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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bersih wants Saturday rally at Stadium Merdeka

Kuek Ser Kuang Keng

Bersih 2.0 has decided that it wants to hold its rally at Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur from 2-4pm on Saturday.

This is in line withNONE the Agong's call for restraint, chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan told a press conference at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall this morning. 

She said the NGO coalition also wants a royal commission of inquiry set up to look into improvements into the electoral system.

Bersih 2.0 had called for the release of all individuals arrested or detained in connection with the rally when presenting its eight-point demand for electoral reforms to the Agong yesterday, she said.

The coalition said the authorities should stop all forms of harassment and pressure on Bersih 2.0 supporters.


  1. It is still very wavering to confirm back for Bersih2.0 to use the stadium.
    Hope is not backfired down for JUL09 at Merdeka Stadium juz because of those crook and hook cannot keep their words.
    Otherwise will have yellow ‘rain’ pouring down from the sky to flood the KL for liberty march when the final whistle blows!
    Just watch and wait for further decision!

  2. Kita tengoklah bagaimana kejadian pada Sabtu ini.

  3. Perkasa pun nak buat perhimpunan Gerak Aman di Stadium Merdeka.

  4. harap perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai ini dijalankan tanpa menimbulkan sebarang kekecohan.

  5. harap tidak ada pertumpahan darah berlaku..

  6. saya berharap penguatkuasa dapat menjalankan tugas mereka dengan adil dan saksama.

  7. Tidak akan berjaya perhimpunan ini percayalah.

  8. Perhimpunan ini hanya merosakkan nama negara dan memberi kesan negatif.

  9. Malaysia under umno already famous in the world by using ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT to win election.

    Thats why umno is very afraid of BERSIH@CLEAN election.

  10. RCI on electrol system? why not?

  11. better hold it in stadium than on street..

  12. Seriously, is dis demo really dat necessary ?

  13. I just hope it wouldn't cause any problem to our country.

  14. Pm proposed, Bersih agree, everybody happy. police relief.

  15. The massage from Bersih is clear, government knew the thought of the people.
    Never ignoring what we request. It is our right.

  16. Whether they successfully held the assembling or not, they fought a good fight. Massage have been sent. We received.

  17. It is a good idea to suggest the rally to be held indoor. So that it won't cause the traffic problem.

  18. Glad to hear that Bersih accepted the suggestion from PM.

  19. SPR buka pintu untuk berunding dengan Bersih dengan iklas. Tidak perlu ego dan sombong.

  20. harap pekara ini akan dapat diselesaikan dengan cara yang baik.

  21. walaupun dalam stadium, harap tiada kekecohan berlaku.

  22. Tapi masih belum ada kelulusan dari pihak berkuasa membenarkan stadium digunkan.

  23. If they don't get permission to assemble in Stadium Merdeka, then how? Are they gonna be on street?

  24. Wondering what will happen this 9th July. Roadblocks here and there. Must be a mess!

  25. stadium merdeka could only accommodate about 25,000 people.. is it the best place to hold the rally??
