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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bersih says will march on without permit

Debra Chong

Ambiga waves as she arrives at the Dang Wangi police station for questioning, June 27, 2011. — Picture by Choo Choy May

KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 — Despite being hauled up for police questioning today, Bersih chief Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan insists the July 9 march for electoral reforms will continue as planned.

The prominent lawyer said she will also not apply for a police permit to hold the street demonstration as the home minister and the police have made it clear one will not be issued.

She then slammed the authorities for hauling up civil society members campaigning for electoral reform instead of engaging them.

“Instead of threatening people, engage with us,” she urged the authorities, repeating the movement’s statement made last night.

Ambiga also repeatedly called the arrests of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members in Penang during the weekend “ridiculous”, denouncing attempts by various groups to link the minor political group backing Bersih to “communists”.

“I don’t know what it’s about... They are caught in a time warp. Who talks about communists in this day and age?” she quizzed, claiming the arrests were baseless.

The British colonial authorities battled communist terrorists from 1948 to 1960 in a police action called the Emergency and Malaysia later enacted the Internal Security Act (ISA) to allow detention without trial. The Communist Party of Malaysia (CPM) later laid down their weapons in 1989.

“Whoever wants to support Bersih, it’s up to them. It's open to all citizens,” she stressed.

Ambiga, who arrived at the Dang Wangi police station at about 2pm and left nearly two hours later, told reporters she had been questioned on three issues.

The first concerned the Bersih rally launched last week at the Chinese Assembly Hall here; followed by a recent police report in which she was accused of holding an illegal assembly outside the Jalan Travers police station; and the last was about her speech at a PKR-organised event held at the Girl Guides’ Association in Brickfields on June 12.


  1. Syabas Bersih!'Berani kerana benar,takut kerana salah.'

  2. Ye..we must rise up for the justice,rise up for the justice!
    Thank with my most respected regards to all for voicing out this clear stand supporting Bersih2.0 "clean and fair election" demands to SPR.
    I'm just an ordinary malaysian but definitely stand up and hold my hands firm to support the demands and JUL09 rally by Bersih2.0 specially so amaze to salute as well as behind this malaysian lady, Ambiga S who is leading the rally with determination.
    Our brave men should be persuaded so to give her always their ultimate support,backing and strengthening her faith for goodness of our future malaysian whether in politics or social arena.Come on all gentlemen and also calling our women irrespective of your background or links it is time and also in history whereby this brave lady need you most spiritually or physically to stand together with her for justice and democracy.
    Not like some of leaders (not acceptable as men or gentlemen)who have thought to be very political but trying their cunning and crooked tactics to stop her.Wrongly accuse her by linking with politics or foreign agents as all are nonsense.We can see with wisdom for they are not the good leaders to safeguard rakyat's right thus cannot be respect as man to lead even in family with responsibility,agree?
    Once again I am calling you if yet to do so to be with us and walk us through together with Ambiga S giving her your strong lift at best effort to show justice as said with 'guts'.Women you have not less reason than men even the socalled leaders to render your strong support in united strength to Bersih2.0 in current society.Those talks about equal role of female participation by mere talk cannot be proven for their wrongful accusation of the good intent.
    All is non-political and trust we are there on JUL09 because only reason is we want to behave as good citizens who really care for our future and nation.No any evil force can fail us with good faith!

  3. Go on. Proceed with the walk for freedom. walk for bersih 2.0. we, the malaysian citizen residing in Sabah are fully support you and your agenda. we'll pray that God will be with u all. God bless Malaysia. God will be with the people of truth.

  4. Hopefully it goes smoothly. May there will be no riot.

  5. Harap-harap tiada kekecohan berlaku walaupun mereka berkeras untuk meneruskan demonstrasi Bersih tanpa permit.

  6. Tentu perhimpunan ini akan mendapat liputan yang meluas. Entah apa akan jadi pada hari itu.

  7. Kalau nak buat juga, apa lagi nak dikata.. Tapi pastikan tidak menyusahkan orang lain ya:)

  8. Semoga hal ini tidak menimbulkan sesuatu yang -ve sehingga mencemarkan nama baik negara di mata luar.

  9. never lose yr faithJune 29, 2011 at 9:28 PM

    Instead of threatening the march to go on, better engage with them .

  10. No way to return now. Just let them march with the police escort.

  11. I believe the march can be held in peace with every party strictly respect each other.

  12. Don't use any funny reason to halt the Bersih marching.
    They gather to voice out their opinion and this right clearly stated in our Constitution.

  13. Just make sure no riot will happen on that day.

  14. What is the outcome of the marching? Will electoral reform taking place after the marching?

  15. When the door are still open, SPR was lack ok sincerity to talk, that why they go down to street.

  16. Harap pilihan raya yang bersih dan adil akan dicapai.

  17. harap semua akan bertindak dengan rasional..

  18. entah apa akan berlaku jika bersih diadakan nnti.

  19. Kerana BERSIH ini semakin banyak masalah timbul disana-sini. Isu BERSIH semakin hangat.

  20. KUALA LUMPUR 28 Jun - Lebih 50,000 pengamal silat di negara ini bersedia untuk bertempur dengan pihak yang terlibat dalam perhimpunan haram Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) 9 Julai ini....

    we can imagine that at that time we will have a chance to see chaos in this country.
