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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Abdullah denies attempted bribe in Aussie report

The former prime minister says there is no truth in the allegation reported in The Age Newspaper.

KUALA LUMPUR: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today denied allegation of an attempted bribe when he was the prime minister and finance minister in 2003 as reported by an Australian newspaper.

“There is no truth whatsoever in the allegation as I cannot possibly remember of anyone approaching me with any offer,” he said, according to a Bernama report.

“If indeed there was any, I would have unhesitatingly lodged an immediate report to the regulatory authorities including he police for follow-up action,” Abdullah said in a statement here today.

Meanwhile, The Age Newspaper reported today that the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) banknote firms are suspected of attempting to bribe Abdullah in order to get his help to win a A$31 million currency contract.

According to the report, the Australian federal police have gathered information about attempts to bribe Abdullah by Securency and Note Printing Australia, which are respectively half and fully owned and overseen by the RBA.

The report stated Abdullah is believed to have been involved in approving the contract won by the RBA firms to supply Malaysia with its polymer five ringgit note, which began circulating in 2004.

Related link here


  1. aku kerja di australia sini. Semua orang Sabah disini pun tahu pak bodoh ini terlibat dalam kes rasuah disini. Kenapa nak menafikan kerja dosa kamu @ bodowi?

  2. Kita masih ada agensi siasatan untuk memastikan apa sebenarnya yang berlaku. Biarkan agensi ini menjalankan tugas mereka.

  3. Pastikan tidak ada yang terlepas jika benar2 didapati bersalah.

  4. harap perkara ini dapat disiasat bagi mengetahui kebenaran dakwaan yang telah dibuat.

  5. benar atau tidak, tunggu hingga siasatan selesai..

  6. berani kerana benar...

  7. Harap perkara ini disiasat dan pastikan hal sebenar dapat dibongkar.

  8. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

  9. Bila bersara, timbullah tuduhan2 merasuah etc. Memang begitukah selalu?

  10. Siasat, jangan tak siasat. Kita lihat siapa yang kena.

  11. ada ada saja isu yang diwujudkan..kebenaran pasti akan diketahui juga nanti.

  12. If you never did it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

  13. Inilah yang susah menuduh tanpa bukti.

  14. kita biarkan hal ini disiasat.

  15. Kebudayaan UMNO adalah RASUAH! RASUAH! RASUAH!

    Allahku tahu kerja dosa mereka. Syaitan mengalu-alukan orang umno di neraka.

  16. alaa.. pemimpin2 pembangkang pun sama juga rasuah.. cuma bezanya dia punya penyokong2 yang bertungkus lumus buat penafian.. kalau pembangkang yang buat, biar ada bukti, semuanya OK..

  17. A solid prove is the only way we can know whether he is telling the truth.
