosnah!

    BN will never care for the people especially the sick. They would rather to risk their life just to fill their pocket.

    People must reject BN in the coming GE13.

  2. Aren't Sabah people ever get fed-up with UMNO/BN? Its top leader in UMNO linked to various scandals and still running the state as if nothing happened,enjoying all the privileges and power and still smiling in the papers almost every day.Sabahans have been short-changed by UMNO/BN yet they never realise it.Still Hidup UMNO,still Hidup BN.What jerks!

  3. According to what new information? Care to share?

  4. Its too late to do anything about it.The hospital is already demolished whether you like it or not.

  5. harap pembaikan/pembinaan QEH akan siap dalam masa terdekat seperti yang diarahkan agar ianya dapat menampung keperluan yang semakin meningkat.

  6. harap QEH akan dapat memenuhi keperluan apabila semuanya sudah siap nanti.

  7. apabila QEH berjaya siap nnti. harap ia dpt menampung pesakit2 di Sabah.

  8. Its about time anyway to demolish the building. That building is way too old. Been der since, i can't even remember.

  9. Better to build a new one.. more safer and better for the patient comfort as well as safety.

  10. pembinaan bangunan baru untuk hospital QE diharap dapat siap dengan segera agar dapat menampung para pesakit yang semakin bertambah.

  11. I thought it will be done in a shorter time.

  12. Semoga dengan adanya hospital baru ini akan lengkap dengan kemudahan yang canggih.

  13. Kalau tidak selamat buat apa mau tunggu lama-lama bagus lagi robohkan saja. Kita lebih mengutamakan keselamatan pesakit dan penggunjung kawasan tersebut. Ganti yang baru..

  14. Janganlah kaitkan ini demi kepentingan sendiri dan rasuah.. Sebaiknya semua mesti memikirkan apa keburukan jika bangunan itu tiba-tiba runtuh dan pesakit didalam tentu tidak selamat. Jadi dengan pembinaan yang baru ini akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini. Robohkan dan bangunkan bangunan yang baru untuk keselesaan pengguna.

  15. harap projek pembinaan QEH2 tidak akan lewat dari jadual..

  16. keselamatan harus diutamakan...tidak perlu membuat spekulasi tidak berasas..

  17. kalau mampu buat semula kenapa tidak? sedangkan yang lama sudah disytihar tidak selamat maka adalah patut ianya dirobohkan..

  18. tidak perlu lagi membuat apa2 tuduhan/spekulasi...kerja2 sudah berjalan..diharap akan siap mengikut jadual..

  19. Bukankah ia akan siap pada tahun depan?

  20. we as the people of KK never against to build a new hospital.

    To demolish the old one and to build a new one should have a proper planning and not simply demolish but cannot accomodate with the current patient demand.

    UMNO is just a RUBBISH party. UMNO must be kicked out from Sabah!

  21. buildings that can not be repaired should be demolished.. it is not about haste, but for the good of the public. only politicians who hastily politicize this issue.

  22. Black, as proven a Pariah from UMNO will never admitted they are Pariah.

    Le the poor KK folks judge who is the Pariah in terms of hospital planning, rebuilding and what not in the coming GE13.

  23. Kerajaan tidak akan membiarkan QEH terbiar begitu saja.

  24. Bodoh punya Sabahans apa UMNO buat semua sokong semua betul.Itu lah Sabah mundur jauh di belakang kerana orang dia buta dan lali.Yang kaya raya orang luar dan sabahans semua miskin kecuali Musa Aman,Salleh dan Pairin.

  25. jika tak selamat, baik robohkan dan buat baru..

  26. Yang sot di sini kenapa lagi mahu tanya HQE dirobohkan. Pasal tidak selamat digunakan. Kalau selamat digunakan buat apa mahu robohkan. Bazir saja. HQE memang patut dibuat demikian kerana kalau lihat umur hospital itu pun sudah tua dan uzur jadi berikanlah hospital itu cahaya baru..

  27. I think the government has made a clear explanation on this.

  28. Ia akan sedia pada tahun 2012.
