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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gov't urged to justify RM48m upkeep of PM, DPM residences

Seri Perdana PM's residence
The government has been asked to justify the high cost of maintaining the official prime minister and deputy prime minister's residences at a time when the government is slashing subsidies for essential goods.

PAS women's wing deputy chief Siti Maria Mahmud said that this was necessary because the government is asking the public to adjust their lifestyles to meet the current economic environment.

"When it comes to educating the public about savings, it should start with the leader," Siti Maria Mahmud told reporters at the parliament lobby today.

DPM Putrajaya residence
Siti Maria was commenting on a Parliamentary written reply to Rantau Panjang MP Ziti Zailah Mohd Yusof, who is also the wing's chief, by the prime minister's department.

According to the written reply, RM48 million was spent between 2006 and 2010 to maintain the residences of the two national leaders.

"It costs so much and yet those residence are not in use all the time," commented Siti Zailah, who was also present.

According to the written reply, almost RM33 million was spent on rental alone for both properties during that period. Rental was paid to Perbadanan Putrajaya.

RM33,000 monthly water bill?

Another RM3.5 million was spent on repair work, RM10.2 million on electricity and RM1.9 million on the water bill.

"We never knew how big is the family of the prime minister and deputy prime minister, until now," chimed in DAP youth chief Anthony Loke, who was also at the press conference.

Prime Minister's residence
He contended that if the amount is divided up from five years and then by month, the end result will show that they government paid RM160,000 a month for electricity and RM33,000 a month for water for both official residences.

"That is enough to pay my electricity bill for 100 years and enough water for 6,000 people," he said incredulously.

Siti Maria who is also Kota Raja parliamentarian added that the government must be transparent with the rental contract it signed with Perbadanan Putrajaya on the rental of the two properties and whether in the long term after paying such a high rental, the government will get to own the properties.

Hazlan Zakaria


  1. What more to say.... both najib and muhy, they are leader so should spent high class. just like the Hollywood star spent their money. their difference is just both najib and muhy is using taxpayers money. don't be surprised if they can spent 1 billion each on their term as PM and TPM.

    And oh, is whitehouse of USA also rented? if not, why our gov don't built their own once and for all. 33million just for rental is too much. even for PM and TPM.

    If this trend continue for another 5 decades, the rental of the official residence is almost 1 billion if not more. so, what kind of residence that worth that much? 1 billion enough to make the road in Sabah perfect.

    So umno/bn supporter... what say u?

  2. mahal juga bil elektrik dan air PM dan DPM ni. kediaman mereka memanglah besar tapi takkan sampai begitu sekali. ramai sangatkah yang tinggal di kediaman PM dan DPM tu ya?

  3. uii na biar betul.. lampu jenis apakah yang diguna sehinggakan bilnya sebegitu tinggi:P

  4. Takkan begitu ramai yang tinggal dalam rumah tu kan. huhu..

  5. Don't cut our subsidies, cut the government expenses.

  6. What will Malaysia citizens think when they are ask to spend wisely in the other hand pay the expensive electric and water bill for the country leader?

  7. These white elephants really great money guzzler.
    How many schools and hospital can be built with that money?

  8. Sukar nak bayangkan bahawa kediaman PM menggunakan jumlah air yang begitu besar sehingga jumlahnya boleh digunakan 6000 orang.

  9. Why must rent from Perbadanan Putrajaya? Who is the owner? Malaysia cannot afford to build official residence for our PM??

  10. 'The government is asking the public to adjust their lifestyles to meet the current economic environment.'

    How about government?

  11. PM dan DPM patut gunakan gaji sendiri untuk mengurus perumahan mereka sendiri.

  12. Berapa keturunan juga yang tinggal dalam rumah tu sampai bil melambung?

  13. sebaiknya perbelanjaan berhemah diamalkan.

  14. OMG! RM48 millions? You've got be kidding! It is a waste. With that money, more aid can be channeled to those in need.

  15. jumlha tersebut mmg amat byk. tapi lebih baik PM dan DPM memberi penjelasan akan hal ini.

  16. Mungkin rosmah mandi tiap kali 5 jam dan satu hari 4 kali.Tau sendiri lah kalau dia mandi kena pakai banyak air.

  17. Mahal juga kos mereka. Perlulah diberikan nasihat supaya mengunakan secara berjimat cermat.

  18. PM and DPM need to explain about it.. all ministers should always be careful with what their do, because today people will easily get the information about their wrong doing.

  19. malaysia betul betul BOLEH....Pemimpim BOLEH buat apa saja...dan sedangkan rakyatnya BOLEH hanya kudut sini dan sana sahaja.....dan perkara ini akan berulang dari generasi ke generasi.....

  20. Inilah maksud sebenar "Malaysia Boleh" oleh pemimpin-pemimpin malaysia.............MALAYSIA BOLEH.......Jangan lupa....hanya pemimpin malaysia sahaja yang BOLEH buat apa yang mereka suka hati, tapi bukan untuk rakyat!!!!!!!

  21. why there is no explanation about it until today?
