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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fight and We Must, Fight to Win

By Captain Joseph Wilfred

As promised last Sunday, I have returned to consult The Sifu on which opposition party in Sabah to support in the coming 13th General Election and the following transpired.

2. On 16th September 2010, while ATAMA was performing for Malaysia Day at Padang Merdeka Kota Kinabalu, I attended a dinner reception hosted by PAKATAN RAKYAT at Putera Ballroom Bukit Padang together with The Sifu.

3. He was seated firmly in his chair from the beginning but mysteriously vanished when a SupreMoo, a Semenanjung MP, a Sabah MP, and a Sabah Assemblyman took over the microphone – in the process, abandoning even the food on the table which I personally know is one thing The Sifu will never do.

4. Today more than 9 months later, The Sifu told me why: He said,

5. “I am an objective person. For more than half a century as a human being, I tell you Captain, I can definitely recognize an idiot when I see and listen to one. I won’t sit around and hear crap.

6. You were there yourself on countless occasions when I told off people who had done wrong but in a very nice manner and these people (the brilliant ones, of course), despite feeling embarrassed, always put aside their shame and approached me for advice.

7. On the contrary, this SupreMoo (someone called him an old cow lately) portrays himself as a ‘I can do no wrong and you can do no right’ kind of politician. When I heard him speak (actually, he shouted all the way, to be precise), I find a person devoid of intellectual substance and etiquette. He doesn’t realize that his speeches are so hateful to hear so much so a convicted petty thief would rather choose amputation than to be put in a counseling room with this SupreMoo.

8. The Semenanjung MP, I heard, read Law from don’t know what university (I really don’t know). But that night on 16th September 2010, she portrayed herself as a “cheapskate Mandarin opera singer” who ignored the fact that 80% of the audience that night can only understand either English or Bahasa. To me, she is both a humiliation and an embarrassment.

9. As for the Sabah MP, I heard the people of Foh Sang Township ‘whispering’ that he thinks he is going to be the next Chief Minister of Sabah. For 3 times I have heard him spoke and I can have only one question to ask: ‘does this person really possesses a bona fide doctorate at all’?

10. You want to know what I think of the Sabah Assemblyman? This is one fellow who in spite of not having the ability to give a coherent and understandable description of anything at all in any language that he may try his tongue at (in short, everything he said that night was outright horrendous), has the audacity to parade his DUBIOUS NATIVE CERTIFICATE to all and sundry when everyone knows that his ancestors are 100% PURE CHINESE.

11. Oh…before I forget, do you still recall 25th July 2010 when a former PKR Leader launched his Pakatan Friends FaceBook Page in Yaho Hotel Sembulan? Remember the representative from Sepanggar who went up to the rostrum? His speech was a complete disaster and the audience, instead of laughing with him, was actually laughing at him. And the truth is, Captain, almost 90% of leaders and members from this Semenanjung Party are of this kind of quality.

12. By the way, Captain, it is wrong for you to address a veterinarian (meaning doktor binatang) as a doctor. You can only call him Vet So-And-So not Dr So-And-So. Under international standards, only genuine doctorate holders and medical practitioners treating human beings are entitled to be addressed as doctors.”

13. What about SAPP then, Sifu? Do you think the people of Sabah should support and vote for SAPP? What is your view? And His response was,

14. “If the opposition front in Sabah is only between PAKATAN RAKYAT (meaning PKR, DAP, PAS) and SAPP, then like what ATAMA had already suggested to SAPP Supreme Councilor Peter Marajin sometime in March this year, let PAKATAN RAKYAT take all the Parliamentary Seats while SAPP all the State Seats. All my reasons are already made known confidentially to SC Marajin by ATAMA.

15. Do not create multi-cornered fights and split the votes because only UMNO/BN will win. Whilst the local opposition party (meaning SAPP) support PAKATAN RAKYAT’s move to take over Putrajaya, PAKATAN RAKYAT must reciprocate and respect Sabah’s autonomy in every way.”

16. What if PAKATAN RAKYAT and SAPP refuse to come to a consensus? What then? The Sifu laughed,

17. “Of late, it has become obvious that PAKATAN RAKYAT (meaning PKR and particularly DAP) is bullying SAPP into a tight corner. You cannot really blame DAP members when they accuse SAPP of having a questionable leadership.

18. Interestingly, this Semenanjung Party also have corrupted leaders not to mention those with bogus doctorate, dubious native certificate, fake knighthood purportedly awarded by Queen Elizabeth II, and many others including a supreme loose cannon that fires blank rounds (check out youtube for parliament videos and you will know why UMNO MPs always ridicule and tell him to shut up).

19. Similarly, Captain, do you remember a sitting State Cabinet Minister from PBS who also claimed that his Datukship is equivalent to a British Knighthood not too long ago?

20. Now back to your question: If a black and white consensus cannot be reached, then PAKATAN RAKYAT and SAPP should jointly contest every Parliamentary plus State Seats against each other and lose all their deposits. This is one outcome that does not require a crystal ball to predict.” If they cannot agree and compromise, they should fight it out – fair and square and lose. There is no other way around the impasse.

21. If such a scenario happens, what is your advice to the people of Sabah? The Sifu (now serious),

22. “This is my message to all Sabahan brothers and sisters – vote for UMNO/BN if you are stupid; vote for PAKATAN RAKYAT if you are just as stupid; if you are not stupid, Vote only for SAPP but subject to the following terms and conditions:-

1. Do not vote for a candidate if he or she has any social, political, economical, family, or criminal baggage because such person’s integrity and credibility can be bought

2. Do not vote for any past or present incumbents because I have yet to see anything tangible that is worthy of praise being done by them, at least not by my standards

3. Do not vote for a candidate who has a speech and language problem because such person is usually stupid

4. Do not vote for a candidate who thinks he or she knows everything and yet only parrot what was heard

5. Vote for a candidate who is energetic and highly educated (preferably, but not limited or confined to, in English and with a degree in Economics) because only such candidates are able and willing to walk the extra mile for their constituents

23. If you could not find any or all of the above qualities in a SAPP candidate but on the other hand a PAKATAN RAKYAT candidate possesses those details, then, by all means, vote for the PAKATAN RAKYAT candidate instead.

24. If neither SAPP nor PAKATAN RAKYAT candidates have those qualities, I will stay home and not even bother to fly 17 hours back here to cast my vote.

 (JW: Note to SAPP, in paragraph 22, The Sifu has insinuated to you what you should be contesting.)

25. Before I finish, I have to give due credit to Hiew King Chieu for highlighting the harassment on ATAMA in the mainstream media. This shows that Hiew King Chieu is a caring person. No human being is perfect but shortfalls can be rectified. Perhaps there is room for possible improvements, probably?

26. For helping ATAMA in my absence, I say a big THANK YOU.”

27. You people want to know what The Sifu said about Sabahans who are members of PAKATAN RAKYAT (particularly PKR and DAP) taking pot shots at SAPP, this is the analogy He gave:

28. “Throughout the real history of the Malacca Sultanate, Malay warriors are losers – they fought the Siamese and ended up paying ‘bunga emas’ every year as ‘ufti’ until ‘Hang Tuah’ and his friends came into the picture.

29. Who is ‘Hang Tuah’? He and the others are the personal bodyguards of a minor Chinese princess ‘Hang Li Po’ who came and married the Malacca sultan.

30. It is common in China those days that servants adopt the surnames of their masters and even courtiers who served the Imperial Court well were bestowed with the surname of the Emperor.

31. The entire ‘Hang Li Po’ clan was Chinese Muslims like Admiral Cheng Ho. To those of you Malay Muslims who do not know, Islam was practiced in India and China at least 600 years before any of your ancestors did.

32. Back to ‘Hang Tuah’, Malacca’s fortune changed instantly because of superior Chinese ‘kung fu’ and war strategy. After his death, every battle the Malay warriors fought was, again, lost e.g. against the Portuguese, English, Japanese, Communist, Indonesian Confrontation, and etc.

 33. ‘Hang Tuah’ was epitomized as a Malay hero in history books until it was finally revealed by American scientists that the DNA from his remains was proven to be 100% Chinese.

34. All of a sudden, the name ‘Hang Tuah’ was stricken from all history books and you do know why, isn’t it? It is embarrassing to idolize a Chinese as a Malay Hero and worst, there was no other name that is as famous.

35. Remember his famous quote, ‘Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia’? Malays in his era loved him very much for his loyalty even though history told us that the then Malacca sultan was a fickle minded asshole that did not deserved it.

36. He was so powerful yet so gentle; so Chinese yet so Malay. It took a Chinese warrior from China called ‘Hang Tuah’ who not only blended into local society, fought with them and for them, he even assured the local Malays that their race will not be wiped out from the face of this world…! By comparison, ‘Hang Tuah’ a Chinese is even more Malay than the Malays!

 37. Coming back to Sabahan pretenders of Semenanjung Parties who insult and degrade the local opposition party who stood up against an Evil Monster, have you no shame when you mark them with infamy just because they are Sabah based and you are from a Semenanjung Party? Have you forgotten that you yourself also have Sabah blood flowing inside you? You are telling Sabahans that your half past six leaders are better to lord over Sabah?

37. If your leaders are so invincible like you say they are, why don’t they become like ‘Hang Tuah’s of modern Malaysia instead of arrogant assholes…?

38. I only have one label for these Sabahan pretenders and that is they are traitors to Sabah of the highest order…!

With that The Sifu ended all political talk and jump started into dessert mode. It was unfortunate that I could not ask The Sifu one more thing before he whacked his Ais Kacang; did any one of you reading this, notice that The Sifu did not mention anything negative about PAS? Maybe next time...

 p.s.1. If you read between the lines, you will realize that a lot of unnamed ambitious politicians were literally ‘slaughtered’ by The Sifu whose motto is to spare no one that is incompetent. And to those of you who know that you are targeted, The Sifu has time and again reminded the two of us to tell you to your face if and when we have the opportunity one day “that there is absolutely no dignity at all for you to continue asking the ‘RAKYAT’ to keep voting for you when you are already a laughing stock as a result of your being thoroughly dishonest and your character utterly despicable.

p.s.2. We will try to produce a translated version of this conversation for the benefit of ‘BAHASA’-speaking readers but that will have to wait for a while.

p.s.3. Like what you are reading? Anyone of you guys and gals who want more from The Sifu will have to ‘bodek’ me and ATAMA ;-)


  1. Nice article. i like it. funny but strong. keep up d good work.

  2. So, to all the people of Sabah. We must have confidence on ourselves to govern and manage our own state. Sabahans are not stupid!

    Why we still need outsiders to rule our state since we have been given them donkeys years of chances but they made Sabah the POOREST in Malaysia today.

  3. Let Sabahans choose whether they want to vote for BN, PR or SAPP.

  4. I take it the sifu is taking a shot at Sabahans who support UMNO/BN.But this is politics and no one should be branded traitors for exercising their democratic rights.It is so unfair to them.Is the sifu trying to imply that only those who vote for a Sabah-based party are patriotic? What about those from Pulau Gaya who vote for SAPP? Are they patriotic? Yet Sabahans who vote for UMNO/BN or Pakatan are unpatriotic.What kind of analysis is this?
    I ask this sifu to stop making foolish and unrealistic suggestions as if evrything he said is correct and everything other people said are wrong.This sifu is no icon to be idolised or listened to.This is just cheap publicity in trying to promote a local chinese party to power.
    I suggest the sifu just stay away and do not waste his time flying 17 hours to Sabah.You are absolute nuts and nothing else.You have no rights and status to guide Sabahans and worst still to brand us the way you think fit.

  5. Is this sifu patriotic? If you have to take a 17 hours flight to Sabah then you must either be in London or America.Why live in exile? Your name is not in SAPP list of candidates ka? Maybe you are out of the criteria that you mentioned above therefore not qualified as a candidate.

  6. Sabah did not form Malaysia to be ruled by ketuanan melayu. Sabah will get back her autonomy only when BN/Umno is kicked out. To do this Pakatan Rakyat & Sapp must work together. SAPP for State/Pakatan for MP seats. This is the crux of the article. 17hrs is nothing compared to 48years oppressed, suppressed, robbed and injustice to the people of Sabah. There is a good evidence in this article but more important is the spirit of the Sifu who is more PATRIOTIC that anybody else in my point of view. If this Sifu is living in exile then it is better. We need an outsider to listen to because every revolution needs a crystal clear direction.

  7. This sifu is fake.A patient in Bukit Padang would rather hang himself than to be in the same room with him to hear his counseling.Who is he to talk about Pakatan and who is he wanting to talk about PAS.Pakatan has nearly 3 million members and he is not qualified to give his opinions about the party and its leaders.If he is so good than its better that he forms a local political party and see whether he can draw 500 members.He talks like a woman coming out of puberty and knows nothing except to open his slanderous mouth.Thats what 'tin kosong' is all about.

  8. Kalau sudah tukar warganegara jangan campur tangan dalam hal politik di Malaysia khas nya di Sabah.Cakap lah pasal Obama atau Sarkozy.Cuba bodek Queen Elizabeth mungkin boleh dapat panggilan 'Sir' baru ok.

  9. Logo 'gengaman tangan' itu macam suruh orang gaduh.Sifu pengecut dia sudah lari jauh sekarang kasi api rakyat Sabah gaduh.Kasi tau sifu pengecut rakyat Sabah tidak sokong SAPP.

  10. Sifu babi,kaparat pergi jahanam lah kau.Jangan kacau Sabah.Merayu undi pula.Berapa SAPP bayar?

  11. Sabahans must change their own defeatist mentality and start to fight for themselves. So we must go for SAPP for Sabahans..that is our only hope now.

  12. SAPP is trying their best to win for YTL political survivals.They know that if they lose many of their members and supporters will abandon the party.They are now desperate.

  13. Hanya semasa PRU-13 akan kita membuktikannya.

  14. "Anyone of you guys and gals who want more from The Sifu will have to ‘bodek’ me and ATAMA ;-)"

    No, thank you.

  15. biarkan rakyat menentukan siapa ayang mereka mahukan mewakili mereka.

  16. rakyat tau mana yang terbaik.

  17. Sifu ini kata dia pandai tengok orang kalau cakap betul atau temberang tapi dia lupa rakyat pun pandai juga menilai gaya orang.Sifu ini pandai cakap besar saja tapi kalau tidak silap dia sendiri sudah cabut lari pergi negeri lain.Ini orang kata berani cakap tapi sebenarnya sendiri pengecut.
    Sekarang dia mau ajar orang tapi sendiri punya otak tidak betul.Sudah nyanyuk mungkin.

  18. Sifu ni tau 'kuntau' saja bukan politik.Sampai Hang Tuah pun mau cakap.Lain kali mungkin dia cakap pasal Bruce Lee pula.

  19. What about those Illegal Immigrants voted DAP KK MP into power? Sabah DAP KK MP Won was because of benefited from legalised illegal immigrants from umno.

    The name traitor is suitable and only qualify to those Sabahans who using the name of NON LOCAL Sabahan Party like UMNO and Pakatan Rakyat pretending to fight for the people of Sabah but in fact, they were being remote control by their bosses from malaya to continue to cheat and rob the Sabah people lands and resources.

  20. SABAH HAS ALMOST 456,000 ' TRAITORS '.

    Musa, who is also the chief minister, claimed Sabah now has 455,828 Umno members, with about 30,000 new members enrolled this year alone. Johor has about 438,000 members.

    This is the link -

    " The name traitor is suitable and only qualify to those Sabahans who using the name of NON LOCAL Sabahan Party like UMNO and Pakatan Rakyat pretending to fight for the people of Sabah but in fact, they were being remote control by their bosses from malaya to continue to cheat and rob the Sabah people lands and resources. " - Previous



    " The name traitor is suitable and only qualify to those Sabahans who using the name of NON LOCAL Sabahan Party like UMNO and Pakatan Rakyat pretending to fight for the people of Sabah but in fact, they were being remote control by their bosses from malaya to continue to cheat and rob the Sabah people lands and resources. " - Previous

  22. very interesting and good!

  23. I believe that Sabah's only hope is Sapp, if anyone who just cannot stomach it, it is either they are not real Sabahans, they are just opportunists, and if they are Sabahans, then it is a pity...they have sold themselves to the devils...what more can I say.

  24. This anonymous above must be someone who is immature and inexperience in politics.His confrontational approach is a cause of concern for SAPP.Normally only big parties like Pakatan and BN can afford to do such but not a small and mosquito party like SAPP.

    SAPP at this stage should go out to win the hearts and minds of people but not to create hatred against them.To call those people who support other parties as traitors are treacherous and deprive them of their democratic rights which I am sure SAPP subcribes to.Belligerent attitude and arrogance have no place in small party like SAPP and to continue to do such will only invites the scorn and anger of the people.To call all the members of Pakatan and BN as traitors will only make them enemies of SAPP and strengthen their resolve to see that SAPP will be buried once and for all in the next GE.

    The writer should realise this.You can adopt an aggressive and confrontational approach towards the leaders but not to the members.You can criticise leaders but not party members.You need to win them over.If the writer is devoid of any political experience please accept my sympathy.You need to learn more.

  25. Do not vote for a candidate from the party who did many destructive to our beloved state..

  26. Traitor doesn't mean he is not a Sabahan!

    Traitor mean they are local but cahoot with outsider to cheat the local people for his selfishness and self interest by the expense of the local people.

    Traitor is merely a PUPPET to his boss who is not local.

  27. Darshania,

    who do the most destructive to Sabah and I tell you it definitely cannot run away from Musang Bin Tidak Aman. He imported the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT from neighbouring country just to outnumber the local Sabah native and made Sabah the POOREST STATE in Malaysia.

    He robbed our native lands and sold to malaya company earning with big bucks.

    He also involved in so many corruptions case in Sabah as reported by Dr Jeffrey 81 dalil but why no action taken against him?

    Oh yeah! Because the current gomen is an evil too. How can a thief to catch his own specie?

    and the lists goes on.

  28. Anonymous above,

    You are saying the same thing over and over again.If I were YTL I would have reprimanded you because you are a bad example to SAPP.

    You cannot declare 'war' on the members of other parties because it is their democratic rights to choose and support a party of their choice.
    Secondly what is right to you may not be right to others.Therefore you cannot impose your will on others to accept your views.You have to reason out but that reasoning does not include calling people all sort of names and being offensive to the feelings of others.You may hurt them and therefore lose the support and the votes that SAPP desperately wants.
    Thirdly your kind of politics is like going into battle and executing those who are opposed to you.Without thinking and guided by your emotions you pre-judge people.You are the judge,jury and executioner.Is this what SAPP stands for? YTL and SAPP should be ashamed to have someone like you amongst them.You may win the battle but lose the war.

    You said and I guote,'Traitor doesn't mean he is not a Sabahan.'What could be worst than calling Sabahan a traitor.Why? Because he supports UMNO or Pakatan? That means 99% of Sabahans are traitors and puppets because they either support BN or Pakatan.That means 1% or even less,including you are patriotic.Who are you to judge them?
    Be ashamed of yourself and stop being a clown to SAPP.Tell us all the issues that SAPP has in mind and inform the people of the reforms that SAPP wish to introduce and implement.It is just not good enough being a local party if your reforms are not acceptable to the people.Tell us why our lives can be better under SAPP.Tell us the costs of living will be reduced and not being a burden if SAPP wins and many more that touch the lives of people in their daily survivals.Tell us why SAPP is different from PBS or even Berjaya the two local multi-racial parties that had been trusted and given the mandate by Sabahans before and end up being a failure and disappointment to Sabahans.This is what its all about and not your flat sing-song that makes people yawn and bored.


    this point is already will be happen of bersih in kula lumpur…wakakak….

    28. “Throughout the real history of the Malacca Sultanate, Malay warriors are losers – they fought the Siamese and ended up paying ‘bunga emas’ every year as ‘ufti’ until ‘Hang Tuah’ and his friends came into the picture.

  30. What about the chinese merchants who brought prostitutes to Malacca during the Malacca Sultanate.Don't tell me the chinese now are descendants of pimps.

    Warriors are fighters and therefore winning or losing are what they are.Its normal.They live and die for their country.

    Pimps are different.They survive and live comfortably on the sufferings,toils and hard-work of whores.Its an absolute degradation of the human race.

  31. hahahahaha…i am think that you are I right is it?

  32. The snake is now showing its true colours.

  33. Ya,the snake is showing its true colors and looking for prostitues to mate.

  34. malaysia terbahagi kepada dua kolongan sahaja......iaitu ahli politic dan rakyat biasa......ahli politic mempergunakan isu-isu agama and perkauman untuk mendapatkan sokongan.....dan rakyat pula sukar sokong pemimpin kaum sendiri tanpa permikiran........malaysia are moving torward to recession...because world economy crisis is on the way.....hahahaha semua akan hidup susah.....tak kira apa kaum....bangunlah anak-anak malaysia...pemimpin bagi awak gula-gula...itu awak panggil dia good leader...tetapi dia pula rasuah duit banyak daripada kita........apabila ada internet, dan perpecahan parti umno ke PKR, dan permotong cukai setiap bulan daripada semua perkerja.....dan kenaikan harga barangan.....kelihantan jelasnya semakin banyak anak-anak melayu mudah sedar masanya tukar kerajaan......tetapi sudah terlewat...duit yang besar sudah hantar keluar negara oleh pemimpin kita....undilah dengan otak, dan bukan dengan mata lihat ahli itu kaum apa dan hati yang tak tentu....

  35. who is this sifu? "vote for candidates with english and economics degree"? hilarious!!! empty tong make the loudest sound!!!

  36. we don't just vote for candidate who can speak fluently, we need a candidate who can see the whole picture, balance and with objective. we don't need another foolish protester!!!

  37. i agree with you Anon above.. we need candidate who qualified to be a leader..
